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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

The Boss

Izuku was secretly the child of a mafia boss, he inherited a super charged version of his mother's quirk. He wanted to use it to become a hero, but before he even got a chance to get started the Sludge Villain Incident occurred. Izuku had used his quirk to rescue his friend Katsuki but it sparked some controversy. Izuku hadn't used his quirk in self defense since he took action to save someone else, which means he was in violation of the law illegal use of quirk. The Hero Association robs Izuku of his dream making an example of him for the sake of the law. All Might is outraged, but his hands are tied. The rejection letters start pouring in as no hero school will touch him. Little does the association know there actions cause ripple effects. Kirishima was inspired by Izuku but heartbroken at societys reaction to him. Bakugou thinks he can change society by becoming a pro and taking Izuku in at his agency, a noble gesture but Izuku finds his own path. Stain also takes interest in Izuku, he joins and helps train Izuku's family.

Chapter 1

Fate was not kind for Izuku Midoriya. His dad Hizashi was actually a mafia boss, he didn’t have much influence in Japan, so he mostly worked over seas. He took care of his family leaving behind a powerful quirk holder named Chimera to watch over and protect his wife and son. He also sent money so they could live a comfortable life.

His mother feared that Izuku’s fate was sealed being born into the Midoriya family. She moved them into a small apartment to try and give Izuku a normal life. ‘If anyone finds out who he is he’ll never become a hero!’ Children of villains and mafia families had it harder in life trying to gain a normal station in the light. Chimera was her confidant and often shadowed Izuku on his way too and from school to keep him safe. Though he served the Midoriya family it was Inko who saved his life, so he was loyal to her and the young boss more than Hizashi.

He wanted to be a hero so much. Izuku loved All Might, heroes, and quirks. He was a late bloomer, so he faced a lot of bullying over being quirkless. His quirk just took extra time cooking. Izuku actually inherited his mother’s quirk, though it had grown stronger across generations.

Inko could control small objects by drawing them to her, it wasn’t anything super powerful or flashy so she accepted her fate and lived a reasonable life. Then she met Hizashi, much like with Chimera she had saved this stranger’s life and even used her quirk to remove bullets from him and patched him up. The two fell in love and things happened. She had no idea who he was until they got married.

Her focus in life was no supporting and protecting her son. In kind he didn’t want her to worry. Chimera saw it, the boy getting bullied by other kids for being quirkless. He would walk home crying but before coming into the house he’d wipe his face and put on a big bright smile. ‘The kid is strong.’

Izuku could control and manipulate small objects, freely moving them and using them within a certain range. Izuku was so happy having a quirk, it made Inko happy. Objects he controlled got a green glow around them and he could move them with his will. There were limits, he could only effect objects smaller than himself, and he couldn’t control too many objects at once. If the object moved outside of his range the glow faded and the object would drop.

“It might seem like a small quirk, but with the right training you can make it into something special.” Chimera told him.

He wanted to grow up and become a hero like All Might. Chimera may not have liked heroes, but he also suffered from a bad hand of fate. Because of his appearance, people hunted him, feared him, and tried to destroy him. When he defended himself he got labeled a villain. Izuku was too sweet for the life of a villain or a mafia boss. So he did everything in his power to help train Izuku so he could become a hero.

Sadly he couldn’t exactly protect him from society. Once Izuku’s quirk manifested, the bullies who went at him for being weak or quirkless did ease up, but that had an effect on Izuku. He saw a glimpse of the darkness lurking in society. They had bullied him just because...because he was weak...because he didn’t have a quirk...because of something he couldn’t control...now they wanted to be friends? It didn’t make much sense to Izuku, but not wanting to be bullied anymore he was civil, putting on a smile on his face.


Chimera’s training helped hone Izuku’s vessel allowing him to grow stronger. With a strong vessel his quirk was able to grow stronger too. Izuku practiced with it every day, building it’s strength over time. He grew up into a fine young man. With Chimera’s help he learned about fighting hand to hand combat and put on a lot muscle.

Izuku had a rival in Bakugou Katsuki. In Chimera’s opinion the boy was an arrogant punk, but Izuku liked him. He had a flashy quirk and was gifted across the board. Chimera was worried that their relationship was gonna take a bad path, but once Izuku’s quirk manifested they seemed to stay on equal ground.

Both boys were intelligent and good at adapting to situations and using their quirks in different ways. The two talked about going to UA together, and there was a small shining light of hope. Chimera was a bit worried, UA was a prestigious school which means they could have rougher background checks. He managed to convince Izuku to apply to a bunch of Hero schools. “You want to be a hero yeah? Then it’s good to have back ups, your goal shouldn’t waver just cause you can’t go to some fancy school.” His ploy worked and Izuku applied to several different hero schools.

Things have been rough but there was some hope...or so he thought…

Izuku went off to school like any other day, but for Midoriya fate was cruel. Normally Chimera could shadow Izuku and keep him safe, he knew the heroes routes so he could avoid them. Izuku’s fanboy hero studying helped with that. Today was not normal, he checked in with the estate and everyone was a buzz. A tip slipped into the underworld that All Might was in town...


The Sludge Villain Incident was all over the news. He wasn’t a big time villain or anything, he had used the commotion of another incident to rob a store. He thought he could slip away while everyone else was distracted but HE was there.

All Might chased the Sludge Villain, but made a slight mistake. This villain used the sewers to get around, and because of All Might’s condition he was racing the clock. It took him some time but he finally found a meat shield in town.

Izuku and Bakugou had been walking through town, talking about UA and their plans. These two loved heroes, loved All Might for different reasons. Bakugou had asked Izuku out, to bring up the idea of them forming a combo or something. He didn’t get to ask when a nearby manhole cover burst open revealing the villain.

He attacked them, but the two didn’t go down without a fight. He got his hands on Katsuki and things spiraled out of control. Bakugou’s quirk Explosion had no effect on the sludge villain. Pros arrived on the scene, but the situation wasn’t improving. Izuku was forced to fall back and “leave it to the pros”.

All Might arrived on the scene but not as he was. As people looked on as Bakugou suffered, Izuku couldn’t just stand by and watch, he charged in. He whipped his back pack at the villain causing every item to fall out. More ammo for his quirk as he unleashed the objects and used them as a distraction.

They zipped around shooting through the villain faster and faster, like they were wasps on the attack. His hold on Bakugou shifted allowing him to breathe. Working together the two got out of his hold. “You little shits!” The sludge villain attacked them, but then All Might stepped in and finished him off.

Seeing what Izuku did inspired him and pushed him beyond his limit. Though….not everyone agreed.

While the incident had a happy ending allowing those involved to return to their families and the criminal handed over to the authorities. It wasn’t over...

The video of the Sludge Villain Incident was seen all over. For some it was inspiring, a young man rushing in despite the odds to save his friend who was caught by a villain? Pretty heroic some would say. On the other hand...

“Who does this kid think he is?” A pro hero was interviewed about the incident. “He isn’t trained, he isn’t a pro hero, he could have gotten in the other hero’s way!”

The video sparked controversy, while some felt this was a moment, a rare situation and could move on. Others wouldn’t let it go. Some pro heroes felt that the young man shouldn’t have rushed in like that, coming off a bit harsher then intended. There had been a rise of Vigilantes as of late, which the Hero Association greatly disprove of. Izuku’s actions while heroic, went against the laws of hero society.

“In our society we have laws to protect people from the power of quirks. To keep those that would abuse their powers in check.” On that very day another man was charged with the illegal usage of his quirk, and had been stopped by Mount Lady in her debut. One couldn’t just be a hero just because they had a quirk they had to go through training and get a license.

All Might tried to make this go away, but the Public Safety Commission wasn’t letting this go. He raised a point that yes one wasn’t allowed to use their quirks to fight villains but there were exceptions when it came to self defense. “Young Midoriya and Young Bakugou simply were defending themselves.”

“That isn’t the case here. With the pros on the scene he should have let them handle it. He chose to use his quirk and against a villain!” A man named McCoy was leading this charge against Izuku. His hair was combed upwards and he was dressed in a business suit, he had an eye patch over his right eye, it was black and had a white cross over it.

This man wasn’t giving All Might any leeway. “Why are you doing this? That boy rushed in while everyone else stood back and watched, he saved his friend!”

“He broke the law, and used his quirk illegally, because he rushed in as he did he distracted other heroes. All Might, you are the Symbol of Peace, you must drop this.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Don’t throw away all that you’ve built over some nobody.” He pulled out a file. “I did some digging into this boy, and his family.” All Might looked at the file.

“This doesn’t matter, even if he is from a mafia family, today he was a hero.” All Might didn’t believe in “Evil Quirks” a term thrown around seeing that a quirk was evil or naturally villainous. Since quirks varied it wasn’t uncommon for someone to share a similar ability to someone else, it varied yes, but one villain uses a power for evil and others get scared that they might be seen as evil for having a similar power. Quirks could also mutate one’s appearance giving them a monster look, people have suffered because of it.

“And tomorrow?” McCoy crossed his arms. “What happens tomorrow or the next day when some random citizen feels they can “help” feels they can “be the hero” and interferes with a real hero and lives are lost?” All Might didn’t have an answer, his hand balling into a fist.

After the incident All Might found the boy’s notebook it was full of hero and quirk data. He wanted to be a hero so badly, he might be a fanboy but he had the heart and the passion of a true hero. He didn’t want this to happen.

“Stand down on this one, this is for the sake of peace.” He patted All Might’s shoulder.

“For the sake of peace you’d destroy this young man’s future.” He was shaking in anger.

“It wouldn’t be the first time.” He said with a sick chuckle.

His hands were tied. It was all he could do to keep Izuku from being arrested. The Public Safety Commission made their official statement, and Izuku’s fate was sealed. The police came to his house to give him the news, while he wouldn’t be taken in, this was a permanent black spot on his record. If they had tried to take him Chimera wouldn’t have held back.

Izuku’s eyes were whited out, he was in a daze. He didn’t understand what was happening. Midoriya tried to have hope, but then the rejection letters started pouring in. Every school Izuku applied to was turning him down faster than he could believe possible. With each rejection Izuku sank deeper into despair.

‘This is wrong…’ All Might didn’t know what to do.

Midoriya watched his favorite of All Might’s videos, tears pouring down his freckled face. “Izuku?” Inko and Chimera checked on him.

“I can’t...I can’t become a hero...can I?” Inko hugged him.

“I’m so sorry Izuku!” Fate can be cruel. Chimera punched a hole in the wall, he’d fix it later.

This incident was gonna change the course of the future in ways no one could see coming.

To be continued...Ripples

What happened to Izuku had ripple effects. As news of what happened and the decision caused more waves. People are given a look at the cracks in society. A visit from Izuku’s old man gives Midoriya a chance at the future just not the one he was expecting.



Looks great Paper!!