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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Food Fight!

The cafeteria was turned into a war zone. The food monsters poured into the room and cut off the exists. They growled and salivated as they eyed the teens. “Food Monsters!”

Danny ducked behind some trash bins. “It’s Hero Time!” He transformed, gem energy washing over him. His clothes were stored in his gem while the alien battle suit covered him. As a last little boost he created a green visor over his eyes. ‘I’d be some kind of idiot if I flew around with just different eye and hair color and not think people would recognize me.’

To give some credit to the students they weren’t going down without a fight. Some grabbed their backpacks and lunch trays and used them as makeshift weapons to try and fend of the attack of the killer Meatballs. A noble effort but the food monsters bit and chewed up their defense and spat them out.

“We won’t become food for food!” Dash tried to lead the jocks to take the fight to the monsters. Again, noble, but dumb…

“Raaaaahhhh!” They charged and punched at the Sandwich creatures, their fists sank into their soft bread bodies and did no damage. “Oh no!”

The Sandwich monsters laughed and began to toss around the jocks like they were nothing. “You can’t beat my Slamwiches like that!” She laughed. “You can’t beat me...you can’t eat me...you’ll just make them mad!” She cackled.

Kwan and Dale were thrown at the Vegetable monsters. They used their tentacles to tie up and strip the jocks. The boys gasped and blushed, unable to hide anything. The creatures salivated.

The Killer Meatballs jumped at some students, ready to chomp and munch, only to get blasted away. Emerald Danny was ready to fight. “Leave these students alone!” His gloves and boots glowed with energy. He punched the monster meat and they exploded, the energy in the gloves disrupting their form causing them to pop.

“A Gem!” The alien woman freaked. “What’s one of their kind doing here?” She began to panic. Then she spotted two students arguing and not paying attention. With a smirk she grabbed the two.

Students began to murmur about who this was, what he was. “Who cares we are saved!?” Someone said and the students began to cheer.

“I’ll clear a path, but you lot need to run!” Danny snapped. He flew off, smashing through Meatballs, before swooping in and slicing through the Veggie Tentacle Monsters with a charged up kick.

Kwan and Dale were cut free, and they covered their junk. “Thank you!” They bowed.

“No thanks necessary now run!” Some Killer Meatballs lunged at them, only for Danny to punch them away. “You boys might want some pants.” Danny tapped his gem and created some pants for them to wear.

“Thanks floaty dude!” More students got grabbed and stripped by the Vegetantacles. Danny had to chop and kick and slice through them, turning the monsters into diced salad. He created some make shift clothing and got the students to run.

Dash was pinned down by three Slamwiches. “Help!” He cried out. The monsters ripped off his clothes, drooling as they eyed his now exposed form, like a tasty treat. “They wanna eat me!”

Danny almost didn’t want to help save Dash, him being a jerk and all, but just almost. He swooped in and with his charged up fists was able to pound the Slamwiches and defeat them. Dash was amazed, his heart pounding in his chest as he gazed up at his savior. “You okay?”

“Yeah…” Dash got up, covering his junk. “Thanks for saving me!” He had gotten a bit excited seeing the floating hunk in the skin tight body suit.

“Don’t mention it, it’s what heroes do.” Danny said proudly.

Before he could give Dash some pants he was tackled by more Slamwiches. “Get out of here!” He snapped. Survival trumped shame as Dash ran towards the exit Danny cleared. His booty bouncing as he ran, he could be embarrassed later.

Danny was stuck fighting the food monsters. He erected a bubble from himself, forcing the monsters off him, before slamming into them like a wrecking ball. The cafeteria was a mess, but Danny couldn’t worry about that now.

The numbers were not in his favor, the three kinds of monsters were tough in their own right, but the swarming numbers made them a serious problem. Danny had to be careful. “Bring it on!” His eyes glowed.

He kicked some monster ass, by the time he was done; the cafeteria was covered in cheese blood, veggie juices, and meat chunks and sauce blood. ‘I’m so glad I don’t have to clean this up.’ He went into stealth mode but noticed that his friends weren’t with the other students.

“Sam...Tucker...where are you?!” He searched the school and found them in the basement.

“Now don’t worry dearie this won’t hurt a bit.” The green woman had Tucker and Sam bound by Vegetantacles. She stripped off Tucker’s clothing leaving the nerd naked.

‘Why are they stripping them?’ Danny paused.

“Why are you taking off my clothes?!” Tucker gasped, everything becoming on full display.

“Don’t you unwrap your food before you eat it?” She said matter-of-factly.

He remembered the Killer Meatballs spit out the backpacks and trays. ‘They want to eat us but not our clothes!?’

“I eat natural food!” Sam said.

“Not the time Sam!” Tucker snapped.

“It’s your fault we were even captured!”

“It’s your fault for changing the menu!” They shouted back and forth at each other.

“Now children please don’t fight, it ruins the meal.” She finished stripping Tucker and moved onto Sam. “You two are so skinny, hardly a meal, but you’ll have to do.”

‘Wait I thought the Gem said these guys like water...oh no…’ Danny facepalmed humans were a lot of water. “Let them go!”

“Danny!” Sam exclaimed.

“Save us...and can you get me some pants?” Tucker asked.

“You!” She growled. “I don’t know what a Gem Warrior is doing here, but I do know you have no claim on this planet. It’s free game!”

‘Does she think I’m Emerald? Better play the part.’ He tried to look confident. “This is my town, so I order you to go away!”

“I am Cheftan of the Foodons. I’ve heard about this planet and all it’s...water!” She salivated. “You think I’m giving it up. You can have it after I’m done!” She turned to remove Sam’s clothes.

“I said no!” Danny flew at her, only to get backhanded by Cheftan.

“Don’t be selfish this planet is full of resources what’s it matter to the Gem Empire if I take some humans for a snack?” Danny got up. “Unless...you aren’t from the empire, are you a rogue gem?” She laughed.

Danny didn’t answer but it didn’t seem to matter. She sniffed the air. “You have water inside you!” She turned her attention onto Danny. “That makes things different, I don’t know what you are, but I think you are free game!” She snapped her fingers.

The Vegetantacles began to spit energy charged seeds at Danny and he got pelted and forced back. It was like being showered with bullets. His armor protected him but the impact still hurt. “You young squirts don’t know who you are dealing with, you should be grateful. I’ll stuff you up and make you all helpless and fat!”

‘I can’t get close, wait that’s it!’ Danny focused his mind, and shifted the gravity in the basement. The Foodon and her creations were lifted up into the air. Danny took this chance to zip through and free Sam and Tucker.

“Rawr! You lower crust welp, I’ll get you!” She pulled out a bowl of something that looked like chili...but it wasn’t chili...it was orange and glowing and giving off danger vibes. Danny shielded them in a bubble.

Cheftan threw the bowl and boom. The teens got blasted out of the basement and out of the school. The school would have some repairs to do. The basement was scorched, the cafeteria was a mess, and they had a few holes in the building. Thankfully Danny’s bubble just smashed through a window and part of the wall not too bad right...right?

The Foodon escaped, Danny hoped she had gotten taken out by her blast but he wasn’t sure. He was exhausted, fighting all those monsters wore him out. To say nothing of making those pants. “About those pants?”

Danny groaned, and created one more pair. Gem Stasis Imminent! “What? Gem stasis…” His body pulsed, his consciousness fading. His gem needed a recharge, he felt a wave of exhaustion hitting him. “I...can’t…” he fainted.

Sam and Tucker had to carry him home. Poor guy was out for a full 8 hours. It was a harsh lesson, Gem Energy was not infinite, he had to not waste it. Creating matter from nothing wasn’t an easy task, plus he had fought a lot of monsters.

When Danny came to, Sam and Tucker were looking after him. School was canceled due to the damage and the “monster” attack. Lancer wasn’t buying it, he believed the students had a Food Fight and nothing more.

“Dude you’ve been asleep for three days!”

“Three Days!?” Tucker laughed.

“Nah just about eight hours.” Sam smacked him.

“Knock it off Tucker, it’s your selfish behavior that put Danny into this mess.”

“My selfish behavior, what about you?” Tucker pointed an accusing finger at her. “You wanting to be different, nearly got Danny pounded by Dash today, you hurt our chances at popularity.”

“That’s not my fault.” It kinda was, at least that incident. “The food is healthier and better for growing bodies, right Danny?”

“No food is better when it doesn’t taste like dirt or trash, right Danny?” Danny rubbed his temples. They were both giving him a headache.

“Who’s side are you on?” They said in unison.

“If it’s the choice between the two of you, I’m on my side, you guys figure this out for yourselves.” He was still feeling out of it from the Gem Stasis. He was still getting used to this gem stuff, but it was good to know.

“You are right Danny, if I want the meat back I gotta do it myself!” Tucker ran off.

“If you want to change that menu back you gotta go through me!” She slammed Danny’s door.

Danny hoped they wouldn’t do anything too crazy. Boy was he wrong. The two staged two protests, Tucker’s protest had grills, meat, people dressed as burgers and steaks; handing out sausage balloons, a stage with bands and ladies dressed as hot dogs dancing.

Sam’s protest consisted of hippies, nudists, goths, vegetarians, vegans, etc, they had guitar circles, food stands set up offering fresh produce and veggies; they had taken over a school bus and turned it into a stage for their protest. They had music, picket signs, and a whole lot of flower power.

Danny face palmed. “You two staged protests in less than 24 hours.” They did and were quite proud of it. “And what happens if the Foodon alien survived?”



“Oh crud!” The trio said in unison as the sky darkened.

“Foodons come and you all will cry, watch as we come from sky. My monsters rise! My monsters eat! My monsters rule!” She unleashed the strange liquid splattering food on both sides, it morphed and changed becoming a vast army.

To be continued...Eat or be Eaten!


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