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Danny Phantom parody: Tier 1

Delta Danny

Danny has a unique body, he’s a delta male, having both genitalia. He tries to hide it as many alphas see missing links as prizes to be won. He wants to mate for love, not because an alpha wants to have arm candy. Male Herm Delta and Gamma Dynamics 

Chapter 1 Ghost Problem? Missing Link Problem!

Danny Fenton had a problem, well two problems.

In this world humanity had evolved, developing a secondary gender. Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, it manifested at puberty.

Alphas came in all shapes and sizes, but shared some similar traits. All Alphas had large cocks, the smallest being 12 inches and the biggest alpha on record was 18 inches, and that didn’t include their thick knots. They had a power known as Intimidation, alphas took classes to control their intimidation.

An Alpha’s body broke down all food, and converted it into energy. Alpha’s only needed 3 hours of sleep a day. Their asses were quite tight and tough, their prostates were quite large and sensitive. Alpha’s didn’t bottom often, but it wasn’t impossible.

Betas like Alphas came in all shapes and sizes, sharing similar traits with their fellow Betas. They had a cock range 5 to 11 inches, and had a knot when in rut, but their knots were not as big as Alphas. Betas had their own unique power known as Nullification, when trained they can nullify an Alpha’s Intimidation or an Omega’s power. They were able to produce slick when in heat.

A Beta’s ass had evolved for mating, while needing some prep in and out of heats, they were lined with special nerve endings that made anal stimulus feel great! It was very hard for a Beta to get pregnant out of heat. Betas only needed 5 hours of sleep a day.

Omegas also came in all shapes and sizes. Their cock range was 1 to 4 inches. They didn’t have knots, but were able to produce slick and out of heats. An Omega’s ass was quite pliable able to take even the largest of Alphas, it was discovered they could even handle knot play far easier than a Beta. They had special nerve endings, and enlarged sweet spots, making anal sex AMAZING! Omega’s did have to be careful as they could get pregnant in and out of heats.

An Omega’s power was known as Infatuation, a power that charms those with an attraction towards them. It is said to rival that of Alpha Intimidation. An Omega needed 6 hours of sleep a day, but when in Heat it was reduced to 2-3 hours.

One might think that’s where it stops, but things are not always so simple. As Alphas started mating with Betas more and more, a new sub sex was born, known as a Missing Link; sharing traits of both Alphas and Betas. This new sub sex became known as Gamma!

Gammas had two dicks, they didn’t possess knots, but with double cannons it didn’t matter as much. Both were fully functional, Gamma’s had some serious balls even bigger than an Alpha. Like Betas, they had both heats and ruts, and could enjoy anal stimulus.

They weren’t the only Missing Link discovered. As Betas and Omegas mated, and nature found balance, a new Missing Link was born. This new sub sex became known as Delta!

Deltas had both genitalia, they also didn’t possess knots. They had a solid piece and balls, behind that one could find their breeder. A perfectly constructed pussy. Deltas had two wombs, able to get pregnant by both channels. They enjoy both anal and breeder sex, so partnering up with a Gamma was ideal, as they could stuff them fully. A Delta also went through ruts and heats.

Missing Links were rare but growing, adding to the dynamics of society. If you were a missing link you had all kinds of offers thrown your way. In terms of power there was an ancient rule; no one wins against a Missing Link when they are pissed.

So when Danny went through puberty and presented as a Delta, you think he’d be happy right? Wrong! Danny wanted a normal life, he wasn’t expecting to be an Alpha or anything. His dad Jack Fenton, was a Beta Male; his mother Maddie Fenton, was an Omega Woman; his older sister Jazz Fenton, was a Beta Woman.

He didn’t care if he ended up as a Beta Male or Omega Male, it at least would have given him a normal life. Normal was looking impossible, as two months ago there was an accident in his Dad’s lab, causing him to become half ghost.

Now he had ghost powers; he could walk through walls, disappear, and fly he was much more unique than the other guys. He started falling behind in school as working to figure out his ghost powers he felt was more important. There was a few accidents at school.

Then to add more of a mess into his life he presented as a Delta Male! His parents were so proud, he was a Missing Link. ‘Great that means if Alphas find out, they’ll want to bang me and breed me to try and make more.’ There was all kinds of rumors and theories about children with Missing Links, that they were smarter, stronger, more potent…

It reached the point where some thought presenting as a Missing Link was like winning the genetic lottery. For Danny it felt like a disaster. He was already seen as a geek, if anyone found out about his powers, he’d go from geek to freak.

His school hierarchy was already solid, there were some early presenters.

Dash Baxter; all star jock, and big time jerk. He presented as an Alpha, and he was loving it. What sucks for Danny is he and Dash you to be friends when they were kids, but then Dash’s dad sent him off to an athletics camp and filled his head with a bunch of nonsense about High School being the Best Years of Your Life!

He wasn’t the only Alpha in school, Dash’s friends Dale and Kwan were also Alpha Males. Dash was just rocking the biggest cock in the locker rooms which made him the big dog at 18 inches, Dale was rocking 17 inches and Kwan 16; each of them had heavy weight Alpha Status.

The rest of the jocks on the football team were all Middle to Heavy Weight Betas. The Weight class being determined by your body type, and contrasted to your cock size. You could be a twink but sporting a massive 18 incher could land you in Middle Weight status, but if you were an Alpha, twink and rocking a 12 incher you’d land on the Light Weight side of things.

Star Shimmer presented as Beta Male; he had short stylized blonde hair. He was a beauty, and a twinkish athletic build. He served on the cheer team, but was called on for Basketball and Soccer Games, and in a pinch he served on the Baseball Team. He was best friends with another Missing Link!

Paolo Sanchez presented as Gamma Male; he had stylish, slicked back, black hair. He had a Middle Weight Athletic Build, and he was devilishly handsome, oozing charm and charisma. He was the type who thought he had won the genetic lottery. Not only was he hot and sexy, but he was packing double barrels of hefty man meat. He saw himself as superior, after all his assets made it so he was twice the man as anyone.

Valor Gray was a tough and no nonsense Beta Male, and one of the few Betas Dash actually respected. While Valor didn’t play on the Football team, he was a star on the Basketball and Baseball teams, he also played for Track and Field. He had curly black hair which he kept out of his eyes with an orange headband. He had a toned upper body, but didn’t skip leg day. His clothes and accessories were always high end, his family was well off and he had no issue flaunting it.

This group were the popular elites that ruled the popular crowd. They also made Danny and his friend’s lives a pain.

Tucker Foley presented as an Alpha, which gave him a swelled head, but he was a Light Weight one, with only a 12 incher. He lacked charm and charisma at times, never working with his own strengths and wanting the easy way to...everything. They had become friends over video games and other nerdy stuff.

Sam Manson, Beta Male, and Danny’s Best Friend. He had short messy black hair, a twinkish build but he worked out and ate healthy. Sam was deceptively strong, but you wouldn’t notice given the baggy dark clothes he wore. Once he presented as a Beta, his parents wanted him to take a traditional submissive Beta Male role, but that just wasn’t Sam. He was a goth, and like creepy, dark, and occult stuff. Which made him perfect to turn to with his ghost issue.

Danny was the last of his friends to present and he was freaked out. Thankfully Missing Links didn’t have any unique pheromone signature, so no one would be able to tell at a whiff. One good look at his breeder, and it would be all over.

Sam and Tucker knew about his Ghost powers, Sam being the one that was actually helping him get control of them. His insights into the occult made it easy to track down ghost lore which they used to figure out Danny’s powers. When he came out as a Delta though…

“Can I see!?” Tucker wanted a peek at Danny’s breeder.

Sam slapped a hand over his face. “Don’t show him Danny he doesn’t need to see anything.”

Danny sighed and sat down. “I thought Ghost powers was as weird as it’d get for me but this!”

“So you are a little weird, that’s different, and different is good!”

“This is big news, if I tell the guys about this I’ll be a hero to the Alphas!” Sam took his phone.

“This is serious Tucker, if you tell anyone about this we’ll never be friends again. I’ll never forgive you!” He growled, his eyes flashing green.

“I was kidding, totally kidding!” He sweats.

“You shouldn’t worry Danny, you’ll shower with the Betas so at least Dash and the others won’t find out.”

“Why wouldn’t you want someone to find out, this is your ticket to popularity?!” Paolo had a whole fan club that wanted his babies.

“Tucker do you ever pay attention in Health Class?” Sam rubbed his temples in stress.

“Sometimes…” Hardly ever. If it wasn’t about Alphas he usually checked out, thinking he knew everything he needed to know.

“Deltas are known as superior breeders, we can get pregnant twice, either by the same man or multiple men. Also our fertility time is high.” Tucker looked confused.

“It means he can have lots of babies in a short time.” Sam crossed his arms.

“I wanted a normal High School life!” He fisted his hair in frustration.

“Relax Danny, we’ll keep your secret, and you won’t have to worry about anything until your first heat.” Sam patted his back.

“When is that by the way?” Tucker pulled out his PDA.

Danny sighed. “Six months, and my first Rut is in nine.”

“Plenty of time to figure stuff out.” Sam said, giving him one final “there-there” pat. “Let’s do some Ghost Training!”

“Fine!” He gets up. Anything to take his mind off things for awhile.

To be continued...


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