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Young Justice/DC parody: Tentacleween/Patreon Reward

Happy Tentacleween Constantine

Constantine had a lot of troubles, he battled demons, spirits, inter dimensional beasts, and monsters. You’d think he’d be the first to hum bug Halloween, well in fact he loves it. He’s aware of some special forces that keep people like him safe on this night when the veil between worlds is at it’s weakest. He got to celebrate.


Constantine was one of the greatest magical people in the world. He battled monsters and demons, visited other dimensions and realms, even had a fling with Lucifer; one of them anyway. There were all sorts of wicked nasties that wanted his body and soul, be it to kill it, rip him apart, or do heaven knows what with him.

He dealt with serious magical mayhem on a daily basis, so you’d think Halloween would be the last holiday he’d celebrate. Actually no, being the traveler of the void, he’s been privy to knowledge that most are not aware of.

Halloween is actually the day that’s the safest, supernaturally speaking. Since the veil is at it’s thinnest on this night a powerful force is able to slip through and touch their world. This force is neither good nor evil, order nor chaos, it simply exists. While governed by some form of rules its mostly harmless.

In some realms its even invited and the inhabitants celebrate a special alternative form of Halloween. Constantine felt he could relax and even decided to celebrate. John found a closed up bar and “borrowed” it. He poured himself a drink and had a few sips before the sun began to set. “Tonight’s gonna be fun…” He said, finishing his drink.

John removes his jacket. He was humming as he removed his clothes. The blonde removed his belt while kicking off his shoes. Constantine undid his tie and set it aside with his jacket. He pulled off his white shirt, exposing his manly upper body.

Constantine was built, broad shoulders, firm pecs, erotic swollen nipples, a little bit of manly hair peppered between his pecs. He had a treasure trail giving his six pack abs something extra. His pits were hairy which added to his charm.

He started to whistle as he undid his pants and unzipped his fly. Down went the pants showing off his sexy legs. He was wearing boxers with special seals on his crotch, his ass, the rim and the leggings.

The seals were to protect his boys and ass, lot of tiny demons out there that liked to scurry up pant legs, and all forms of monsters that go for the ass. To say nothing of the exes he came across that went for the kiwis. His fat cock bulged the boxers out, the crotch perfectly hugging his penis and balls. Not that these seals would do anything to protect him from what was coming. He jostled his junk a bit before lowering his boxers.

John had a thick nest of blonde pubes crowning his crotch, a fat cut dick, his man meat was slightly darker at the tip a sign of a well used dick. He stepped out of his boxers and removed his socks, exposing his ass and well used hole. There was a magic seal around his entrance, this one wasn’t for protection so to speak but for pleasure. It made his butt exist only for mating and allow him to take monstrous cocks without tearing.

Constantine was quite the slut of a man, he’s perfected his lewd behavior getting out of scrapes a time or two. He’s sucked a few dicks and ridden a few to save his life and get out of trouble. Funny how his dick often leads him into trouble and his ass bails him out.

With a snap of his fingers he conjures up a full length mirror. “John Constantine, you are one sexy bloke!” He posed in front of the mirror, admiring his sexy body. He’s lucky he’s got a cock as big as his ego. With a laugh he dispelled the mirror and just in time as the sun set.

Constantine could feel the veil weakening. ‘It’s time!’ The shadows began to shift and move on their own with no source of light effecting them. From the void tentacles began to slither out, some were black the others orange. “Hello there!” Constantine wasn’t a stranger to tentacles, usually he dealt with pink or red ones, on the occasion green. The sight of these unique ones, he couldn’t help but get a little chubbed up.

The black tentacles took hold of his arms and lifted him up into the air, before another set grabbed his legs and spread them wide. John felt lighter than air as he was supported by the tentacles from the void. His sexy body held spread and exposed, every intimate detail on display for the darkness around him.

He got a little harder, his dick twitching. An orange tentacle went for his erection, snaking it’s way around it. “Easy love, at least buy me a drink first.” He really should be careful what he says.

A black tentacle found a bottle of liquor on the wall, it took hold of it and John saw the bottle become altered by strange magic. He gulped as it was brought over and the tip of the bottle was pressed against his hole. “Now wait mate I was only joking.” Too late, the bottle breached his ass, and his slutty hole swallowed half of the neck. “Ohh fuck!”

His toes curled a bit, the special nerve endings that lined his inner walls lit up. With a tip of the bottle the high quality booze began to empty into Constantine’s ass. Now John Constantine was not a light weight, he could drink with the best of them, though he couldn’t say he ever got drunk with his ass that was a new one.

John started feeling tipsy as the contents of the bottle was emptied into him. However, the bottle was now enchanted and began to fill up in seconds. A blush bloomed over Constantine’s cheeks as he finished bottle after bottle. His insides soaked to the point it began leaking out of his ass. “Hehe, you’ve made me wet!”

The tentacle fused with the bottle and began to fuck John’s smart ass with the neck, it was a good 3 inches of neck, but the real kicker was when the body came in contact with John’s seal. It lit up and sent a massive wave of pleasure through Constantine. His toes curled and his cock squirted.

No surprise, the seal was initially created by a dog demon, so a knot could perfectly strike the seal to give their partners a whole lot of pleasure. The body of the bottle was quite fat so it worked. A few more thrusts had Constantine drooling and bucking. “Ohh bloody hell, fuck yes!” John Constantine being fucked by a bottle of booze, almost poetic.

The orange tentacles began to make their move, the one on his cock started working his shaft. It squeezed and pumped him, adding fuel to the lust fire. “Haa, haa, haa!” He panted and moaned, his blush growing to his ears.

A set of orange tentacles went to his nipples, the buds were perky from Constantine’s arousal so they had some room to play. They circled and brushed the nips earning a moan from John. His nipples were tender, and the tentacles gave them a lashing that had John quaking in pleasure. His chiseled form twitching and squirming.

Only his most caring of partners toyed with his nips so it was one hell of a treat. The tentacles worked his buds expertly drawing out the most pleasure from the magic user. “Nnnhhh haa haa ohh fuck damn fuck!” He came, his balls lurching and his cum rocketing up before falling all over him.

White splashed onto his face, neck, pecs, and abs, the rest spilling over his crotch and the tentacle. Things were about to get wild as the tentacles got more playful. The orange tentacles latched onto his nipples, molding perfectly over his buds and then they began to suck! “Ohhh!”

The orange tentacle on his cock, melted and molded over his big dick, swallowing the entire thing, not an easy feat. John’s massive penis was fully encased and then it began to suck. “Ahh cheeky fuck, I just came, wait...aaahhh fuck!”

Their suction was non-stop, stimulating both his nipples and cock in kind. “Ahhhh!” He moaned. Constantine was soon silenced as an orange tentacle molded into the shape of his cock thrust into his mouth. “Mprf!” It stuffed down his throat making sparks go off in John’s head. His eyes rolled up as he came again.

The tentacle sucked up his seed and sent it right back into John. The dick tentacle in his mouth pulled back just enough so John could taste his own milk. It filled his mouth to the brim, punching out his cheeks  before he swallowed it down. Down the tentacle went stuffing his throat again and depositing the rest of his release into his belly.

He was milked for a few more extra spurts, his balls feeling tingly. ‘Bloody hell!’ He didn’t think he could cum anymore. Then a black tentacle coiled around his balls. ‘Ohh fuck!’ He came again, shooting another hefty load.

The bottle tentacle in his ass pulled back, and a pure black tentacle thrust up into Constantine. “Mmmm!” His eyes widened. Another orgasm ripped through him. He had to drink so much cum. If his mouth wasn’t stuffed he’d be hiccuping.

Both drunk and lust drunk, his small thread of sanity was sure he was finished and spent. Nope! With a black tentacle up his ass John would remain hard, his dick magically charged. With one binding his balls he’d cum infinity. The tentacle thrust into his ass, knocking on his sweet spot again and again. John’s toes curled as he was sent over the edge again and again.

Constantine was shaking and sweating, his own manly musk hitting him and turning him on. He moaned around the tentacle in his mouth and he’d swear he felt those moans on his own cock. His eyes fluttered. ‘Best Holiday ever!’

He spent hours magically erect, cumming and chugging his own cum. His ass was actually jealous of his mouth from being fed so much seed. With each orgasm he grew more sensitive, he didn’t even notice the tentacle slowly expanding stretching his ass wider and triggering his magical nerve endings. He was so high on pleasure he was in a daze.

John’s wrists were bound by his own tie, making his manly body stretch and arch. The tentacle in his ass started fucking him roughly, making his stomach bulge. ‘Shit...I felt that…’ His orgasm shook him to his core. He didn’t want it to end.

Constantine lost count how many times he came, but judging by his slightly swollen tummy it was a lot! His clothes were taken and altered becoming a tether to hold his arms above his head. The night was almost over and dawn was approaching.

When the tentacles started releasing him, he whined at the loss. He was left naked, on his knees, arms tied and bound above his head, ass gaping, cock oozing, nipples swollen and tender, skin flush, smelling like a wanton slut.  “Come on then...please...I wanna get fucked.” The door to the bar opened and in walked King Shark.

He saw John on the ground begging for more sex as the tentacles slithered back into the void. He took off his clothes, his twin cocks standing out and proud. It wasn’t till the shark anthro was towering over him did John notice his presence. He sobered up a bit. “What are you doing here?” He panted.

King Shark picked him up  and let him sit on both of his dicks. “Trick or treat!” He said before letting Constantine fall swallowing both dicks at once. He came, a mix of over stimulus and his anal seal.

“Treat damn it treat!” The two kissed and made out. John’s night was far from over, he’d definitely be celebrating again next year, maybe invite his soon to be ex-ex. There were a few blokes on the justice league that could use a good lay too.



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