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Young Justice parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Nightwing’s Fate

Nightwing makes a sacrifice to help Zatanna, giving up his body for Fate. It turns out Nightwing has a latent potential for magic, had he not faced tragedy and his fate changed he could have been a magician. He takes on the roll of fate, he’s able to live his life semi normally. Nightwing/Constantine/Harem

Chapter 1 A Change in Fate

Zatanna was miserable, her father had paid the ultimate price and allowed Nabu to take him over. Though Doctor Fate falling into the hands of the Light left Nabu with doubts. Zatanna wanted her father back, but Nabu wasn’t willing to give him up not without a suitable host.

Nightwing aka Dick Grayson begged and pleaded for her sake. He needed a favor from her, getting a charm to hide Artemis with magic. Zatanna agreed if he spoke with Fate with her after the mission was carried out. “Would you be willing to take his place?”

“Me?” Dick was shocked. “But I’m not…”

“He’s not a magic user.” Zatanna confirmed.

“This is true, in this reality you suffered a great tragedy, which changed the course of your fate.” He waved a hand over Nightwing and the male glowed. “That doesn’t mean you have no potential for magic, in fact had you not suffered that loss you very well would have found yourself before a Lord of Order one way or another.”

This was a surprise to the two. Thinking on it, when he was younger he didn’t help with the Doctor Fate mission because he was off with Batman for another mission. Because Wally took the helmet as a souvenir it fell into the hands of both Aqualad and Zatanna, had Zatara not sacrificed himself for his daughter, it was likely that Robin would have offered himself up back then. The helmet continued to get close to him without anyone realizing. Even before then Batman and Zatara knew each other and were old friends, magic kept trying to find it’s way to Dick Grayson.

“Nightwing, don’t do it, even if…” Nightwing stopped her.

“I’ll do it! Give Zatanna back her father.” Nightwing’s resolve was absolute. Fate wasn’t a fool, he made sure to place a magical contract up to make sure Zatanna didn’t try anything once the helmet was removed.

“Nightwing...do you have some kind of plan...are you...punishing yourself for Wally’s death?” His hand balled into a fist.

“If we were stronger it wouldn’t have happened, I need to be stronger.” He gave her a hug. “Tell the team I’m sorry, and if it’s in the cards we’ll see each other again.”

“Dick...don’t…” Zatara removed the helmet and gave it to Nightwing. He shot her a wink and a smile, before putting it on. There was a flash and Nabu took over Nightwing’s body. His costume changed to the usual Doctor Fate attire.

“Our deal is done!” Nabu vanished, returning to the tower. Zatara was a bit confused.

“What happened? Zatanna?” The girl cried, both happy to see her father again, and sad that she lost her friend.


Nabu awakened the latent potential inside Nightwing’s body. Before he could do anything else he was pulled out of the helmet and brought before the other Lords of Order. They weren’t exactly pleased with how Nabu got to Dick Grayson. Some of these Lords of Order were seen as gods given their powers and abilities. They work behind the scenes trying to keep the balance of order and chaos.

“The world needs Doctor Fate!” Nabu defended his actions, but while he might be intimidating to mortals the other Lords of Order weren’t having his attitude.

“And yet you became a puppet to Klarion and the Light.” Nabu looked ashamed. His way may not be the best way anymore. He took Zatara’s body ripping a family apart, believing the world needed him, only to be bested and needed to be saved.

“Train him to become Fate, let him keep his will, let him use your power his way. We have waited for him to become a force for order, he doesn’t deserve to become a puppet.” Dick’s noble sacrifice touched the Lords of Order.

Nabu protested but it was put to a vote. The vote was unanimous against him. Nabu was un-tethered from the helmet, and re-tethered to the tower. Here he could train Dick and be called to him if needed.

Nightwing got control of his body, the golden helmet changed into a golden mask. His Nightwing costume returned to him, but now it was a dark blue color, the bird crest on his chest was now gold. His utility belt gained the crest of Doctor Fate, the various pockets containing his gadgets were now magically inclined allowing infinite possibilities. “What...whoa what happened?” He rubbed his head.

“The Lords of Order have passed judgment. They feel it best that the powers of Fate should be channeled through your will. I shall train you and should you run into trouble you can call on me to assist you.” They had a bit of a Shazam situation, where Nightwing could call on Nabu to take over.

Dick could tell that Nabu wasn’t exactly happy with the situation, so decided not to press him on it. “Alright, I’m ready to learn.”

-x-2 Years Later-x-

Nightwing’s sacrifice affected the Team and Batman, even the Justice League. Zatanna told them what she knew, Batman wanted to see Fate and get answers, but he wasn’t answering calls and the Tower was sealed off. All they knew was that Nightwing was alive.

Aqualad had been worried that Nightwing might punish himself after what happened to Wally. Conner felt so lost, two of the people who saved him were gone. He found comfort in Aqualad’s arms, the two supported each other during these hard times.

He went off the grid, going deep into Nabu’s training to become the best Fate he could be. He gained various powers from Nabu’s training, spellcasting, flight, superhuman strength, invulnerability, telekinesis, telepathy, element manipulation, teleportation, healing, and force fields so far. Nightwing also kept talismans and charms in his utility belt, Batman taught him to be prepared.

“Today is the day.” He was leaving the tower. Things were getting out of hand outside. People were being taken and turned into meta humans, and meta trafficking was on the rise. Just to be safe he decided to get a little help.


John Constantine was drinking in a bar. “Slow night tonight, I wonder why that is?” He looked around the room, the bar was empty outside of four people.

“Couldn’t say.” The bartender was cleaning a glass. The same glass for the last hour.

“I think that glass is clean mate.”

“Couldn’t say…” The man dropped the glass and it shattered.

“Oh bullocks.” He collapsed, poor guy was dead probably had been for awhile. “You nasties sure know how to sour a night.” John popped a cigarette in his mouth. The people in the bar stood up, their eyes glowed red and their skin turned blood red and dark purple.

“John Constantine, Lord Klarion seeks an audience with you.” One of the demons spoke.

“Does he? Well tell that little shit if he wants to talk to me he can bloody well show up and do it himself. You can tell him when he does, I’ll gladly shove that pussy up his arse.” The demons roared and two charged at him. John banished one, zapping it with magic and sending it back to wherever it came from.

He sliced the other one in half, but turns out it was two demons in one. “Aww shit!” The leg demon attacked him with a tentacle tongue coming from the mouth the formed out of his crotch. John dodged a few swipes, but when he tried to cast a spell the tongue whipped out and disrupted the mana.

The torso demon jumped up and attacked John with snakes that came out of his lower half. Constantine jumped back and flung a table at them to try and get some distance and time to breathe. The talkative demon simply blasted the table with magic giving him no room.

John began to recite a spell, only to have a tentacle thrust into his mouth. ‘Shit!’ The torso demons snakes and tentacles began to bind him.

“We know all about you Constantine. Lord Klarion hand picked us to deal with you. You won’t be getting away.” The leg demon licked his face, draining John’s magic away.

John struggled, but couldn’t escape the snaking tentacles binding him. The last demon grew larger and with some impressive strength ripped John’s clothes off him. Now naked, the torso demon bound him in a humiliating pose.

His arms were held above his head, exposing his manly pits. He had a tentacle in his mouth, keeping him from speaking a word and a tentacle around his throat. His legs were forced apart and kept spread showing off his junk and ass. His crotch was clean shaven with some runes tattooed above his dick. Another magical tattoo was found around his ass hole, and one last one a tramp stamp above his butt.

John couldn’t even muster any magic as the leg demon kept licking him and draining whatever strength he could muster up. He didn’t even know if the magic runes on his body would protect him now. “Lord Klarion said we could play with you before bringing you to him, he likes his toys damaged but not broken he likes to do that himself.” The talkative demon’s hand sparked with dark magic.

Before Constantine could be zapped the room was lit up in a golden light. Nightwing appeared in the room, and quickly fried the massive demon. “Who are you?!” The talkative demon snapped, but quickly recognized his aura as one of order so tried to blast him with black lightning.

Nightwing repelled the force and turned the talkative demon to dust. The other two didn’t get a chance to fight as Nightwing pulled a special smoke bomb from his utility belt and with a quick flick of the wrist boom, the room was filled with a white smoke.

The demons cried out in pain as the white smoke was a concoction mixed with holy water. It caused enough of a distraction for Nightwing to zap them and end them. Constantine coughed. “Dick bloody Grayson...holy hell am I surprised to see you.”

“You know me?” Nightwing crossed his arms. “You should call me Nightwing or Fate I guess.”

“Relax mate, even if I speak a heroes true name sounds like gibberish to any listeners.” He gets up, not caring that he’s naked. “I know of you, Bats came a calling when you disappeared. Wanted me to help save ya. I did try, but looks like you managed to save your own ass.” He checked Nightwing up and down, the skin tight body suit sure left nothing to the imagination.

John sat at the bar naked and found his pack of cigarettes, but his lighter got crushed in the fight. Nightwing lit his cigarette for him. “Thanks again.” He took a drag. “I have a bunch of questions, but I doubt you came here for a social call.”

“I was actually hoping you could help me out. It seems I caught you at a bad time.”

“Nah, just Klarion the Bitch Boy wanting to kill me, torture me, make me suffer. I’ve gotten in his way a time or two, he wants me dead, well fuck ‘em join the club.”

“Seems you could use someone to watch your back.” Nightwing crossed his arms.

“You offering mate? Tonight may have been close, too close, but if you here wanting my help you must want me to join the heroes, you barking up the wrong tree.” Nightwing got him a glass and poured him a drink.

“What if I wanted your help to save some people? Even if you don’t join the league you can be a hero.” He laughed.

“Can’t say I’d look good in tights, not that they don’t do you justice.” He winked at Nightwing.

“I dunno you seem pretty comfortable in nothing at all.” John shrugged.

“One too many nights had to haul ass without my trousers on, you get used to being naked real quick.” He finished his glass.  “But tell you what, I owe ya one for saving my ass there. I’ll let you fuck me, right here and now. You show me a good time, and I’ll help you out with whatever you like, sound good?” Dick smirked.


“Oh god, oh god fuck fuck fuck!” Constantine was on all fours, ass raised high in the air. Nightwing was naked except for his mask, his long and fat 15 inch dick was slamming into Constantine at a brisk pace. His ass was shaking and jiggling with every thrust. John’s 10 incher bouncing and slapping his abs. A growing puddle of cum was forming beneath him as Nightwing fucked him hard and deep.

John lost count how many times he came, but it was more than Nightwing. The guy had stamina and endurance, to say nothing of his enhanced libido. Nightwing had earned his help hours ago, but was giving Constantine the fucking of his life.

Nightwing came hard, pumping John up with another load and sending the blonde’s load across the floor. He was left panting and he pulled out of the wrecked ass hole. “So will you help me?”

“Mate...you keep fucking me like that I’ll even wear the tights.” His hole closed up, and his tramp stamp glowed recovering his magic by absorbing Nightwing’s cum. Dick snapped his fingers and John was dressed in his usual attire.

“I think this suits you just fine.” With a snap of his fingers he was fully clothed.

“Fair enough.” The two were off, ready to change the fate of the world and bring back a little balance.

To be continued


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