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Inuyasha parody: patreon reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Tanuki Bride Ritual

“Ahh fuck Ahhh!” Miroku moaned, his body twitching and spasming.

“Hachi!” His toes curled. His soft body was sweating, growing flushed with arousal. “Hachi please!”

“What’s wrong Miroku?” Lick!

“Nnnhhh!” He blushed and bucked, his dick rubbing between Hachi’s furry chest. Hachi’s soft chest hugged Miroku’s big dick, twitching and throbbing. The fur tickled his length, as his softness squeezed and smothered his shaft. Hachi leaned down to lick his tip again.

“Does my tanuki chest make your dick feel good?” Lick!

“Yesss!” He bucked. It was so warm, soft, and fluffy!

Tanuki gave his tip a tongue lashing. “I’ve heard human women do this for their partners, is it true?” Miroku could only nod dumbly.

The monk had heard stories from warriors, about women of talent able to pleasure men with only their chests. While it wasn’t something he’s experienced, he had once dreamed about it. The way Hachi’s soft chest hugged and smothered his penis, it had to be true. “It feels so good!” Miroku moaned, bucking his hips.

“My chest is better than a woman’s right?” He asked; pressing his furry chest against Miroku’s rod, and licking the tip between each word.

It felt so good, Miroku couldn’t imagine a woman’s chest being better. His penis was smothered in a soft warmth, and tickled by soft, fine fur. “Yours is the best, a woman can’t compare!” Miroku confessed, meaning every word. His dick felt like it was melting in the best possible way.

“I can feel you twitching Miroku, are you gonna cum?” Hachi’s tail was wagging he was having so much fun, teasing the monk.

“Yes! I’m gonna cum!” He howled and bucked.

“What’s gonna make you cum? Say it loud and proud!” Hachi ordered, before taking the tip into his mouth and sucking on it.

“Ahh a tanuki’s big soft furry chest is making me cum! It’s the best! I’m cumming~” Miroku drooled as he came; his sac growing tight and his penis spasming. His release hit, his penis fired a total of nine spurts, which Hachi caught on his tongue and drank down.

“Is that it? That wasn’t nearly enough semen for a tanuki bride!” He squeezed Miroku’s nuts making the monk buck.

“I’m sorry!” He gasped and spasmed.

“You chose to become my bride, but I guess it can’t be helped. I suppose these tiny nuts suit you. I don’t think a tanuki has taken a bride with such small balls.” Miroku blushed and groaned. He’s always been proud of his dick size, but hearing Hachi talk about his balls made him squirm. It was like comparing eggs to a fully ripe grapefruit.

“You are more man than me, Hachi!” Miroku’s blush spread from ear to ear.  Hachiemon was positively giddy, hearing those words, feeling the respect.

“Glad to hear you say it!” He chuckled. The tanuki’s confidence rose for the first time in ages. With his new found confidence he felt a little pump up in his libido.

He went down on Miroku’s cock, his mouth slurping and sucking his sensitive shaft. “Wait Hachi...I just came ahhh~” He moaned and bucked.

Turns out the tanuki didn’t care, he sucked Miroku down to the root, his long tongue slipping out and lapping at his balls. His warm mouth and talented organ had the raven haired male moaning and bucking.

Miroku was pulled over the edge, his balls tightening and his penis pulsing in his mouth. “Oh ohhh OHH I’m cumming!” Hachi drank his seed down, he found his load less than satisfying.

He pulled off, licking his chops. “Barely enough for a snack.” Miroku’s manhood softened and drooped. “Not much stamina either.” The jab pierced through the monk’s pride like an arrow.

Hachi sat on Miroku’s big soft belly, making the human gasp. The plump tanuki ass rested comfortably on his round stomach. The tanuki began to play with Miroku’s soft chest, groping his tits and making him squirm. “How does it feel to have your chest groped?” His paws giving a double squeeze making Miroku moan.

“It feels good!” Miroku blushed, his cock rising back up to full mast as his front was squeezed like milk was gonna come out. If only, but that didn’t mean Hachi couldn’t grope his softness like proper udders.

Miroku could feel his sensitivity rise, as his nipples hardened from the pleasure. In the back of his mind Miroku realized he could never please a woman like this. His naughty hands had a firm grip with not as much care. Miroku had a bad habit of groping without any tact.

It just proved that Hachi was even more of a skilled lover than the perverted monk. He wouldn’t need to worry about that soon enough, he’d learn how to please his Tanuki husband.

Hachi chuckled and began toying with Miroku’s swollen nipples. “Ah ahhh Ahhhh~” It was music to the tanuki’s ears. He continued his teasing enjoying what other noises he could get from the human.

The once modest buds were now tender and fat, becoming some intense erogenous zones. Some mild flicking and brushing had Miroku squirming and his cock oozing pre-cum. His expression was priceless as he tried not to sound too wanton. A fruitless effort, as Hachi pinched his nipples and tugged earning high pitched gasp and a shuddering moan. “Hachi!”

Miroku began to drool. His nipples were so sensitive, every pinch and tug sent a large jolt of pleasure right down to his cock. “You look quite sexy!” The tanuki marveled as Miroku came undone from just some groping and teasing. His body was flushed, and his aroused musk was enticing.

Hachi mixed up the stimulus, groping one tit, while teasing the other nipple. Different sensations compounded and melted together, leaving Miroku’s head swimming.

Before Miroku knew what was happening he was cumming.

His penis pulsed as it spat manly juices across the ground. Hachi continued to tease his nips. While no milk came from them, the pinching and tugging through his orgasm, milked a few extra spurts from his sensitive rod.

“Came again huh?” Hachi chuckled. “Let me show you a real load!” He placed his fat tanuki dick between his rack, growling softly as the soft chest hugged his manhood. “Ohhh yes!”

Hachiemon began to hump his chest, squeezing the monk’s jugs together to create even more friction. “Ohh this is nice!” Hachi panted.

Miroku gasped and shuddered. The feel of tanuki meat between his boobs was weirdly exciting. The more friction the more warmth his penis gained. Pre-cum began to spill out, making a little river across the valley of his chest.

It took awhile for Hachi to cum, meanwhile the monk was being hit by the overwhelming musk. The smell of Hachi’s cock and balls so close made his mouth water. Miroku’s head began to swim, he breathed in and his lips melted into a goofy grin.

The monk’s penis twitched, it was too spent to rise for now.

Hachi let out a howl, as his climax finally cheered. “Open wide bitch!” Miroku obeyed, and the big furry nuts lurched as Hachi came. His tongue hanging out the side of his mouth.

Heavy spurts of cum shot out of the tanuki’s dick. The monk’s face was pelted, some of the thick ropes landing in his gaping hole. His tongue was outstretched, catching more seed. The flavor sent Miroku over the edge.

He got a taste of his favorite flavor, Hachi’s semen tickled his taste buds. Cum flooded his open mouth, Miroku held it in his mouth until his cheeks were pushed out. Only when the fresh babybatter started to overflow past his lips did he swallow.

It lit a fire in his belly, fueling his libido.

Hachi’s semen kept coming, pelting his face, his hair, and more. The tanuki wasn’t holding back. As the heavy bukkake continued, the monk’s cock rose to full mast once more. He got three full mouthfuls before Hachi finished his orgasm.

Miroku’s face, neck, hair, and head were drenched and buried in white. The soft boy blissed out, closing his eyes in joy; he licked his cum soaked lips, while his cock stood proud and tall, twitching for more.

The tanuki sighed happily, his still erect cock ready and willing to go. He pulled Miroku out of the cum puddle, the monk whining at the loss. Using a bit of magic, he trapped all of the cum into a gourd for later.

Miroku panted, and soon came face to face with Hachi’s massive balls. The tanuki straddling his face and teabagged the human. Miroku giggled as the massive sac smothered him. He breathed in deeply, getting horny from the musk.

His moans were muffled by the huge gonads. Hachi watched in amusement; lazily playing with his dick as the man who was once his master sniffed his balls and got all pervy from it. The monk played with his tits, pinching his fat nipples, as he lost himself in tanuki balls.

Miroku came hands free, shooting another load across his big soft belly. Hachiemon laughed happily.

This was all apart of the tanuki bride ritual. A tanuki shows how much of a man they are, getting their partner off again and again, to show how much of a good lover they are. When it was all done, the demon or partner would be changed, their fate sealed.

‘He’s mine!’ Hachi thought as the man surrendered to his musk, the ritual was complete and it was time or breeding.

To be continued


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