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One Piece parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Daddy of the East: Lust Lust Fruit

Monkey D. Luffy was just a normal kid, living in a normal little village inside of the Goa Kingdom. Then upon eating a special devil fruit he’s evolved and infused with the knowledge of Lust. His desire changes to be a special kind of family, with his devil fruit and strength he seeks to become the King of the Pirates.

Chapter 1

Monkey D. Luffy was a happy kid, living in his small village in the Goa Kingdom. He became influenced by the ideas and dreams of adventure from the band of pirates that made his village their base. These were not normal pirates, by most standards. These men lived by the Code of Roger, they didn’t attack innocent people and mostly sought adventure and fought other pirates if they got in their way.

Luffy wanted to join these pirates, even proving his bravery by stabbing his cheek. The pirates cheered and partied for Luffy’s bravery, but also for their recent haul. They had gotten word that their enemy had obtained one of seven legendary special paramecia. Shanks wasn’t gonna allow them to have it, so they set off and took the fruit and whatever loot they could find.

It was a grand battle and a wonderful haul as they obtained one of the seven Sin Devil fruits, the Lust Lust Fruit! The men were eating, drinking, and making merry, but the fun times were stunted when a gang of bandits burst in. They were haughty and full of pride, but in the eyes of these pirates they were but a tadpole in a pond.

The bandits walked in like they owned the place, while their leader bragged about his bounty. Luffy watched confused as the pirates just sat there and let the bandits mock them. The leader spilled booze on Shanks and made a mess of the bar, but Shanks didn’t do a thing. Luffy didn’t get it.

He watched as the bandits left, and he felt confused and frustrated. Shanks didn’t help matters. “Some fights aren’t worth fighting, the only way to win is not to fight.” Luffy didn’t get it and Shanks laughed. “You’ll understand when you are older.”

Out of frustration Luffy chose to eat his feelings, finding a strange fruit inside a box. He ate it, even though it tasted bad. He was unaware of how this fruit was going to change him or his future.

Devil Fruits were strange and mysterious things, divided under three categories; Zoan, Logia, and Paramecia. Among these three types one can find further division and sub categories. An absolute truth of all devil fruits was this; One, you’ll become hated by the sea, you’ll lose your strength when submerged in water; Two, eating a devil fruit changes your body completely even affecting your lineage factor; Three, eating more than one devil fruit will cost you your life. Aside from these three facts devil fruits are very much a mystery and some believe they don’t even exist.

Monkey D. Luffy was just a normal kid, that is until he ate the Lust Lust Fruit and everything changed.

Shanks gasped at the sight of Luffy’s body. “What the hell?!”

“EHHH!?” The whole tavern was in an uproar at the sudden change. Even Luffy was confused, until he looked down.

“What the heck?”

“You dumb ass!” Shanks scolded. Luffy had eaten one of the seven legendary even among devil fruits. One of the Sin Series these seven devil fruits are said to be superior and special compared to other devil fruits of their type. Luffy’s sudden change was proof of that...

-x-13 Years Later-x-

Luffy was preparing to leave the Goa Kingdom and set off on his own journey as a pirate. Little did he know there was a surprise heading there way.

The King of the Goa Kingdom was not the nicest man, he was cruel, he was greedy, he was arrogant, and tried to live beyond his station. He was well known for trying to pay extra tribute to the Celestial Dragons to gain more favor and influence. This rubbed some other Kings the wrong way, as the Goa Kingdom was in the East Blue, considered the weakest of the four seas.

Going to war wasn’t easy, and would also waste resources and time. There was a way though…

The Underworld Army, the Evil Kingdom, the Kingdom of Science, the Germa 66! This kingdom had the power to traverse the Red Line with ease and at will. It was once a proud empire in the North Blue but the North was considered the strongest of the four seas, and it was said that their empire only lasted 66 days. They have since tried to regain their former glory by building up their power through science, taking on jobs to wipe out targets, and supplying their army to whichever side had the most money.

They eventually received a notice that they could take part in Reverie and seen as a proper kingdom, recognized by the World Government. They have sway with the government, can effect bounties, and even give direct commands to marines. That wasn’t enough for Judge Vinsmoke who continued to seek power to one day take back their empire in the North Blue.

So when Judge got a job request to bring down the arrogant king of the Goa Kingdom. To sweeten the pot, they could keep the spoils of war, all of the Celestial Dragon tribute and any bits and bobs they find. Judge took the job, but didn’t want to expend much effort on a single kingdom in the East Blue.

He sent one ship, with his three sons, and a small army of 100 clone soldiers. He expected them to take care of the mission swiftly and easily and come back for the next round of orders. Their ships were built on tamed giant sea snails, they can move through the sea easily and are strong enough to climb the Red Line. There is a full platform on the back of the shell.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji were modified humans, they were the biological sons of Judge which made them princes. He modified them turning them into obedient weapons for his kingdom. They didn’t question the mission or protest, they simply obeyed and prepared to go to the East Blue. They hadn’t gone there in about 10 plus years.

The ship they took was Niji’s Tower, it was his private palace. Like the other towers it was a well built structure, with four mini towers giving it a palace look. The soldiers lived in one of the mini towers, another tower was for storage, another tower served as a medical wing/lab, the fourth tower was empty. The main tower consisted of Niji’s travel room, there was other rooms for the Vinsmokes to use if they went out on missions together. It had a small kitchen, a dining room, a control room for the ship, and other rooms to show some form of opulence.

Their ship has tri-cannons on each of the corners of the platform. They were built like mini tanks for soldiers to enter and control the individual cannon turrets.

The Vinsmoke brothers sailed and entered the East Blue on schedule and sailed to the Goa Kingdom. The trio found this mission boring, but didn’t bring it up in front of their dad. Alone they complained about coming to such a weak place, seeing it as beneath him. They arrived on the side with a dock connecting to a certain village. “Look there’s a bunch of people at the docks!” Yonji pointed out.

“Did they know we were coming?” Ichiji checked through a spy glass.

“Looks like they celebrating something.” Niji points out.

“Well let’s crash the party.” Ichiji said with a smirk and snapped his fingers. Their soldiers got to their stations. Two of their cannons aimed their triple barrels at the village. They were tasked with attacking and bringing down the Goa Kingdom, even if this village was just an innocent bystander they’d wipe them out.

“Fire!” Their cannons opened fire without warning, had the shells hit and blew up the death count would rise fast. Before they could get close they were struck by an invisible force and blew up in the air. “What the hell?”

“Should we fire again?”

“Yes blow that village to smithereens!” Niji said but was stopped by Ichiji.

“No, someone was able to stop our shells. Let’s go find out who.” It was Niji’s turn to smirk.

“Looks like this mission will be a lot more interesting.”

“Let’s go!” The brothers grabbed their raid suits and in super hero fashion transformed. The special canisters released a weird energy that stripped off their princely clothes and dressed them in their skin tight battle suits.

The explosions didn’t go unnoticed, as the villagers retreated back away from the approaching ship. It wasn’t waving a pirate flag, but it wasn’t a ship anyone recognized. The snail sank into its shell, and a bridge came forth and connected to the island. The Vinsmokes and their army marched onto the island.

“Well now, this is a surprise. I was hoping to set sail today, but looks like trouble.” A man approached them, he was tall, had wild dark hair, a firm strong chin, and had a scar under his eye.

“Who are you old man!?” Yonji asked, while Niji and Ichiji observed him quietly.

“Old man? How rude, I’m only 18, probably as old as you.” He said and put on a straw hat.

‘No fucking way!’ Was the shared thought. This guy looked to be in his 30’s

“You liar, there’s no way!” The guy was clearly older than that, his body gave off a mature charm that couldn’t be denied. He was built like a mountain, wearing a red vest that showed off his thick arms, his broad shoulders, his beefy pecs, and his rock hard abs. His shorts were loose by design and showed off his toned legs and thighs, but what was really prominent was the massive bulge at the crotch.

“Hahaha, well I knew you wouldn’t believe me, no one does!” He looked around 30 physically!

“Luffy be careful!” A woman called out.

“I’ll be fine Makino, I’ve been training for this after all.” Luffy cracked his knuckles. “I don’t know why you are here, but you guys attacked my village, so I’m gonna teach you some manners.”

“Were you the one who stopped our cannon fire?”

“Sure did, that was pretty rude ya know, attacking us like that out of nowhere.”

The princes just laughed. “We do what we want, we are the Princes of Germa!” Niji declared.

“We got a job to do.” Ichiji said.

“Men, ready!” The soldiers readied their weapons. They had some pretty advanced guns and armor.

“We’ll see about that.” Luffy flexed, his muscles bulging and catching the attention of the princes and the soldiers. A strange surge rippled through them as they blushed. “Lust Lust Beam!” Purple energy formed around Luffy’s hands and he fired a heart shaped beam at them.

Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji managed to snap out of their daze and escape the path of the beam. Their soldiers weren’t so lucky. In a flash they were stripped naked and the men came, falling back and some passed out. “What the hell?!”

“What is he?”

“He must have even a devil fruit.”

“That’s right, I ate the Lust Lust fruit, and became a Lustful Man!” He winked at them, causing the princes to blush and their hearts skip a beat.

“So what, you can’t defy our power!” Yonji snapped.

“You may have taken out our pawns, but we are much stronger than that!” Niji snapped.

“We’ll teach you to fear the power of the Germa!”

Luffy crossed his arms. “Oh yeah, you boys just seem like a couple of brats to me. Your suits seem cool, but there’s something about you that’s hollow.” He couldn’t put his finger on it.

“You dare mock us!” Niji snapped and pulled out his lightning sword.

“We’ll show you, when this is over you will be kneeling before us!” Yonji snapped and he revved up his armored arm. It took in air and his muscles swelled.

“There’s three of us, and only one of you. Once we are done with you, we’ll bring down the Goa Kingdom on our own.”

Luffy sighed. He inspected them with his Lust Eyes. “You boys just seem like spoiled brats to me, but that’s okay!” Luffy cracked his knuckles. “I know how to deal with spoiled brats.” He smirked.


Luffy was on a fancy couch in the now conquered Germa Ship. Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji were naked, taking up different spots. Niji was currently in Luffy’s lap bouncing up and down on the impressively huge piece between his legs. “You like Daddy’s cock?”

“Yes Daddy I love it, I love you, your cock makes me feel so good Daddy!” Niji drooled and moaned. He loved to sink down on the massive piece, feeling his once virgin ass hole bloom to swallow the thick piece and his stomach bulge lewdly as he took it down to the root.

Ichiji was on his left, hearts in his eyes as he waited for his turn with his new Daddy. His cock was bound with a cock ring made of purple energy, and Luffy had three fingers stirring up his insides. All Ichiji could do was pant and whimper and watch with jealousy as his brother rode their new Daddy.

Yonji was on his right, playing with his nipples as he surrendered to lust. His cock was also bound by the lust energy. Luffy had three fingers up his hole as well, he drilled the two brothers with his fingers, churning up their insides as they waited for their turn. They’d been at it for hours already, Luffy’s libido was monstrous, putting their super human stamina to shame.

They were too horny to be exhausted, they couldn’t wait to to be fucked next, again, and again, and AGAIN!

To be continued...Lust Baptism



Ooooo, now I like this story! Luffy with a cock so big that it makes belly bulge, the vinsmoke family on their knees for Luffy, Luffy being an absolute top/dominator~ I honestly can't wait for more on this story ^^ Not only that, but it would be interesting to see how the rest of the story goes! Will the Vinsmoke family serve Luffy? I'd like to see the alternative divergence it'll have on other arcs, like with Kody, Zoro, Ace, Chopper maybe, etc. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens next! Great job as always!