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Kekkaishi parody: Tier 1

Beast Tamer Yoshi

Yoshimori wanted to protect people, so he’s been trying to gain strength with his kekkai techniques. Tokine mentions that he lacks experience with the scrolls, but doesn’t mention that he’s far surpassed her without studying. Yoshi starts finding new ways of using kekkai and seals, he’s gonna need it when Madarao’s Ex shows up.

Chapter 1

Yoshimori Sumimura is a kekkaishi also known as the legitimate successor because the holy mark appeared on his left hand. He was robbed of a normal life, but accepted this job so he can protect his family and home. While he’s never cared about being the successor or the rivalry between his family and Tokine’s family, he just wanted to get stronger.

Tokine Yukimura, her family didn’t like Yoshimori’s family, as the two fight over who the “true successor” of Tokimori is. When she was younger didn’t care about the rivalry, but recently has not only been competing with Yoshi but actively teasing him about his abilities. Yoshimori, sadly took everything she said seriously, not realizing the girl was overcompensating. While Yoshimori lacked precision in his kekkai techniques he made up for it in power and stamina.

Meanwhile Tokine lacked power, but made up for it in precision. In truth working together the two were nearly unstoppable. Their family rivalry made that nearly impossible. Yoshi’s grandfather, and Tokine’s grandmother were constantly fighting over the “true successor” and “true family”.

It didn’t make sense to Yoshimori who believed if both families were tasked with protecting the Karasumori Site then they should work together to prevent anyone from getting hurt. Tokine simply mocked him for being too soft and continued the competition that was only in her head. She could have helped Yoshimori grow stronger as he was unable to read the sacred scrolls.

He did his own training, practicing his way, and finding new ways of using kekkai and gaining techniques on his own. He got more adept at using his Shikigami and Nenshi; the later being a thread shaped kekkai. Madarao had to admit he was impressed, Yoshimori may not be good at the “traditional” style, but by creating his own style he was becoming his own man.

It wasn’t like he didn’t want to study, he just couldn’t read the “weird scribbles” he found in the scrolls. While he couldn’t his little brother could. Toshimori wanted to help, so he read the scrolls to Yoshi allowing him to practice new skills. They kept it a secret from their grandfather.

Yoshimori hated the man, not only was he strict, he was harsh, denying any of Yoshimori’s new ideas or any of his wants. Yoshimori actually hated being a kekkaishi, but it didn’t matter what he wanted he had a holy duty. Being the heir only made it worse, as the old man’s actions drove a wedge between Yoshimori and his siblings. He truly felt his siblings would only slow him down, what a crock.

He appreciated Toshinori secretly helping him, he wanted to be a strong kekkaishi now, so his little brother could live a life he wanted. When Tokine’s dad died, she had to do the job at a young age. When his holy mark appeared his grandfather made him do the job at a young age too, despite his older brother’s protests. There was a time Yoshimori had a crush on Tokine and wanted to get stronger for her, but her actions over the years made those feelings crumble and die. He still wanted to keep her from getting hurt, but that was more a part of the job.


Yoshimori’s studying was about to come in handy as a blast from Madarao’s past came back to bite him. His name was Kouya, a mountain hound that lived with Madarao when they were both alive. Back then he went by the name Ginro, the two were chased from their home by humans and they struggled together.

The two loved each other, when Ginro died Kouya lost it. Blinded by rage he ended up being killed by humans. The two reunited as Ayakashi and spent many years together. Then Tokimori Hazama appeared and Ginro fell in love with him.

“So you did betray him.” Yoshimori said plainly.

“Don’t say it like that, a wolf can’t be blamed for what he does while in love.” Madarao blushed and gushed. He didn’t just love Tokimori, he LOVED him. Madarao said love transcended gender and more.

Kouya growled. “You bastard!”

“Now Kouya, we’ve reunited after all this time, do we really have to fight?”

“You’ve grown soft, has that collar stripped you of your dignity?!” Kouya snarled.

“You are just jealous you don’t have one.” Kouya blushed.

“I would never!” Madarao chuckled at his reaction.

“Hey listen, I see you have a right to be angry at Madarao…” Yoshimori said, earning a “Hey!” from his partner. “You two need to talk, but you can’t do it here. Let’s leave this place and you two can talk it over.”

“What is this human talking about? How dare you speak to me like you know me lowly human!” He lashed out at Yoshi with his tail but the boy was able to block it with his kekkai. This surprised both Kouya and Madarao.

“Stop this now Kouya!” Madarao growled.

“Do you want to protect this human too? He’s not even that bastard Tokimori!” He snapped.

“It’s true, my beloved Tokimori has long since passed. I swore to him I would protect this site and the Sumimura family. Besides, this boy has his charms.” He muttered that last part.

“I don’t understand how you can love humans after what they did to us!” He snapped.

“Kouya, you have lived your life full of hate, let it go. Do not forget it was a human who spared your life!” This only seemed to anger Kouya more.

“Silence!” He attacked.

In order to stop Kouya, Yoshimori had to unleash Madarao’s full power by breaking his seal. He did so, only after making Madarao swear to call him master, and the two Ayakashi began to fight. Kouya was very strong and only getting stronger the longer he stayed at the site. Madarao had a few tricks up his sleeve, using illusions and poison to even the playing field, but he could tell he was fighting a losing battle.

With the way Kouya spoke to him and about him, Yoshimori could hear the love and pain in his voice. Madarao tried to get him to stop this, but Kouya was stubborn.

Yoshimori couldn’t sit back and watch and began helping Madaro fight. “Still you shame me, fighting along side a human.” Kouya snarled.

“We are partners, are you jealous?” He winked at Kouya who growled.

“You’ve grown weak!” He snapped and attacked. Though even with the boost from the site, Kouya was losing ground up against the two of them. Yoshimori was creating stronger and stronger barriers. “Damn it!”

Madarao’s poison was slowing him down. “Why do you resist Kouya, we’ve always submitted to the strong?”

“That runt...strong...ha!” He snapped. “I will not lose to a human!” Snatch! “Huh!?” A Nenshi thread was coiled around his ankle. “When did…” He looked behind him and there was a set kekkai with a nenshi thread attached to it.

With Yoshimori’s experiments he learned he could fix a nenshi thread to a kekkai. Thanks to Madarao’s illussions Yoshi was able to set a trap. Another nenshi trap had his legs bound, and when he struggled he was brought to his knees. Once that happened Yoshi activated more of his traps, binding his claws. He was caught in a humiliating position.

Yoshi kept weaving thread, having it snake around Kouya’s body. “Stop it, you damn human!” Kouya tried to strike with his tail but Madarao was able to keep his tail at bay, and soon that to was tied up. Nenshi thread was originally designed for bondage, capture, and even torture. Kouya blushed, being bound so intimately, he had lost, he had been losing for awhile he was just too proud to admit it.

Madarao was impressed, Yoshimori had a plan to end this, so he trusted his master. “You’ve lost!”

“No...I can’t lose...not to a human...not again…” Yoshimori smacked him.

“Stop it!” He snapped. “It doesn’t matter if I’m a human!” He crossed his arms. “You and Madarao have finally reunited and all you’ve done is fight. Did you really want to kill your old friend, your love?”

“He betrayed me!” He growled, but Yoshimori wasn’t buying it. The whole fight he was trying to convince Madarao to join him.

“You missed him, you still love him, stop being so stubborn and just admit it.”

“What does a human like you know?”

“I know that if you had killed Madarao you’d hate yourself for the rest of your life.” Memories rushed through Kouya and he began to cry. Yoshimori petted him, surprising the black wolf. “You two don’t have to fight, you two can be united again. Come live with us.”

“What?!” Kouya gasped. Tokine and Hakubi gasped as well.

“Yoshimori stop being so soft, end him now!” The girl chastised him.

“Shut up!” Yoshimori snapped.

“I will not serve some weak human!” Kouya growled.

“He isn’t weak and you know it.” Madarao said. “You can tell, Yoshi has been able to end you for awhile now, but he’s chosen to try and save you.” Kouya did know, he just hated it.

Even the site wasn’t helping him as deep down a part of him submitted to strength. He recognized Yoshimori was stronger than him. It was just his hatred of humans holding him back now. “Come on Kouya, let’s be together again, you’ll like the Sumimura house we’ll be safe and together.”

“I won’t serve humans...I hate them...they took everything from me!” He wailed. “Our home, our food, you...twice!”

“I won’t ask you to give up your hatred of humans, but can you accept at least one, just love one human. Accept Yoshi as your master.” Kouya looked at Yoshimori, this boy was strong and caring, it reminded him of how he used to be.

As he weighed his options, Tokine was bugging Yoshimori. “You idiot do you even know what you are doing? Can you even create a proper seal?”

“I can actually!” He got his bag and inside were red beads and charms. “I learned how from the scrolls and I packed these just in case.” Even Hakubi was surprised.

Yoshimori turned back to Kouya. “You’ve lost so much, let me give you something back. Not just a home, not just your friend, but a future!” A future sounded nice.

Maybe he didn’t have to forgive the humans who wronged him, but Yoshimori didn’t wrong him. He was defending him and trying to save him. His nenshi was also very warm and tight. “Fine, I’ll accept you and you alone as my master!”

Yoshimori constructed the seal and claimed Kouya as his. Then when Madarao went berserk, Yoshi still had enough strength to seal him as well. ‘He truly is strong!’ Kouya was amazed. His servants that had accompanied him to the site were released, Yoshimori had showed them compassion and kindness. ‘Maybe serving this human wouldn’t be so bad.’

Tokine couldn’t believe it, what Yoshimori did was amazing, but she wouldn’t give him credit. “Yoshimori!” His grandfather came charging in. “How dare you remove Madarao’s seal you stupid brat…” He froze, not only seeing Madarao sealed but a new hound with a seal. “You remade the seal?”

The old man didn’t praise him, quickly getting angry at the damage to the site. “It was my fault, I caused this damage.” Kouya said.

“No excuses, Yoshimori you runt how dare you fail this bad…” Chomp! Kouya bit him, making the old man cry out in pain.

Yoshimori laughed.  “Nice one Kouya!” The black hound blushed at the praise.

Madarao had become truly Yoshimori’s and the two shared a loving master. Yoshi built a dog house right next to Madarao’s. He even got them some deer meat from a butcher he met.

To be continued...Shikigami Combo


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