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Danny Phantom parody: patreon reward

Chapter 9 

Chapter 10 Dragon Day

Danny took a tip from a movie he saw as a kid, he may have been stuck asa big, fire breathing, dragon, that didn’t mean he should be seen. He turned invisible. His ghost powers still worked after all, his large body vanishing from sight. It was all he could do for now.

He was stillbig, scaly, and scary...least now he didn’t have to cause a panic. Since he had a moment to breathe, he had to take stock in his situation. This was unlike any transformation or power he had before.

Before he fought on instinct...more like pure rage, but now with everything calm he could feel the changes inside him. He wondered if this is what Dora felt whenever she changed. He felt stronger, bigger, but despite the extra size and appendages he didn’t feel slow.

He had a freaking tail and wings now, all part of the dragon package. Moving them consciously was like trying to move your foot or toes after it had fallen asleep. After he got used to it, the new appendages felt like they were part of him. It was the same process the brain learns that your fingers move and how to breathe.

‘Good thing my tail doesn’t have a mind of it’s own, that’d be problematic.’ Danny’s seen one too many cartoons. He was torn on going anywhere, with his huge body what if he stepped on someone, or toppled over a building or two. ‘Like my public image couldn’t get any worse.’ Last thing he needed was for Vlad to call in the army to fry him, he’s seen Godzilla.

Dash came to, he was confused but safe. He headed home, and Danny wished to follow, but remained where he was. He was out of danger for now, but Danny still had a problem. A few problems, besides being a dragon.

One: He was naked, sure he was a dragon, but his suit had ripped off him when he transformed. The only thing that survived was that stupid ring, which made sense. He was definitely feeling a breeze between his knees. The invisibility helped hide this, but he still felt naked.

Ever get caught with your pants down/naked and try to hide? You get this weird feeling. This sense of danger of being caught. Some got off on the thrill of being caught, Danny could kinda understand that given his secret relationship and all but this situation wasn’t making him happy at all.

Of all the thoughts Danny had when he got his powers, he never thought of streaking while invisible. Now he was stuck naked! He couldn’t wait around all day and night, he thought it’d be safer to fly and get help.

He flew through the air, wind caressing his naked form. Thankfully his balls were inside him, and his twin cannons were safely tucked away inside a sheath. It wasn’t much but it was a load off his mind. ‘At least I’m not flying around with my boys flopping in the wind.’

Two: His phone was gone, not that he could use it with his claws. He imagined breaking it with a single push of the button.‘I need to find Sam, Tucker, or Dora.’ He flew off trying to find his friends, while also keeping a look out for planes and other air crafts.

Danny thought they’d be at Sam’s place, but he was wrong. He peeked into Sam’s room, and it was empty.Their latest potion was set to simmer, and they were off getting ingredients. ‘Guys where are you?!’

Three: His friends were MIA! ‘Can things get any worse?’ He face palmed, he didn’t say it, but he really shouldn’t have thought it. Danny took a step beck and accidentally stepped on a parked car, which set off it’s alarm. ‘Oh crud!’ He flew off.

He thought about going intangible, but he couldn’t stay that way forever, intangibility was a high energy draining skill. It was best used for short bursts.

His large size and mighty wings caused a strong gust of wind as he tried to fly out of the city. “Sorry!” Danny shouted, as his gust blew through the neighborhood. ‘What am I gonna do?’


Jack Fenton was pulled from his inventing by the ghost alarm. “Ghost Detected, Ghost Detected, Ghost Detected!” It blared. Jack checked the signal.

“Whoo, we got a big one!” Not know this was his son, Danny was giving off a large signal given his large size. Jack loaded up the weapons in the Fenton Assault Vehicle. He was so gung-ho about ghost hunting he left Maddie behind.

Jack drove around tracking the ghost signature. He was having trouble, because Danny was invisible. “Where is that ghost!?” Jack snapped, driving round and round.

He stumbled across the mess Danny left behind. “Ghosts! No one makes a mess in my town!” He accidentally throws the RV into reverse and slams into a lamp post. It topples over and falls onto a car.

Jack ignored the car alarm, listening to the ghost detector. “Ghost ahead!” He put the car back in drive and drove off towards the direction Danny flew off to.

‘Great, just lay low at the park, the guys will come looking for me, and who knows maybe I’ll revert back to normal after awhile.’ Danny thought the park would be the safest place. Lots of open space to take off in, and while invisible no one would notice him or so he thought.

He saw a couple of people from school walking around the park, but not the ones he needed to find. He decided to people watch a bit, hoping his friends would swing by; Paulina was being followed by some of her fanboys. Kwan was exercising, his jacket was on a nearby bench and he was doing some jumping jacks. ‘Must have wanted some fresh air after the tryouts.’ He sighed. ‘Just great, I have to lay low, cause anything I might do to find the others would attract unwanted attention.’ He sighed. ‘How did my life end up like this? Instead of hanging with Dash or my friends, I’m stuck as a naked dragon in the park.’

Thinking of the blonde caused a stirring in his loins. Danny blushed as his twin dragon cannons came from his sheath. Without thinking he started to lazily stroke one of his dicks, in this form his cock was different, he could feel it was bigger and had ridges and increased girth. Danny got horny his tail curled and tickled his hole. ‘Mmm, Dash!’  Sometimes being invisible had its advantages.

Before he could fully get lost in the moment a loud honking was heard. ‘Oh no!’ He knew that honk. The Fenton Assault Vehicle barreled into the park, sending park goers screaming and running off in different directions. The heavy wheels tore up the grass as he ground to a halt. “I know you are here ghost scum, you must be a big beast, lets see how you can handle this!”

Jack pressed a button, arming the RV’s weaponry at Danny’s direction. “He can see me?” Fenton face palmed. “The ghost detector, oh man!”

His dad opened fire on him, blasting him with an assortment of energy blasts. It was a good thing Danny was so huge right now, it cut down on collateral damage. Danny thought this was gonna hurt, but his new dragon body was tough.

The force of the blasts pushed him back, causing him to knock over a tree he was chilling under. The blasts kinda stung but he was taking the barrage like a champ. “Wow...not bad!” Danny exclaimed.

“Still alive huh? That’s good then I can go for the capture!” Jack pressed a button and the blasters were replaced with the Fenton Foamer.

“Oh that’s not good!” The Foamer was able to bind and neutralize ghosts. It wasn’t perfect, but if it got on a ghost it was a good trap. ‘Gotta move!’ Danny began to dash away from his spot, trying to be careful of the panicking park goers.

Thankfully his dad wasn’t the best shot with the foamer. Danny was able to duck and weave. Though he ran into trouble when Kwan ran over to grab his jacket from the bench. He didn’t know what was going on, but he wanted to get out of there. If he left his jacket behind his teammates would never let him hear the end of it.

Danny went intangible and sank into the ground. Jack ended up foaming Kwan before he could grab his jacket. “Hey man!” Kwan gasped, becoming immobile.

“Sorry about that kid, not to worry it isn’t toxic to humans.” Jack popped out of the RV. “You should be wearing a jumpsuit though this stuff tends to dissolve regular clothing.”

“What?!” Kwan gasped.

Danny remembered. His parents had shown up at school during a ghost drill, and shot Mr. Lancer with the foam, and he ended up naked and embarrassed and Danny landed in a whole lot of trouble.

The foam at away at Kwan’s clothes, making the jock blush. Danny couldn’t leave Kwan like that, once the foam wore off he’d be streaking home. Kwan wasn’t a bad guy, when taken away from his “bros” he was actually sweet and caring; even sensitive. Sadly this meant he gave into peer pressure easily and craved the “popular status” and did anything to keep it.

With a sigh he phased back up through the ground and grabbed Kwan. “What hey!” Kwan felt a big hand wrap around his body before he was pulled into the air. Jack and Kwan had no idea what was happening as Danny remained invisible.

“Another ghost kid!” Jack exclaimed. Before he could go after them he was stopped by the police and fined for the trouble he caused.

Danny flew off with Kwan, figuring it best to get him home before he ends up in the buff. The flight to Kwan’s house wasn’t a quiet one as Kwan continued to scream.

The dragon landed in his back yard and he was put down. “You’re safe now.” Kwan blinked. He was back home, safe and sound.

Foam had dissolved in transit, making Kwan gasp and cover himself as he was butt naked. “Oh uhh thanks ghost bro.” He blushed. Danny couldn’t help but check him out. Like Dash, Kwan was pretty beefy, tall, stacked, and strong.

“Don’t mention it, it was sorta my fault you got foamed. It was the least I could do.” Kwan looked around.

“Where are you?” Danny chuckled.

“Right in front of you, but I’m invisible, it’s best you don’t see me you’d just get scared.” Kwan took that as a challenge.

“I’m not scared!” Kwan snapped and put his hands on his hips, flashing his dick proudly. In his backyard, but points for boldness.

“Oh?” Danny chuckled. Using some control, he made his top half visible. “Aren’t you brave?”

“Whoa a dragon!” Kwan’s eyes sparkled. “A dragon ghost?”

“Something like that. Here!” Danny handed him his jock jacket. He was actually impressed Kwan wasn’t freaking out now, he also seemed to forget about being butt naked, but maybe the comfort of home helped ease his mind.

“My Jacket!” Kwan exclaimed and hugged it.

“Saw you going for it, figured it was important.” The dragon shrugged in fake ignorance.

“Thank you, if I lost this, it’d be the end for me.” Kwan didn’t even use it to cover his bits.

“It’s that important to you huh?” Danny laid down.

“It is! This jacket is a symbol of our pride and passion! If a member of the team loses their jacket its a great dishonor. The only exception is if we give it to the one we are crushing on, that means its serious.” Kwan hugged it tighter. “If I had lost it, my bros would never let me live it down. Even if it got found or replaced I’d be seen as a loser.”

‘Some friends…’ Danny thought. He knew how their school worked but that didn’t mean it didn’t suck.

“Well you aren’t a loser. You also avoided having to run home naked, and you still have your jacket. I think you are good.” Kwan smiled.

“Haha, yeah thanks for that. Sorry for screaming the whole way here.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

“For reference screaming doesn’t really help, just hurts your throat.” Danny stroked his throat for emphasis.

“Aww man, I totally missed out on flying!” Danny chuckled.

“Well maybe we can try again sometime.” Kwan looked up at him.

“You mean it?” Danny shrugged.

“Sure, why not?” Kwan smiled and hugged Danny’s arm.

“That’s so cool, I’ve never had a dragon for a pet!” Kwan got nudged off him, he fell on his back. “Ooff!”

“I’m no one’s pet!” Danny growled. Kwan shivered.

“I could be your pet!” Kwan said blushing, with equal excitement. Danny had to pause because it was quite tempting especially with Kwan being naked.

“Let’s just be friends for now.” He picked Kwan up, and the jock hugged him again.

“Cool I’m friends with a dragon!” Danny put him down. He ran inside, he was so excited it was cute. Kwan put on some shorts and put up his jacket. The two hung out, Danny went invisible, so the neighbors wouldn’t freak out.

When Kwan’s parents came home they saw their son talking to himself in the backyard.

Danny flew off, when Kwan was called in for dinner. “You hungry?”

“Nah, I’m good, but thank you.” Danny stretched before taking off.

“See ya!” Kwan waved him off as Danny took off.

“Kwan you better not be talking to ghosts!” His mother called.

“No Ma, just...I’m coming!” He ran back into his home. He felt it best to keep his new friend a secret. It was nice not being alone and having someone to talk to. Thankfully he was gone long enough for his friends to wonder where he was at and come looking for him.

“Oh my Danny!” Dora gasped finding him first.

“Hey Dora, umm can you help me. We got a problem.”

To be continued...Training Your Dragon

Danny figures out a trick to returning to human form, however his ghost form is still locked in dragon mode. Dora works with Danny in finding some balance while Danny gets closer with Kwan.


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