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DBZ parody: Tier 1/Phone Fic

AN: An old idea i've had on my phone, this one will have blended elements of DBZ and Dragon Quest. With this one it'll be a mixed harem. So fans and supports of mixed content I hope you'll enjoy and support this idea. 

The Dragon Warrior

Baba was a powerful fortune teller, so Gohan came to her when he discovered a strange lad inside of a space pod. This young man had so many paths for his future, but Kami believed the best option was for Goku to become the dragon warrior, a master of both martial arts and magic. Mixed Harem

Chapter 1

Gohan and Baba had an arrangement. He’d come and fight for her in exchange for supplies and peeks into the future. It was a good arrangement, as Gohan was in a class of his own when it came to fighting. He was the champion of Earth after all.

The martial artist was recognized by both Korin and Kami. He had received training and the magical Power Pole as a sign of his title. He even kept one of the Dragon Balls safe, protecting it, and keeping the dragon from being used for evil purposes.

Imagine her surprise when he arrived on her doorstep with a child. “My word!”

“I found him in the mountains, he was wearing some kind of armor.” He had given the little one food, a bath, and changed him into a purple gi. He was still a tad wild, but he seemed to respect Gohan’s strength. “He was quite tough for one so young.”

Baba was worried, if this child was tough for Gohan now, what kind of monster would he become in the future. She examined his armor, and found it not of this world. “Such a thing for a child to wear. Is he some kind of invader?” She looked at the child, with a strange aura.

“That’s why I’m here.” As per their deal Baba often warned Gohan of threats, he needed to know if this boy was a threat. He couldn’t kill him, but he could send him back home with help.

“Ohhohoho, I see, you wish to use my powers to discover what to do with the boy?” She laughed and teased.

“He’s just a kid Baba, he’s here and alone. He might be a bit rowdy, but I just don’t know what to do.” He hung his head and Baba laughed again.

“You soft-hearted old fool, I’ll help you.” She conjured up some food for the boy to eat as they consulted her crystal ball. “The boy is indeed not of this world, he has flown far from his home.”

“Where is it, maybe we can return him to his people?” Baba nodded and scoured her crystal ball. She first searched for what the boy was.

“Hear me spirits far and wide, reveal to me secrets unknown to us, give us clarity through the answers we seek!” Her ball glowed. “What is this young boy?”

Letters formed inside the ball, creating a single word...SAIYAN! Gohan had never heard of such a thing, but now that they had a name Baba could work with that. She used her crystal ball to gain info on the saiyans.

“The saiyans are an aggressive warrior race, their original planet was lost to internal conflict. The saiyans fell under the rule of the House of Vegeta, where their aggression became organized and they used their power to take what they needed to survive.” Their actions seemed quite barbaric at times, but from some scattered images not all saiyans were like this. They were able to learn about some of their abilities through images of their deeds. They were adept at manipulating ki, and held a powerful transformation under the full moon or exposed to a similar source.

Baba received some interference, they had met something of vast power that rejected Baba’s magic. “It seems they fell under the control of these aliens with a chilling power, and became soldiers for galactic conquest.”

“Would they use children in there efforts to take over worlds?” Baba wasn’t sure. The young one was strong and clad in armor, but he was too young to even form words.

“It’s possible he was too weak and they sent him off world to die.” Gohan was left with more questions than answers.

“Maybe it would be best if we sent him off world just to be safe.” He could have been an early sign of invasion sending the young to infiltrate the world and help lower the defenses then take over.

Baba focused her crystal ball on the child. “Think hard on the moment you met him this will help anchor the magic.” Gohan obeyed.

Images formed from when Gohan found the boy, and like a VCR on rewind the images began to reverse. “Rewind!” Her magic recreated the trail the boy took to get here, the ship moving through space. This helped Baba pinpoint the location. “There it is, now show me this world!” The crystal ball fizzled before showing space dust and an empty section of space.

“It...it’s gone…” She said. “His world is gone.” The world was obliterated. They couldn’t send him home now. This also meant if they had planned on invading this world it’s likely it wasn’t happening now.

“I don’t know what to do, even if he came from a warrior race, he doesn’t have to become a barbarian or evil. Warriors come in all shapes and sizes and spirits.” Gohan said, his instincts were telling him the boy could be helped.

“We shall look into the boy’s past, though he may not remember it I will be able to see the truth!” She peeked into the boy’s head, he was simple minded so that made it easy. It wasn’t much but there was a blurry image of two people. He didn’t know who they were, but Baba believed they were his parents.

The image was something to work with. She began to chant, the vision in the ball changed, Gohan could see the boy’s pod. There was a man carrying the ship. He looked like the boy but had a scar on his cheek. He was tall and built like a warrior, his armor was a different model than the boy. Gohan could tell at a glance this warrior was strong.

There was a woman with him but she was crying. She was leaner than female saiyans they had seen in the crystal ball. The way she was acting she must have been the boy’s mother. Their planet was still intact at this point, meaning the destruction happened recently. They were not speaking the common galactic language, but cast a spell so they could understand; as they spoke translated words appeared, like subtitles on an anime.

“Bardock please, we can’t do this, at least one of us should go with him.” She looked frantic and upset.

“Gine, it’s too dangerous, our son will be saved if he goes alone.” the man called Bardock said.

“But what if you’re wrong?” She cried. “He’s so young he doesn’t even know his name, he might not even remember us.”

“If I’m wrong I’ll go get him, if my vision comes true, then at least our sons will live.” He set the pod down.

‘Sons? So he may have a brother out there somewhere.’ Gohan thought.

She approached the pod and the boy was inside, confused at what was happening. He could see his parents, but didn’t know what they were doing. “Gine, we have to do this, for our son, for Kakarot!” The woman cried and stepped back.

Bardock sent the pod into space. “So the man held the power to see the future, something must have spooked him to send his child off-world.”

“He was right, their world was obliterated,” Gohan said. “So he’s not here to invade us, he’s here to survive.”

“Indeed, poor thing.” His parents, his people, his world was gone, he had no idea how loved he was. Gohan wished to see what happened to their world, but the vision was blocked by destructive power. If Baba tried to peer any deeper her crystal ball would have exploded.

“Baba, can you show me his future?” Gohan asked stroking his whiskers in thought.

“Hmm, he’s a bit young for that but I can try.” Baba chanted and her crystal ball glowed. “My word!” She gasped. There were too many possibilities to count. While the Saiyans were a rowdy and sometimes vicious lot, which held some negative futures for the boy, not all held that mindset. Some were wise, noble, and while enjoying a good fight weren’t all violent monsters.

It had Gohan believing the intial struggle saiyans faced on their home world was between pure saiyans and their more violent counter parts. It would seem the evil side won, and they grew into the men and women Gohan saw in Baba’s visions.

Now that he was on Earth there were many more paths for him to take. Depending on how he was raised he could be a champion or a destroyer of the Earth. The overwhelming potential caused her crystal ball to crack. “My goodness!” She looked from the child to Gohan.

She could see it in his eyes he had made a decision. “I’m gonna raise him, and lead him down the right path.” He believed he could do it.

“Hold on you!” Baba floated up to meet him face to face. “I can’t leave his fate to you alone, he’s got so much potential I’ll look after him.”

“What? I found him, he’s my responsibility!” Gohan countered, standing his ground on the matter.

“And yet you brought him to me, do you know how much magic I’ve exhausted helping you.” Gohan tensed. “You owe me big!”

“You want to use him for your little tournaments. I want him to grow into a noble and strong warrior, martial arts is the way to do that.” He had a point, a saiyan would grow and develop well learning martial arts.

“He has potential for more than just fighting. If I teach him magic he’d surpass me in skill and ability in no time. Magic is the best way to raise him.”

“Martial Arts!”


“Martial Arts!”

“Magic!” The two went at it back and forth like an old married couple deciding what their child would study.

“Why not have him study both?” The two jumped as someone new appeared.

“Kami?!” The two gasped. Gohan bowed in respect while Baba fidgeted. This was a big deal, the Guardian of the Earth didn’t leave the look out...ever really…

He was with his attendant Mr. Popo an immortal genie, tasked with aiding the guardian. “For the sake of the planet I felt I had to step in. I sensed the arrival of this lad, and I know of his potential. I believe he is the perfect candidate to become the Dragon Warrior!”

“Oh my!” Baba gasped. “The legendary Dragon Warrior, one who was both a master of martial arts and magic.” The dragon warrior was the previous guardian before Kami, so he knew his strength as more than a legend. The knowledge and imagination of magic, combined with the strength and technique of martial arts. Learning one or the other can be a difficult task, but mastering both was near impossible. It may just be possible for the young saiyan.

“Kakarot, we will be looking after you from now on.”

To be continued


ZooFan 123

Sounds I interesting 🧐