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Avatar LOK parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Hello Old Friend

Wan was actually nervous. They were busted, so very busted. This man was different, he knew the previous avatar, fought along side him, trained him in fire bending. To say nothing of the fact that Zuko was Iroh’s grandfather.

The Lotus men had talked him up, and he didn’t want to cause an international incident. ‘This is bad...this is bad right?’ He heads to the Flame Chamber, it’s said to be Lord Zuko’s meditation room and when he’s there he’s not to be disturbed.

If Zuko called him to the Flame Chamber it was serious. He gulped as he stood before the doors. ‘Is it too late to run?’ He looked back and saw some of the fire sages standing guard. ‘Great!’

He took a deep breath and approached the doors. They opened up sliding left and right respectfully. The room was dark. “Hello...Lord Zuko?” He walked inside and the doors closed behind him. The sound of a locking mechanism ringing in his ears. ‘Oh shit!’

The Flame Chamber could only be opened by Fire Bending from the inside. Wan moved deeper into the room and dragon statue lanterns ignited bringing light to the dark room. Wan looked around the room, it was beautiful, with artwork from the four nations. “Hello Old Friend!” Wan shivered and turned coming face to face with Lord Zuko.

This was their first meeting but a feeling a familiarity came over Wan. “I know you…” His eyes flashed white for a moment.

Zuko stood tall, a smile gracing his old features. “I would hope so Avatar!” He approached the new avatar.

“But how...I was so nervous, but now…” He clutched his chest with one hand as tears ran down his cheeks. “I’m happy!” Zuko felt so familiar.

“We haven’t seen each other in a long time.” Zuko invited Wan to sit with him. “In a lot of ways you remind me of Aang!” Wan wiped his tears away and joined the man.

“The avatar before me, The White Lotus told me you trained him in Fire Bending.” Zuko chuckled.

“Well you could say we learned together.” Zuko blushed. “I so wanted to meet you Wan, time and the state of the world hasn’t been kind.”

Wan breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s a load off, I was worried you were mad because I fucked your grandson.” He clapped a hand over his mouth. ‘Shit!’ He began sweating bullets.

He was expecting an explosive reaction, but instead Zuko laughed. “Hahahaha!” His tone was rich and hearty. “I see, well I can’t say I’m surprised, it’s hard to resist the Avatar’s charms.”

“Hmm?” Wan looked at him in surprise and confusion.

“The world may know the Avatar as some great hero, but I knew the man. He was free spirited, fun loving, and caring; you remind me of him.” Wan had to agree, when it came to sex and life he was quite the free spirit, and a very caring lover.

The sat down and had some tea, and Zuko shared some stories with Wan. The two were having a grand time.

“May I ask...did you and the avatar ever…?” He made a lewd gesture with his hands. Again Zuko laughed.

“When I heard you came from the tribe of water benders of the swamp, I had wondered.” He stroked his beard. “You might have to ask him yourself.”

“Ask him?” Zuko nodded.

“You can communicate with your past lives. Aang told me he sought guidance from past selves before he challenged my father.”

“It does feel like I know you, your stories feel so real to me.” Wan smiled and took a meditative posture. He took a few deep breaths, his mind becoming clear. His eyes flashed white and Avatar Aang appeared around him.

Hey Zuko, long time no see.” Aang smiled at him.

“Aang, you are looking well.” A bitter sweet sentiment, as the  man passed away in the prime. ‘I should have been there for you.’

As are you!”Zuko laughed.

“Please I’ve grown old.” Aang cupped his cheek.

You still look beautiful to me.” Aang could tell Zuko had regrets, but what happened to him wasn’t his fault. He lived a good life and did his job fighting to protect the world.“I’m glad I got to see you again, I suppose we have Wan to thank for our early reunion.”

“Indeed we do.” With a chuckle Aang let his arrows glow filling the room with light.

Wan blinked as he stood up. He was naked and not alone. There was Aang in all his Avatar Glory. He was tall and still bald, he continued to shave his head into adulthood, but now sported a trimmed beard with no mustache. The Airbender was built, broad shoulders, toned arms, firm pecs, rock hard abs, and thing legs.

“Oh my!” Wan eye humped his past self, Aang was also naked, his arrows were so sexy. They marked his body in such a tantalizing way. His body was smooth and shaved; chiseled to beautiful lustful perfection. The only blemish on the man’s body was a scar on his back and the bottom of his foot. His dick was...LONG!

His long cock hung over his impressive sac, containing the avatar’s impressive family jewels. Air Benders weren’t the type to jerk off outside of games in the bedroom, so they usually only got off by having sex. Their cum was saved up giving them big bountiful balls.

Wan wanted to suck on them, take his massive dick, and eat that sexy ass. He loved how the arrows curved over his butt cheeks. It screamed dig in!

“Oh wow!” He looked at Zuko and the man wasn’t old anymore. Still older, but Zuko had been returned to his prime. He was still tall, handsome, but now had flowing dark hair. The Fire Lord was a beauty, he had a similar build to Aang, but while Aang was leaner Zuko’s muscles were more refined and a tad thicker. ‘I see where Iroh got his looks from and size!’ Zuko had an impressive uncut dick, a thick nest of manly hair crowning his crotch.

“See, you still got it!” Aang hugged Zuko to him and kissed his neck. His hands roamed Zuko’s chiseled form.

“So sexy!” Wan’s penis rose as the older men fooled around. Aang felt Zuko up, cupping the man’s perfect ass.

“I know right!” Aang spread his cheeks, showing off the lord’s hole to the nympho. Wan licked his lips. The two men got excited, getting hard and Aang’s penis was even more impressive hard.

Their dicks were so big, and asses looked tight. Wan wanted in on that. “You had fun with little Iroh, I bet he was just as warm and tight.” He playfully slapped Zuko’s butt.

“Aang!” Zuko moaned as his butt cheeks were squeezed and groped.

“You always did make the cutest noises Zuko.” Zuko pushed the avatar away.

“Stop!” He was still smiling. Aang pulled him back in for a kiss. Wan watched Zuko melt into it, kissing back with passion and want.

“So you two were more than just friends?” Wan asked, working his dick to the free show.

“Indeed, though we had responsibilities we had to see to. We were special to each other.” Zuko blushed and Aang kissed him again. Their tongues met and danced together.

Wan was impressed and horny.

“With the way the old guys were talking about you, they think you were some kind of saint.” He watched as Aang grabbed Zuko’s dick and pumped it. The fire bender moaned and bucked.

“I just kept my passions close to my chest. I can see you are more open and loving!” Wan blushed.

“I’m sorry…” He stopped playing with himself.

“Don’t be, you need to be true to yourself Wan.” He started to finger Zuko and working his cock faster.

“Ohhh!” The mature fire lord bucked and moaned, his cock overflowing.

“So you don’t think it’s bad that I like sex?” Aang smirked at him. He used some Chi Bending on Zuko making the Fire Bender cum and drop to his knees. The Fire Lord’s cock continued to spasm as it spurt more and more cum. Even after his orgasm ceased his climax carried on. Aang’s chi bending trick prolonging Zuko’s pleasure.

He drooled, his whole body shaking and trembling. The look on his face was so wanton and hot. “I’ve missed that look!” Aang caressed his un-scarred cheek.

“Whoa what was that?” Wan gasped, Aang smirked and fed Zuko his cock. The fire bender began to eagerly worship the avatar’s penis. ‘Can I get Iroh to look like that?’

Wan’s penis twitched as Zuko went DOWN gagging on the Air Bender’s dick with. His muffled moans were a reminder that he was loving this, loving having another man’s penis between his lips. He couldn’t get enough. He was like a man lost in the desert who finally found water.

“Chi bending, you’ll learn it sooner or later.” He ran his fingers through Zuko’s dark hair. “You’ve been feeling some doubts lately haven’t you?”

“A little, I know I like sex, I love it, I want to share the passion and pleasure I feel with others. I know I’m the Avatar, I have responsibilities, but I can’t just ignore how I feel.” He wanted to fuck Tonraq and Iroh, and other guys not caring what others thought about it. Since leaving the swamp he has gotten looks from those who shared a similar mind set to the  farts of the white lotus.

Aang gestured him forward. “I want to thank you for reuniting me with Zuko here. I think this will help clear things up.” He touched Wan’s forehead and the Avatar’s eyes glowed.

In a flash, Wan was alone and he was in the Fire Lord’s palace. “Hello, Lord Zuko? Avatar Aang?” He was still naked, not that he minded.

“Where is Lord Zuko?” Some fire sages came by and Wan tried to explain, but they didn’t even acknowledge him, they passed right through him.

“Whoa that is weird!” He phased through the walls. “I’m a spirit!?”

To be continued...Memories and Regrets

Wan finds himself in a memory from his predecessor. He gets an eye opening experience into their lives. He understands why Aang shows him this, and wishes to thank him.


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