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Kuroko's Basketball parody: Tier 6

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Here the Whole Time

Kagami blushed. Kuroko had been there the whole time, he had seen everything. His cheeks burned and his body grew hotter. The idea of Kuroko watching everything that happened made his heart pound, and his dick swell. Kagami was hit with a sudden wave of shyness, the situation was too much.

Kuroko had to be there, watching him submit to their captain, watching every dirty detail, listening to every sinful word and wicked moan. Kuroko stood there as naked as the day he was born, but with his 6 inch dick standing at attention. Kagami gulped feeling his heart skip a beat. ‘He watched me cum!’

He looked down and saw the mess he made on the floor. “Look at the mess you made, little slut making a puddle on our sacred court. What do you think he should do Kuroko-chan?” Kagami tensed.

“I think he should clean it up, like a good boy!” A shiver raced through Kagami. Junpei clapped.

“Well said Kuroko-chan, get to it slut, lick up your mess.” Kagami gulped, this felt so different with Kuroko watching, his shadow was watching him, seeing this perverted side to him. Kagami’s mind was racing a mile a minute. Slap!

Junpei slapped Kagami with his cock, pulling him out of his thoughts. “Get to it!”

“Y-yes sir…” He closed his eyes and got down on all fours, his face inching closer to the puddle of cum. His tongue slipped out hesitantly before it met the hardwood floor, his tongue scooping up the semen. He licked and licked, his tongue scooping up his warm semen.

The taste wasn’t what he expected, but the act was a layer of humiliation that sent a lustful jolt. ‘Kuroko’s watching me, don’t look, don’t look…’ His penis twitched and dripped onto the floor.

“Sir, his ass hole is twitching. I think he’s enjoying this.” Kagami pulled back.

“No...Kuroko...It’s not what you think!” Junpei forced his head back down.

“Get back to cleaning slut, try not to cream yourself.” Junpei’s commanding tone made it hard to refuse.

“Yes sir.” He got back to licking, lapping up his semen. Kuroko watching him do it, which only further turned him on. Turns out he liked to be watched, check another box on the kink list. Kagami got more into it, licking his cum off the floor, his hole twitching and his cock dripping.

Kuroko was quiet but his stare was piercing. Now that Kagami was aware he was there he couldn’t forget it. “Kuroko-chan, why don’t you help prepare the slut for my dick? Give his ass a nice wet kiss!”

“Yes sir!” Kuroko saluted, before coming over. The red head didn’t have a moment to think or protest before his cheeks were grabbed and squeezed.

“Nnnnhhh!” Kuroko swiped his tongue along Kagami’s crack. He blushed and stopped licking the floor as Kuroko licked his ass. His warm tongue dragging along the valley of his rear, making his entrance twitch with each pass. Kuroko teased him a bit, before focusing on his winking hole.

His tongue flicked and circled his entrance making Kagami squirm. “Kuroko-chan’s good at eating ass, I’ve trained him personally.” Junpei ground his foot and got Kagami licking the floor again. “I wonder what kind of slut you’ll become for me.”

‘He did this stuff with Kuroko?’ The idea left him torn, as the idea brought images to mind that made him both horny and jealous. Kuroko kissed his entrance, making the red head gasp.

“He honestly surprised me when he came to me, seems the generation of miracles were kinky fuckers who used Kuroko as their outlet. He practically begged me to make him my bitch.” Kagami gasped and groaned, Junpei’s words hitting him again. “I’ll tell you he’s been fantastic, nothing like a tongue bath after practice, with his skill he was able to suck me off in the locker room with no one the wiser. He ate my ass in the showers and no one saw a thing, he was there the whole time!”

“Eeeeiiihhhh!” Kagami’s back arched as Kuroko’s tongue penetrated his ass, making the anal kiss french and deep. The wet muscle darted back and forth, popping his hole open and wetting it.

“You have a thing for Kuroko don’t you, can’t blame you he’s absolutely special, the perfect shadow sub. He responds to the dom he’s attached to. Don’t feel bad he didn’t connect to you, he needed a real man, a true dom, not a bitch boy slut like you.” The combo off words, humiliation, and Kuroko’s ass eating sent Kagami over the edge, and he came across the floor again. “Another mess, you are a sick piece of fuck meat Kagami, it’s a good thing you are gonna become mine. I can make good use of sluts like you.”

Junpei rolled Kagami over, laying him in his mess. Kuroko retreated and returned so fast it was like he hadn’t left at all. The light blue haired boy continued to tease his ass with his tongue making Kagami squirm. “Kuroko!” He moaned.

“Look at you cumming from a little tongue in your ass, panting like a bitch in heat. I’m gonna enjoy training you to be my perfect sub slut.” Junpei looked so wild and sexy it made Kagami’s heart skip a beat. “Kuroko…”

He pulled back from the red head’s hole with a pop. “Yes sir?” Junpei smirked.

“Make the bitch cum, drain what makes him a man.” Kuroko’s switch was flipped, a wicked glint forming in his eyes. He saluted.

“Roger!” Kuroko kissed Kagami’s ass again, but instead of eating him out, he tongue fucked him. The red head bucked as the change in pressure and force felt so different. His large muscular body trembled as Kuroko’s tongue thrust and thrashed inside him, opening his ass up and allowing saliva to pour in and bubble before sinking deeper inside.

Kuroko grabbed Kagami’s penis, the hefty organ of the hot blooded young man and pumped it. The red head drooled as his body hit over stimulated levels of pleasure. Despite just cumming again, he was sent over the edge, his cock squirting and shooting what made him a man over his abs and pecs. Kuroko was relentless, his tongue digging into his ass, curling and stretching him out, while his hand never ceased.

Kagami was milked of several spurts more. He was in a daze, he felt like he was losing his mind, and then Kuroko made him cum again. “Fuck~” His dick was spent, softening in the young man’s grasp, but Kuroko continued to play with his hefty meat and tongue his ass.  “Ah ahh ahh ahh ahhhh ah ah ahh ahh ahh~”

Junpei enjoyed the show, nothing got his dick harder than seeing a sub play with another sub. He decided to take Kagami to another level, straddling his face and giving the red head a close up view of his ass. Kagami blushed. “Kiss my ass slut!” He sat on Kagami’s face and the male moaned.

His eyes rolled up, he couldn’t think, only obey. He kissed his captain’s hole. Kagami earned this challenging the beast that Junpei was. Junpei wiggled his ass on his face. “You make a good chair Kagami, you are built to handle a man’s weight.” Human chair was added to his slut resume.

He started licking the dom’s ass, tasting a real man. Tasting what he’d never have, he was right where he belonged underneath Junpei. He licked his ass, but not like Kuroko was doing to him. The red head was giving submissive licks to his hole.

They stayed like this for some time, long enough for Kagami to recover and his dick stand back up at attention. “Alright Kuroko-chan, I’m ready to fuck this bitch.” He stands up, a string of saliva connecting his ass to Kagami’s lips before it snapped.

Kuroko pulled his tongue from Kagami’s now stretched and wet hole. “May I watch sir?” Junpei pets him.

“You can do more than that, take a seat.” He tilted his head towards Kagami’s face.

“Thank you sir.” The two kissed, and Kagami felt a little pang of jealousy.

Junpei inspected Kagami’s ass. “Well done Kuroko-chan, this ass is ready for breeding. Remove your plug and take a seat.”

‘Plug?’ Kagami thought and got a clue as Kuroko straddled his face. There was a toy stuffed up the boy’s ass. He removed the plug right in front of Kagami, giving him a look at his well used, cum stuffed hole. ‘Is my ass gonna look like that?’ He shivered in delight.

Kuroko sat on his face, and Kagami knew what to do and started kissing Kuroko’s ass. His tongue brushing his gaping entrance. Junpei’s cum began to leak out and Kagami was met with the flavor he was recently introduced to. ‘It’s master’s cum!’ He blushed. Kagami got more excited enjoying the taste of ass and his master’s cum together.

“He’s sucking my ass!” Kuroko moaned.

Junpei watched his penis twitch and dribble. “I think you’ve been promoted to cum rag.” He spread Kagami’s muscled legs and settled between them, lining up his fat cock with Kagami’s wet hole. The tip kissed his entrance before sinking in, popping the big guy’s cherry. “Love breaking new sub ass, so tight before I mold it to my cock!” Junpei growled as he sank into Kagami.

The red head moaned into Kuroko’s ass, the shadow boy wiggled his butt. Kuroko watched his dom break his light on the court. Kagami was a good player, but in the bedroom he couldn’t compare to Junpei. He took hold of his dick and played with it as he watched his dom’s dick sink into his ass. “Sir’s dick is so big!” Kuroko marveled as Kagami’s abs bulged from the cock.

Kagami’s dick twitched in a dry orgasm. Junpei flicked his cock. “Enjoying my dick slut, just wait cause I’m gonna fuck you until I’m satisfied!” He began to move, pulling all the way out before slamming back in. His cries of pleasure were muffled by Kuroko’s ass.

It was like being dunked on, his hole popping around the massive dick. Junpei’s force and strength was impressive. Kagami felt every inch, the friction spreading heat through his whole body. “Kagami has a naughty body.” Kuroko said, turns out he can attack with words too.

“Do you like master’s big dick? He’s fucking you good right?” Kagami moaned, making his ass hole tingle. He panted, his warm breath tickling his entrance and insides. Kagami couldn’t see it but Kuroko was getting off on this, playing with his cock as he got fucked into oblivion.

Junpei was focused on fucking him, his only words were lustful grunts and heated pants. Kuroko took over the dirty talk, his tone was so soft and innocent, it made what he was saying even more dirty somehow. “I can see master’s dick, he’s fucking you deep, can you feel that?” Kuroko brought his foot down to feel the bulge Junpei made.

‘I feel it!’ Kagami’s eyes rolled up. His climax hit, and he shot all over his pecs and abs, his tan body being painted white. Kuroko came to the show adding to the semen on Kagami’s body.

“You look pretty covered in cum.” His words cut deep and pierced his heart. For a second he thought it was over, but then he realized Junpei hadn’t cum yet. His orgasm made his inner walls tighten around Junpei, feeling his massive dick in detail and the captain continued to fuck him.

Junpei grabbed his hips and began to move harder, his balls clapping against Kagami’s toned cheeks. “Take it bitch take my cock!” Junpei growled. His cock moving now and crushing Kagami’s sweet spot with every thrust.

His spent dick twitched and pulse, he was spent, after so many orgasms he didn’t have it in him to get hard anymore. Kagami was fully used as an onahole and a seat. Junpei’s cock pummeled his insides, and his toes curled in delight.

Junpei used him for his pleasure, and he was enjoying every minute of it. He finished licking the cum out of Kuroko’s hole but continued to lick his ass. Junpei’s climax came and with a hard thrust and a powerful grunt, he came shooting his load inside the red head. His seed pelted Kagami’s sweet spot and he lost it.

He came while soft. “You must really love getting dicked.” Junpei chuckled.

Kagami’s head was spinning, it felt like his brain melted and escaped through his dick. Junpei pulled out as Kuroko got up. The red head whined at the loss. His hole was swollen and gaping, his fucked open insides filled up with cum.

“Ohh fuck!” Kuroko straddled his face as Junpei got behind him.

He may have been spent but Junpei was still hard. “You make a good cum rag Kagami, you empty Kuroko-chan?” He felt up his soft rear.

“Yes sir, I need to be filled up again!” Junpei smirked.

“I know you do!” Kagami got an up close look as Junpei bred Kuroko. “You need a real man’s cock fucking you hard and deep, his cum filling your insides.”

“Yes sir, please sir!” Kuroko arched his back lewdly. Kagami gulped.

Junpei pushed into Kuroko, and began to fuck him. Kagami watched his crush’s ass swallow up another man’s cock and instead of feeling jealous he felt horny. His dick twitched wanting to get hard but was too spent. The two fucked above him Kagami’s eyes following Kuroko’s bouncing dick.

In the back of his mind he realized he could never satisfy Kuroko as a man, not like Junpei. He belonged beneath them, looking but not touching unless given permission. The realization got him even more turned on, he panted, his warm breath tickling their balls.

Kuroko came, and showered Kagami’s face in white. Add another kink to the list as Kagami had a dry orgasm from the bukkake. He passed out, missing Junpei filling Kuroko up with his seed.


The next day no one talked about the challenge. Junpei was still captain so it was clear who won. Kagami appeared to be sulking in the showers, leaning against the wall as the water cascaded over his massive body. No one realized it but he was actually being fucked by Kuroko. Right there in the showers and no one noticed besides Kagami and Junpei.

With a new sub on his team Junpei promoted Kuroko to being a lube dispenser. So he could fuck Kagami and provide the lube for their master’s dick. The red head was enjoying Kuroko’s thrusts. ‘Look at that slut, getting off on Kuroko’s smaller cock. I’m such a nice guy, now these two can be together under me.’ Seeing Kuroko fuck Kagami was more of a turn on then he thought, he might have a size difference kink. ‘These sluts are mine.’ He decided to move up the plan.

There was a bunch of sluts in the league thinking they were big dogs, but Junpei was sure they needed a wake up call. Kuroko and Kagami were gonna help him play this little game.

To be continued


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