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My Hero parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Expulsion! Bakugou does have a heart!

Shota Aizawa aka Eraser Head, stands as one of the most stern teachers at UA. He has high expectations and often complains about the tests involved in getting students into the school. He seeks to give students harsh lessons, and teaching them some realities about the world.

On paper he had the highest expulsion rate then any teacher. UA had high standards after all. All Might looked over his file and got really worried.


Aizawa wasn’t blind, he could see something was off with the guys. “What happened?” He followed micro movements, as the guys looked to Mineta, while Izuku looked away avoiding eye contact with anyone. “Midoriya?”

“Nothing sir,” He puts on a fake smile. “I’m fine.” Bakugou looked angry, his hand balling up and shaking.

“Fine we’ll discuss this later.” He went over that they would be performing a Quirk Apprehension Test. There would be eight fitness tests; 50-Meter Dash, Grip Strength, Standing Long Jump, Repeated Side Steps, Ball Throw, Distance Run, Seated Toe-Touch, and Sit Ups. “I’ll be grading each of you on how you use your quirk in these events, and if you’ve shown improvement since High School. The lowest scorer will be expelled on the spot, while the bottom five will be reviewed to see if you will even have a place in this school.”

A sudden wave of dread washed over the class. In both middle school and high school you weren’t able to use your quirks during fitness exams. Aizawa found this practice illogical, as quirks were a part of one’s body. While there was quirk counseling, and recently there were classes to practice their quirks, there was a growing lack of proper development for the next generation.

Some of the students tried to complain this wasn’t fair. “Those of you that show potential will remain to learn at UA, those that don’t will be expelled, that’s how it is in the world.” Villains and natural disasters don’t know the meaning of the word fair. “If this is too much for you, you can always resign now, and find another school to go to.”

Stomp! Izuku released milk tremors through the ground.

“Let’s do this!” He declared. “We can’t back down now, especially after working so hard to get in!” His shout helped cut through the despair. It was a small boost to the morale, but it helped.

Mineta clicked his tongue in annoyance. “So you are big and loud, perfect.” he muttered.

Aizawa started taking down notes.


Izuku was trying to focus, but he was still a bit rattled.

“Is he gonna be okay?” Kirishima asked Bakugou.

“He’ll be fine, that runt just caught him off guard. That giant nerd can be as strong as a mountain sometimes, or as soft as clay. He just needs to shake it off and focus.” He answered letting his concern for Izuku show.

” Kirishima eyed him.


“Nothing, nothing.” Kirishima backed away from the explosive blonde.

-x-Aizawa’s pov-x-

The first test was the 50-Meter Dash, Tenya Iida went first and had the record to beat at 3.04 seconds. He was clearly in his element with his quirk Engine, but speed wouldn’t help him in every test.

Bakugou Katsuki did well using his quirk Explosion to propel him faster to get the second highest score. Mina Ashido showed creativity with her quirk, using acid to melt the ground and she skated to a solid score.

Izuku Midoriya seemed distracted. “It’s your turn!”

“Oh right!”

“DEKU!” Katsuki shouted. I looked at him in surprise. “YOUR SHOES YOU IDIOT!”

‘His shoes?’ Izuku blushed.

“Oh right, thanks Kacchan!” He waved and his smile was shining way brighter than the fake one he had on before. Izuku removed his shoes and took a deep breath. His focus seemed completely different than before.

‘What is he
’ I didn’t have time to finish the thought as the robot gave Izuku the signal to go, and bam! Izuku surged forward, with each step he was moving faster and faster. Izuku crossed the finish line at 3.33 seconds. It hit me, a titan has a connection to the Earth, when fully connected they can draw strength from it and enhance their abilities.

“Thanks Kacchan I almost forgot.”

“You idiot, you need to get your head in the game. Do you wanna be a UA drop out ya loser!” Katsuki snapped. Izuku just laughed it off.

“No don’t want that. Thank you, really!” He hugged Katsuki.

“What have I told you about that? Trying to smother me with your damn pecs!?”

Izuku laughed again. “I’m more careful than that.”

Everyone completed the first test, so next was the Grip Strength. Mezo Shoji got the highest score at 540.0 kg, Izuku got the second highest score at 456.0 kg, with Rikido Sato using his quirk to enhance his strength getting 400.0 kg. Some outstanding performers were Kirishima Eijirou, Koji Koda, and Fumikage Tokoyami, landing in 200 kg range one using his natural bulk and super human strength, the other two using their quicks to draw out the maximum effort. One might argue if Dark Shadow’s grip strength should count for Tokoyami, but it’s my test and I say it does.

Next was the Standing Long Jump, this exam was a cake walk for Tsuyu Asui and Ochaco Uraraka. Mashirao Ojiro showed some creativity using his tail as a spring to launch himself, Yuga Aoyama was also about to launch himself using his quirk. Momo Yaoyorozu created a pole and used it to pole vault herself and get some solid distance. Bakugou’s explosion quirk was used to clear the gap, his explosions keeping him airborne to land a great distance.

Minoru Mineta used his quirk, jumping on one of his sticky balls worked like a trampoline that allowed him to clear the box. “Beat that!” He shot at Midoriya. I could see the look of annoyance and frustration on his face.

Izuku used Earth bending to launch himself into the air, clearing the sandbox and beating Mineta’s distance. “No way, that’s cheating!” It wasn’t. Shoto Todoroki did something similar using his Ice quirk.

I made a note of Mineta’s actions and continued on. Next was the Repeated Side Steps. Mineta once again tried to antagonize Izuku, before taking his turn. He used his quirk to create walls of balls on either side of him which he used to bounce back and forth. Bakugou Katsuki got the second highest score, using his quirk to bounce him back and forth.

Izuku drew on the Earth and did the side steps effortlessly, getting the third highest score.

On the Ball Throw, Izuku had to rely on his titan strength to carry him, but no one was able to beat Uraraka’s Infinity score.

Then came the Seated Toe-Touch, where Shoji and Ojiro landed some good scores, but the victor was Izuku. His large body was actually EXTREMELY flexible. For a minute I thought I was gonna have to rush some students to Recovery Girl for nosebleeds. He had a dancer’s mobility so this test was a breeze.

I also had to restrain Mineta from ogling the girls when doing the Toe-Touch.

Maybe I also shouldn’t have had Kirishima be Izuku’s spotter during the Sit Up portion. His face became as red as his hair. Guys and girls were swooning as Izuku’s muscular body bent and flexed as his abs and pectorals tightened.

Everything seemed fine until the last exam. I had turned my back for a second when I heard a loud slam. Izuku was on the ground, having tripped on something. Upon inspection it was one of Mineta’s sticky balls. “Oh sorry about that. Sometimes these things just fall off ya know?”

“You lying little turd!” Bakugou was ready to throttle him. As a teacher I had to restrain him.

“That’s enough Bakugou. Remove it.” I glared at Mineta who began to sweat.

“I...I can’t...once it sticks to something it won’t come off for a couple of hours.” I could tell Izuku wanted to retaliate but showed great character and restraint from doing so.

Izuku had to drop out of this test. “I’ll be allowing Midoriya to retake this test tomorrow, with the scores as they are I doubt the results will change.”

-x-End Pov-x-

He revealed the scores.

Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugou
Izuku Midoriya
Momo Yaoyorozu
Tenya Iida    
Fumkigae Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijirou Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Ochako Uraraka
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Tsuyu Asui
Yuga Aoyama

The top 15, safe from review and expulsion.

Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Toru Hagakure, and Minoru Mineta.


“Minoru Mineta you are expelled!”

“No way, this can’t be, I want a recount!”

“Alright.” Aizawa flipped through his papers. “I just recounted you are expelled!”

“I thought this was a ruse, to push us to do our best.” Momo began to sweat having thought the same thing.

“At UA we are training the next generation of heroes. Some see it as a glamorous job, an easy road to fame or popularity.” Aizawa detested this ideal, so many heroes continued to show off for the press and cameras, it warped the idea of what a hero is. “Heroes have to face hardships, struggles, pain, when you go up against villains they try to hurt you physically, spiritually, and emotionally. If you aren’t ready for that, or don’t think you can handle it you’d best find a better career.”

Aizawa’s words were full of impact, laced with first hand experience. Mineta was expelled and not a tear was shed really. “The life of a hero isn’t so glamorous, heroes have died, you’ll be facing natural disasters, villains, criminals, and you may have to face your own weaknesses. Not everyone is cut out to be a hero!”

With that said, he expelled Sero, Denki, Jiro, and Toru as well. Denki collapsed on the ground sobbing.

” Izuku went over to him.

“Haha, guess I won’t get a chance to get to know you better.” He cried. They others were sulking, having been expelled while the mood wasn’t much better for the others who passed. They witnessed fellow students having their dreams cut short right before their eyes.

” The titan jumped. “I want you to report to Hound Dog, and we will be having a word after you see him.”

“Yes sir!” Izuku had to leave to go speak to Hound Dog who served as the UA counselor and PE teacher. He felt bad for the others but left as ordered.

“I hope Izuku’s gonna be okay.”

“Quit your whining weird hair!” Katsuki snapped. “Deku’s tough, he’s had a lot of bastards try to tear him down. Those jealous of his height, his quirk, his muscles, they’ve tried to tear him down, calling him a monster. He never lashed out, sometimes he cried, most of the time he put on a smile and just kept working towards his goal. As strong as he looks, he’s got an ever tougher heart. The dumb ass just needs to not let his guard down.” Building up confidence took time, Izuku had emotional scars, the path of those with monster quirks wasn’t an easy one, and yet Izuku chose to smile.



“Nothing, I’m just surprised. You seemed kinda mean, but you do have a heart!”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Oh nothing, it’s just nice to see that you care about Midoriya.”

“Shut up, I don’t care about that damn nerd!” He crossed his arms and huffed.

“Ohhhh, I see, you don’t care about him. You LIKE him!” He gave Bakugou a big toothy grin. The blush that bloomed on Bakugou’s face was priceless.

“YOU ARE SO DEAD!” Explosions went off as Bakugou chased Kirishima around.

Aizawa rubbed his temples. ‘So noisy!’

To be continued...Life and Death!


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