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Dragon Ball parody; Tier 1/Redux

Monkey Style

Kakarot is raised by Gohan, the secret of his power standing strong. He teaches the boy to control his inner power and teaches him everything he knows. He watches his young grandson turns into a fine young man with his own unique style. However when a young girl comes looking for the dragon balls he let’s his grandson go to see the world.

Chapter 1

Gohan found a strange little boy in the woods, from the alien ship he knew he was not of this world, if the tail didn’t give it away. The boy had to be around four or five, and he was clad in some strange armor. He was a feisty little thing, but hunger made him weak.

Gohan earned the boy’s trust with food and by proving his own strength against him. He was still wild but much more manageable. Gohan sparred with the boy after the meal and once he tired himself out he put him to bed.

He examined the ship in the hopes of learning what the boy was or where he came from. Gohan wasn’t super tech savvy but he managed to bring up some kind of record. Although he could not understand the language of the text, it had visual images to explain some things. Whatever the boy was, he had a powerful transformation if he looked at the moon. It wasn’t so strange Gohan had met a few werewolves in his day.

He could not abandon the boy and he hoped his teaching would bring his little Goku down the right path. He gave the boy the name of an ancient warrior, known for his strength and mischief.

It wasn’t easy at first, but Gohan taught him the Common Language first, and taught him how to read and count. Gohan had to promise to spar with Goku to keep him focused on learning. When it came to the martial arts, Goku took to it like a fish to water.

Gohan trained him for many years, and using meditation the boy faced the beast within. “Goku listen to me, you have a mighty power inside you and the moon will bring it out of you. This power may be too much for you and you could hurt a lot of people.” Goku didn’t want that, so he avoided looking at the full moon and focused on his mental training.

Through the mental discipline Goku was able to gain control of his monster ape form. Thankfully saiyans did gain some control of this form as they got older, but with Gohan’s help by the time he was 13 he was able to transform without an issue.

They had no choice but to test it, and he had Goku look up at the moon. The boy transformed, and instead of going crazy he picked his grandpa up and licked him. He couldn’t talk in this form yet, but he had control now. Gohan was amazed, the boy’s armor stretched with him even in this giant form.

With that potential danger taken care of, they continued training. Gohan was a skilled martial artist, even in his old age he was a fine tuned warrior. He had trained with Master Roshi, with Korin, and even Kami! He had earned the Power Pole as a sign he was Earth’s Champion. He took their lessons and gave a spin on them.

Goku learned about wasted movements, detecting one’s next move, and reading an opponent. Goku wore weighted clothing to strengthen his body and speed. Gohan wanted Goku to develop his own style one day, and felt a balanced education was needed. For a good four years Goku was trained to have a body like steel but be as swift as the wind, and as fluid as the water.

When Goku was 17 they started more advanced training, on how to use his ki. He could fire a ki blast from his hands, and even a powerful one from his mouth, he was surprised the Goku could learn the Kamehameha wave in such a short time. He started teaching the boy how to control his ki and even sense it.

They spent more time on it and the teen learned how to control the wave even after it’s been fired. Developing one’s ki control would take someone to the next level.

Gohan taught him a few tricks he had, like how to use the After Image Technique, and the Jan Ken. Some staples of martial arts.

What’s more he had Goku train up his tail, that was a weakness he could not allow to continue. He’ll admit he had to use it when Goku got too rowdy when he was a child, but now that he was older he needed to learn to train it properly.

He used a special ki technique to help strengthen him, he bound his wrists, ankles, and tail with the ki. “Ki Shackles!” This made him heavy and didn’t just strengthen the body but caused him to strengthen his ki as well. Goku’s ki was pushed down by Gohan’s ki, making it difficult to use. As a final push Gohan even created a ki shackle around Goku’s neck, making a six point lock.

This made the training they did twice as effective. Goku could even train naked which the mood struck him from time to time. The ki cuffs and collar made it so he had to really focus and push to do anything. The alien was pushed to his limits time and again and he kept crawling a little higher each time.

His tail became as well honed as his body, so now even if it was grabbed Goku wouldn’t lose his strength. It also could strike with the same force as a punch or a kick. Goku slowly built up his ability to use his ki even with the cuffs on. This was crucial for ki control. He could fire his ki blast from his mouth, fire the Kamehameha Wave, and he even created a ki whip technique which he channeled through his tail.

Gohan was so proud of him, he had grown into a fine young man, but he feared that all this time in the mountains the boy would not be ready in the outside world. When Goku went through that phase of his life, his libido awakening for the first time Gohan was lucky. His first teacher was Master Roshi, a skilled martial artist and a major pervert. He still had a few of his master’s magazines from his training days.

Goku was able to discover himself, and explore his lust. It turns out Kakarot had more interest in the males in the pictures than the females. That was fine, Gohan preferred both in his younger days.  Though when he caught Goku jerking off instead of meditating he did punish the boy by placing a ki cuff on his dick. “You need to find balance young man!” He didn’t want Goku to lose sight and fall too deep into lust. If he slacked off in his training, it would hurt him in the long run.

“Yes Grandpa!” The cuff stimulated Goku’s penis, and while it made it difficult for the young lad to get off it wasn’t impossible. Also it gave Goku the wicked idea in channeling his ki into his dick, Master Roshi would be so proud. Goku did find balance, training his little heart out, and then having a good fap. He was building up stamina and endurance thanks to the cuff, his natural saiyan assets growing through puberty.

Gohan wasn’t kidding Goku really had grown, he was tall and well built, his body forged through training and getting some oomf-oomf from his alien biology. He was a lean mean fighting machine, and below the belt he was packing some serious meat. He was a grower, 10 inches soft and 13 inches hard.

With a seven point seal it was like taking Goku’s training to another level. He had no real reason to go, he was having fun training here. He even started a farm nearby to train and grow them food. Goku even started his own unique fighting style.

“That boy is truly amazing!” He exclaimed when he saw what the young man could do. He called it Monkey Style, in honor of his Ozaru form!

For his final lesson he taught him the Hypnosis Technique and Thunder Shock Surprise. He warned him that both techniques were unique and dangerous in their own way. The Hypnosis Technique, could put someone to sleep yes, but there was more. You could place hypnotic suggestions into one’s mind, a stronger mind could resist of course.

Thunder Shock Surprise was dangerous cause of its powerful and deadly nature, turning one’s ki into a charge of electricity. Mastering this technique would take his ki control to new heights.

Goku promised to use these techniques responsibly.


Their quiet mountain life was gonna change as Gohan found the 4-Star Ball. He gave it to Goku for his 18th birthday, and gave him his power pole as a sign of graduating. He did pick up some bad habits, like the boy had no shame, he’d often be found running around and training butt naked. Gohan said it was fine since they were out in the woods/mountains.

Gohan was able to teach him more about the world, but the hermit life had it’s restrictions. Goku wore the 4 Star Ball as a necklace and kept it with him where he went.

This led a girl named Bulma to them. The girl had collected two dragon balls already. What was her wish? The girl wanted a boyfriend, she was a smart girl but her dating life was all but zilch. She had some dates but the guys were just after her family’s money. The guys who had money she met were arrogant dicks, who cared more about themselves than her.

When she heard the legend of the dragon she knew she could have the perfect boyfriend. One that was handsome, smart, cool, sexy, and loved her completely.

Her dragon radar led her to the mountains, where Goku and Gohan were staying. She arrived and ran into Gohan first, they introduced themselves. “Excuse me sir, do you perhaps have a ball like this?” She showed him one of her dragon balls.

“I’m sorry my dear but that ball belongs to my grandson, but you can ask him.”

“Alright.” She dolled herself up. ‘Maybe he’s hot?’

“Here he comes.” Gohan sensed Goku approaching. He had been fishing and he was coming back with a huge haul.

Goku, not one for modesty, and who happened to be fishing/swimming buck naked, came up the road buck naked, carrying a huge tuna behind him.

“Oh my!” Tall, muscled, and hung like a horse Bulma couldn’t take it, she blushed so hard she passed out from a nose bleed. Gohan sweat dropped.

“Darn it boy, how many times have I told you not to run around naked?” He said trying to save face in front of their guest, his grandpa smacked him upside the head.

“What this is the first time, it’s never been a problem before.” He said, clutching the sore spot.

“There’s a lady in the house Goku put your pants on.” The boy did, not getting the point. His grandpa told him what women are, and how he should respect them, but he didn’t get the big deal of being naked. He put his pants on, not that they hid much, the bulge in his crotch was clear and his upper torso was drool worthy.

Bulma came to, and asked Goku if he would go out with her. “Okay.” He picked her up and walked outside and set her down. “Okay, we are out.” Gohan fell over.

Bulma blushed at being lifted up and carried so easily. ‘He’s strong!’

“I’m afraid your barking up the wrong tree, Goku prefers men in that way.”

“Oh wow that’s even hotter!” Gohan fell over again.

‘Kids these days, oh boy.’ The elderly man thought. Bulma asked Goku for the dragon ball and of course he refused.

“No way this is a precious gift from my grandpa!” Bulma looked to Gohan who shrugged.

She explained what the balls were and what they could do all together, and that she was on a journey to collect them. “Hmm, Goku why don’t you travel with her, it will be good for you.”

“Are you sure Grandpa?”

“Yes, you can protect her and see the world. You may even meet some worthy fighters, or even meet those who’d want to learn from you.”

“Learn from him?”

“Yes you see my grandson has developed his own unique style, it surpasses even my own. He is a skilled fighter with much to learn, but he can also teach and guide those to become strong.” He explained, and Goku blushed at the compliment.

“Wow that’s so cool, then you can be my body guard!” Goku agreed, and packed up some stuff for the trip, his weighted gi, his power pole, his dragon ball, and a lunch. He came down dressed in his saiyan armor. Bulma gasped at the sight of it.

Bulma explained about dino caps and machines. Gohan got an idea. “Perhaps miss you can do us one other favor.” He showed her Goku’s space pod. “Goku came to Earth in this thing but I’m afraid I don’t know much about it.”

She gushed over the tech, it was all so amazing. She hadn’t seen anything like it before. She got an empty capsule and attached the mechanism to Goku’s ship. With a push of a button the ship was stored away safely in a capsule. “I’ll study it once the quest is over, deal?”


The two were off in search of the balls.

To be continued


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