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Digimon parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Tai - Candlemon

Yamato – Gabumon

Willis - Terriermon

Ken - Wormmon

Takeru - Patamon

Izzy - Tentomon

Joe - Gomamon

Kari – Salamon

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 Petting

When the strange object broke, he woke up.

“Hmm…” Red eyes opened into a sea of black. “One of my precious black gears has been destroyed.” He chuckled darkly. “That’s alright, I have more where that came from.” With a wave of his hand dark particles gathered together and formed black gears. The mysterious digimon chuckled. With another wave of the hand he scattered the gears across the island to find other digimon to infect.

“Go my beautiful black gears corrupt the digimon and create more negative energy.” The more negative energy he had the more black gears he could create. ‘Once I’ve gathered enough energy, I’ll spread my influence beyond this island!’ He chuckled darkly and went back to rest, drawing in the negative energy the Bakemon were collecting for him.

He was building his strength for what was to come.


The digidestined left their new friend Shellmon, wishing him well and hoping they meet up again. He wished them safe travels. “It’s nice to know not all digimon are scary or mean!” Joe said, breathing a sigh of relief.

‘Though that makes me wonder what made him so mean?’ Taichi was curious as to why Candlemon returned from being Meramon, but he had no idea either.

They traveled for awhile before coming across Monochromon. He had the whole group nervous especially as he approached them.

“Good Day!” He said with a nod of his head. Everyone lined up and bowed their heads to him as he passed. He had no interest in the digidestined, he was waiting for his friend to show up. The group gasped as another Monochromon appeared.

“Let’s go brother!”

“Right!” The two clashed and caused a ruckus. This was their battle area where they met and dueled often.

“Why are they fighting?” Taichi gasped.

“Digimon duel sometimes to get stronger.” Candlemon said. The two were locking horns and even whipping rocks at each other with their tails.

“By testing their powers against each other they can try to get stronger.” Tentomon added.

“Volcanic Strike!” Boom!

“Let’s not get caught in the crossfire let’s run!” They ran for it as the digimon continued to battle. They didn’t stop running until they couldn’t hear any more sounds from the rumble. Takeru tripped and yelped.

“Takeru!” Yamato called out and ran over to him.

“Takeru are you okay?” The younger blonde looked up and nodded.

He got up and kept running with the group.

They stopped to catch their breath. “Oh so much running!” Joe slumped against a tree. “I feel like my legs are gonna swell!”

“You need to strengthen your legs Joe, strong legs help support your weight and are good for kicking.”

Joe groaned. “You don’t even have legs!”

Candlemon simply laughed. “I suppose I don’t haha!” He hopped around.

“We should stay limber, we don’t know when we’ll have to run again or how far we’ll have to walk.” Ken said and did some stretches.

Takeru was sitting on the ground. “You okay?”

“I’m fine…” Yamato saw some red.

“Takeru, you’re bleeding!”

“It’s just a scratch.”

“Let’s see!” Joe came over and helped clean it up and put a bandage on it. “It’s nothing serious but we’ll patch it up anyway.”

“You’ve really grown up Takeru.” Taichi praised. “Does it still hurt?”

“It just stings.” Taichi chuckled.

“I know how to make that feel better. Go away pain muah!” He kissed his patch. Takeru blushed.

“I’m not a baby you know!”

“I know, sorry!” Takeru smiled.

“But thanks a lot Taichi!” The blonde hugged him. “Big Bro get in on this!” Taichi looked to Yamato who looked away.

“Hmm?” The two shared a look and Takeru shrugged.

The sky was changing colors. “Is it getting late?” Izzy asked.

“It won’t be safe to continue going forward in the dark.” Tentomon said.

“We should find a place to camp.”

“We should just camp here, we are all tired.” Joe said.

“Look over there!” Tentomon called. He flew up into a tree and pointed. “There’s a lake!”

“That’ll be a nice place to camp.” Tai said. “Hey Yamato…”

“I’ll go check it out, let’s go Gabumon. You guys rest here.” The two rushed off to scope the place out. Tai felt something was off like Yamato didn’t want to get near him.

‘What’s bothering him now?’ The group took a short break before going to the lake. There was some weird towers in the lake, along with mini island connected to the shore.

“Looks like we won’t be sleeping outside.” Tai pointed out a trolley car resting on the island. The thing looked brand new, and felt nicer than sleeping outside. The gang had a nice snack. The digimon assisting in some foraging. Izzy and Takeru fished, and got a nice haul.

Tai made dinner and they got a nice camp fire ready just in time as night fell. The gang got a good view of the stars but there wasn’t a single recognizable point….still pretty though. They really were in a strange new world. Yawns were passed through the group.

“Let’s get some rest.” Taichi said.

“Perhaps we should have someone keep watch.” Izzy suggested.

“A good idea, I’ll make a rotation.” Joe said.

“Hey Yamato…”

“I’ll take the first watch, you’ve been through a lot today you get some rest.”

“I’m fine Yamato, is something bothering you?”

“Nope all good!” He kept his distance from Tai.

“I see.” Tai put on a smile and turned away from him.

“What’s going on, Yamato?” Ken asked.

“I said it was nothing, mind your own business.”

“Excuse me!” Ken tried to get up in Yamato’s face, and the eldest blonde wasn’t backing down. “We are in a tense situation, we can’t be keeping secrets, or putting up a front to be “cool”. We all need to be on the same page so it is my business.”

“Master please don’t, calm down!” Wormmon pleaded.

“I am calm, it’s this guy who’s got a hot head!” Ken looked from Yamato to Tai and back again growing angrier at how the blonde was acting and how it could be affecting his sempai.

“Guys calm down, we are all tired. Let’s cool our heads.” Willis got in between them.

“Fine!” Ken walked off with Wormmon following him. They made the trolley care their home base, the cushions were soft. Candlemon served as a mini heater his natural flame and heat filling the confined space making the area cozy.

Through a series of events (drawing straws). Taichi was resting between Izzy and Takeru, the trio made a cute scene together. Tentomon and Patamon were resting nearby. Kari rested on one side of the car with Salamon, while Ken, Willis, and Joe laid out on the cushions. Wormmon rested on Ken’s chest, Gommamon was sleeping at Joe’s feet, while Willis was using Terriermon’s ears as a pillow.

Yamato helped send everyone to sleep, playing a nice little tune on his harmonica. “Yamato, you should be more honest with Tai.” Gabumon said.

He didn’t respond, just closing his eyes. This was his habit, whenever things would get to him, he would channel his feelings through his music. Yamato put a lot of weight on his shoulders, when his parents divorced, he blamed himself for a long time. His relationship with Takeru was strained, even as they got older, his mother didn’t want Takeru hanging around Yamato out of fear/disgust. Now there was Tai, the berries thing wasn’t bothering him anymore thanks to Kari, but he just didn’t know how to act around Tai now. Tai is his best friend and would be the one he’d talk to but now…

“Gabumon, I’m in love with Tai.” He confessed.

“That’s a good thing right?”

“Yeah it is, but I don’t know how to be around him anymore. I’m scared...I don’t want to hurt him, or scare him away. I hate that I’m scared, and that I can’t talk to Tai or get close to him. I’m scared I’m gonna mess it all up. He’s going through so much right now I’m just trying to give him space.”

“Yamato, Tai’s your friend, he trusts you so you should trust him too.”

“I do trust him, I envy him. Takeru’s become attached to him already, the other guys were so honest about their feelings. Taichi is so warm and beautiful...while I’m...not…” He’s developed a coldness, being cool and tough to get through his days.

“I think you are pretty great.” Yamato blushed and the two turned to see Taichi standing there.

“You’re awake!” Yamato gasped. “How much did you hear?”

“I heard enough.” Yamato buried his face in his hands.

‘He heard all of it, I’m so lame!’  Taichi sat next to him.

“Hey Gabumon, can you give us a minute?”

“Hehe, sure thing, I’m gonna grab you both a snack. Play nice!” He scampered off.

“Hey!” Yamato gasped.

“Yamato,” Taichi took his hand. “I’m sorry!”

“Huh, what do you have to be sorry for?”

“Ken was right, we do need to be honest with each other. In this world there are some real dangers, we need to trust in and rely on each other. I’ve been so focused on my issues, I didn’t see you were holding stuff in too.” He did, but just didn’t know what.

“No, I’m sorry, I’m always like this. It’s no wonder the guys are so attached to you.”

“Are you jealous?”

“What? No...maybe...a little…” He blushed and looked away. “I don’t know.” He may have felt a little aggression towards Ken.

“It’s the same for me, their feelings, your feelings, my feelings. It’s a lot to take in and figure out.” Taichi leaned against him. “But I’m happy, that you guys accepted me like this. For so long I thought nobody would understand.” Yamato laced his fingers with Taichi’s. “I don’t want to hurt anyone either, I’m so scared of disappointing people I hid my true self away. A part of me is still scared.”

“I want you to have space to figure things out, but I’m scared that I’ll lose you.” He confessed. Gabumon told him to be honest.

“You won’t lose me.”

“It feels like I will. Just like I feel I’ll lose Takeru. He’s growing up, he doesn’t need his big brother. You don’t need me either.”

“He needs you, I need you, they need you, and what’s more I want you.” Yamato smiled at that.

Taichi kissed Yamato on the cheek, and his face heated up. ‘Shit!’ He squirmed.

“Something wrong?”

“Well I um…” He looked down and Taichi followed his gaze.


“I’ll just go take care of it.” Taichi stopped him.

“Let me help.”

“But you umm…”

“I said I wanted to take things slow, giving you a hand isn’t a big deal is it?”

“I guess there’s nothing wrong with some petting…” He gulped. Taichi helped undo Yamato’s pants and freed his aching erection.

“You have a nice cock Yamato.” Taichi praised, tracing the length with his finger. Yamato shivered. The cool night air tickled his skin, but the heat of Taichi’s skin made him lean into the touch.

“Thank you...ohh!” Taichi gripped him firmly and began to pump his dick. “Taichi!”

The campfire light created some romantic lighting as Taichi played with Yamato’s cock, making the blonde pant and moan. His cool features melted into one’s of pleasure. “You are really cute too Yamato!” Before the blonde could protest at being called cute Taichi kissed him.

His moans were muffled as his release built higher and higher, until he was tipped over the edge and he came, making a mess all over his shirt and Taichi’s hand. “Wow!” Yamato panted.

“Crap, I didn’t think about the mess.” Taichi blushed.

Yamato took off his cum splattered shirt, allowing Taichi to marvel at his toned body a bit. ‘Wow!’ He used his soiled shirt to clean off Taichi’s hand. “I’m gonna go clean up, I’ll find Gabumon and come back.”



“Yeah?” The blonde kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you.”

“Anytime…” Yamato walked off. He was good at this nature survival stuff. Taichi watched as he collected water with a leaf, and used it to wash his shirt.

Taichi missed it in the dark, but a black gear flew through the air and went into the lake. He heard the splash. “What was that?”

To be continued...Lake Battle


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