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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Saiyans

The majin trained saiyan landed on Vampa, there wasn’t much to it. It had a yellow sky, vast wastelands, with massive craters scattered about with green liquid which was what some predators on this planet used to disguise themselves. There were very few water sources on this planet, the only plant life being a form of cactus.

He had sensed life forms on this planet, while most weren’t intelligent or strong. Kakarot did feel the power of two that were greater than most. He didn’t assume it was his parents that would have been too easy. Fate wasn’t so kind, but he wanted to explore so explore he did. While lacking in resources the planet did have a strong force of gravity which could be good for training.

His presence did not go unnoticed by the inhabitants or the local predators. He caused a bit of a distortion in the air when he came, similar to a ship when it enters the atmosphere. The elder inhabitant rushed towards the source leaving the younger to eat what passed as their meals.

As Kakarot wondered around in search of the inhabitants, he came across a nest of Vampa Beasts. The large furry creatures rose up and attacked the intruder. They were quite durable and strong. “I’m a bit busy now, we can play later, Slumber!” Kakarot cast a spell that put his attackers to sleep.

While he could have killed them, he didn’t know enough of this world. With his power he would be seen as a threat, couldn’t blame a beast or two for attacking him. He carried on with his exploration, pausing when he sensed a power approaching his location.

“Bardock!” The man cried out. “Bardock, is it you?”

Kakarot turned and the older man froze. “My name is Kakarot.” He spotted a similar tail to his own. ‘Is this man a saiyan?’

“You must be his son, you look just like your father!” The saiyan could almost see the image of Bardock beside Kakarot. “Did you get my distress signal? Are you hear to bring us home?”

Kakarot didn’t have a chance to answer, as a swarm of Vampa Beetles charged at them. “We have to run!” The saiyan was sweating. These beetles were strong, Paragus believed someone with a power level under 1000 couldn’t take one alone; the fact they traveled in swarms made them even more dangerous.

Vampa Beetles fed off of Vampa Beasts, which the beasts fed on for food. They evolved to swarm their prey so they had better chances to eat. Their predator nature evolved, going after any life form that wasn’t a Beetle.

Kakarot showed no fear charging a ki blast in his hand. He unleashed the blast, scorching through the center of the swarm. The beetles didn’t stop, breaking formation to form a pincer attack.

The old saiyan was strong, having a power level in the middle 4000’s. He could have stood his ground but instead. “BROLY!” He called out.

In the distance a young man looked up from his meal of Vampa Beetles and flew off towards the sound of his father’s voice. He tore through the beetles like a wrecking ball, saving his the older saiyan from being swarmed. Kakarot whistled; amazed at his great strength and speed.

The Vampa Beetles tried to swarm Kakarot, attempting to stab him with their tick-like tongue. “Acceleration!” His body glowed, his speed multiplying by 10! Kakarot began to move tearing through the beetles swiftly and with grace. It was almost like he was dancing as the bugs exploded from impacts and were ripped apart.

While the beetles near Broly fled, Kakarot didn’t give the ones near him that chance. “Crimson Whip!” His tail glowed red, and with a twirl and a spin he began to strike the beetles with his tail, lightning them up. From the furry appendage the burning whip extended lashing out and scorching whatever touched it. The bugs were charred, the ones struck directly by the tail were reduced to ash, the ones hit by the whip simply burned to death.

“Amazing!” The older saiyan exclaimed. Kakarot had killed hundreds so effortlessly. “To think the saiyans have come so far and become so strong!” A sad look crossed Kakarot’s features.

“I’m sorry, but our world is gone!”

“What? That can’t be!” Kakarot sighed.

“We should talk, let’s start with introductions.” He gave a polite bow. “I’m Kakarot, I was raised by the Dark Wizard Bibidi. He tricked my parents and sealed them away, and trained me to be a weapon for him. I defeated his son and was granted his knowledge.”

“I’m Paragus, I was a friend of your father back in the day. This is my son Broly.” The taller male gave a polite bow.

Broly was quite the specimen, he was very muscular, the harsh life on Vampa had forced him to become strong. At a glance Kakarot could tell he’s been training with his father to build strength, while fighting the various predatory creatures kept him on his toes. He had scars sprinkled across his body, an X shaped one on chest, a smaller scar on his abs, a longer one his left arm, and a short one his cheek.

He had a wild power to him. Kakarot had to admit the saiyan was sexy, even if all scuffed up. His tight blue pants were in tatters and his boots were worn. The article kept prestine was a strange fur pelt he had around his waist. While the object that caught his eye was the strange metal collar around his neck.

The two hadn’t met another saiyan around their own age before, you could see it in their eyes they were curious about each other. Their natural instincts had them itching for a spar, but that would have to wait.

Paragus wasn’t as worn as his son. Kakarot had a feeling that while he did spar with Broly, raising his own strength as saiyans can, he left the dangers of fighting the bugs to him. Kakarot could sense that Broly was a lot stronger than his father. “To think that our homeworld was lost...tell me do you know if the House of Vegeta still stands?”

“I do not know, it is possible there are other saiyans like yourselves scattered across the universe. The only ones I know for sure are still alive are you two and my parents who are lost.” As they walked back to their home base, Kakarot shared the details of what Bibidi did to his parents, and what happened to their world.

“To think that Frieza betrayed us all!” Paragus was furious, not so much that their world was gone, but that his revenge was lost. He wished he could have seen the look on King Vegeta’s face when it happened, to know the empire he built crumbled to dust in an instant. ‘Serves him right!’

“I’m sensing a lot of rage from you, tell me does this House of Vegeta have anything to do with why you two are here?” Paragus was shocked, and tried to calm down. A bad move as it confirmed he was hiding something. Broly was like a calm sea, his aura was very peaceful.

“King Vegeta ruled our people, he valued strength above all other things, or so we believed.” Paragus explained the class system of the saiyans. The Royal Family (House of Vegeta), stood at the top, then there were the elites. Saiyans with above average ki control and fighting ability, they were given above average status in their society.

Elite saiyans were given a free pass to breed as much as possible, to create more powerful saiyans. Elite Saiyan children were put in a special chamber to be monitored and cared for.

Second Class saiyans were assigned either by birth or by contribution. If a saiyan was born with an average power level, they were placed as second class. They received better training and were given more advanced tasks then others. “Saiyans, like your father, who managed to contribute to the advancement of saiyan society were allowed to rise to Second Class.” Bardock had developed the Artificial Moon Technique, allowing saiyans access to their ozaru form even on worlds without a moon.

The third class were filled with saiyans born with below average power levels and served as foot soldiers for the saiyan army. The Cold Family enlisted saiyans of Second Class and above to fill their ranks.

“I was a military colonel, a second class,I always believed in what King Vegeta told us. That his way would lead us into a brighter future. Then I was blessed with a son…” Broly was born with a large power level, while it fluctuated it was a sign of his great potential. His potential was too great in King Vegeta’s eyes. Not only was a lower class child placed among the elites, but by his own son. “King Vegeta saw my son as a threat to his own, he sent my son to this awful place. I gave chase, stealing a ship and crash landing here.”

“So you want revenge, makes sense I suppose.” Kakarot tried some bug, it was sour, but it was food.

“We’ll never have it now, King Vegeta is gone, so is our world. He ruined our lives!” He growled, his tail unfurling and puffing up in anger. “Death is too good for him, he should have had to suffer as we suffered!”

“I was meaning to ask, why does Broly not have his tail?” Kakarot eyed the man, he paled.

“Well you see, while my son is very strong, he can lose control. His ozaru form was too destructive, so I had to remove it.” Kakarot’s eyes narrowed.

“Is that all?” Paragus began to sweat.

“No...there are times when he fights he gets to rilled up and destructive. So I made that collar to keep him under control to bring him back to his senses.” He revealed his remote and Broly’s horror was clear. “Settle down son!” He placed his finger over the button and Broly calmed down, but was still scared.

Kakarot fought back a growl. “I don’t like it.”

“It might seem cruel, but its for your safety too.” Paragus chuckled and put the remote away.

“I doubt that.” Kakarot crossed his arms, he was quite strong.

“You see...I didn’t come to this planet alone. Beets, he helped me find my son and well...Broly went into a rage and poor Beets...he didn’t make it.” Kakarot could feel waves of deceit coming from Paragus, something didn’t sit right with him.

“Broly is this true?” He looked to the taller saiyan.

“I remember Beets, I remember attacking, but...I didn’t mean to kill him.” Broly certainly believed he killed Beets, but that didn’t mean he did. Kakarot decided not to press the issue for now. Paragus reminded Kakarot a lot of Bibidi, obsessed with revenge, he was no doubt training Broly to be an instrument of revenge.

Paragus hated King Vegeta, but seemed only mildly annoyed with Frieza. Not that he destroyed their race, but that he stole his revenge.

“Well, let’s not dwell on the past. Let’s focus on the present and the future.” Kakarot clapped his hands.

“Will you be able to take us off this planet?” Paragus asked.

“Yes, but I feel that must come later.” He looked at the two. “I’d like you both to be at your best, it’s a big universe out there we should be ready to face it.” He stood up and dusted himself off.

“I’d like to get stronger!” Broly said, feeling excitement. Kakarot nodded in approval.

“Yes...a splendid idea.” While Paragus didn’t want to stay on this awful planet, he thought it best not to anger the only person who could get them off this world.

“I’ll need to borrow your...house…” It was just a cave they were living in but it was home. Kakarot worked his magic, changing their domicile into something more liveable. His magic seeped down into the earth creating a five level facility.

The top level consisted of their home, turned into a form of living room. A crystal platform was in the center of the room. Their home now had a door, and reinforced walls so they didn’t have to worry about night attacks. Kakarot conjured beds for them, real luxurious beds. The place was divided into a sleeping area, a cooking area, an eating area, and a relaxing area.

“Let’s have a tour.” He led them to the crystal platform. “Second floor!” The trio vanished, appearing in a new room.

“Whoa!” Broly was in awe, as they were now in a jungle/garden. He hadn’t seen plants before, let alone so many. The taller saiyan didn’t have words.

“Beautiful!” Paragus exclaimed. Not a word he’s used in a long time.

“This is my garden, I collected plants across the universe, my former teacher said that certain plants were good for potion creation. I didn’t care much about that, but food yes!” He let Paragus and Broly feast on the fruits found there.

Broly’s expression was so cute as he tasted new things for the first time. The fruits and vegetables grown in his garden were enriched able to satisfy even a saiyan’s appetite. He also had water, fresh water and it was so good.

They moved on to level three. It was Kakarot’s library and meditation room. “Not much to look at but it’s peaceful.” Broly was curious about the books, but couldn’t read.

“I can teach you, there is a lot you can learn.” Broly smiled and nodded. Paragus was hesitant, he didn’t want his son to lose focus, but what was the point now…he took his frustrations out on the fruit Kakarot provided.

Level Four was the baths and they looked glorious. They had been using the cactus water to bathe, it wasn’t drinkable but they could get clean with it. There was an area to wash off, mineral springs for healing and rejuivantion, relaxing hot springs, and cool lounge springs. Kakarot even had a vast lake for swimming. He also had a spot for sun bathing.

Baths were so nice, Kakarot loved them, they helped you relax and feel refreshed. What caught Broly’s eye was the artificial sky above their heads. “Pretty cool huh?” Kakarot chuckled.

Broly nodded, not seeing such a clear sky before. “You should see it at night, the stars are amazing.”

“I’d like that.” The two stared at each other, feeling a moment between them.

“Ahem!” Paragus coughed interupting their moment. “Isn’t there one more level.”

“Right!” It was on to Level Five. “My Favorite room, for training!” The place was spacious, it seemed to go on forever. It didn’t it was just an optical illussion. Above their heads was a black orb, with two smaller orbs circling it. “That’s the gravity manipulator, I can change the gravity in this room for different styles of training.”

“What are the other orbs for?” Broly asked, starring at them.

“The red one is a time manipulator, it slows time down in this room. We can spend a whole day in here, and only an hour will pass outside. It does take a normal day to charge, but you can get extra training in a day.”

“Then what does the blue one do?” Kakarot chuckled and waved his hand over it.

“The blue one manipulates space.” The room transformed into an exact replica of Vampa. “It can help recreate different kinds of terrain.” He changed it from Vampa, to an ice planet, to one of dark caves, to a jungle, then back to the normal white room.

Paragus was stunned, this saiyan’s abilities were astounding. ‘I wonder if there is a way I can use him to get my revenge.’ If he knew magic who knows what he was capable of.

“Alright, I’d like to test to see how strong you two are.” Kakarot removed two strands of hair, and blew on them. “Let’s see what you got!” The two ozaru soldiers growled.

To be continued...Strength and Lessons


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