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My Hero parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Life and Death!

Hound Dog wasn’t expecting a student in his office on the first day, not like this. The student smelled of tears and stress. This brought out his comforting instincts.

Ryo Inui; The Hound Hero: Hound Dog: His Quirk Dog; it gives him the appearance and attributes of a dog.

The man was a skilled youth counselor, he has a strong record of helping students with their problems. He got Izuku to open up and relax. Hound Dog asked Izuku simple questions, getting to know him in the process. Midoriya nerded out a few times, but Ryo didn’t interrupt him he just listened. “Now then, we need to discuss why you are here. It appears there was an incident I need you to tell me about it.”

Izuku tensed up. “Okay…”

When he heard what Mineta did he lost it growling and barking uncontrollably. The ball haired boy was lucky he wasn’t in front of Hound Dog, the man looked ready to rip someone apart. He’d seen it before, it’s happened to him personally when he was younger.

Those with a monster quirk or have a unique appearance faced issues. Izuku’s became huge when his quirk manifested, and he got bigger as he got older. He became bigger and stronger, add the monster power, he became the subject of Quirk Envy.

Students began to pick on Midoriya, trying to push his buttons to get him to lash out or tear him down. For Izuku who was a late bloomer, he was so happy to get his quirk, and thought things would get better once he got one. Society wasn’t so kind. He went from being bullied for being quirkless, to being bullied for having a monster quirk.

His friend Katsuki also was the subject of Quirk Envy, but he handled it in his own...special way. Izuku took the more gentle giant approach. His mother supported him and helped him build confidence. He tried not to let the past hold him back. Midoriya was a sweet boy, he could have pounded his bullies into the dirt with ease, he chose to take the high road.

After Hound Dog calmed down Midoriya continued. “I want to be a hero no matter what anyone says...I just hoped everyone would be really nice...and Mineta was just so mean and nasty...it...caught me off guard…” He twiddled his thumbs.

Ryo could read Izuku like a book, the greenette was now beating himself up for “looking weak” “getting upset” listening to the twerp.

“He had no right talking to you like that Midoriya.” He had pulled Mineta’s file, he had some history he messed with guys taller than him, hotter than him, more popular than him, or had a cooler quirk than him. Mineta had intelligence, but he had a huge napoleon complex, among other issues.

Many schools didn’t know how to handle quirks, let alone have the training to handle quirk envy. It’s why most schools restricted quirks outside of specific classes. Some schools didn’t have quirk classes at all, only having Quirk Therapy to help teach kids to use their quirks safely. It wasn’t enough.

“Students learn fast that Quirk Envy isn’t tolerated in Hero Course schools.” That was nice to hear. “We take the cultivation of heroes seriously.”

“Mineta was a jerk, but I feel bad for the others who got expelled. They even tried to defend me against Mineta.” That wasn’t something he saw often.

Hound Dog patted his head. “You are a good lad!” Izuku blushed and smiled. “If you have any other worries we should discuss them now.”

Midoriya did have fears about mating and such things. “But umm how can I...I mean...I’m quite large...how would...I mean…” he squirmed.

Hound Dog gave him a couple of pamphlets; Monster Quirks and Mating, Your Quirk and Your Body, Sex and Mutation! “You will have nothing to worry about, as long as you are patient and loving, I’m sure you’ll make your partners happy.” Izuku looked at the first pamphlet his whole face going red, erotic steam emanated from his head. “That’s just for beginners you’ll learn more in Health Class. Some quirks have an effect in the bedroom, its totally natural.”

“I-I-I see!” Izuku stuttered. It was a weight off his mind. He put the pamphlets away to look over later.

“You don’t have to worry about a thing, you are a smart lad. Heroes are people too, there is nothing wrong with a healthy sex drive.” Hound Dog patted his shoulder. “Finding balance is all part of growing up.”

“Thank you sir!”

“For what it’s worth, I think you’ll make a fine hero!” Ryo had seen the news, he knew what Midoriya did facing a villain to protect his friend.

Izuku beamed, that was nice to hear. He was gonna work hard. “Still, things can be stressful, I’d like us to meet once a month; to catch up and work on breathing techniques.” Izuku nodded. “If you have anything you need to talk about my door is open!”

“Thank you sir!” Izuku stood up and bowed, accidentally hitting his forehead on Hound Dog’s desk. “Oww!”

“Do try to be careful.” Hound Dog sweatdropped.

“Sorry!” Izuku was allowed to go back to class. The pro hero and guidance counselor had a report to give.

‘Aizawa always has me so busy.’ It was gonna be a long day.

Hero Classes would start tomorrow. Today was simply general studies. When Izuku returned to class it was quiet. All day they had to sit next to empty seats. It was a tad unnerving.

Not the greatest first day, but tomorrow would be better. Aizawa was aloof about the whole thing.

At lunch…

Izuku apologized for what happened. “Why are you apologizing, it was Mineta that started all that?” Kirishima said. “He wasn’t manly at all.”

“He’s right, such language was unbecoming of a UA student.”  Tenya said, his hand moving up and down as he talked. The young man was quite physical when he talked.

“I guess I didn’t have much of a manly showing.” Izuku scratched his chin.

“You are plenty manly!” Kirishima praised, and the other guys nodded in agreement.

“I really want to say, thank you for sticking up for me.” He was being too kind, everyone felt like it was no trouble at all. Tokoyami had some words for Midoriya, he had also experienced bullying and teasing over his appearance.

Kirishima shared his own experiences, he was bullied for being weak. Ojiro was made fun of a lot, people used to say he was essentially quirkless just having a tail and nothing else. “People used to say I wasn’t special, but I’m gonna work hard and become a hero.”

Shoji pulled Izuku to the side and showed him his face. People often looked scared when they saw it, or couldn’t avoid looking disgusted. “Monsters stick together right?” He covered his face and spoke with his tentacles.

“We stick together.” The two shared a fist bump. Izuku didn’t peep, no disgust or fear on his face. In fact his eyes sparkled. “For what it’s worth, I don’t think you are scary.” Shoji blushed.

Koda also faced difficulties because of his appearance. He learned to keep quiet and avoid standing out, which left him with a few issues. Even those that weren’t bullied, stood by Izuku’s side on this.

“I feel bad for the others.”

“Stop worrying about the extras, ya damn nerd.” Bakugou snapped. “You are always like this.” He grumbled and walked away.

Izuku chuckled, the explosive blonde was weirdly comforting. “Even if they were expelled from UA they could go to another school, another hero course.” Kirishima added.

“That’s true, once we graduate, we may meet up again on the job!” Tenya confirmed.

Though their words had Izuku thinking. “What if this was real? If this was life and death, there wouldn’t be any second chances.” When a hero falls in battle, their desk at the agency is cleared off.

“Whoa…” Kirishima was shaken.

“That is true, sitting with those empty desks was quite grim.” Tokoyami said.

“UA is intense!” Shoji said, while Koda nodded.

“Could this be a lesson, like the true meaning of the entrance exam?” Iida pondered.

With everything that happened today, Kirishima didn’t feel it was right to ask Midoriya out. Though it was nice to sit, eat lunch, and get to know each other better. Sharing their pasts and finding some common ground was super manly.

Izuku had some reading material to go through when he got home.


The next day, homeroom was quiet, the empty seats were still a grim reminder of what happened. Aizawa came in. “Alright everyone we have some new students joining us. I trust you’ll be on your best behavior and welcome them. Come on in!”

“Ehh!” The door opened up and students walked in.

Izuku smiled. “You guys!”

In walked; Sero, Denki, Jiro, and Toru. “Some of you have figured out the purpose of my exam. These four were expelled yesterday, and I re-enrolled them. Consider this a death, you must grow and learn to use your quirks in different ways so it never happens again.” He said while looking at the four. “All of you remember this well, remember this feeling, it’s an experience many pros are not ready for. The world isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for it.” He turned back to speak to the class.

They each had to talk with Hound Dog, and were so shocked that Aizawa enrolled them back into class. “We have one more joining us.”

Izuku tensed. ‘Does that mean?’ A sudden gloom washed over the class as they shared the same thought. Mineta...was he coming back?

The door opened to reveal a tall purple haired teen. “I’m Shinso Hitoshi, nice to meet you all.”

“Shinso here was transferred from General Studies, he will be given a chance to prove himself in the upcoming Hero Classes.” Shinso took Mineta’s seat, sitting behind Midoriya. Izuku breathed a sigh of relief. “Mineta was not re-enrolled, after his meeting with Hound Dog, we find his behavior unacceptable at UA, please keep that in mind with how treat each other going forward.”

To be continued



Good, and excellent psych out and life lesson on Aizawa's part. They need to realise as early as possible that their career choice is a life and death one. 😶