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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Home

The boys had made quite the mess of the storage unit, but the clean up was totally worth it. Once they were out of the Anur System they made contact with the plumbers. Scout’s skills meant he could be assigned to any area he wished. He just chose to help clean up his home world. Ben inspired him to do so and now because of him he could do both. Plus Ben’s efforts had inspired many of his people to open their hearts. They thought their only enemies were outsiders and their criminals were just misunderstood. Ghost Freak unleashing their predator and trying to revive those terrors kinda stuck a nail in that idea.

Changes would begin while he was away.

“We’ve entered the Milky Way Galaxy!” Rad said.

“Great we are almost home!” Ben exclaimed. “I can’t wait to have some smoothies, and chili fries!” His stomach growled at the thought.

“So the legends were true!” Scout said.

“Yes he does enjoy smoothies and chili fries, a lot of quick food.”

“Fast food.” Ben corrected. He put an arm around Scout. “I’ll give you the tour and show you the ropes.” The loboan blushed and looked happy. Rook had a thought.

“Ben, where will Scout be staying?”

“At my place, at least until a room is set up for him.”

“Really!?” Scout’s tail wagged excitedly.

“Y-your place!” Rook gasped. “You two alone, in your bed, alone…” He twiddled his fingers.

“Relax Rook, I promised you’d be my first mate didn’t I?” Ben pats his shoulder.

“You did, but we have not spent the night together yet.” Being stranded on Anur Transyl didn’t count as that wasn’t a choice. “Maybe it would be best if Scout stayed in my room at the Plumber’s Base. We were roommates at the academy.”

“Rook...I’ve seen your room it barely fits you let alone two people.” This was true. Rook was a simple guy with not a lot of needs for stuff. Ben could see it was bothering him. “How about I talk to my parents and see if you both can’t stay with me for a bit, while we figure out some permanent situation?”

“I would like that very much.” The two kissed and hugged with Scout joining the cuddle pile. He was fine with whatever so long as he was with his pack. Rook actually liked sleeping near Ben, being close to him, being able to touch him. It was a far cry from the old system.

Meeting up for missions and patrols, then dropping Ben off and not seeing him until the next day or days later. They had a big advancement in their relationship, he didn’t want to go back to just partners. He had heard of plumbers getting close on missions, being in the field together for a period of time, getting in too deep, but then once they return home its back to normal.

His time with Ben felt like a dream and if it was a dream he didn’t want to wake up. Tennyson assured him, this wasn’t over, they weren’t over. “We’ll figure this stuff out, together!” Rook liked the sound of that.


Max was surprised when Ben returned with the news that he had two betas. Rad was paid and left, he had his own betas to get back to. “You left that out of your report.”

“Is that a problem?”

“No, I’m just surprised is all.” He took Ben aside. “Are you sure about this son, you haven’t had the best luck with relationships.”

“I think I know why, I was looking for love in the wrong places. I’m a better alpha!” He said confidently and it made Max smile.

“Well I had a feeling, and it’s good to see you so confident.” He patted his shoulder. “I’ll do my best to support you.” Max had a few alien lovers in the past male and female alike, so he knew all about the Alpha/Beta dynamic some species live on.

“Speaking of, do you think you can help me with Mom and Dad. Rook wants to stay with me until we find a place for us.” He put his hands together in a pleading gesture.

“Well they have missed you, I’m sure you can use that in your favor. If you run into trouble I’ll support you.” Ben hugged his Grandpa. “Welcome to Earth Scout, I’ll be your magister in this area.”

“Yes sir!” Scout saluted.

“With everything that happened, you boys could use some time off. Relax and enjoy some time together. Welcome home boys!” Max said.

Ben stretched. “Alright guys the mission is complete and I’m dying for a smoothie! My treat!”

They got into Rook’s truck, which adjusted creating a back seat for Scout to ride in. “Nice ride buddy!”

“Thanks!” The trio were off and hit the closest Mr. Smoothies they could reach. Ben got a strawberry and cherry blend smoothie for himself, he got Rook an ogia and grapefruit smoothie, and for Scout he got him a banana and watermelon smoothie.

“Mmm, this is quite tasty!” Scout said.

“I enjoy this new ogia flavor.” Thanks to a deal made with Revonah they got a huge export system figured out and now Earth got to enjoy Rook’s favorite fruit. Mr. Baumann got the shipment and sold them off to other businesses. “Can we have more?” Rook rubbed his sheek against the cup.

“Sure thing!” Ben got them an extra cup to go. Tennyson decided they should get lunch and picked his favorite chili place. He got a big order, and got some chili dogs and a few meatball subs.

“Ben you should not eat like this, you should treat your body like a temple.” Ben scarfed some fries.

“Just try it.” Ben gave Rook a sub. He gave Scout a chili dog. The two furry males shared a look at each other before hesitantly taking a bite. Their eyes widened, sparks flying as the strange food tickled their taste buds.

A burst of sensations washed through them that could only be described as a foodgasm! “Mmmm~” They gushed.

The two began to scarf their food down, Scout had chili all over his lips, Rook’s whole mouth was covered in sauce. Ben had a feeling Rook was a messy eater given how he eats ogia. “So you guys like it?”

They blush. Scout nods. “Very much so!” Rook said, slightly embarrassed. Ben got a fry and swiped the chili off Scout’s lips, and the sauce off Rook’s mouth, before eating the fry.

“Tastes better together I think.” A shiver raced between the two. “How about I get us a to go order and we can get Rook’s stuff from the Plumber’s base and go home?”

“You are very kind!” Rook cried tears of joy.

‘Home with my alpha!’ Scout shivered in delight.


Rook and Scout were practically hermits they didn’t have a lot of stuff. Some clothes, a few articles of Ben 10 paraphernalia much to their embarrassment and Ben’s teasing. Some plumber tech and gear, and toiletries.

Ben arrived at home and his parents were so happy to see him. They were worried about him and missed him terribly. His mother hugged him tightly. “Mom...air...need...air!”

“Sorry sweetie!” She released him and looked him over. Her son seemed different, weirdly mature, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

“We were so worried, Dad said you’d only be gone a short time.” His dad told him.

“Yeah we ran into some complications, but it all worked out.” Rook and Scout got out of the truck. “Mom, Dad, this is Scout and you know Rook.”

“Of course, hello Rook dear, it’s so good to see you again.” His mother said.

“I’m glad my son has someone watching his back.” Rook bowed politely.

“Thank you sir. As you as well ma’am” It was Scout’s turn to bow.

“Greetings Mr and Mrs Tennsyon. I’m Scout!” He was nervous, these were his alpha’s parents. He began to sweat. ‘What if they don’t like me? What if they are scared of me?’

“Scout is a plumber, and he was even Rook’s roommate at the academy. He’s transferring to Earth and joining my team.”

“Hello there Scout, so nice to meet you!” His parents were warm and welcoming, his appearance didn’t mean anything. He was an alien pure and simple, he looked like a werewolf so what. They greeted him and shook his hand, their warmth made his tail wagged.

They asked him all kinds of questions, from basic to personal. Ben couldn’t help but face palm.

“Is it alright if Scout and Rook stay with us, until we find a more suitable place.” His parents looked at each other.

“Of course, it could be like a sleepover. Ben didn’t have many friends growing up, so it’ll be lovely having his friends over.”

“I’ll get the sleeping bags, you boys don’t mind sharing Ben’s room.”

“We don’t mind at all!” Scout said.

“Oh yes, not at all!” The two smiled. Sandra noticed the smile, and her mom senses were tingling, but the dad seemed oblivious. He shrugged and went to get the sleeping bags.

“Welcome home boys, we are looking forward to having you stay with us.” Sandra invited them in, while Ben went up to his room to clean it up a bit.

It was good to be home.

To be continued


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