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DBZ parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 8

Chapter 9 Two More Balls and Toys

The journey continued, as the saiyan kai’s and Bulma traversed the fantastical world around them. They tracked a Dragon Ball to deep in the mountains. It was in the possession of an old hermit named Gohan. He was very welcoming and kind.

He gave them food and tea. “You boys certainly give off an interesting aura. Are you fighters by chance?”

“Indeed, saiyans pride themselves on being a warrior race.” Kakarot explained.

“I’ve never heard of a saiyan before.”

Cumber explained some ancient history of the saiyans, before he was sealed away. After that Kakarot explained how he came to be raised by the kais, Shin had trained Kakarot to be a mighty warrior. Their world was gone, but they had each other. “It’s possible there are other saiyans out there, once our planet seed blooms, we can try to search for them.”

Bulma listened to their tale, her family had contact with aliens before. Believing they were aliens was easier than believing they were gods. “I see, you two have been through a lot.” Gohan gave a respectful bow to them.

“You believe them? Just like that?”

“Oh yes, their auras are quite clear and honest.” Gohan explained. It helped that he knew about Kami, and understood that there were higher powers and beings that existed to protect the universe from cosmic threats. Gohan was a martial artist, and while he was still skilled, time and his declining health had him retire to the mountains. “I’m proud to say I was Master Roshi’s number one student, but I’m not able to fight as I used to.”

With his failing health, he didn’t have much time left and he couldn’t even find a successor to pass on his skills. “Well can’t have that.” Kakarot walks over to him. “If I may?” Gohan nods.

Kakarot releases his healing ki, there was a virus attacking Gohan’s heart. The man had been using his ki to try and slow the virus’s effects, but it was taking a heavy toll on him. The man wasn’t much older than the Ox King, but the strain of resisting the virus made him look 40 years older.

His special healing helped repair Gohan’s heart and made the man feel 20 years younger, and he regained 20 years of his youth. It balanced out somewhat. “My word!” He was full of energy now. “How can I ever repay you?”

“Please help teach the next generation of fighters, technique is very important and it’ll help raise the mortal level on this planet.”

“I’d be happy to be of service.” As a thank you Gohan gave Kakarot his power pole.

“Do you think you could give us something like this?” Bulma showed him the Dragon Ball.

“Oh yes, I did find something like that. You may have it.”

“Yes!” With that they now had three. Bulma fell into her own little world imagining her perfect boyfriend.

Gohan told the group about his teacher Master Roshi. “He’s an even better teacher than I, you should meet him he knows quite a lot about training, technique, and martial arts. He can be a bit pervy though

“We shall keep it in mind.”

“If you run into my old friend the Ox King, do me a favor and knock some sense into him. He’s been going down a bad path as of late. I haven’t had the strength to travel.”

“Is he strong?” Cumber asked.

“We fought often, he’s indeed physically strong, though I always felt he lacked technique. He was younger than me, and we were like brothers, but our paths became divided.”

“We can help, I know a thing or two about knocking some sense into big lugs.” Kakarot playfully nudged Cumber, who smiled. The group finished their tea and meal, having a nice chit chat. Gohan wanted to train and get back into shape, he felt rusty.

Kakarot offered to stay and help with some training. Having a good sparring match with Cumber sounded very nice. Bulma objected saying. “The search must go on!”

Cumber fought back a growl.

It was time to set off, but the group would see Gohan again someday soon. Kami was pleased, Gohan was one of Earth’s champions. ‘He’ll be needed to face King Piccolo and his army.’


They weren’t the only ones looking for Dragon Balls. Emperor Pilaf and his gang of Mai and Shu they were after the mystical orbs for less than noble purposes. Pilaf wished to rule the world, but given his stature, intelligence, maturity, power, and what not without a wish he wouldn’t have the means of ruling the world. He did have money, he had a castle which he filled with fancy gadgets, weapons, and tech. He lived in luxury but he wanted more. He had dreams of power and ruling the world.

He thought he was big time but he wasn’t. He found a dragon ball, the little imp thought he could rule the world with just one ball, but he wouldn’t have it long.

The Red Ribbon Army was on the move. This was quite bad as their power and influence was believed to be greater than Earth’s Military.

Their contact (Bege) had been moving weapons and tech to them for some time, in exchange they offered them protection, funding their small time exploits. It was through this Bege and his crime organization got its hold in the city.

Commander Red had purchased a tapestry telling the legend of the dragon balls and the mythical dragon. He thought they were a myth at first, as many others did, but then one came up for auction. He was bought out by a mystery buyer, (Bulma) but it was proof the balls were real. He managed to get a scan of the ball and recorded its energy so the army could track it.

Their scanner technology wasn’t very sophisticated, Bege having acquired a proto-type, so while they could detect a general area where a ball was they couldn’t pin point it well. He had tasked his contact to retrieve the ball, but they were taken out by unknown parties. (Kakarot and Cumber) They were on their way of taking the ball from Bulma when they came across the two saiyan kais. Their greed got the best of them, and their little branch became undone, which effected Red Ribbon and other groups.

Commander Red decided to take action, and proceeded with the Dragon Ball acquisition plan. The assumption was they would use the dragon balls to take over the world in an instant, no one was aware of Commander Red’s true intentions.

General Silver and General Blue were tasked with locating the Dragon Balls. General White wanted in on the fun, but he was tasked with watching over their base in the Northern province.

The Pilaf gang was soon caught in the cross hairs of General Silver, he attacked their castle with his army. Pilaf was in serious trouble. Despite his wealth he only had two subordinates against the army. His castle had some defenses but who knows how long they could last.


Kakarot, Cumber, and Bulma were on their way once more, heading towards the sea as Kakarot was sensing another dragon ball. They traveled across the vast ocean, Kakarot marveling at it. “Hey Cumber, how about a swim after we find the next dragon ball?” His tail swishing back and forth excitedly.

“Sounds nice.”

“No time for that, we are on a mission!” Bulma declared, much to Cumber’s annoyance. “At this pace we’ll have all the dragon balls soon.” Bulma was so happy. Cumber was getting annoyed with this attitude.

They arrived on a small island with a house with Kame written on it. “Hello?” Kakarot called.

“Is anyone here?” Bulma called out.

Suddenly the door flew open and out came an old man wearing a turtle shell on his back. “Oh ho visitors.” The elder eyed them. “A beauty and two dashing young men!” He chuckled. “Welcome to my island.”

“I’m Kakarot, this is Cumber, and this is Bulma. Sorry to intrude.”

“No need, I haven’t had visitors in so long, and you lot seem like nice folks.” He gave a bow. “I am Master Roshi the Turtle Hermit.”

Kakarot and Cumber shared a look. “The same Master Roshi, the teacher of Gohan?”

“Oh you met Gohan, how’s he doing?” They sat down and Kakarot and Cumber filled him in. “I see, so you helped my student, thank you kindly.” He had been worried about his students for some time now, but had taken the role of a hermit. “How about a gift for helping Gohan out?”

“That won’t be necessary I was happy to help.” Kakarot said.

“You sure?” Roshi began to stroke his beard, and rattle off things he could give them, but Kakarot turned them down. “What are you some kind of saint?”

Bulma gasped. There around his neck was a dragon ball. “That let us have that!”

“This thing?” It had washed up on his island. “Well I suppose you can have it.”

“Hold on!” Cumber stood up. “Kakarot has already turned down a gift. Bulma you want our help in finding the dragon balls, and while Kakarot has agreed to help you. You should not rely on the help of the gods alone.” Roshi was surprised, but he did sense something other worldly about these two men.

“It’s okay Cumber.”

“It isn’t okay, it is okay to have a kind heart, and even have a hands on approach in helping people. There should be balance.” Bulma had received two balls already thanks to Kakarot’s kindness.

“You are right.” He kissed Cumber’s cheek. The larger saiyan wanted to keep his lover grounded. Kakarot through the principle’s of training and effort convinced Bulma that while they were willing to help, they couldn’t do everything for her. “Don’t you think you’ll be happier feeling you’ve earned your wish, rather than having it simply handed to you?”

“Fine,” Bulma had to barter with Roshi, the old man was quite the perv which annoyed Bulma. Though it gave her an out. The old man wanted some pervy magazines, Bulma agrees to buy some and Roshi gives her a list. “I’ll go buy these and you’ll hand over the ball?”

“Sure thing.” It’s what he would wish for off the top of his head anyway.

Bulma was a bit worried going off on her own, so Kakarot worked a little magic creating a bell. “Since you don’t have energy, just ring the bell and I’ll know you are in danger and I can sense you and get to you quickly.”

“Thanks, and Kakarot, Cumber, thank you so much for helping me, really.” She bowed politely. She wouldn’t have been able to get two of the balls she’d gotten without their help. They were taking time to help her, she shouldn’t boss them around so much. Even if they took breaks or had some fun, they were moving faster than her initial calculations anyway. ‘Perfect boyfriend here I come!’


While Bulma left to get Roshi’s magazines, Kakarot and Cumber got to spend some time together. They two spared and Roshi was impressed. ‘These boys have such amazing control of their ki.’ The duo went at fiercely as saiyans would, both smiling and enjoying the clash of blows.

Roshi watched the two, able to follow them. He takes note of Cumber’s more primal style, while Kakarot had more of a traditional style. It reminded him a bit of Korin, but on a higher level. He could see they are both skilled fighters, and knew each other well. While they fought, they learned from each other, growing stronger in different ways.

‘Oh my!’ As the two went at it, Roshi started to realize that their fighting was a touch like foreplay. The two were growing more excited as they traded blows, zipping around his island. It was almost like a dance, a serious one.

Kakarot crashed into Cumber and the two began rolling around. A capsule fell out of Kakarot’s pocket. “Ohh my!” Roshi explained. “You have one of these!”

“Oh yes, Doctor Briefs gave that to us. He said it had use in the bedroom.”

“Would you like me to teach you?”

Cumber huffed. “I don’t think you can teach us much old man.”

“Wanna bet?” Roshi chuckled.

“A wager, sounds interesting.”

“Oh yes, what’s in here will help with that.” Roshi pointed down and the two saiyans were pitching tents. Cumber blushed while Kakarot chuckled. He brought the boys inside and clicked the capsule.


Out came an assortment of toys. Kakarot’s eyes sparkled in interest. “What good are these things in the bedroom?” Cumber didn’t get it, they both had dicks, so why would they need these? Some of the toys weren’t even phallic, what good were they?

“Well do you want to know? I can teach you of course.” Roshi radiated a strong aura, surprising Cumber.

Kakarot began to strip off his clothes. “Let’s give it a try Cumber!”

“Fine!” He growled. He stripped and Roshi whistled.

“You two have some rocking bodies. Ahh youth!”

“Grr, get on with it!”

Roshi grabs a vibrating wand and gives it to Kakarot. He whispers in his ear. “Okay!” Kakarot touches the wand to Cumber’s chest, and turns it on.

“Ohh!” Cumber gasped, as the wand vibrated his chest and nipple. “Kakarot!”

The vibrations felt amazing, rippling through his pectoral. His nipple stiffened into a perfect peek. Kakarot rubbed the wand against his nipple earning moans from the long haired saiyan. “Awe!” He did the same to the other nipple earning more moans.

“Kakarot...what...ahhh!” His tail thrashed from the pleasure.

Kakarot followed Roshi’s instruction and circled his pectoral, before prodding his hard nipple. He drew out some intense moans from the ancient saiyan. “Your cock is twitching a lot Cumber, does it feel good?”

“It feels weird, but
” He blushed.

“Then how about here?” He brought the wand down to Cumber’s crotch.

“Ahhh!” Kakarot ran the wand over his length, back and forth, it felt so good. He thought he was gonna blow when the wand kissed his tip. “Kakarot!” Cumber roared.

“Easy now, we are just beginning, there’s other toys to try.”

“Oh right!” Kakarot pulled the toy away and Cumber let out a noise. Roshi instructed Kakarot on how to use each item, with Cumber serving as the testing dummy. Kakarot’s focus and care as he used each item had Cumber’s libido surging for more.

Cumber had two egg vibrators locked to his nipples with some special nipple pasties. They buzzed away at his sensitive buds as the special pasties had amazing strength. Dr. Briefs developed a special solution for these pasties and sex tape making them a perfect combo. The vibrations rippled through the pastie making Cumber’s pecs tremble. “Nnnnhhhh!”

At the base of Cumber’s cock was something called a Bullet Belt a ring of bullet vibrators made to easily slip on one’s penis. It was switched on and buzzed away happily at the base, sending vibrations through Cumber’s cock, balls, and crotch.

He bucked his hips, showing off his stuffed hole. Strapped to each of his beefy legs were three remotes for a total of six, to some bullet egg vibes, Kakarot had pushed each one inside, before turning them on. “Kakaraaaahhhh!” He set the dials to different vibration settings, so the different vibration levels contrasted inside him. Some low, some high, they tickled and massaged his insides, his ring spasming around the wires connecting the toys to their remotes. Oh it was good!

The icing on the cake was Kakarot sucking his dick, running the wand against his puffed up tail. Cumber was convulsing in pleasure, these toys were on all his erogenous zones and his mate was sucking his dick so good. His climax rocks him and his ki spiked.

Roshi was knocked back as Cumber’s orgasm shook his whole house. ‘Such power!’ Kakarot sucked his mate’s orgasm down with gusto. The larger saiyan’s body bucked and his toes curled as his orgasm lasted for several minutes, aided by the vibrating toys scattered across his body.

A change in position was warranted. Cumber was rolled over, onto his hands and knees, his juicy rear hiked up into the air. The bullet belt was removed from Cumber’s cock and slipped onto his tail, this had the saiyan drooling as the sensitive appendage received a soft squeeze and strong vibrations.

Kakarot removed the bullet vibes from Cumber’s ass, without turning them off, earning yelps and gasps of sudden pleasure. His hole winked at Kakarot, wanting to be filled. His mate’s cock was soaked with pre-cum, he lined it up and thrust into Cumber’s tight ass. “YES!” Cumber moaned and bucked back taking his mate’s cock.

“Your insides are squeezing me so good, did your ass enjoy the toys?”

“Your cock is better!” He grinds his ass back against Kakarot’s pelvis.

The smaller saiyan chuckled and began to move, pounding into his mate. He grabbed a new toy, this one being an anal fleshlite. Kakarot reached around and tried to use it on Cumber’s cock.

Cumber grunted and growled, the toy was a bit too small for his mighty saiyan cock. Roshi drooled at the live sex show before him. The saiyans went at it hard. ‘Wild!’

The saiyans cum together, and as Cumber’s dick swells he breaks the fleshlite. His cum pelts the ground hard, as his inner walls tightened around Kakarot’s pulsing cock. Cumber shudders in delight as spurt after spurt of saiyan cum pelts his insides. ‘So good!’ He drooled.

Kakarot pants for a bit, before pulling out of Cumber. Roshi gives him another toy, a butt plug. He pops it into Cumber’s ass, locking all of his cum inside. Cumber rolled over, with the bead belt on his tail the larger saiyan was still hard. “I got an idea.” Kakarot collected the broken pieces of the fleshlite, using his powers to not only fix it but improve it.

He pumped Cumber’s cock while grabbing a bottle of special lube. He squirts it into his ass. Kakarot made a face as the cool liquid shot inside, before heating up. “Ohh!” His penis twitched in want. He licked his lips and Cumber smirked.

Kakarot straddled Cumber, lining up his cock before sinking down onto it. The two saiyans moaned, but Kakarot wasn’t done. He pushed the anal fleshlite onto his cock and Cumber bucked. “Feel that?”


Kakarot chuckled, sinking onto his partner’s massive rod, while his cock vanished into the toy. Roshi’s eyes bugged out, as Cumber’s stomach bulged. He had magically linked the toy to his mate. Kakarot moved, riding Cumber’s cock, impressively taking the massive rod, while working the toy over his own impressive dick.

Roshi’s eyes darted between the belly bulges. ‘Hot...too hot
’ Roshi got a nosebleed and fell back, leaving the two saiyans to their mating.

Cumber came hard, pumping Kakarot’s insides with cum, his hefty balls pumping the smaller saiyan full. “Mmm!” Kakarot’s tail puffed, his own climax hitting. Thanks to the enchanted toy, Kakarot’s cum was warped right inside Cumber, swelling his stomach further.


“You came so much!” Kakarot said with a light giggle.

“I guess humans have more to teach us than I thought.” He scratched his chin. Kakarot removed the pasties and bullet vibes from his nipples, and removed the belt from his tail. Roshi was out like a light, but he’d have more to teach the saiyans.

“Doctor Briefs gave us a wild assortment, we’ll have to thank him.” There was still more toys to go through, but the horny saiyans were sated for now. He removed the fleshlite from his dick, and Cumber whined at the loss. “Seems there is room for improvement.” He said wagging the enhanced toy.

“So creative.” He pulled Kakarot down and kissed him, his cock still buried in the smaller man’s ass. The two cuddled and kissed, as their bodies absorbed the seed. The sparring, the sex, and the seed absorption the two saiyans were about to grow even stronger.

To be continued...Island Attacked, the Power of Captain Pink!


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