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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Charizard’s Jealousy

Ash’s new mons met the ones he brought with him. They were all Ash’s monsters now so it was good for them to get along. Shellder fit right in with Squirtle and Krabby, Ash was happy to see them hit it off so well. Farfetch’d and Pidgeotto bonded quickly as fellow Flying types. Weedle and Butterfree shared the respect of Bug types, Weedle wanting to fly just like Butterfree. So the butterfly monster gave him a ride on his back.

He pets Ekans. “I do have a poison type Muk, but he’s at Oak’s lab. I’m sure you’ll both become friends.” Ekans pounces on Ash, coiling around him and nuzzling him. “Hehe, yeah we are friends too!”

Bulbasaur was part Poison-type so he was able to connect with Ekans. Machop bonded with Primeape, he gushed over Primeape’s belt and wanted to be strong like him. The two feeling a spiritual rivalry with each other, knowing the two would push each other to get stronger. An additional bonding was between Bulbasaur and the Fighting-types, as the Dual Type had a fighting spirit the brawling mons could respect.

Mr. Mime just seemed to chill.

Then came the problem...his Fire types…Ponyta and Growlithe approached Charizard but he ignored them. “Come on Charizard, we got some new friends.” Charizard huffed and turned his back to them. “Oh man!”

The new fire types tried to make an effort but Charizard wasn’t having it. He launched a small Flamethrower at them, Growlithe growled at him and Ponyta stomped his hoof at him. Charizard was confident thinking he could handle these rookies easily. “Stop it you guys!” Ash said getting in between them.

Charizard huffed, looking annoyed. “So listen everyone, I’m in training to enter the Kanto League.” He showed them his 9 badges. “I’d like us to work hard and train together and get stronger.” His monsters were into it, though Charizard seemed to be giving him the cold shoulder. He’d believe it when he saw it.

“I can carry 9 Pokemon at a time now, so I’ll need to do some rotation, but we got time before the league!” Ash wanted to work hard and get ready for the league, his monsters could feel it, for the most part. “So I’ll be sending some of you guys to stay with Professor Oak, but don’t worry I’ll be rotating you guys so we can all have fun and get stronger.”

He started with his starter, Pikachu, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and  Pidgeotto were selected. “Hey Butterfree, would it be okay if I trained Weedle up some.” Butterfree agreed, and even gave some advice to its bug buddy.

“Alright Machop and Primeape, I’m gonna send you both back to Oak’s lab for a bit, but I’d like you two to train together while you are there okay?”

Ash decided to send Shellder back to Oak’s lab as Krabby needed some experience. Charizard was stunned, he wasn’t even listed among Ash’s main six. “Alright Mr. Mime, do you think you can use your barriers to help us train?”

Mr. Mime smirked before giving Ash a thumbs up. “Then you are on the team buddy!” That was seven and Charizard felt his frustration build. Ash wanted Oak to study Farfetch’d, since they were so rare. Next came the choice of the Fire types.

Ash wanted to train both of his new fire types, but was drawn more towards Ponyta. He had wanted to train one since meeting Laura and her Ponyta. Ash pets Ponyta choosing him. Charizard wasn’t pleased, he saw how cuddly Ekans was with Ash and believed he’d be chosen as the ninth. Seeing them together brought memories of a better time, when as a Charmander he cuddled up to Ash like the others.

Things were so different now, Charizard felt his jealousy burn, and he started to throw a tantrum.

“Hey cut it out Charizard!” His stomping, raging, and fire spitting continued. His actions drawing the attention of other trainers in the lounge area. Charizard was clearly furious, though Ash didn’t understand why.

Suddenly a Hydro Pump shoots in and strikes Charizard. “You’re Charizard is poorly trained.” Ash turns to see a trainer with a lot of water Pokemon. “He needed to cool off!” The trainer laughed.

The trainer was wearing fingerless gloves, a blue tank top, black shorts, and some water style shoes. His team consisted of six water types; Gyrados, Seadra, Poliwrath, Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Golduck, and a poison type; Nidoqueen.

“How could you attack my Charizard like that?”

“Sorry, but it didn’t look like you were handling him.” He shrugged, but the smug look on his face made it show he wasn’t sorry at all. “And besides you don’t seem like a competent trainer.” He said looking over Ash’s team and laughed.

Charizard growled at him but didn’t attack. The guy had 6 fully evolved water types with him plus a Nidoqueen, he was out typed and out matched. This guy was setting a lot of the mons off, both their own monster pride and their love for Ash were being attacked.

“That doesn’t give you the right to attack someone’s Pokemon here.” Brock stepped up and confronted the trainer. “If Charizard got out of control Ash would have returned it to his ball.” Misty was too busy gushing over his water Pokemon.

The guy huffed. “I doubt he’s smart enough to do so.” He introduced himself. “The name is Fergus Umio, I’m entering the Kanto League. Like you I also entered that catching contest, but I was aiming for quality not quantity.” He gestured to his Nidoqueen. Like Gary he had only looked for strong Pokemon to add to his team, not caring about actually winning the contest. “What’s the point of catching all those weaklings now, with the real tournament around the corner?”

“They are not weaklings!” Ash snapped. His Pokemon were pissed now. Fergus had insulted Ash and his monsters, things were about to escalate when…

“That’s enough!” Mashon snapped. “Fergus is it, despite your intentions you will be receiving a warning here and now.”


“There is no fighting in the lounge area no exceptions.”

“But he…” Mashon raised his hand to silence him.

“Had Ash lost control of his Charizard fully he’d be the one receiving the warning and not you. Be warned if you cause any more trouble you’ll be forced to leave.”

“Fine!” He left with his Pokemon. “See you later runt, let’s meet on the battle field!”

“He’s kinda cool, a guy with so many water pokemon can’t be all bad.” She gushed. Ash rolled his eyes, while Brock facepalmed.

Mashon shook his head. “Ash may I have a word with your Charizard?”

“Huh...oh um sure.” He didn’t understand but Charizard eyed this guy and seemed almost intimidated. Mashon emitted a red aura and it touched Charizard.

“I see now.” Mashon read Charizard’s heart and mind and learned the truth. “Charizard was lashing out, due to fear. He was afraid you were replacing him with another Fire Type.”

“Oh Charizard…” Charizard looked away from him. “I wasn’t replacing you. I promise!” He planned to send Ekans to Oak so he could meet and bond with Muk. Growlithe would also be heading back for now, making Charizard his ninth monster.

“Charizard, I can sense you are a powerful Fire Type. You still have room to grow, so much room, but how far you go will depend on the choices you make. Do not let the sins of the past chain you down, Ash is not Damian!” His words surprised both Ash and Charizard.

“How are you able to know so much about Charizard?”

“I come from a clan of mystics who honor and love Fire Type Pokemon. We have learned to connect our hearts to them and have been able to hear their voice.”

“That’s amazing!” Brock exclaimed.

“I wanna do that, can you teach me to do that with Water Pokemon?” Misty asked.

“It is now an ability exclusive to me or my clan. There are those able to do it with specific types of Pokemon, and others who can do it with Pokemon they have trained and grown with, while I have even heard of some born with this gift and can speak to all monsters.” Mashon explained it wasn’t something easily taught or mastered. “My comrades Freezia and Raigo can speak to Ice Types and Electric Types respectfully.”

Ash looked to Charizard. “Listen Charizard, I know you are a great Pokemon, you are really strong. I want to help you get stronger. I know I...I haven’t been the best trainer, I’ve made some mistakes and I am sorry. I need to be better. If we work together maybe...no...I know we can get stronger together!” Ash reached out to Charizard. “So please buddy, give me a chance.”

Charizard gazed at his hand, before meeting his eyes. He could see the fire in his eyes, and it spoke to him. His apology was heartfelt, and it resonated not only with Charizard but with his older monsters as well. Charizard let out a sigh and took Ash’s hand with his claw. It was the promise of a chance, he wanted to see Ash rise up and be a trainer to bring out his best.

Ash got excited and hugged him. Charizard huffed and pushed him away. “Aww don’t be like that Charizard.”

Mashon laughed. “He may not show it but Charizard is very happy.” Charizard blushed and huffed. Mashon imparted some wisdom onto Ash, the importance of training and play, finding the balance to strengthen his mons and their bonds.

Their bond was slowly mending, this was a good step in the right direction. Mashon gave Ash a clue but didn’t reveal everything he had seen in Charizard’s heart. When Charizard saw Ash acting arrogant, it reminded him of Damian. Confidence was good, but one needed to find balance or else you become overconfident or arrogant, or worse both. Damian also barely trained Charmander so when he lost Damian put the blame on him. Charizard pushed himself to be strong so that wouldn’t happen again. The truth was Damian saw his monsters as nothing but tools, easy to throw away if they weren’t of use to him. Ash wasn’t like that, he cared about the wants of his monsters, but that only got him so far.

The Fire Festival would be a test of their bond, it would either be forged into an unbreakable bond, to weather the future, or the bond will burn and Charizard and Ash may need to part ways.

To be Continued...Training and Play

Ash sends the mons to Oak and carries his 9 set team with him. They had some time before the Legend of Mew Play started so Ash headed to one of the other levels for training. Ash meets another rival for the Kanto League named Corey Sorao.


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