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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Bad Day Fic

A bad day fic from yesterday please enjoy

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

Kevin got a spare change of clothes for Ben from his car after he reverted back to his loboan hybrid form. “Kevin...why do you have clothes for Ben in your car?”

“Oh um, never can be too careful am I right?” He avoided eye contact and was sweating heavily.

“So I still have my powers I’m just a hybrid now, the loboan half gets swapped out for whatever alien I choose.” Ben put on his clothes, it was a tight fit. His hefty hybrid loboan cock was still long and plenty thick. He crammed it into his pants but ended up breaking the zipper. “Damn it!”

“Ben! Language!” Gwen snapped.

“Sorry…” He sulked. His fur needed to breathe so he wore just his green jacket, showing off his furry pecs and abs.

“Ease up on him would you?”

“Why are you defending him?”

“You wouldn’t understand, you’ve never been seen as a monster or a freak.” He put his hand on Ben’s shoulder.

“Thanks Kevin.”

“You guys are acting weird.” Gwen left to call grandpa Max and give him an update on what happened. Once she was gone Ben got up and licked Kevin’s cheek.

Levin blushed, and so did Ben. “Sorry, did that on instinct.” He kissed his cheek, and Kevin swooped in for a real kiss.

“You should follow your instincts more, it’s cute.” Ben’s tail wagged.

“So you don’t think I’m a freak?”

“Ehh, maybe a little, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find you perfect as you are!” Kevin put his arms around Ben, who responded by wrapping his arms around Kevin’s neck.

“Oh man, what are we gonna do?”

“What we always do, beat the bad guys and kick butt.” Ben laughed. Ben meant more than that, but one problem at a time. He nuzzled Kevin’s neck and sniffed him.

“Mmm, you smell good!” He growled.

“Easy Ben.” Kevin shivered.

“Says the guy who got a nosebleed seeing me in my Humungousaur hybrid form. Perv!” Ben teased, his tail swishing back and forth. Kevin blushed. Ben licked his cheek again before going into another heated kiss. Kevin’s hands drop and cup Ben’s fuzzy ass.

It had been awhile since they had fooled around. Gwen had no idea they had been seeing each other. Kevin had a change of clothes for Ben, in his car, in his garage, and even at his house for if Ben stayed over. Kevin also had a few things stashed at Ben’s house for when he stayed over there.

Ben’s ear flicked and he pulled off of Kevin, leaving him horny and breathless. He soon got why as Gwen came back. “Grandpa Max isn’t happy, but there is nothing we can do, the fight is in a few hours.” She looked up and saw that Kevin was flushed and fidgety. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah...I’m fine!” He said while, secretly adjusting the hard on in his tight jeans.

Ben’s cock was stuffed down his pant leg, so even when hard it wasn’t super noticeable. Gwen wasn’t really looking for it, so it was missed. Kevin wasn’t dating Gwen or anything, the two just wanted their relationship to be about them. Gwen had a habit of meddling in relationships which the two didn’t want.

“We need to do some training if you are gonna fight Vilgax.”

“Right training.”

Ben started with Spidermonkey. His loboan DNA was shifted and he became a new hybrid. His hair turned a mix of blue and black, and he gained some fluffy sideburns. His face didn’t change much outside of growing some canines and he gained two dots around each eye that served as additional optic receivers. He sprouted another set of arms, both sets gaining fur that matched Spidermonkey. His torso lost the fur but turned a dark blue color, the omnitrix was on his chest held together by two green sashes across his chest and back. His tail morphed into the Spidermonkey tail.

“Spidermonkey!” Ben called out after he transformed.

“Really you still doing that?”

“Sorry habit.” He shrugged. He still had all of Spidermonkey’s powers, he could walk on walls, had heightened strength and senses, he could still shoot webs. “This one still seems normal.” He did some back flips to show he still had his grace and agility.

After the watch timed out, Ben tried one he was a bit more concerned about. “Goop!” He transformed, his hair turned green and gelatinous, a metal collar appeared around his neck with the onmntrix symbol on the back. Ben’s arms and legs turned gelatinous but the rest of his body looked human.

Though his body looked human it retained the gelatinous aspects of Goop. In this form Ben kinda got an upgrade as he could still freely control the goop, but he could also create it and manipulate it using the control collar around his neck.

“This one has some perks to being a hybrid.”

“Let’s see!” Gwen fired some mana bolts, which Ben countered with his goop hair. It stretched out like tentacles and swatted away the bolts. When Gwen wasn’t looking Ben showed his goop control, wiggling his brow at Kevin as he could make his fingers lengthen and enlarge.

Oh it gave Kevin some ideas.

His last test transformation was Chromastone, his ears became pointy and elf like, his back side became stone-like, it spread over his shoulders to his pecs. Ben’s eyes became the color of bismuth, he sprouted a crystal horn, and two more horns from his shoulders. Ben’s hands and feet turned to crystal, up to his elbows and knees, while the rest of his arms and legs turned to stone. His stomach looked human, as did his face, ass, and crotch.

As Ben cycled through his aliens, some old and some new, he got worried seeing one he thought he had locked away.

They ran out of time and had to race to the dueling spot.

“Ben are you sure about this?”

“Do I have a choice?”

“Yes, don’t do it, Vilgax wants to challenge you one on one for a reason. From what Max said, he’s taken over 10 worlds and drained 10 champions.”

“I’m not worried, I’ll fight with everything I have to protect the Earth.” Kevin wasn’t so much worried about the Earth, but about Ben. These duels were often duels to the death.

“Just be careful Ben, Vilgax underestimated you in the past, now he’s not, he’s serious.”


Ben arrived with Gwen, Kevin, and Max watching from the sidelines. Max was shocked to see the state Ben was in but that would have to wait. Vilgax arrived. “Where is Ben Tennyson?”

“I’m right here Vilgax!”

Vilgax eyed the loboan hybrid and laughed. “Is this a joke Tennyson?”

“It’s not a joke, the omnitrix did this to me.”

“Clearly you were not fit to wield the ultimate weapon after all.”

“Yeah, yeah, can we get on with this?” Ben was annoyed.

“First, we must agree to the terms of combat.”

“What terms?”

“If I win, your world belongs to me, to do with as I see fit.”

“I figured that part already. Can we get on with this I’m not in the best mood.”

“Second, if I defeat you and you survive or surrender, I get to keep you as my pet.”

“Excuse me!” Ben growled.

“No deal!” Kevin snapped.

“You have no say.” Vilgax snapped at Kevin.

“Grandpa can he ask for that?” Gwen asked.

“Unfortunately yes, he can take what he wants from the champion he defeats, their powers, their life, even their body if he chooses.” Max explained.

“Don’t agree to this Ben!”

“What’s wrong Tennyson? Scared? Do not worry, though our past is complicated you will find I am a very kind and loving master.” The way he said loving sent chills of disgust up Ben’s spine.

Ben took some deep calming breaths. “I’ll agree to these terms if you agree to mine.”

“Very well.”

“First, not only will you never invade this world again, you will free all other worlds you’ve conquered.”

Vilgax chuckled. “Very well.” His servant protested this as by the galactic regulations Vilgax could never return to those worlds or challenge them again, if he lets them go. “Quiet toad, I know what I’m doing.”

“Second, when you lose, you’ll return all the powers you’ve stolen from the other champions.”

Again Psyphon protested, but Vilgax ignores him again. “I agree to these terms, and you agree to mine?” Ben nods, and Vilgax’s smirk grows. “Done!”

Ben charged forward and socked Vilgax right in the face, he didn’t stop swinging his claw up to scratch Vilgax’s armor. “You are quite feisty Ben Tennyson.”

“I’m not in the mood for this Vilgax, so shut up and fight me!” Ben let out a sonic howl which knocked Vilgax back.

“So eager to fight, but you will soon meet your end. I will make you watch as I burn this planet to the ground.” Ben growled and tried to hit him with another sonic howl, but this time Vilgax blocked it with his fancy shield. “I will keep you as my pet to appease my boredom and celebrate my victories.”

“And here I thought you just wanted the omnitrix, can’t say I’m touched.” Ben was fast and agile, taking the fight close to Vilgax and getting another good scratch on his armor.

“You should be, no other creature in the universe has vexed me so. You have my attention Ben Tennyson, and you’ll soon have more.” Kevin physically gagged.

Vilgax drew his sword, causing Ben to back off. “It’s now or never.” Ben slapped the watch and transformed. “Big Chill!”

Ben’s hair gained blue high lights, two antennae appeared from his head, standing tall from his hair. Blue and black scales appeared on Ben’s face and forehead, his eyes gained an arctic blue color. His hands changed into Big Chill claws except five fingers, with his arms mirroring that form up to his elbows. His legs matched his arms, with the Big Chill legs going up to his knees. Ben gained some armored scales over his pecs and abs, and four markings on his back which contained his wings. Ben took his jacket off and released his wings.

“I see, you’ve become a hybrid of the omnitrix, not unlike your little friend once was.” Vilgax shot Kevin a dirty look as Ben swooped in for the freeze. He unleashed a freezing breath that froze Vilgax. He freed himself with his flaming sword. He swiped at Ben who went intangible. It was going find till Vilgax’s gauntlet radiated a yellow energy which allowed him to grab the intangible.

He shocked Ben and knocked him away. As a hybrid, Ben had more tricks up his sleeve, as he could manipulated a cold field around him freezing moisture in the air, and contorting it into spikes. He launched the ice spears at Vilgax, who either blocked them or swatted them down with the fire sword.

Vilgax swung at Ben with the Fire Sword, only for Ben to catch it and shock everyone by biting the sword and breaking off a chunk of it. “My sword!” Big Chill was good with hot temperatures as well as cold. He learned Big Chill’s teeth could bite through metal after the pregnancy fiasco.

He zapped Ben with the yellow energy, forcing him back. He saved his blade by having it become coated in crystals. “Try and eat this.”

“No thanks!” Ben dodged his blade. He pelted Vilgax with ice shards. “Let’s try this one!” Taking to the sky he tapped his omnitrix belt. Ben transformed into his Humungousaur hybrid form, he ripped out of his pants. using his power to grow even larger.

Vilgax was taken by surprise, his gaze focused on hybrid Ben’s massive dick. It cast a long shadow, before a dinosaur sized Ben crashed down on him smashing him into the ground. Vilgax was in quite the daze, even as Ben held his dick with one arm and brought his fist down to pound Vilgax’s face into the ground.

He eventually came too, and blasted Ben off him. “That hybrid form is amusing but there has been enough games.” Vilgax went nuts pelting Ben with all kinds of energy blasts, eye beams, and assorted powers he stole from champions across the universe.

Ben had a hard time fighting with his hyper cock out and heavy. He had to defend himself one handed or risk his giant dinosaur meat would drag on the floor. So he turned the dial on the omnitrix and slapped it. With one thing leaving his mouth before everything stopped. “Alien X!”

To be continued


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