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Pocket Monster parody: Redux/Tier 1

Ash of Hoenn

Delia had gotten together with a bad boy named Giovanni. She didn’t know how bad at first, but as he built up Team Rocket. To protect her son she decided to move, but Giovanni had Team Rocket bases in both Kanto and Johto. Oak gave Delia some Pokemon to help her move out to Hoenn. Ash is born in Hoenn and starts his journey there. Giovanni isn’t giving up, he plans to find his son one day. Ash/Wally/Harem

Chapter 1 Born in Hoenn

Delia always had a thing for bad boys, she just couldn’t help it sometimes. She ended up falling for a guy named Giovanni. He was a powerful trainer and had a following, but she learned too late just how dangerous he was. While he was off “training” he was secretly building Team Rocket an organization seeking to use powerful monsters to take over the world. He already had bases in both Kanto and Johto.

Things changed for Delia when the stick turned blue. She pulled strings and got travel to the Hoenn region, settling down in Littleroot Town. She gave birth to a son, Ash Ketchum. Her son loved Pokemon growing up, he went to lessons with Professor Birch to one day become a Pokemon Master.

Growing up in Hoenn, Ash learned about double battles and contests. He decided to become a Pokemon Master, he’d have to master the gyms and the contests.

Delia was worried for her son, but didn’t want to crush his dreams. So she secretly trained him, by having him do special chores she helped give him a strong body. She taught him how to cook, so he can take care of himself, even make food and pokeblock for his pokemon. She knew her son had a pure heart, and given time he’d have a whole group of monsters that would protect him.

Ash finally had come of age, he was a young man now, and able to start on his own journey. He was supposed to get to his first Pokemon from Professor Birch. The man was like a godfather to Ash, her son had picked up some of his habits.

He got up and raced to Birch’s lab and crashed into an orange haired trainer. “Hey watch it!”

“You watch it!” The two got up and glared at each other.

“The name’s Morrison and I’ve come from all the way from Verdanturf Town to get my first Pokemon, and you crashed into me!”

“I’m Ash Ketchum from Littleroot Town, and I’m here to get my first Pokemon, and you crashed into me!” After a bit of a glaring match one of Birch’s aides came out of the lab.

“Oh Ash hello, and you must be Morrison.” The two backed off and gave a polite bow.


“Is Professor Birch here, he’s supposed to give me my starter Pokemon today.” The aide began to sweat. Ash sighed. “He left didn’t he?”

“Yeah…” This was a bad habit of Birch, he tended to run off and get lost in his research. Ash laughed, having been used to this.

“What?” Morrison gasped.

“He took the bag with the Pokemon with him, but he left these.” He gave the boys their Pokedexs and Monster Balls.

“I’ll go and look for him.” Ash said and ran off.

“Wait up, I’m gonna find him first!” Ash and Morrison sped off into route 101. The two split up to find Birch. Morrison ended up bumping into another newbie trainer, a girl named May. She was kinda special, as she didn’t even want to be a Pokemon trainer and wasn’t into Pokemon that much, but wanted to travel and see the world and becoming a trainer was the easiest way to do that.

Ash found Birch’s bag. “Help!”

“Professor!” Ash ran in the direction of the yell and he found Birch stuck up a tree, being attacked by a group of three Poochyena. “Hey Professor, looks like you are in a pinch.”

“Oh Ash, good to see you. Am I late?”

“Yeah, but looks like you can use a hand.” He opened the bag and found three monster balls inside. “Come on out Treecko!”

He called out the grass monster, he had a cool aura to him. He jumped up and broke a twig, placing it in his mouth like a bad ass. Ash checked his Pokedex and learned his moves.

“Okay Treecko use Pound!” Treecko obeyed smacking one of the Poochyena with his tail. It ran away, but the other two turned their attention on him. “Nice job, use Pound again!”

Treecko dodged a Tackle form one of the Poochyena and then hit it with his tail. It also ran away. The last Poochyena growled at Treecko, trying to weaken his Attack. “Treecko use Leer.”

His eyes glowed and it unnerved Poochyena weakening his Defense. He charged at Treecko with a Tackle. “Dodge it and use Pound!” Treecko obeyed, dodging the Dark Type, and slapped him with his tail.

This Poochyena was tougher than the others, he was still wanting to battle. Treecko was happy to battle, and the two clashed back and forth. “Ash try to catch that Poochyena!”

“Right!” Ash pulled out a ball. He turned his official Hoenn League hat around and threw the monster ball at Poochyena. “Monster Ball Go!” It hit Poochyena and sucked him up.

Jiggle Jiggle Jiggle...Ding!

“Alright, I caught a Pokemon!” Ash cheered. Birch slid down the tree. “Thanks so much Treecko!” The Grass Type gave Ash a thumbs-up/the monster equivalent.

Morrison and May arrived on the scene. “Hello there, sorry for the trouble.” Birch apologized and they went back to the lab. Treecko rode on Ash’s shoulder.

“I’m looking forward to working with you Treecko.”

“Aww man, no fair!” - Morrison

“Are you sure, that thing looks creepy.” Treecko shot a glare at May.

“He’s not creepy he’s cool!”

“Treecko tree!” Ash pets him, giving a scratch under his chin. Ash pulled out his Pokedex and wanted to learn more about Treecko.

Dexter: Treecko the Wood Gecko Pokemon: Treeco is cool, clam, and collected – it never panics under any situation. If a bigger foe were to glare at this monster, it would glare right back without conceding an inch of ground. It can quickly scale up even vertical walls. It senses humidity with its tail to predict the next day’s weather. Wild Treecko make its nests in a giant tree in the forest. It ferociously guards against anything nearing its territory. It is called the protector of the forest’s trees.

Ash gushed over his new Pokemon. May couldn’t believe anyone could love Pokemon so much. Ash called out his Poochyena.

“What, you caught a Pokemon already?”

“Yeah, he was apart of a group attacking Professor Birch.” He checked him out.

Poochyena: Quick Feet – Moves: Tackle Growl

Dexter: Poochyena the Bite Pokemon. Its biting strength is superior to other Pokemon. It has the endurance to chase opponents down until completely exhausted, however, it may turn tail if the prey strikes back. At first sight, Poochyena takes a bite at anything that moves. It tries to intimidate it’s foes by baring its fangs. Poochyena is an omnivore.

“That explains why the other two ran away, but you are a tough guy aren’t you!” Ash pets Poochyena. The Dark Type yipped happily, his tail wagging.

“That one isn’t so bad.”

At the Lab Birch called out the remaining two starters. Torchic and a Mudkip. Ash gushed over each of them.

Morrison wanted to get Torchic, since it had a type advantage against Treecko. Before he could, May pushed him out of the way. “Ladies first, I’ll take this one.” She picked Torchic, as Mudkip “gave her the creeps”.

Mudkip went over to Morrison checking on him. “You are a sweet monster aren’t you. That settles it I choose you!” Mudkip cheered.

May got her Pokedex and balls. “So Ash are you entering the Pokemon League?” Morrison asked.

“I am!”

“That makes us rivals, you better prepare yourself. You may have gotten an early start but I’ll be rushing past you in no time.”

“You can register for the Pokemon League in Oldale Town and the Contest Circuit in Rustboro City.”

“Contests?!” Morrison laughed.

“What’s wrong with contests?”

“Nothing, nothing, I just thought you were a serious trainer, guess I was wrong.”

“Hey!” Before Ash could comment back, May interrupted wanting to hear about contests. “Oh um Contests are events trainers and coordinators can enter their Pokemon in, there is an Appeals Round and a Battle Round, and the winner gets a ribbon.”

Ash talked about contests making Poocyena excited at the possibilities. Even Treecko had some interest. Morrison simply rolled his eyes.

“You see Ash wants to enter both the Pokemon League, which means he’ll have to obtain 8 gym battles, and the Grand Festival which means he’ll need 5 ribbons.” Birch explained.

“In order to become a Pokemon Master, I plan to master both contests and gyms.” Ash declared confidently.

Morrison laughed. “That’s what you think a Pokemon Master is?” He clutched his belly in laughter. “In order to become a Pokemon Master, you have to collect all 8 badges, win the Hoenn League, challenge the Elite Four and become the Regional Champion!” He pointed at Ash. “Trying to do both contests and gyms your focus will be split, I’ll leave you with a word of advice. You’ll end up being a jack of all trades but a master of none!” Morrison left.

“Contests sound more like my thing I’m gonna check them out.” May got on her bike and rode off.

Ash was a unique kind of trainer. He let his mons hang outside their Pokeballs if they wanted. It was nice and forged a stronger bond with them. He gave Birch a hug and went to see his mom before heading off.


Jessie, James, and Meowth were called into Giovanni’s office.  They had been doing well, in Kanto. Jessie had captured a Lickitung, and a Tentacool which had evolved into a Tentacruel. Her partner Pokemon Ekans had evolved into an Arbok.

James had a Koffing which had evolved into a Weezing. He had a powerful Growlithe he called Growlie, he also caught a Weepinbell which he had evolved into a Victreebel, he also captured a Shellder which he evolved into a Cloyster. His other power house was a Gyarados that he evolved from a Magikarp.

Meowth was a talking Pokemon, and he held membership in Team Rocket for his unique abilities.

Giovanni had split his duties, having become a Gym Leader in Kanto, he became a well known figure while secretly running Team Rocket. The man wasn’t pleased as neither branch in Kanto or Johto had been able to locate Delia or his child. “I have an important mission for the three of you.”

Because there was no sign in Kanto or Johto, they must have ventured into a region not occupied by Team Rocket. Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, and Alola, all viable options. With the help of a powerful Psychic Pokemon he was able to narrow down the results. “I want you to venture into the Hoenn Region, do your best to establish Team Rocket bases there.”

“We will do you proud boss!”

“There is one other thing. While you are there I want you to try and locate someone for me.” He smirked.

To be continued


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