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Kekkaishi parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Shikigami Combo

Toshimori was happy to have a new dog and left him snacks as he did with Madarao. Kouya watched the Sumimura household. The old man was the most annoying person always yelling and snapping at everything Yoshimori was doing.

The father seemed rather zen, finding the chaos to be peaceful, either the old man fighting with the woman next door, or fighting with his own grandson. He was more nurturing than the grandfather, and has little spiritual power. Shuji was deemed as not a threat and Kouya chose to mostly ignore him.

Kouya would have ignored Toshinori too, but the boy had powers. He also was helping Yoshimori translate the scrolls and further his kekkaishi training. The snacks and treats he left for them did little to bribe Kouya’s favor, at least any favor he’d admit to.

He didn’t care much for the Yukimura family next door, the old woman was constantly picking fights with the old man, and they were just so noisy. The two families were bickering over things Kouya didn’t understand. Madarao told him…

“They are just hopeless at times.”

His new master was a piece of work, in a good way. To make Kouya feel more at home, he sent shikigami to their mountain, they collected soil from the land and even a tree seed. He lined their dog houses with the dirt giving it an air and feeling of home, and he planted the seed behind the house. It would grow and give them the shade of home. His shikigami were able to pass through the kekkai so it was a simple task.

He had his own dreams and interest in baking. The sweet smells reached his nose even out in the yard. He juggled his sweets practice, his kekkaishi training, school work, and his job, mixing elements of sleep in there.

From what he observed Yoshimori carried a lot of weight on his shoulders, his hobbies were what kept him sane. His grandfather was constantly insulting him, finding his interests in a normal life and his hobbies foolish. It said a lot the boy had a barrier only the grandfather couldn’t pass through. Kouya could see his strength grow from finding his own path, even if he’s looked down upon by others. ‘The boy is not just strong physically but emotionally as well.’

Kouya and Madarao caught up and made up, even bonding over their new master. The black wold even agreed to call him by his new name.

At night it was time to hunt, Madarao and Kouya appeared and joined Yoshimori. Ayakashi were drawn to the site as usual, the white hound was able to sniff them out and Kouya and Yoshimori were able to take them out. Kouya took out the small fry easy enough.

The stronger Ayakashi were a bit more trouble and required Yoshi to dispatch them. His massive kekkai swallowed up the ayakashi and quickly he was turned to dust and get purified by the staff. Tokine mocks Yoshimori for his use of kekkai. “You are so wasteful. I don’t get how an idiot like you is the legitimate heir.”

Kouya growled. “You have some nerve insulting my master in front of me.” Tokine flinched.

“Don’t you dare threaten my honey!” Hakubi growled. “You best show her some respect newbie!”

“Shut it puppy,” Kouya snapped back. “We are here to do a job yes, so why are you wasting time running your mouth and insulting him?” Even Hakubi didn’t have an answer to that, often finding Tokine’s words to be too harsh or cruel, but “loved” her too much to speak up about it really.

“Yoshimori, are you gonna let that beast speak to me that way?” She stomped her foot in a huff.

“I’ll check him when he crosses a line or doesn’t have a point.” Yoshimori said and pets Kouya. The spirit leans into the touch.

“Ugh!” Tokine stomped off with Hakubi following after her.

“Thanks Kouya.” Yoshimori didn’t care for the stupid family rivalry, he just didn’t want anyone to get hurt or be forced to do this job. The whole heir thing he had no interest in either.

“Do you have a crush on that woman?” Kouya asked and Madarao laughed.

“He used to!” He teased. Yoshimori blushed.

“Shut up…” Yoshimori groaned. It was a childhood crush, he grew out of it, especially when Tokine started being so mean to him. The guys at school gushed over her but it was over her looks mostly and assumptions about her; he knew the real Tokine. He did still hold guilt over the injury she suffered because of his weakness, but that was it. “It was just a stupid crush when I was a kid, I’m over it.”

“I just don’t get why you allow her to say the things she does to you.” So Yoshimori told Kouya the story of how she got hurt because of him.

“Yoshimori is too soft hearted for his own good.” Madarao said. The kekkaishi huffed. “But it has it’s charm.” The white wolf nuzzled him a bit.

“Thanks!” Yoshimori smiled and nuzzled back.

“Still you are quite powerful, and with Madarao’s superior senses we can detect ayakashi faster than them. I can attack the weaker ayakashi easy enough, but I’m not as strong while sealed.” Kouya sulked.

“Mmm, don’t let it get you down, the seal keeps us from going mad here.” Madarao’s unique powers were also sealed, his poison abilities could be handy with subduing ayakashi. The white wolf spirit nuzzled Kouya. It was difficult, to not be able to use one’s powers.

Yoshimori understood the feeling of being weak or useless, so he had been trying to find a way to help them be strong. Studying the practice of shikigami and how the seal worked Yoshimori got an idea. “Don’t worry guys, I got an idea.” He said with a smirk.


Tokine was fuming. She couldn’t believe Yoshimori had tamed another demon wolf. What he did for Madarao and Kouya was something truly amazing, but like so many others no one was giving him credit for it. Tokine had let the Sumimura and Yukimura clan rivalry get to her head. She kept comparing his skills to hers, and felt inferior, so she kept trying to bring him down.

It was pointless as all Yoshimori wanted was to get the job done without anyone getting hurt. If they worked together this would be easy, but Tokine had no idea how to properly work with Yoshi. Her grandmother told her for years not to work with the Sumimura family, and to beat the Sumimura family. Hearing that for years and years will effect anyone.

Hakubi did have a rivalry with Madarao, but that was more primal a dog competing with a wolf. It was their ayakashi pride, but when the chips were down they knew the mission comes first. This rivalry between the two families seemed to stand in the way of the mission. While the hounds didn’t agree with it, they served their respective family loyally. Kouya had no such loyalty to the ancestor so he called it like he saw it.

“I can’t believe that beast, talking to me like that, and Yoshimori didn’t say a word.” She folded her arms.

“Honey, you have to admit you do give Yoshimori a hard time.” She glared at the hound.

“What was that?” He flinched and began to sweat.

“Nothing, I wouldn’t agree with that flea bitten wolf.” He chuckled nervously. She humphed and Hakubi breathed a sigh of relief.

Another Ayakashi showed up, this one was fast and snake-like. It slithered across the ground, Tokine and Hakubi giving chase. “Ketsu, Ketsu, Ketsu, Ketsu…” her green kekkai popping up left and right, but the serpent avoiding them. “Tch, this thing is slippery!”

“You got this Honey!” He wasn’t so sure, he thought she should get Yoshimori’s help but didn’t speak his mind.

After chasing it around, she finally thought she caught it but it was only just it’s skin. “The heck?!” The now much larger ayakashi lunged at her, it was still fast despite it’s increase in size. She was able to put a kekkai around her, but the snake swiftly coiled around it and started squeezing.

Tokine couldn’t create another kekkai, so focused on keeping her barrier from breaking. The snake ayakashi squeezed and squeezed, causing cracks to form in her barrier. “Honey…” Hakubi cried out panicking.

“I’m trying to….focus…” Tokine was in trouble.

The ayakashi hissed, licking his lips. Before he could break it needles came shooting in forcing the ayakashi to dodge. It released the barrier and slithered off. “Are you alright?” They heard Madarao’s voice.

‘Did Yoshimori remove his seal again?’ They turned and Madarao was standing there, but not as they knew him. He was in his demonoid anthro form, but he wasn’t as large. He looked like a white werewolf, with a thick fluffy white tail with gray circles on it, he gained his green lines near his eyes like in his released form. The human sized furry ayakashi stood in all his naked glory, his collar still around his neck, but there was a shikigami tag attached to it.

Hakubi’s jaw dropped. “How do I look?” He flexed a bit.

“What? How? Who? When? Huh?!” Tokine was struggling to think straight.

“Yoshi figured it out, combining the seal collar and shikigami magic.” The snake ayakashi circled back and attacked Madarao, only to get smacked by a tail. Kouya was also in this new form, standing tall and proud like a werewolf, his tail was longer than Madarao’s.

“You shouldn’t be so careless.” Kouya huffed. Madarao leaned against him.

“Aww you are so cute when you are protective.” Kouya’s fur puffed up and he blushed.

“Stop…” He growled, but his wagging tail showed he was enjoying this. Tokine and Hakubi kept looking between the two in absolute shock and awe.

Yoshimori showed up and captured the snake with his kekkai and finished it off with “Metsu!”. His staff slurped up the remains of the ayakashi and purified them. “Nice work guys.” He waltzed up to them and rubbed their ears giving them a well deserved pet. “How are you feeling?”

“I feel stronger, I can feel my powers flowing through me, I can definitely fight better like this.” He flexed his claws and slapped his tail on the ground.

“Oh yes master, this is quite the brilliant move.” He could use his powers to fight and not lose control. Tokine had questions but Yoshimori had no answers to give her. If she didn’t want to be nice or help him, he’d do the job with his boys.

The rest of the night moved on much easier, Yoshimori didn’t even need Tokine’s help, with Madarao’s poison to subdue the swiftest and slipperiest ayakashi. The stronger ayakashi Kouya got a work out tearing them apart with his claws or smashing them or piercing them with his tail. Yoshimori supported them shielding with his kekkai, providing platforms for them to move and coordinate together. He even took on ayakashi too tough or large for Kouya or Madarao to face alone.

The trio were quite the team, Madarao and Kouya’s past coming out in spades, instead of hunting for food together, they hunted ayakashi together, it was a grand time. Yoshmori added something extra to the mix, he trusted them and worked with them. Tokine was left in the dust.

They even ate together, Yoshimori packing some meat dishes for them. This was bliss. ‘Master has given me back so much already.’ Madarao caught the whiff of an ayakashi.

“Let’s move!” The two werewolves rushed off, with Yoshimori cleaning up their lunches before giving chase. This ayakashi was a weak one and the two wolves sliced and diced him. “Nice one Kouya!” Madarao laughed.

The other wolf blushed. “Indeed.”

“Isn’t this great, our master is truly a genius.”

“That he is.” He marveled at Madarao’s beautiful form, even at human size he was pretty. Madarao ate the ayakashi his plump rear shaking in the air.

“Mmm,” He got up and saw that Kouya was staring. “And like this we…” he pounced on the wolf, Kouya getting pinned. “Can do other things.” Kouya blushed, and the two kissed.

Their tails wagged as they made out. “Hey guys where are you at….whoa…” Yoshimori came across the two horny werewolves. The two kept going at it, tongues meshing and dueling as they just enjoyed each other.

Madarao pulled back and licked his lips. “Hey Yoshi…” Kouya tensed. His head whipped towards his master expecting to see disappointment or anger, but instead his eyes were warm, understanding, and was there just the hint of flicker of desire. Kouya and Madarao were in a bit of trouble, their make out session and petting had caused their demon dicks to slip from their sheaths.

‘Oh shit…’ Kouya gulped. Madarao was just as excited as he was, what was gonna happen now...

To be continued… Heavy Petting


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