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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Life of Pirates

Luffy and Chiqi were setting sail for fun and adventure. His captain filled him in on the rules and what kind of pirates they were. “In the early days of piracy there was two kinds of pirates, the Peace Mains and the Morganeers.”

The Peace Mains became what people called Adventurers today. In the old days they didn’t care about fighting at all simply exploring, discovering treasures, figuring out mysteries, and sharing the sights and wonders with the world.

As for the Morganeers, they are what people usually think of when they think of pirates, greedy, violent, and often enjoy causing other people pain and misery. These types were known for stealing treasure and not caring who they fought to get it.

When Peace Mains faded from the pirates beliefs, new pirates began to shake up the world creating a code of honor.

A new code that most pirates followed was the Davy Jones Code, named for a famous pirate of the same name. Those that follow Davy Jones Code sought power and treasure, taking it wherever they found it. They caused trouble for citizens and pirates alike. It was said the Pirate Davy Jones saw the world and everything in it as his. His influences even became a form of game. Even the men who followed this code lived by a form of honor, even if it didn’t seem so.

The other code that bloomed and the one that Shanks followed and Luffy wished to follow was the Roger Code. Gold Roger the late King of the Pirates, he had strong beliefs of seeking adventure, he only attacked fellow pirates and never went after citizens. While many pirates respected him as the King sadly not so many followed this code.

“We’ll be following the Roger code, sound good?” It sounded fine to Chiqi. “Though there is one exception…” Luffy’s hand crackled with energy.

“What’s that?” Chiqi blinked and tilted his head cutely.

“Celestial Dragons...most pirates don’t go against the world government or the ones they protect.” Luffy ran a hand through his hair. “While it might put a target on our backs, I can’t forgive them...not ever!” Luffy may have learned that not everyone was the same, like Higuma’s bandits and Dadan’s bandits were different, and Shanks’s pirates were different than Blue Jam’s, Sabo was also of noble blood but he was different. He promised himself if he ever met a good Celestial Dragon, he wouldn’t be mean to them. Even the one’s he came across he didn’t kill, he hit ‘em where it hurt but Luffy was a good person inside and out.

“You’ll get no complaints from me captain, that’s something I can stand by.” Luffy didn’t need to persuade him on that, the Celestial Dragons were monsters. He wouldn’t attack the innocent, the World Nobles were not innocent.

“Outside of those bastards, that’s the code I wish to follow.” A pirate code was a guideline for what kind of pirate you’d be. No matter the code of conduct, a pirate had to find their own way in this world.

It wasn’t like the marines cared what kind of code you followed. A pirate was a pirate, end of story, even though there were members among the marines that were worse than pirates.


Their adventure was met with a surprise turn as the sea currents twisted forming whirlpools. A tiny ship like theirs would be doomed to being swallowed up and sunk. Not a problem for Luffy. His hands glowed a golden color and fair dust sprinkled over their ship. “Fairy Float!”

The small boat lifted off the water and into the air, avoiding disaster. Now in the sky, the ship chilled out, while the boys had lunch. They were well above the normal line of sight, only bird watchers and star gazers would notice them. Most sea men looked to the horizon, looking to spot islands or enemy ships.

With their location safe, the two could relax awhile.


A nearby pleasure cruiser was being attacked by pirates. “Sounds like a party.” Luffy pointed out, while snacking on an apple.

“Should we check it out?” Chiqi asked, his ears twitching at the sound of gun fire.

“Let’s!” The ship flew towards the noise.

The cruiser was being attacked by the Alvida Pirates, they were able to rob the ship of its treasure and goods.

“We just want your treasure not your lives!” Alvida declared. “Don’t do anything stupid and you lot won’t have to die.” Money and jewels were taken, Alvida even forced people to strip taking everything but their lives. The cruiser was robbed completely blind.

Once back on their ship they sailed off. The crew didn’t look like much but one person caught Luffy’s eye. A pink haired boy wearing a slave collar. The Fairy didn’t leave the cruiser to rot, he dosed the ship with some fairy dust and sent it off towards a nearby inhabited island. They’d be fine. Luffy was more worried about the pinked haired guy. “I’m gonna investigate, you wait here but keep close.”

“Aye captain!” Chiqi saluted.

“Fairy Size!” Luffy shrank down, becoming tiny. “If I run into trouble I’ll whistle.”

He flew down to the enemy ship and stealthily observed. Unlike the rest of the crew the pinkette was wearing only a pair of speedos. He was tall and lanky, reminding him a bit of Chiqicheetah when they first met.

The boy wore glasses, and he was completely hairless from the chin down. His skin was truly flawless without a single blemish, except for an X shaped scar over his right eye. From his observations it was done by Alvida, she was quick to swing her spiked club around. Catch the wrong end of that and you’d be lucky just to be scarred for life. If her men weren’t working fast enough she’d swing her club, if they talked back she’d swing her club, if they disobeyed yep...she’d swing her club.

“Koby!” She bellowed. “Who’s the most beautiful woman on the sea?”

“That would be you Lady Alvida.” He said, terror in his voice, he knew what would happen if he didn’t respond correctly. Luffy narrowed his eyes.

While her crew celebrated a successful raid, with booze and food, Luffy noticed Koby was just given an apple to eat. He didn’t seem much like a pirate, and the way others treated him wasn’t that of nakama.

They had him serving them food and drink. Barking orders at him calling him slow and useless. Some men tripped him, causing him to hit the floor and go sliding across the deck. ‘Does he have devil fruit power?’

Some of the men poured booze on him. The pinkette teared up, but said nothing.

Koby had to shake himself off, and the liquid slipped right off of him. Luffy was even more curious, while the men just laughed. “You better work harder next time if you wanna eat!” All Koby had done during the raid was move food from the cruiser.

He looked like he wanted to say something, but was too scared to say it. “Do you wanna run Koby?” The boy tensed. “You know what will happen to you if you do.” From the look on his face he knew.

The pinkette touched his collar. “Go bring us more booze!”

“Make it snappy!” One of the men lit a torch and looked like he was going to burn Koby.

“Right!” He ran off down into the galley and the men laughed. Luffy followed him down. He heard Koby sniffling. “Those jerks!” He whispered, careful not to let anyone hear his true thoughts. “I hate them!”

“You don’t seem to be one of them.”

“I’m not, but…” Koby tensed. “Who said that?”

“I did!” Luffy remained tiny, amused as Koby looked around but couldn’t see him.

“And where are you, why can’t I see you?” He clutched his head. “Oh no am I going crazy, have I finally snapped?”

Luffy laughed. “You are a pretty funny guy.”

“Do you have devil fruit powers, is that how you are doing this?” He asked.

“Sure do, I’m guessing you do too?” Koby sulked.

“Yeah…” Alvida had found the fruit, she had heard the legends but didn’t believe them to be true. “Then one of her men suggested they use me as a guinea pig. They made me eat the Smooth Smooth fruit and I became a Smooth Human.”

The fruit had changed his body, his baby fat had slipped right off of him, he got taller and pretty. The fruit smoothed away any and all imperfections and drew out his natural charm. The scar remained as it happened before he ate the fruit. “All my body hair just smoothed off of me!” He blushed. “It also changed my nipples.” His nipples had become inverted and it gave his chest a smoother look.

Koby was indeed quite pretty, and his body had an alluring appeal to it.

He couldn’t swim but… “Attacks and weapons just slide right off of me.” Like with the booze, one shake on the liquid just slid right off.

“That’s a pretty nifty ability.”

“If you say so.” Koby sighed. “It’s not perfect, I can still be hurt by fire and heat. Plus…” He touched his collar. Alvida may not have believed in devil fruits, but she wasn’t a fool. Just in case the legends were true she didn’t want Koby to escape her. “She put this collar on me, so I can’t even run away or it’ll…” He teared up.

“I’m aware of what these collars can do.” Luffy floated down, landing on the barrel of booze Koby was moving, revealing himself to Koby. He could tell he wasn’t a bad guy.

“Whoa pretty, you’re a fairy?” Luffy chuckled.

“That’s right, My name is Luffy, and I ate the Fairy Fairy fruit, now I’m a fairy human.” With a snap of his fingers he returned to human size, sitting on the barrel. Koby gushed a bit, amazed at the other’s devil fruit.

“Yours is way cooler than mine.” He cried.

“Hey, I think yours is pretty cool too, if you got in a fight you’d be tough to beat or catch. With some training you could be even better.” Those words...all Koby has heard is how pathetic or lame his devil fruit was. “This isn’t the nicest crew you could have picked.”

“I actually didn’t pick them, I didn’t even want to be a pirate.” He had gone fishing when Alvida found him, they captured him and made him their chore boy for the past two years. Koby had tried to escape once and got the scar over his eye as punishment. His fate was sealed once the collar was put on him a year ago. “I want to be free but escape means death!” He cried.

Luffy hugged him. “You’ve been very brave, you’ve been doing your best to survive, there’s nothing wrong with that.” He ran his fingers through Koby’s pink locks and comforted the young man.

Koby revealed his dream was to become a marine, while Luffy revealed his of wanting to become King of the Pirates. The pinkette was stunned, he couldn’t believe Luffy was a pirate. “I’ll help you escape.”

“Why would you help me, I want to become a marine and you’re a pirate?” Koby asked trembling, his life on this crew made him uneasy. There were times the crew pretended to be nice to him just to lower his guard and get him in trouble. They got clever on how to torment him, putting him in a net was the easiest way to capture him, then they’d dunk him in water over and over again, or if they were near an island sting him up over a fire. He was even used as Sea King bait once, his life has sucked.

“That doesn’t matter, I don’t like what they are doing to you. I may not be a marine, but I have my own sense of justice.” His words touched Koby again.

‘Is he really a pirate?’ Luffy just had to get the key to his collar, but Koby felt that it was impossible as Alvida kept it on her at all times.

“Just leave it to me.” Luffy shrank down again and flew out of the galley. Koby peeked out to see what was happening. The men had run out of booze.

“Where is that brat?”

“Do you think he ran away?”

“No way, no boom!” One of the men said, sending the rest of the crew into fits of laughter.

“Hard to believe the rumor about devil fruits was true, if we find another one, I’ll eat it and become even more powerful!” Alvida declared and her men cheered.

“Fairy Dust: Dwarf Stupor!” Luffy scattered a strange dust over the crew. The men began to blush and get woozy.

“Oh man, did I have too much too drink hiccup!” Men started to fall over drunk left and right. No matter their tolerance, they became drunken fools collapsing one after the other.

“Huh what’s the matter with you louts!” Alvida got up and began to walk over, only to walk into the line of fire. She became drunk and dropped her club before falling flat on her face. Luffy found the key and used it to free Koby.

“I’m free...I’m free!” Koby cried tears of joy.

“Let’s get out of here.” Luffy flew Koby up to their ship.

“Whoa, what kind of devil fruit did you eat?” Koby gasped upon seeing Chiqi.

“I’m actually a mink, Chiqicheetah, nice to meet you.” He bowed.

“Say Koby is there a marine base nearby?” Luffy was fiddling with something.

“Ehh?!” Chiqi gasped.

“There is but why?”

“You said you wanted to become a marine right? We’ll guide you there.” Luffy tapped his chest. “We’re friends now right?” Koby teared up.

“There is one but we shouldn’t go there. Alvida heard that Pirate Hunter Zoro is locked up there.”

“Zoro huh?” Luffy walked to the edge of the ship, he had some weird balls in his hand.

“What are those?” Luffy chuckled.

“A going away gift for them.” They dropped these special shell orbs onto Alvida’s ship.


When Alvida woke up she had a hangover from hell, even the bright shining sun was too much. “Koby...bring me my medicine!” No response. “Koby?!” She shouted, only to groan.

Her men began to wake up suffering from similar hang over symptoms. Koby was nowhere to be found, Alvida trembled in rage as she found his collar. “Lady Alvida we found something on the ship!”

“Stop shouting ya fool, what is it?” In their hands were the weird shelled orbs Luffy and co had dropped. “What the hell?”

The shells began to shake only to pop open to reveal colored orbs inside. Red, Yellow, and Blue, they almost looked like jewels until faces appeared on them. The men dropped them in shock. The Red ones stuck out their tongues before hitting the ground and burst into fire works. The loud bang and flashes of light were torture for the hung over pirates.

The Yellow ones chuckled, bursting and exploding with clouds of dust, this dust ate away at their weapons and clothing leaving everyone naked.

Last but not least, the Blue ones grinned bursting with paint. Their whole deck was splattered, the now naked pirates got covered head to toe in sticky paints of all colors.

Without a moment to rest, the crew had to run as the fire works attracted the attention of the marines. Alvida was furious. ‘Koby, I don’t know how you did this, but you won’t be getting away.’

To be continued


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