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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Gamma Dragneel

Natsu Dragneel awakened as a rare missing link. As he was raised by a dragon no one saw this coming, but he awakened as a Gamma Male. As a missing link between Alphas and Betas he was pretty wild. He started building a harem, while also growing stronger as a wizard.

Chapter 1

Natsu Dragneel was raised by the Fire Dragon King Igneel, Natsu was taught Dragon Slayer magic. He had become a Fire Dragon Slayer, fire magic would no longer hurt him, he could eat fire, and his magic had the ability to hurt/kill dragons. Learning this magic was no easy task, as it was considered Lost Magic, or Ancient Magic.

Igneel did his best to raise Natsu, teaching him what he could about the world. He told Natsu that living things had evolved in a certain way that allowed them to awaken to a sub sex when they came of age. Alphas, Betas, Omegas, Gammas, and Deltas; Igneel was an Alpha. He had fucked plenty of Betas and Omegas in his time; even a few Alphas.

While he didn’t have as much experience with the Missing Links such as Gamma or Delta, he shared what he knew of them. Gammas were the missing links between Alpha and Beta, they were blessed with two functioning cocks, sizeable balls, and a breed-able ass. Deltas were the missing links between Betas and Omegas, they were blessed with both sets of genitalia; cock, balls, and a breeder; while their asses remained a source of pleasure and a secondary source to breed. Neither could knot, but had the ability to rut. “Remember this Natsu, never anger a Missing Link, no one can win against them when they are pissed!”

He taught Natsu about Harem Dynamics, and how one should treasure their mates. The Core of the harem could be any sub sex, but they needed to be strong to protect their harem. If the Core was weak than the harem would suffer, even if the other mates helped pick up the slack.

His words were taken to heart by the pinkette. The young lad treasuring his lessons and the time they spent together. It all came to end…

On July 7th of the 777 Year, Igneel disappeared. He vanished without a trace, leaving behind memories, knowledge, and a scarf made of his scales. Natsu searched for him for years, and ended up joining the Wizard Guild: Fairy Tail!

Natsu learned a lot, he learned more about humans and their language. He learned about money and trade. What caught his eye was a strange form of Fire Magic. Macao was an experienced Fire Wizard with the magic Purple Flare, a flame that couldn’t be extinguished by water or wind. The flame had a physical nature to it, able to hold and bind things.

Dragneel got to eat some, and it was chewy like bubble gum, he liked it. Igneel had taught him the power and wonder of fire magic, but there was still more for him to learn. Natsu wanted to live up to Igneel’s reputation, he saw the dragon like a father.

So he worked on perfecting his Fire Dragon Slayer Style, while also learning more about Fire Magic. If he got stronger he could take on better missions, and maybe find clues to Igneel’s location. Their Guild Master Makarov Dreyar; was a beacon of power, though he had specialty in Giant Magic, he was also able to learn other forms of magic, such as the elements of Fire, Wind, and Ice.

This helped Natsu strive for greater heights!

Fairy Tail had a surplus of grimoires about all kinds of magic, he was able to find a few on different forms of Fire Magic. While Natsu wasn’t very good at studying, Macao took him under his wing.

With his help, and Igneel’s teachings, Natsu was able to communicate with Purple Flare and learn it. This happened quickly, a surprise as it took most wizards years if not decades to learn new forms of magic. People attributed this speedy growth to Natsu being a Fire Dragon Slayer, his ability to eat fire magic and grow stronger playing a role in it. When Natsu tried to eat other elements he got really sick.

Still...just because Natsu learned Purple Flare, it still meant he needed to master it. There were Elemental wizards considered masters in different ways, for Fire Wizards mastering a Flare Spectrum was key.

Natsu already had an edge as his Red Flare was his Dragon Fire, a fire that consumed everything and turned things to ash. He gained Purple Flare thanks to Macao, and helped learn to control his fire.

From the grimoires, Natsu learned about Mystic Fire, flames that didn’t burn anything but instead created illusions or other effects. He took inspiration from a guild member known as Mystogan, he hadn’t met the man as he tended to put everyone in the guild to sleep when he comes and goes. That skill gave Natsu the idea and he made his Orange Flare the Mystic Fire of Slumber!

A Flame that couldn’t hurt anyone, but instead burned away one’s consciousness, putting someone to sleep. Even gazing at the warm glow was very soothing and can make someone drowsy.

He had to bring balance to his spectrum, so his next flare was another Mystic Fire of Seals! There were lots of jobs on breaking seals or curses, which Natsu didn’t have a talent for, but he read in a grimoire that there was a mystic fire said to be able to burn away such things, in battle it could even be used to burn an opponent’s magic.

So it came to pass, Natsu manifested his Indigo Flare; the Sealing Flame! With it he could take on other jobs and proved to be more tactical in combat.

His next Flare was Yellow, and there wasn’t much info on Yellow Flares, it seemed to be a wild card something unique to the wizard. Had Natsu been younger and more immature, he might have made his Yellow Flare stinky like a fart.

He had a better idea, while possibly still immature, Natsu made his Yellow Flare the Corrosive Flame. It was a flame capable of burning objects, walls, clothes, armor and the like. He tested it out once while in the guild and almost destroyed the place, while also stripping everyone bare ass naked. Certain objects were immune/resistant to the Yellow Flare, like Natsu’s scarf or Erza’s Flame Empress Armor.

Natsu’s rivalry with Gray Fullbuster made his next flare easy Blue Flare became his Ice Fire; flames so cold they burn!

The last flame was tricky, it seemed to be what most used the Corrosive Flame or the Venom Flame; flames with a powerful poison inside them. Natsu almost decided on that but a passage caught his eye. How the Venom Flame could be used to treat and burn away poison.


Fire Magic was always seen as so destructive, and Igneel taught him fire for humans is something to both fear and respect. Fire in nature burned, it could spread and destroy without mercy, but from the ashes new life can be found. There was a balance in nature, one that shouldn’t be disturbed.

He spoke to Makarov about this. Healing Magic was indeed rare, there were few wizards capable of doing so. Most turned to potions and herbs for healing. As times changed most wizards didn’t practice healing as seeing as a waste of one’s mana.

Natsu didn’t care and wanted to learn, this one took the most time but at age 16 Natsu was finally able to use Green Flare: The Healing Flame. Makarov had pulled some strings to get a grimoire on ancient fire magic, this held information on the Mystical Flame of Healing.

While working on his last flame took time, Natsu had been working on his others developing techniques. Makarov notices that Natsu was capable of channeling the flames of emotion which made his fire even stronger. Natsu was noted to have mastered both his Red Flare and Purple Flare, upon learning Green Flare.

At the age of 17 Natsu was considered an A Class Wizard, not only did he work to strengthen his magic abilities, he worked on his body. He built a strong vessel which helped accommodate his growing mana. All of this, and he hadn’t even awakened yet.

As there were older members in the guild Natsu got to see awakenings happen over time. Mirajane and Elfman came from an Alpha and Beta union, so there was no surprise when Mirajane presented as a female Alpha and Elfman a male Beta. Erza was also a female Alpha which meant the two women butted heads often. Lisanna hadn’t presented yet but many thought she’d also present as a Beta.

Laxus Dreyar was an Alpha Male, and already had a pack consisting of Bickslow a Beta Male and Freed an Omega Male. His pack also included Evergreen, a beta female and while not mated she was under his protection.

Cana was another Beta female. Nab was a Beta Male; both of them were unmated. Bisca recently presented as an Alpha Female.

Macao and Wakaba were a Beta and Omega pair, and they already had a son Romeo. Natsu saw him like a brother, and vice-versa.

Mystogan was an unknown, as he wore a special cloaked that blocked his scent. Gildarts was known as the strongest wizard in Fairy Tail, he was an Alpha. Makarov was a Beta Male. Reedus was an Omega.

Loke was strange, Natsu found his scent to be different. Sometimes he smelled like an alpha, sometimes he smelled like a beta, and he even smelled like an omega a few times a month. Natsu thought he might be a missing link, but he didn’t have any of the obvious signs.

Natsu wanted to meet a missing link at least once. Lisanna used to joke maybe she would be one. Anything was possible.

It wouldn’t be long now, so many of the new generation of wizards in the guild were about to go through the change. Makarov was stressed out about it. It meant adding to the heat and rut schedules making sure the wizards were taken care of during and after their cycles.

Natsu, Gray, Levy, Jet, Droy, Alzack, Max, and Lisanna…

Makarov felt he was getting too old for this. He saw the guild mates like his children, so imagine having gone through the equivalent of puberty over and over and over and OVER again! He wasn’t prepared for what came.

Natsu awakened, his body going through the change, and signs of his sub sex became clear when he grew a fully functioning second dick! Natsu Dragneel was a Gamma!

To be continued...



So happy to read a new Fairytail story again!