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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Orange Islands Part 2 Jealousy and Flirting

The group had to take a ferry to Trovita Island, the island was surrounded by whirlpools and huge spiked rocks, so it wasn’t an easy ride for surfing Pokemon. The ferry was nice and relaxing, but Ash couldn’t shake his excitement. The island had his next gym match waiting for him.

Misty was trying to relax and de-stress, relaxing in the warm sun. She didn’t want to think about Ash or his gym battle.

Ash had some of his Pokemon out relaxing on the ferry. Bulbasaur and Squirtle were enjoying some lunch. Nidoran M and Tracey’s Nidoran F, were getting all warm and cozy together. Tracey felt a little jealous. He wanted to get warm and cozy with Ash but didn’t know how to approach him. Ash was sitting right across from him at the same table, but he felt a million miles away.

He wanted to hold Ash’s hand if anything. His hand was shaking like a leaf. ‘Just go for it Sketchit!’

“Pika!” Ash bolted up and Tracey missed his hand.

“What’s wrong Pikachu?” Tracey cried.

‘Damn it!’ Ash rushed over and Pikachu pointed at a small girl with a Seel trapped in the current of the whirlpool.

“She’s in trouble!” Ash called out Lapras. “Squirtle help us out!” Ash called as he stripped off his vest and kicking off his shoes. Squirtle reacted fast, the two jumping into the water.

“Ash wait its dangerous!” Too late.

Ash was a really strong swimmer, with his Water Types helping Ash helped the little girl and her Seel. They made it onto Lapras, Squirtle helped pushed through the rapids. “It’s okay we got you!” Ash did give the girl a lecture about swimming alone, ocean currents weren’t a joke.

They made it to the island, unaware of being watched. “That guy...is...amazing!” The red head felt a strong stirring in his loins.

The ferry hit the island and docked, allowing the travelers to reunite.  “Ash you’re okay!” Tracey ran over to him.

“Yep, we are fine!”

The girl was named Mahri, she had been playing with her Seel when the current sucked them in. “Mahri!” A red haired young man rushed over and hugged her.

“Big brother!” The two embraced.

‘Oh wow, he’s hot!’ Misty thought.

“The name is Rudy, a pleasure to meet you.”

“Me?” Misty blushed.

Rudy walked past her and gave Ash a bouquet of flowers. “Ehh?” Tracey gasped.

“Oh thanks…”

“It is I who should be thanking you. You saved my sister!” He gave a bow. “May I ask your name?”

“No thanks are necessary. I was happy to help.” Ash chuckled. “My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town.”

“So modest to, Ash you truly are an amazing guy.” He took Ash’s hand and kissed the back of it.

Tracey gasped blushing. Misty seethed in rage.

Rudy snapped his fingers and his posse showed up. They gave flower wreaths to Ash’s Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Lapras, and his Nidoran. Another of his crew brought out a radio and hit play. Rudy pulled Ash to him. “Care to dance?”

“Uhh sure.”

It was Tracey’s turn to seethe as Rudy got up close and personal with Ash. “You sure are an interesting trainer Ash.”

“You think so?”

“I’d like you to stay here for a while and show off your skills at my gym!”

“Your gym?”

“Yes, I’m the Trovita Island Gym Leader and member of the Orange Crew.”

“Him!” Misty and Tracey gasped.

Mahri sighed. “My brother is at it again. He flirts like this when a trainer catches his eye.” Tracey’s jaw dropped.

“A skilled trainer and a nice dancer.” Rudy purred.

“I’ve had it!” Misty snapped. “I’ll challenge you to a match!”

“Wait a minute Ash is here for a gym match!” Tracey declared.

“It’s rude to interrupt people.”

“You are being the rude one!” Misty snapped. “I’ll show you who’s the skilled trainer here!”

“I’m not rude, I’m Rudy!” He flicked his hair and showed off some spicy dance moves. “Before one can challenge my gym they must pass a little test.”

“I’ll take it on and I’ll beat you!”

“What makes you think you can beat me?”

“I’m the Cerulean City Gym Leader and a Water Pokemon Master!”

“Since when are you a Water Pokemon Master?” Ash pointed out.

“Shut it!”

“Heh, well let’s see if you can even earn the right to battle me.”

They go to Rudy’s speedboat. Misty was determined to show up Ash and take on Rudy. The attack test required the trainer to use all of their Pokemon to attack targets as they sped through an area. She used her Staryu first. The test began and Staryu was doing okay at first, hitting targets. “See that?!”

Rudy wasn’t paying attention, he was focused on Ash. “Your cheeks have the most adorable little bolt marks on them.” This annoyed Tracey. He tried to protest, but Rudy just ignored him.

Misty got pissed and fell out of sync with Staryu, and they missed their final two targets. Now Misty had to use her other Pokemon, Goldeen managed to hit one target with Horn Attack, another with Peck, but the others were either too high up. Psyduck well...Misty didn’t even try with Psyduck, but he tried.

“You don’t seem to be a very good trainer, you seem to show favoritism to certain Pokemon and not train the others.”

“It’s not my fault Psyduck is worthless!”

“He isn’t worthless, he needs training!” Ash exclaimed. He comforts Psyduck, but Misty huffed.

Rudy pointed out that Goldeen should have been able to attack each target. That Staryu lost focus towards the end, and Psyduck had tried but Misty just gave up on him. “Frankly my dear, you are a water pokemon disaster!” She failed the test.

His posse reset the course it was Ash’s turn. Pikachu started off and took out his targets. Rudy and Tracey cheered for Ash, while Misty sulked. Next was Bulbasaur, who took out some targets with Razor Leaf, and two with Vine Whip. Then Squirtle’s turn came, he put on his shades and started blasting targets with Water Gun.

Nidoran M did his best, hitting some targets with Poison Sting, but he missed half of his. “That’s okay you did great!” Ash petted him.

Lapras took his turn with Ice Beam and did very well. Then came Charizard...oh boy...Charizard didn’t want to obey. Misty laughed and mocked him. Charizard burned her and got his last three targets.

“You did very well Ash. I knew you’d be great.” Rudy kissed Ash’s hand again, and Tracey burned with jealousy. He got in between them.


“And who are you?”

“I’m Tracey Sketchit, I’ve been here the whole time!”

“Have you, I didn’t notice.” Rudy shrugged. “Ash, let’s have our battle tomorrow, tonight I’d like to show you my gym and I want you to have dinner with me.”

“Oh um...okay…”

“Huh?” Tracey gasped.


Ash just didn’t want to be rude, plus he’d like to scope out the gym. He gave a call to Professor Oak to check on his Pokemon.

“Everyone is doing just fine, Beedrill and Butterfree are having lots of fun, Beedrill has the drive for battle. Farfetch’d is getting along well with your other flying types, he’s been great for my research. Then there is Kabuto, he’s been a bit shy around the other Pokemon, but I’m learning a lot by studying him.”

Ash didn’t like that. ‘Maybe he needs some time with people and Pokemon.’

“Are you ready Ash?” Rudy called for him.


“Good luck with your gym battle Ash.”

“One-sec professor, could you have a word with Tracey, he wanted to show you some sketches.”

“Sure I have some time.” Tracey sat down and began to show his idol some sketches of mysterious Pokemon he had seen in the woods. He got distracted when Ash went off with Rudy. He sighed heavily. “Something wrong?”

“Huh...oh no...it’s just that...well…” He sighed again. “Did you ever have feelings for someone and don’t know how to tell them?”

Oak chuckled. “You are talking about Ash aren’t you?”

“Huh, what oh um…” Tracey blushed.

“It’s alright, I know how you feel. I loved someone a long time ago, I wanted to be with that person very much, but we were from two different worlds. Though we didn’t get to know each other long, I loved them so much, I couldn’t forget them.” Oak smiled. “Take my advice, it’s better to be honest with these things, and even if you meet rejection don’t close your heart up. Take it and use it to improve yourself so you can evolve.”

“Thank you, professor.”

“I wish you luck Tracey.”

Misty was stuffing her face with junk food from the vending machine, she missed the whole convo. Tracey didn’t want to end up like her, sulking and getting mad when he could take advice and grow.


While Misty and Tracey had vending machine meals and take out, Ash got treated to a grand meal made by Rudy. It was delicious. “If you stayed here I’d cook for you every night if that is what you wish.”

Ash would swear he’d heard something like that before. The way Rudy stared at him and talked to him and acted around him reminded him of something or someone. He was given a tour of the facility.

Rudy was a skilled trainer. He trained his Pokemon through special dance training, it was fun and helped boost a Pokemon’s speed and agility. Ash hadn’t thought of that. Rudy taught his Pokemon this style to make battles more interesting. It reminded Ash of his battle with Jeanette Fisher, she had taught her Bellsprout martial arts moves which made the little guy something fierce.

“Sometimes play can be training too.” It was good to keep Pokemon healthy and happy for proper development. Hearing this Ash thought of his Kabuto.

Ash feels a little down but Rudy tries to cheer Ash up with some dancing. It was nice, but then Rudy dropped the line. “It would be nice if you chose to stay here.”

“I am not sure I could.”

“Please Ash you could learn so much here, and we could learn a lot from you too.” He snapped his fingers and the music was changed to a slow dance. Rudy showed off his more sensual dancing talents. “You are a wonderful dancer.”

“Thanks, but it’s getting late and we have a gym match tomorrow.”

“Please sleep on it, I know you’d make me the happiest man in the world if you chose to stay.” Ash had chosen the types for their battle Electric, Grass, and Water.

Tracey was worried that Ash was out so late, but was relieved when he came back to the room. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah, just a lot on my mind I guess.”

“Don’t worry Ash, you’ll beat Rudy and earn the Spike Shell Badge!”

Ash chuckled. “Thanks, Tracey, you are right.” He had to focus on the task at hand.

Their match came and the first fight was Pikachu vs Electabuzz. Ash had Nidoran out to watch their battle. “Show him our power Electabuzz!”

“Let’s do this Pikachu!” Rudy’s Electabuzz was a tank, he didn’t even try to evade Pikachu’s attacks, he took them and hit back. “He’s strong!”

“You can do this Ash!” Tracey cheered.

Sadly Electabuzz was just too tough, beating Pikachu with a Thunder Punch!

Next was the battle of the Grass types, Bulbasaur vs Exeggutor. This fight showed off Rudy’s style, Exeggutor using dance moves to dodge Bulbasaur’s attacks left and right, even getting in close to land and Egg Bomb. “Do you see Ash, my style and yours together we can grow so much?”

“What’s he talking about?” Tracey asked.

“My brother asked Ash to stay with us!”


“I haven’t said yes!” Ash snapped.

“You haven’t said no either.” Rudy winked at Ash.

“We’ll discuss this after the battle.” Ash adjusted his hat. “Bulbasaur wait for the right moment.”

“Go get him Exeggutor!” He turned up the music and the grass-type monster charged in.

“Now Bulbasaur Vine Whip!” Bulbasaur swept Exeggutor’s legs causing it to trip. “Now Bulbasaur Leach Seed!”

The attack landed and Rudy’s monster became all tied up and had his energy drained. “Don’t give in, use Stomp!” Exeggutor got up and got back into rhythm even with his energy being drained.

“Take him for a spin Bulbasaur!” He used Vine Whip again and stopped the attack and sent him twirling round and round like a top. The monster got so dizzy he ended up walking right off the battlefield. Bulbasaur made the save. He had fainted though.

“Bulbasaur wins!”

The last battle was Water Types; Squirtle vs Starmie! Rudy’s Starmie was just as graceful as Exeggutor and what’s worse it knew a powerful electric type move. Squirtle was put on the ropes, but the little guy dug deep and learned Hydro Pump. With a final Skull Bash, Squirtle beat Starmie and won Ash the badge.

“Ash...you were amazing!”

“Thanks, Rudy, your Pokemon were great.”

“Have you decided on my offer? I’m willing to wait for you even after the Orange League ends.”

Tracey looked between them feeling panic rise up in his chest.

“I appreciate the offer, and you really are a sweet guy. I just don’t think it’d work out between us.”

“I understand.” He gives Ash the badge and some flowers. “Till we meet again!”

“Ash why did you turn down Rudy, he’s perfect!” Misty snapped.

“Well it took me some time but I finally figured out who he reminded me of...Brock!” Misty froze and cracked. Ash pointed to Rudy and his posse, and sure enough, the group was consoling Rudy. His posse wasn’t just a posse it was a harem!

The way Rudy flirted with Ash reminded him of Brock. Rudy was used to getting rejected just like Brock, he just had a few lovers to console him. They were all happy to be in Rudy’s harem, and they seemed to understand the type of guy Rudy was. Tracey remembered that Mahri did say he flirted with every trainer who caught his eye.

“You guys look after him okay?”

“Kay!” They were a bit disappointed they thought they were getting a new harem brother.

“How’d you know he even liked guys?”

“Oh that, when he gave me a tour, he had all kinds of special magazines on picking up guys, sex tips, and toys,” Ash said with a blush. Even as someone as dense as Ash could figure it out with that.

“Ash…” Ketchum looked to Tracey. “Will you...will you go out with me?”

“Ehh?” Misty gasped.

Ash stared at Tracey before smiling. “Sure!” Tracey cried tears of joy. He felt Tracey was more honest and pure.

“You are a lucky guy Tracey!” Rudy said. “Good luck at the Orange League Ash!”

“Thanks Rudy!” The group set sail, Ash taking hold of Tracey’s hand as they watched the sunset together.

To be continued Orange Islands Part 3 Picnic on Giant Island


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