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DBZ parody: Redux/Tier 1

Divine Saiyan

While training on King Kai’s planet Goku learns more than just a few techniques he learns the holy power of the Kai’s. He returns to earth and with this new found power he turns the tides of battle. With this power Goku helps bring balance to the universe. Goku/Harem Raditz/Harem

Chap 1 Holy Form

King Kai was a good judge of character and he could tell that Goku was special very different from other saiyans. He had a sense of humor for one thing. He knew the history of the saiyans for the most part. While they served the Cold Empire, they had also gained favor with Lord Beerus. They became forces of destruction so Beerus could sleep and not need to do his job.

He always wondered, with proper guidance and training, could the saiyans have been better? His answer was before him with Son Goku, yes he loved to fight, but he was still a good person. He helped the people around him become better people, he protected his world and even died for it. ‘If anyone is worthy of the divine power it’d be him.’

So along with the Spirit Bomb and Kaio-Ken, he had Goku learn the holy techniques. It was rare for anyone other than a Kai to posses these abilities but he wanted to see if it was possible now. Kai’s had blessed mortals with divine power before to mixed results. The ancient “gods” and titans were a testament to said results.

King Kai knew they didn’t have much time, and believed this would be the best bet to helping Goku get stronger. King Kai gathered up his godly ki and created a sphere of divine energy. “Goku, this is my Sacred Orb, it contains all of my divine energy that I’ve accumulated. Enter this orb and it will strengthen your body and ki, but be warned it’s holy power may be too much for you to handle.” A pure heart alone wouldn’t be enough. “It won’t be a painless experience, and it is very possible your soul will rip apart.”

“I’ll do it, I need to get stronger!” Goku knew the danger, he understood, but he would do it to protect his friends. King Kai marveled at his determination.

“Very well, strip!”


King Kai explained as the Sacred Orb would awaken Goku’s powers it was a pure force of nature, Goku would have to discard his clothes before entering. Goku wasn’t shy and stripped butt naked. He had an amazing body, his training so far had strengthened him and helped him grow.

Goku was placed in an orb of holy energy, had Goku been an evil soul he would have been repelled immediately. The Sacred Orb’s power enveloped him and penetrated him, stimulating his soul. For Goku it was intense, like his spirit was being ripped apart and healed, only to be ripped apart some more. He felt it akin to drinking the Ultra Divine Water. The energy seemed to comb through his memories, as if it was testing him.

He thrashed around for some time. King Kai feared he had made a mistake and that Goku’s spirit would be ripped apart for good. The saiyan’s spirit writhed in agony, and for a moment he started to fade away. “Goku, I’m pulling you out, that’s enough!”

“No...I can take it...King Kai...you trusted me with this...I won’t give up!” Goku’s body surged, and King Kai felt Goku’s Ozaru power. His tail grew back, his naked body pulsing more and more. His tail growing back seemed to stabilize him. Goku gained a divine seed at his core. It would slowly build up divine ki that Goku would need for these techniques.

“You did it Goku, you did it.”

Goku spent days in the orb, he meditated for hours and hours never seeking food or water. The holy energy poured into Goku’s body replenishing what he needed. In the orb he could focus and get in touch with his Ozaru power. He had more control of it than people thought, even as a child, while he acted on instinct he hadn’t tried to harm his friends.

His body grew stronger, his hidden potential being burst open like a damn breaking. New abilities began to awaken inside the saiyan. Inside the orb was also King Kai’s knowledge, Goku was learning the Divine Techniques. The energy showed him more than just techniques

It showed Goku his father Bardock, a powerful warrior, a skilled scientist, though that word had a different meaning on Earth. Bardock had helped develop techniques for the saiyans to use, his advancements helped bolster the saiyans power and fighting options. This allowed him to become a second class warrior. This earned him the respect of some, and the envy of others.

He saw his father’s destruction along with their planet, it didn’t look like a meteor striking the planet but a large ki ball. Kakarot heard the screams of the saiyans as they were blown out of existence. Goku shed tears for them. Bardock had tried to warn them of the danger but those envious of his accomplishments cast doubt on his claims. The elites mocked him as he tried to save their people from destruction. Goku felt his saiyan blood roar in rage.

Goku trained hard inside the orb, gaining more and more control over his ki. The divine energy sensed Goku’s will and desires and built up techniques that he wanted. His power began to rise, as the divine seed began to bloom.

The day of the saiyan arrival was drawing near, and King Kai feared this training would be for not, but then the orb of holy energy was absorbed completely into Goku’s body and Goku transformed, his hair and tail turned pure white, and his eyes turned a dazzling golden color. This transformation was amazing combining the divine power and the saiyan rage.

“Goku...wow!” The saiyan materialized a gi to cover his naked form.

“King Kai I will be right back.” In a second Goku was gone.

-x- In Hell –x-

Raditz was writhing in pain as some oni beat him. His saiyan armor was stripped from him, and the oni wailed on his naked and defenseless body. It was a reminder how weak he was, and how he acted to those weaker than him. It had been like this for weeks, he would be beaten to within an inch of his life, then cast into a blood pond and healed instantly, he then was dragged out to be beaten and tortured again. The blood pool’s healing didn’t trigger his saiyan cells, so he remained weak and at the mercy of the oni in hell.

Suddenly they stopped and backed away. Raditz looked up and saw his brother with snow white hair and equally white tail, with piercing golden eyes. “Kakarot? What are you doing here? Have you come to mock me or did you get cast down here to?” He gave a weak laugh, before coughing up blood.

“I’m here to help you Raditz.” Goku came down to his brother and touched his forehead. “Divine Heal!” A white light washed over him, healing his body and giving him a boost of strength.

“This power...where did you get it? Answer me!”

“We will have time to talk, but first you need to know the truth.” Goku closed his eyes and he shared the visions he had and Raditz cried. He recognized the one who launched the Death Ball.

“Frieza!” He wailed. Frieza had betrayed them, murdered their people, murdered his father and mother. “We were loyal why!! Why?! What was the point of serving him, why did he keep us alive, was he toying with us?!” Raditz cried beating the ground. He saw Bardock had discovered Frieza’s plot and tried to warn everyone, but the elites wouldn’t listen and mocked him for his efforts. It reminded him of the way Nappa treated him.

He saw his father steal a pod and send his little brother away, not to take over the world, but simply save his life. “What have I...What have we been doing?” They continued to serve Frieza, all the while he was the one who wiped out their people. It was like a sick joke. Everything he thought he knew and believed in was a lie. He was robbed of so much.

“Raditz, I’m offering you a chance to change your ways, join me and my family. Live on Earth with me, be my brother, let’s train and get stronger together, and we can deal with what comes next together.” Goku said placing his hand on his brother’s shoulder.

Raditz nodded. “Please...take me with you...I’m sorry!” Goku hugged his brother, the brothers united after so long.

“Wait you can’t
” The oni protested this, but Goku was already gone with Raditz with him.


Back on King Kai’s planet

Goku and Raditz appeared. King Kai gasped in shock. “Goku...Raditz...did you pull him out of hell?”

“Yeah, he was led down the wrong path. If he’s willing to change and be better, I don’t see a reason why he should remain in Hell.”

King Kai wasn’t so sure, he scanned Raditz’s mind, and was surprised to see the older saiyan be so broken. Not only the news of what happened but his time in Hell had changed him. He was forced to face his biggest fear and his own weakness. King Kai pulled some strings with Yemma to give a pass with Raditz.

Kakarot created a black gi for Raditz to wear. He calmed down and his hair returned to black and his tail returned to brown.

“King Kai I need you to look after my brother, I’ll need the dragon balls to wish him back. We’ve both been dead for too long to use the holy techniques.”

“Alright I’ll do it.” King Kai said, and suddenly Goku’s halo vanished.

“Looks like they brought me back.” Goku said and Raditz looked at him.

“You’re going to fight Vegeta and Nappa aren’t you?”


“Nappa’s always been an asshole to me, but Prince Vegeta was good to me, please don’t kill him.” Raditz said.

“I will not kill him Raditz you have my word.” In a flash Goku was gone and racing to Earth.


On Earth the saiyans had arrived early and had begun attacking the Z fighters. Yamcha had been taken out, Krillin pissed Nappa off as his technique nearly killed the bulky saiyan. Nappa put Krillin down hard. Chiaotzu was taken down using self destruct trick to try and take Nappa with him. Tien in his rage let loose a powerful blast with all his strength forcing his life force into the blast, it wasn’t enough and Tien collapsed.

Nappa then took down Piccolo, but Vegeta ordered him to keep him alive. Nappa agreed to keep Piccolo alive, so he  broke his arms and legs so he couldn’t walk or fight. Gohan was left alone to face the massive monster. Nappa fired a powerful blast at Gohan. The young male was frozen in fear and just as the blast was about to kill him. Goku appeared in front of Gohan and blocked the blast with his hand.

“What the hell?” Vegeta gasped. ‘The scouter didn’t pick him up at all.’

“Dad!!” Gohan shouted. Goku smiled and patted his son on the head.

“Hey Gohan, I’ve missed you.” He hugged his son. Gohan hugged back smiling happily.

“So I’m guessing you’re Kakarot. Hey Vegeta what’s this guy’s power level?” Nappa shouted and turned to look at Vegeta. Vegeta was in a daze staring at Goku. “Vegeta!!” Nappa shouted.

“Oh right?” Vegeta clicked the scouter and it read Goku. “That’s not possible. It says 0!”

‘They’re wrong, they can’t see it but I can, Goku has changed far more then I could imagine.’ Piccolo thought as he could see the depths of Goku’s new found power. It gave him chills. ‘Goku what have you been up to.’ Goku went over to Piccolo and used his powers to heal him.

Vegeta’s scouter sprang to life, but not for Goku for Piccolo. His badly damaged body healed and he grew stronger. ‘Did he receive a Zenkai Boost?!’ It was hard to believe, but he just saw it!

Goku looked around and saw his fallen friends. “They haven’t been lost for to long I can still help them.” Goku walked over to Yamcha.

“You can’t help anyone cause you’re going to die!!” Nappa rushed at Goku, but the saiyan simply dodged. “I knew it you’re a loser just like Raditz!!” Just as Nappa was going to punch Goku he was sent flying back. No one could follow what had just happened, Vegeta went over to Nappa and saw three marks one on his legs, one on his abs, and the other across his face. From the length and form of the marks they looked like they were caused by Kakarot’s tail.

Vegeta turned back to look at him. “Don’t interfere!” He snapped and his eyes flashed gold. Vegeta gulped and felt a shiver race down his spine, his tail puffing up.

Goku knelt next to Yamcha. His body was badly damaged. “My friend, I can save you, but you’ll need to be reborn. I will bare any hate you have for me.” He pulled a strand of hair from his head and blew on it. The hair turned golden in color, glowing in a warm light.

The hair fused with Yamcha, healing the man’s body, and Vegeta saw the spirit of Ozaru appear over the fallen warrior before sinking into him. Yamcha sprouted a tail and he came back to life.

“Goku? Am I dead?”

“No you’re alive, I had to use a technique to revive you but
” Yamcha gasped as he had a tail. “I had to revive you as something else.”

“You...you revived him as a saiyan!?” Vegeta couldn’t believe it.

“Not fully, just half. I hope that’s okay.”

“Dude, you saved my life. It’s more than okay.” He hugged Goku, his tail swishing happily.

Goku was saddened to see Chiaotzu’s body was gone, so there wasn’t a way to revive him. Krillin’s body was banged up and his neck was broken, Nappa was brutal. He pulled a hair from his head and repeated what he did with Yamcha on Krillin. Vegeta saw another Ozaru spirit pass into the bald male, a surprising change was Krillin grew hair as well as a tail. “Goku?” Krillin teared up. “Goku!” Krillin hugged his friend and rival.

“Welcome back buddy!”

“Nice hair dude!” Yamcha praised.

“Wait I have hair?” Krillin checked, and yes he did, a nice mane of hair too. It framed his head naturally. “Oh shit I have a tail!” Krillin gasped.

Yamcha filled Krillin in on his new tail and what Goku did. Krillin was okay with it, more so as the dragon couldn’t revive people multiple times. ‘I dodged a bullet there.’

Goku went to Tien, everyone watched in shock as even Tien was made into a half saiyan, he sprouted a tail, but remained bald. “Goku...you came back...how did you
?” Goku filled him in. Tien was shocked at his new appendage. He felt reborn.

“I’m sorry about Chiaotzu, without a body there wasn’t anything I could do.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“All is not lost, but we must survive this first.” Tien didn’t know what Goku was saying, but put his faith in his friend.

“Now that my friends are safe let’s do this.” Goku said and transformed, his hair and tail going white, his eyes becoming golden. He took a fighting stance. “Let’s fight!”

To be continued


Raditz watches the fight thanks to King Kai. Goku shows off the power of his holy form’s combat skills against Nappa. As Goku fights new feelings arise.

“Kakarot I am your prince despite your new form I will defeat you.”

“Vegeta you have been a bad boy and need proper discipline I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

End Preview


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