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My Hero parody: Tier 6

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Prime Talk

Katsuki was frozen, like a deer caught in the headlights. His alpha brain was screaming at him to run, this had never happened before. Bakugou had always prided himself on being brave and fearless but this was something else.

The blonde had faced plenty of older and stronger alphas and had never backed down. Even if he got pinned down he’d kept fighting and lashing out. He was quite the monster really. That wasn’t the case this time...

He stood before a Prime, one of the rarest sub sexes in the world. Prime’s were capable of dominating alphas, and had the ability to change them into a Theta. Once done there was no going back.

His eyes roamed over Deku’s body. ‘When did he get so buff?’ His mouth went dry, he felt like he had just opened up the door and on the other side was a scorching desert.

The alpha’s heart was beating so fast, he didn’t know if it was fear or excitement. The drumming from his chest was so loud, he could hear it pounding behind his ears; it drowned everything out. Recovery Girl was saying something to him but he didn’t hear her.

He could see Izuku’s lips moving but couldn’t hear what he was saying. The greenette looked shocked to see him. His freckled cheeks burned in a blush. ‘How is this the face of a Prime?!’

There was no denying that size, and a prime’s exposed first knot. Bakugou wished he had paid more attention in Health class when they talked about primes. He vaguely remembered something about them having multiple knots when fully aroused. ‘If that first knot is the smallest, how big are the others?’

A prime’s cock was said to be so big that not even omegas could properly handle it. It’s why Primes had to create Thetas from Alphas, who were tougher and durable to handle the transformation.

Katsuki didn’t know what to do, his body seemed frozen and was shaking. His alpha wanted to run, but if he ran; would Izuku chase him, would he hunt him down. The mental images of Midoriya catching him and pinning him down and breeding him spurred a mix of emotions. ‘I wish I paid more attention in health class!!’ He started to sweat.

Bakugou knew Prime’s created Thetas but he didn’t know how. He thought that was pointless to know because; “As if that would happen to him”.

Another problem, Izuku was naked, with no form of pheromone blocker. His efforts during the exam had caused him to build up a nice musk. The rare aroma wafted through the air and tickled Bakugou’s nose. Against his better judgment the alpha took a breath through his nose.

His anal walls clenched, his pucker spasming and throbbing. His knees buckled, as a surge of arousal ripped through him like a thunderstorm. The alpha’s heart skipped a beat, and he gulped. He got hard, his big alpha dick pushing at the fabric of his pants. ‘Why am I getting hard over stupid Deku!?’ This was bad.

Alpha instincts roared, he was scared. If Deku made him his bitch, he’d cease to be an Alpha and become a Theta. The thought confused him, leaving him conflicted. Swirling with confusion, his mind, body, and instinct clashing with each other; Katsuki did what he always did when his emotions trouble him...he exploded.

“STUPID DEKU!! YOU LIED TO ME, FUCK YOU NERD, TRICKING ME LIKE THAT!” He slammed the door and ran. Tears stung at his eyes, he wasn’t angry or upset at Izuku, only at himself. ‘Stupid, stupid, stupid, damn it!’

When he got home his parents noticed he wasn’t his usual bombastic self. “Katsuki, what’s wrong?” His father asked.

“Nothing!” he huffed.

“No way you didn’t pass brat, let me guess you made a move on Izu-chan and got shot down, didn’t you?” Katsuki blushed and growled.

“Shut up you old hag! You don’t know a damn thing!” He barked out. Mitsuki’s aura flared.

“What’d you say to me you little brat?” She cracked her knuckles. Her alpha was out and pissed. Masaru face palmed, as his wife and mate marched up the stairs and thus began the screaming match. The two really had the worst relationship since Katsuki presented as an alpha; the younger blonde’s alpha was really tense and aggressive. The two were at it for awhile neither alpha wanting to back down. He had read alpha parents and alpha children struggled to form bonds, but this was ridiculous.

In the end Katsuki didn’t share a thing and ate in his room alone. Any excitement he had about, no doubt, passing the entrance exam, was watered down by his realization about Izuku.

The more he thought about it the more questions he had. He was sure he smelled alpha pheromones on Izuku, where did those come from. ‘Does Deku have a theta mate already?’ The thought didn’t sit well with him. He was ready to kill any alpha that put their filthy mitts on Izuku, that feeling didn’t go away knowing what he was.

‘How long has Deku been a Prime?’ Because of scent blockers Katsuki didn’t have a clue. If someone was wearing scent blockers day to day it was a sign of “Do not ask me about my sub sex”. Katsuki has simply assumed Izuku was a beta or an omega, you couldn’t blame him. A lot of alphas made that mistake. Appearance alone Izuku Midoriya was cuter than most omegas, and sweeter than most betas. If he was a surprise Alpha that’d be one thing, but a prime!

Bakugou didn’t know how to act or what to do now. He had mentally prepared himself for whatever Izuku presented as, but not this!

He tossed and he turned not getting any sleep that night. Katsuki’s funk continued to last, even when he got his acceptance letter into UA. He wanted to know if Izuku got in, but didn’t have the heart to call him. He had fucked up, like he usually did.

Even before he presented as an alpha, Katsuki was a prickly person. He said what was on his mind, even if it wasn’t the nicest thing to say. His pride and ego rubbed people the wrong way, and when he presented as an alpha he got even worse. If not for his good looks, his talent, his strength, his intelligent, his charisma, and his quirk he would have been written off completely. When it came to Izuku, things were complicated.

Much like his mother when she courted his father, he saw Izuku as his future mate, and pursued him even before they presented. Knowing that he’s a prime didn’t shake that, he still loved and wanted Izuku, but his dumb alpha brain didn’t see how they could be together now. Which only added fuel to the fire of frustration.

His desire to protect Izuku, made them but heads a lot. He always hoped things would work out once they were mated…

‘Damn it, what the hell am I supposed to do?’ Knock Knock. “Go away!”

The door opened to reveal his father. “What do you want Old Man?” he rolled onto his side, his back to his father.

“I was hoping you’d like to talk. You’ve been in a funk for a week. School will be starting soon.” Katsuki didn’t respond. “Also wanted to share the good news. Inko called Izuku got into UA.”

The blonde got up. “He what?!” Katsuki gasped.

“That means you two will be going to school together. If you are fighting with Izuku you should make up.” Katsuki hung his head.

“I can’t!” He shook his head.

“It’s not like you to give up, what happened? You boys were always so close.” His dad sat on his bed.

“We can’t be together...he...he’s…” He growled before sighing. “He’s a prime!”

“Ah!” Masaru said, causing Katsuki to glare at him. “That makes this easy then.”

“What does?” Masaru stood up.

“Katsuki, you have loved Izuku since you were kids, I’m sure he must feel the same. If you want to be with him you need to decide, what’s more important Izuku or your alpha status?” He said and leaving Katsuki with his thoughts.


Izuku was in a daze, he was sure he passed the exam, but his Prime heart was breaking. Katsuki was angry with him. He had just wanted to focus on the exam, he had planned on courting Katsuki like All Might suggested after. Of course Katsuki had to walk on him, see and freak out. ‘It’s over, Katsuki will never wanna be my theta now!’

His inner prime felt he was worrying over nothing. They could still have the explosive blonde, if they went to school together there would be time for courting. If Katsuki needed them to prove they were stronger that could be arranged. Izuku’s prime had discovered something different with their new quirk.

One For All was an accumulation of powers, passed on from one user to the next. All Might held the power the longest, and had nurtured it with his mighty vessel. When he passed it to Izuku his inner prime got a peek at something inside of it. The quirk had filled a void inside Izuku, and it settled in right at home.

All Might was busy, but he told Izuku in his video message how proud he was of him. Izuku not only achieved a good amount of villain points, but his efforts scored him a whole lot of rescue points. He told him to meditate and continue with his solo training for now. Which did somewhat help.

Izuku wasn’t to use One For All until All Might had a chance to properly take him to the next level. In the meantime, he studied old footage of All Might and other heroes. His big brain and inner prime putting the pieces of this quirk together.  Since he wasn’t overdoing it, his body, mind, and soul, had time to properly process the quirk.

The doorbell rang. “I’ll get it mom.” Izuku stood up from the table and went to the door. He was still out of it. “Hello...what is it…” He froze seeing Katsuki standing at his front door.

He was tense, a blush on his cheeks and ears. “Deku I…” Slam!

Izuku slammed the door in his face. Both boys were shocked. ‘What the hell?!’ Katsuki began banging on the door.


His prime snarled, and channeled Izuku’s own frustrations. Midoriya may be forgiving but that didn’t mean his inner prime was gonna take Katsuki talking to him like that. When Izuku opened the door, his aura was flaring. Katsuki was frozen again, the prime pheromones washing over him. “What was that?!” Izuku growled.

Katsuki gulped. ‘Oh shit!’ He licked his suddenly dry lips. “Can we talk...please…” Izuku’s eyes widened, and he got his inner prime to calm down.

Truth be told Izuku was happy to see the blonde, he’s just been catching the greenette off guard lately. His prime was somewhat insulted that Katsuki ran away from him after seeing him naked, and while Izuku was hurt by the blonde’s outburst his prime was annoyed.

This phenomenon was quite common in the world. When one presented as one sub sex or another, it created a parallel mind inside the brain. This mind was full of instinct and desire, and while the dual minds could clash on things, when united they were fully able to draw out the person’s gifts. As a normal human had a limited access to the brain, humans in this world had the inner source to help bring about one’s potential.

So while Izuku was willing to forgive Katsuki, his prime would need some convincing.  The blonde entered the home, and the two stood in awkward silence.

Thankfully Inko came out to break the stalemate the duo found themselves in. “Oh Katsuki-kun, it’s so nice to see you, it has been awhile.”

“Hello auntie Inko!” He said politely. One of the few adults Katsuki shows respect to.

“I heard the news from Mitsuki, it looks like you both will be going to UA together. I’m so proud of both of you!” The plump woman hugged the two boys. “You boys will be such strong heroes.”

She releases them, and the two look at each other. Not sure of what to say to each other still, the boys head upstairs to Izuku’s room. Bakugou was met with wall to wall All Might merch and hero memorabilia of all sorts. ‘Hero nerd!’

The boys were alone now. “It hurt...ya know…” Izuku crossed his arms. “I never lied to you, I was worried how’d you react but I planned to tell you after the exam.” Bakugou proved Izuku’s concerns true with his outburst.

“I...I’m sorry...I shouldn’t have...I didn’t want to...I’m sorry I snapped at you.” The blonde was honest though he was still tense. Midoriya couldn’t blame him, he was an unmarked alpha alone in a prime’s room.

“We’ve always been friends Kacchan, does me being a Prime have to change that?” He asked, unfolding his arm.

“I don’t know, I...I still...want you…” His hands balled into fists. “I...just…” his face grew red. “This isn’t easy for me!” He snapped.

Izuku couldn’t help but chuckle. “I know, but you are here!” He nodded.

“I don’t want you to take another alpha. No one will be better than me!” Izuku’s eyes widened.

“You are quite the naughty boy aren’t you.”

Katsuki gulped. His heart began to pound as Izuku let his pheromones go. “You’ve always been intense Kacchan, and I’ve stuck by you. This time I think you’ve earned some punishment.”

“PUNISHMENT!” He growled, making Izuku raise a brow. He could feel Katsuki’s aura, and his pheromones only stirred his own prime.

“Oh yes, you walked in on me, you saw me naked, you snapped, and you ran. You were quite the naughty alpha Katsuki!” A shiver raced through the blonde’s spine. “You’ve come here, you’ve apologized, but you shy away from punishment?” Izuku shook his head in disappointment.

Katsuki was getting a funny feeling again. “I’m not shy!”

“Then start by stripping, then you will receive your punishment!” Izuku’s prime challenged. Alphas hated receiving punishments of any kind, it was a blow to their pride. This would show how serious Katsuki was about Izuku. His alpha would resist, but that was fine that was part of the mating dance between Primes and Alphas, before they became a Theta.

Katsuki stood there, breathing in the prime’s pheromones. His body and mind were stimulated. He had a choice to make, and if he made the wrong one, he would lose Izuku forever. They’d go to school and Izuku would mate another alpha making them his prime. They’d go off and have lots of babies and he’d be left all alone.

Bakugou didn’t want that. His alpha tried to tell him there were other fish in the sea, other betas and omegas he could find and fuck. The idea didn’t sit well with Bakugou, but Izuku wasn’t the problem here, he was. If he wanted to be with the greenette he had to take that step.

He could have walked into that nurse’s office, he could have not snapped at Izuku, he could have contacted him at any time, but he didn’t. He handled this badly, as both an alpha and a man. “I’ll take my punishment!” He snapped and began to strip.

The blonde took off his clothes. Izuku eyeing him up and down, a blush blooming on his freckled cheeks. Katsuki was indeed a prime specimen of an alpha. Izuku inspected him, his eyes sparkling in want. He always admired Katsuki, appreciating his beauty and other assets.

Bakugou stood naked, proud, and semi erect. “Do your worst!” Izuku smirked.

He sat on his bed and patted his lap. “Time for a spanking.”

“What?!” Katsuki blushed. His mother spanked him when he when he crossed the line, it was embarrassing.

“You heard me alpha bitch, lay your sexy ass across my lap and take your punishment and all will be forgiven.” Katsuki gulped and trembled but gave into the prime’s pheromones. He laid across Izuku’s lap, face down, ass up!

Izuku felt his heart skip a beat. His primal smirk curving into a loving smile. He trailed a finger across the alpha’s sexy back, making the blonde shiver with anticipation. Midoriya marveled at his toned booty. ‘Mine!’ He wasn’t sure where that came from him or his inner prime but they fully agreed on the sentiment.

Midoriya had taken a bit too long to begin as Katsuki wiggled. “What’s wrong nerd, chickening out on…” Smack! “Aaahhh!” Katsuki bucked as Izuku’s firm hand delt a powerful blow across both cheeks. The butt rippled and jiggled, growing flushed from the impact.

His insides tightened, and his cheeks clenched from the impact. “Deku!” Katsuki growled.

“Ah ah, keep that growl in check alpha bitch, or I’ll reset the counter.” Izuku rained a full five strong smacks across the blonde’s buttocks.

Bakugou fought back a growl. ‘When did he get so strong?’ Izuku’s strength washed over him, making his insides tremble with a mix of pleasure and pain. Each swat made his penis throb. ‘Why am I enjoying this?’

Izuku gave five swats to his left cheek, and five smacks to the right. Earning gasps and yelps, but Katsuki was being good at keeping his alpha in check. His reddening cheeks were getting hot, the sting of each swat added an extra bite that made his alpha whimper.

After a full twenty swats, Katsuki couldn’t believe how hard he was, his big alpha dick dribbling pre-cum. The smell of his arousal was doing things to Izuku, but like a proper Prime, he took control. He placed a hand on the back of Katsuki’s neck and gave him a firm squeeze.

The alpha bucked, but soon relaxed as the pressure points Izuku found made him feel all tingly. Katsuki began to drool as Midoriya kept a firm hand on his neck, before resuming his spanking. The swats were coming harder, the impact shaking him to his core and stimulating his insides.

Katsuki felt a strange tingling deep in his ass; the alpha’s prostate being woken up. The blonde kept breathing in and out, taking in Izuku’s natural manly musk and pheromones. The more he breathed in the easier it was to restrain his alpha. He began to pant, as the final swats rained down landing for a grand total of forty. He was kept on the edge, so close to cumming. His buns felt hot and his ass was throbbing.

“I think that’s good enough. Good boy Kacchan!” Izuku praised and Bakugou’s back arched as he went through a dry orgasm at the praise. His hard dick pulsed, but his balls itched, the need to cum rising.

“Please…” The blonde wiggled in his lap.

“Please what?” Izuku softly caressed his rear. The gentle touch against heated skin made the alpha whine.

“Please...more!” His tone was aggressive and lustful.

“You want me to spank you?” Izuku raised a brow, and fought back a smirk.

“Yes damn it, yes!” He took a big whiff of Izuku’s pheromones. If one might be able to see the state of Katsuki’s mind right now, his inner alpha was chained up by Izuku’s pheromones. The manifestation of his alpha pride bound by gold shackles and chains. A gold collar around his neck, a matching muzzle over his mouth, and a golden cock cage binding his shaft.

“If you insist!” Izuku brought his hand down, spanking the horny blonde as he mewled for more. It was hard for Katsuki to process how something so humiliating could feel so good, so he simply didn’t he just basked in the moment as Izuku smacked his alpha ass.

His inner alpha teared up as he felt a familiar sensation. ‘Not like this, not like this!’ Katsuki came, he lost count how many strikes it was, but it didn’t matter. He came from being spanked! His inner alpha was freed from his metaphorical bonds and dropped into a metaphorical sea of cum that stood for his climax.

He spilled what made him a man and an alpha across the floor, his big balls unloading much he had to offer. Katsuki may have realized it, he had just taken his first step in becoming a theta.

To be continued


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