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DBZ parody: Redux/Tier 1

Chapter 1 

Chap 2 Battle

Raditz was on edge, he wanted to see what was going on. “Are you worried about your brother?” Raditz nodded.

King Kai focused on the battle and his antennae pulsed and produced an image. Raditz gasped seeing new saiyans on the battlefield. “How?” King Kai chuckled.

“The divine power of reincarnation, he used his powers to revive his fallen friends but brought them back as saiyan hybrids.” Normally even a kai would have to sacrifice their life to bring back the dead, but this technique is quite different. “Goku truly is saddened by the fall of the saiyans, he must be trying to fix that which was lost.”

Raditz stared at the image, amazed at his brother. ‘I’m such an idiot!’

Nappa got up, in a fury at Kakarot/Goku. “What’s that form, you think you are the super saiyan? You third class trash!” Nappa called his ship, and retrieved something from it. “I’ll crush you!”

“Kakarot and he’s fighting Nappa.” Raditz said, a little nervous.

“He’ll be fine I trained him myself, so I know Goku will win.” King Kai said, patting his own back a little.

“You don’t understand Nappa has something dangerous. He said if I ever mentioned it he’d kill prince Vegeta, it’s something terrible a drug from our home world. Nappa stole it before the disaster.” Raditz explained.

“Just what is it, what does it do?” King Kai asked, and Raditz looked freaked.

“Something evil, the king himself banned the use of it.”


He took a med pack from the ship to hide his intentions, he used a serum to heal his wounds. Inside his pod was a secret weapon, he’d use it and kill this brat.

“Nappa hold it.” Vegeta said, he stepped up and looked at Goku. “Listen Kakarot we are just here for the dragon balls and to get our wish. If you want to fight we can gladly, but we are here for a wish.”

“Sorry but I was already wished back, it’ll be another year before a wish can be made. The next wish is for my family, I’m bringing my brother and father back.” Goku said with a smirk. This surprised everyone especially the two opponent saiyans. “I’ve got my reasons.”

“You are not gonna waste a wish on that fool Raditz. He was weak and like all weaklings they deserve to die.” Goku glared at Nappa. “Your old man was a coward and a fool, he got too high and mighty for his own good.”

“After what’s happened to our home world you should not say such things.” Goku said, looking angry.

‘What’s he talking about, our home world was destroyed by a meteor…wasn’t it?’ Vegeta thought, as he stared at Kakarot. ‘What does he know?’

“I’ve had enough of this!” Nappa shouted and rushed at him.

Goku held up his palm, and Nappa foolishly punched his palm, Goku didn’t budge and the backlash broke Nappa’s arm. “Ahh you brat what did you do to me?” Blood gushed from his damaged arm.

“Kai Palm, a technique the returns an opponent’s force back at them. Now take this.” Goku whipped his tail out and the force sent Nappa flying, Goku pulled his hand back and did a palm thrust. “Divine Push!” A powerful force hit Nappa and sent him barreling into the ground knocking him out.

Raditz couldn’t believe it, and neither could any of the other Z fighters. Even Vegeta was stunned by Goku’s power.

“That is the power of the divine saiyan, this power is tied to one’s heart so every emotion has a chance to amplify or weaken the techniques, Nappa must have truly angered Goku.” King Kai explained to Raditz.

Raditz was truly amazed at his little brother’s strength.

With Nappa knocked out, Vegeta decided it was his turn to fight. “Well now Kakarot this is a surprise, I never would have expected such a unique power from you.” Vegeta said, with a light chuckle. “However, despite your new form Kakarot I am your prince and you will kneel before me when this is all over.”

Goku smiled. “We’ll see.” In a split second Goku tackled Vegeta and took off flying. “Guy’s I’m gonna take this fight somewhere else, don’t get too close!” Goku shouted as he took off with Vegeta. The prince was stunned and tried to thrash, but Goku’s hold was too strong.


The two fighters landed a good distance away. “Tell me Kakarot what do you know of our home world, it was destroyed by a meteor, it took an act of nature to destroy our home, but you sound like someone is responsible for it?”

“After this fight I will share everything I know.” Goku and Vegeta got into a fighting stance and the two clashed. Their fight could be felt clear cross the land, blow for blow, and each strike brought an aftershock.

The fighting lasted longer than believed Raditz watched in awe, and the other Z fighters couldn’t believe the sensation it was like nothing they felt before. Even from far away they felt every blow and clash as the two saiyans went at it. Sensing Goki’s ki, they could feel him, and the saiyan wasn’t angry, he was full of excitement.

Vegeta felt it to, this fight was unlike any he had before, fighting Kakarot was exciting in more ways than one. Vegeta had always loved fighting, as most saiyans did, and fighting Kakarot had gotten him aroused. His arousal caused a spike in his ki, and the longer this fight went on the hornier the prince became. He wanted to bring down this saiyan and dominate him.

Vegeta’s arousal was hidden by his armor, had not gone unnoticed by Goku, he could smell it! He was in the same boat, he missed sparring and fighting with his friends, it always used to excite him. Vegeta was something else, it made his heart flutter. Vegeta was getting stronger as they clashed but so was he. The two were working up quite a sweat as they pushed each other back and forth.

Goku launched a Palm Strike, Vegeta blocked it, but the shocks ruptured his armor, breaking it into pieces. Vegeta was now clad in only his blue under armor, the skin tight body suit showed off his masculine features, and his dick stood loud and proud.

This caused the orange clad fighter to smirk. He tackled Vegeta to the ground and pinned him, Vegeta’s arousal met with Goku’s crotch and the prince blushed. He felt Goku’s hardness, mesh with his own. “Ahh Kakarot.” Vegeta moaned, as Goku ground his hips against him. Goku was just as hard as he was, Vegeta hadn’t noticed, too swept up in the fight. Goku wasn’t much for deep thinking, he was a simple guy, that acted on his instincts, and his heart told him what he wanted now.

“You’ve been a very bad boy Vegeta, I’m going to give you some proper discipline.” Goku purred into Vegeta’s neck, and the saiyan prince shuddered in desire. Goku’s scent washed over him, it was so masculine and strong, and Vegeta groaned bucking his hips against the larger male. He took a big whiff of Goku’s manly musk and it made his dick pulse in want.

King Kai fanned himself as Raditz’s jaw dropped. “Well I didn’t see this coming.”

Vegeta’s pleasure dazed mind sobered up as he was pulled up, and Goku sat down and laid the prince over his lap. He squeezed Vegeta’s ass and earned a surprise growl from Vegeta, the prince tried to struggle but Goku stroked the man’s tail and he went lax in his lap. “Damn it!” He blushed. He had trained his tail, but in his aroused state his furry appendage was one big erogenous zone.

Goku pulled his hand back and brought it down onto Vegeta’s butt with a loud smack. “Ahhh!”

The cry of pained mixed pleasure was music to Goku’s ears, and he proceeded to spank Vegeta, the skin tight body suit did nothing to protect his ass from Goku’s swats. Each swat stung Vegeta’s ass and it aroused him greatly, he ground his arousal against Goku’s leg trying to gain release. “The saiyans need proper guidance, we’ll start with you!”

Vegeta felt humiliated not even his own father had spanked him and to top it off he was enjoying it. As much as he wanted this humiliation to end, he didn’t want Goku to stop; it was maddening! His butt juggled and bounced, the heavy swats went right through him. He felt his inner walls tremble, from the earthquake of pleasure Kakarot was unleashing on him.

Goku stopped his swats, and rubbed Vegeta’s stinging cheeks. “Kakarot!” Vegeta moaned.

“You have a sexy ass my prince, I wonder what the inside feels like!” Goku moaned and his tail came up and began to push into the crack of Vegeta’s ass. Vegeta gasped as his body suit stretched and sank into his ass as the tail pushed deeper and deeper finding his tight hole. Goku’s tail continued to pushed and pierced Vegeta’s hole and sinking into his tight channel. Vegeta’s suit stretched inside him never tearing, the wonders of saiyan technology. Vegeta’s cock was being squeezed by the body suit and it felt so good!

Goku’s tail wiggled inside Vegeta, for saiyans anal sex was intense. Their bodies broke down all food and converted it into energy, their ass was used purely for mating. Vegeta never saw himself as a submissive, so he never explored his ass before. Kakarot’s tail plundered his virgin soil, and it felt so good. His ass opened up for the appendage and as it wiggled inside him it had his special nerve endings firing.

Vegeta drooled, his mind going foggy again. His butt wiggled and shook as the tail sank deeper. Goku was panting above him, in his aroused state his tail was just as much as an erogenous zone as Vegeta’s so having it squeezed by Vegeta’s tight ass was something else. Goku hadn’t known such pleasure existed before now.

His tail sank deeper and curled in just the right way to hit the prince’s sweet spot. “Aaaahhhhh!” Vegeta howled. The prince lost it he came, and his cum soaked the crotch of his suit. Vegeta’s clenching inner muscles squeezed his tail and Goku came spilling his seed into his boxers. Vegeta was flushed and panting as he swam in his sex high. Goku pulled Vegeta up to sit in his lap, he kissed Vegeta and the prince moaned.

Goku mimicked what he saw in Master Roshi’s magazines. Vegeta responded, kissing back, and the kiss growing deeper and passionate.

The kiss broke for air, and Vegeta growled as he came to his senses. “Damn you Kakarot, are you making fun of me? You were holding back in our fight I know it.”

“Not at all Vegeta, I just wanted to fight you I didn’t want to kill you, Raditz didn’t want me to kill you to.” Vegeta blushed at that.

Meanwhile, Raditz was suffering from a major hard on. He had just watched his brother spank prince Vegeta. He was at a loss for words.

“Besides if either of us died we couldn’t fight each other again and where’s the fun in that?”

Vegeta laughed, truly laughed, something he hadn’t done in a long time. “You’re right Kakarot.” Vegeta rested his head against Goku’s shoulder. “You win, I give, I don’t even want to kill you.”

“Now Vegeta I can share with you, what I witnessed during my training.” Goku touched Vegeta’s forehead. Vegeta’s eyes widened as visions of Bardock’s standing against Frieza, Vegeta’s heart clenched seeing how happy Frieza was at destroying their home.

“Our race…we served him, and he destroyed us!” Goku hugged Vegeta, and the prince clung to him. The prince was furious, he felt rage, sorrow, and humiliation. Vegeta knew he wasn’t strong enough to defeat the mad tyrant. “I need the dragon balls, I have to become immortal that’s the only way to kill him!” He growled.

“It wasn’t just Frieza that destroyed the saiyans it was their pride and arrogance, we need to find a new path Vegeta, we’ll stop Frieza ourselves and we’ll find a better way.” Vegeta was shown that Bardock had tried to warn the saiyans, but the elites mocked him and ignored his warning. It was a heavy blow, Vegeta hated to see it, but it was the truth his people ignored the warning that could have saved their lives.

His father filled his head with his twisted ideals, and how the elites were the strongest, the smartest, the best of the best. As he watched the elites mock the one who tried to save them, he couldn’t help but think. ‘Fools!’ Had they stood together, and fought with Bardock maybe...maybe things would have been different.

Kakarot was offering another way, a new path. “Fine, we will try it your way.”

“Promise?” They sealed the promise with a kiss, as their tails coiled together.

The two saiyans returned to Goku’s friends. He used some divine trick to clean them up, so Vegeta didn’t have to waltz around with a cum soaked crotch. The others tensed up. “Oh relax already Kakarot won our fight this time, you and your planet have nothing to fear from me.”

Goku chuckled, happy to know they’d be fighting again in the future.

“Vegeta…you…can’t be serious!” Nappa said, as he struggled to get up. “I always knew you were weak Vegeta, you and the king were fools.” He reached into his ship and pulled out a red vial. “You royals were always weak but now I’ll use the power your father feared to slaughter you all!”

“Nappa, where did you get that?”

“This?” He wagged the vile. “I stole it before I went on our mission.” It was a rare serum, said to have amplified a saiyans power vastly.

Vegeta knew of it, an effort from the scientists but it was a failure. The side effects were too much. Nappa drank it and felt his power swell.

Red ki energy erupted from Nappa and he began to transform. The others felt his ki, and it felt wrong. It was rising but it felt weirdly unstable.

“That’s it, the power Nappa stole from planet Vegeta before it blew up.” Raditz said in fear.

Nappa’s form changed into his ozaru form, without the moon; his body wasn’t growing larger though.

“Vegeta what is this?”

“It is the result of a failed experiment, it had the power to enhance a saiyan’s power, drawing on their ozaru nature. It shortens a saiyan’s life span, taking years of their life and turning it into power. It then forces the saiyan to mutate into their ozaru form, but it’s warped and condensed. He’ll never be able to go back.” His father had attempted to use it on third class saiyans, turning them into better soldiers, but those that tried it died becoming half mutated and disfigured. Elites could handle the serum but the life cost was too much, and their mutated form becomes wild and uncontrollable. So his father had it destroyed, but the one he had destroy it was...Nappa...

“Now Vegeta, I will kill you and Kakarot, and take my time killing every last one of you!” Nappa said pointing at the Z fighters. His voice was distorted and darker. His power was even stronger than Vegeta’s now. Goku shifted into his divine form.

“I won’t let you!”

To be continued…


Nappa’s new form is shocking in both speed and power. The fighters take on this beast and Goku and Vegeta team up to bring Nappa down. The z fighters use their new saiyan power to take on Nappa.

End preview


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