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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1

Orange Champion Advanced

Ash Ketchum may have lost the Kanto League, he has a lot to learn. After given the task to pick up the GS Ball from Professor Ivy, he learns about the Orange League. He starts traveling the orange islands, gaining new pokemon and badges. He faces off against Drake and manages to win the Orange League becoming it’s Champion, but Ash figures out there is more to being a Pokemon Master than a title.

Chapter 1 Orange Islands Part 1

Ash Ketchum was just coming off his loss in the Kanto League. Despite getting 8 Badges and a handful of Pokemon, Ash failed to properly train and prepare. The loss was heavy on his shoulders. His Pokemon had worked hard to get him as far as he did.

He got farther in the competition than his rival Gary Oak, so it seemed they both had a lot to learn. Ash’s Pokemon consisted of Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Kingler, Muk, 30 Tauros. He had a Butterfree but had released him to find love, he also had a Primeape which he left to train and get stronger. Ash had met so many Pokemon, and perhaps received bad advice from selfish adults that cared more for their interest than Ash’s. This wasn’t the end of his journey not by a long shot!

Ash, Brock, and Misty are asked by Professor Oak to retrieve the GS Ball from Professor Ivy. It was a mysterious monster ball that won’t open and can’t be transported. So they were off, heading to the Orange Islands. They didn’t get far before running into trouble.

An old acquaintance had evolved and led a swarm of Spearow to terrorize the local Pidgey and Pidgeotto. The Fearow had a grudge against Ash and Pikachu, Pidgeotto tried to fight him but the Fearow was just too strong. With a cry of determination he evolved into Pidgeot!

Ash got to fly on his back and had an Aerial Battle with the Fearow. A combination of Pidgeot’s Wing Attacks and Pikachu’s Thunderbolt, left Fearow paralyzed and weakened. “Monster Ball Go!” Ash threw the ball and caught the Fearow.

Without their leader the Spearow fled and dispersed bringing peace to the area once more. Pidgeot was injured after the intense battle, so Ash sent him and Fearow back to Oak’s lab to be treated with the help of his Pokedex.

After a run in with Team Rocket, they made it to the Archipelago. Professor Ivy was not what they were expecting, Brock had fallen for her at first sight but that wasn’t strange for him. Ash believed it was a bad idea, but Brock had chosen to stay with Ivy and her three daughters. He believed he could learn more about Pokemon here, plus help advance their own research. He was able to cook and clean, and bring his own knowledge to the table.

Ketchum was sad to see Brock go. He wanted Brock to be happy but didn’t think this was the right path for him. His libido tended to have him make bad choices and land him in trouble.

Ash took the GS Ball and planned to deliver it to Professor Oak. They tried to find a way back to Kanto, but ended up coming across a couple of jerks bullying a lost Lapras. Ash was ready to chase off the thugs, when a green haired boy named Tracey showed up. He was a Pokemon Watcher, he could tell the thug’s monsters were not well cared for. Pikachu proved that by wiping the floor with them.

They got Lapras to the Pokemon Center to get treated.

He then learned about the Orange League, and got excited to enter another tournament while exploring the Orange Islands. He called Oak and got his permission. Samuel Oak knew Ash needed this to raise his spirits and build on his experience. “Do your best Ash, and try to catch some new Pokemon. I’d love to study the strange Pokemon found in the Archipelago.”

“I’ll do my best Professor.”

Team Rocket tried to steal Lapras, but Ash fought hard to save him. Lapras saw Ash’s determination and kindness, and the two formed a bond of trust. Ketchum was able to catch Lapras and add him to the team. Tracey was amazed with Ash’s ability so he decided to travel with Ash and Misty.

Lapras helped them travel from island to island. Their first stop was Mikan Island to attempt the first gym. This gym wasn’t like the gyms in Kanto, there wasn’t a standard battle but a trial. First there was target challenge, which Ash’s Squirtle faced against Cissy’s Seadra. The two were evenly matched, next came the final trial a Surfing Race. Lapras went up against her Blastoise. In a close match Lapras pulled ahead and earned Ash the Coral-Eye Badge.

Tracey was impressed with the match, having drawn Ash surfing on Lapras in his sketchbook. Misty took notice much to the greenette’s embarrassment. Ash seemed oblivious to what was going on.

On the next island the gang ran into double trouble. Cassidy and Butch of Team Rocket were enacting a scheme to steal Pokemon from all over the island. Using a Drowzee and a machine to amplify his powers they took over the minds of the Pokemon on the island and had them revolt against their trainers. It was a brutal and terrifying experience.

Ash managed to trick Team Rocket into having his Pikachu attack him, he took the hit right against their machines causing it to explode. Without the amplifier the monster’s minds were free. Butch and Cassidy were bested and arrested, while Jessie, James, and Meowth slipped away.

The gang had gotten lost after leaving Sunburst Island, and ended up landing on Pinkan Island. An island with special fruits that turned Pokemon pink. The Pokemon that were born and raised here had permanently turned pink. Tracey wanted to study the Pink Pokemon for a bit. There was a problem, this island was hard to get to and many of the Pokemon weren’t used to humans so they became territorial and lashed out. Ash managed to save Tracey from getting hit by a pink Ryhorn.

Things weren’t looking good when suddenly a Butterfree swooped in and saved them. A quick dusting of Sleep Powder had the pink Pokemon fast asleep. “Wait...I know you!” Ash gasped. Butterfree Ash’s Butterfree! He nuzzled against Ash, chirping happily.

It appears that Pinkan Island was where the Pink Butterfree hailed from. It was a happy reunion between the two. “I’ve missed you buddy!” It turned out the feeling was mutual. Butterfree wished to return to Ash. After Pinky had some babies she stopped caring about Butterfree, he’s been so lonely he hasn’t been able to eat much. Ash fed him and re-caught Butterfree.

The island was a nature preserve so no other mons to catch here. Butterfree helped blast of Team Rocket and they headed off to the next island.

Fukuhara Island no. 4 was a place of mystery and horror. It was said to be a place where Kabuto fossils could be found, but the legend was half true. The whole island was shaped around sleeping Kabuto. They awakened and the island ripped apart. The gang was in big trouble, having to escape before they sank into the sea.

A Kabuto landed on Ash, nibbling on his hat/head when he did so. They escaped and the Kabuto swarm moved on to form the next Fukuhara Island. However, one Kabuto didn’t go with them. This one was a tad smaller than the others, but he seemed attached to Ash. Ketchum caught him and he was sent back to Oak for study.

Misty was dealing with her own issues. She called herself a Water Pokemon Master, but she was in a slump. Ash was improving his skills, making her jabs at his skills ring hollow. She thought her Psyduck evolved but instead she just found a flirty Golduck, that listened to her for a bit but then ran off to flirt with other girls. Misty was even called out by another trainer, because her Psyduck didn’t know how to swim. In their opinion Misty hadn’t trained her Pokemon barely. On the next island she was called out for being a hypocrite, being mean to Joy for her dislike of Water Pokemon, when she was scared of and disliked Bug Types.

At Navel Island Ash challenged the Navel Gym, and while Charizard was still problematic, Ash managed to win the Sea Ruby Badge. Misty was actually upset that Danny lost, she was growing more spiteful of Ash’s victories. Tracey drew Ash again, dedicating a whole sketchbook to drawings of the trainer.

Their next stop was the Seven Grapefruit Islands. They had a problem with a wild Snorlax going on a Snack Attack! Ash managed to save the islands by catching the hungry beast, and Oak got to study the massive normal type. Since he was caught he’d consume less energy and be safer to have around.

The next island they landed on was Murcott Island, the island was known for it’s Bug Types. Misty considered this island hell. Ash managed to catch a Beedrill, despite Misty’s protests. The saving grace being the bee monster being warped back to Oak. Tracey caught an older Scyther, he had been kicked out of his swarm. Team Rocket tried to swipe the Scyther swarm, but Tracey’s Scyther and Ash’s Butterfree worked together and they went blasting off.

Ash and Tracey were bonding, growing in closer in ways Misty couldn’t believe.

The gang found themselves on one of the unnamed islands in the archipelago. Ash found this place interesting as there were tons of Farfetch’d on this island. This was amazing as they were rare in Kanto. Ash managed to catch one and send it to Oak for study.

They decided to spend the night here, the island was like a paradise. The Pokemon were called out, but Charizard seemed to have an attitude with Tracey’s Scyther. The bug type may have been old, but he had a warrior’s spirit.

Butterfree didn’t understand why Charizard was acting this way. He tried to talk to him, trying to remind Charizard when he was a Charmander. The Pokemon were just wanting to relax and have a fun time. Ash even did some training with Tracey to help his monsters get stronger. Charizard huffed. Scyther helped train, but he tired easily.

Team Rocket tried to steal their Pokemon...again...Charizard and Scyther defended the gang, earning respect for each other. It was a nice day off, with Ash’s monsters getting a little stronger. Charizard had to admit, Ash was trying and growing to be a better trainer.

This was proven by Lorelei one of the Elite Four from Kanto, she was currently taking challenges at Mandarin Island South. She gave Ash some good advice, while she held the title as one of Kanto’s Elite Four, she still sought out other ways of gaining strength. Ash challenged her, and while he lost, he gained insight into the mountain of strength of the Elite Four.

As Ash and the gang traveled he found more time to train with his monsters. Tracey made an excellent sparring partner. Tracey even helped him find Pokemon to catch. Ash found a male Nidoran and caught him. Tracey ended up catching a female Nidoran, and the two got lovey dovey. Tracey blushed, having heard an old tale of two pokemon falling in love their trainers fall in love too. He hoped it was true.

Ash’s full team forced him to send a mon off. Butterfree agreed to head back to Oak’s lab for a bit, he had a soft spot for love. He wouldn’t be lonely with the mons Ash had at home.

“I wish I could carry more mons.”

“Well if you win the Orange League you’ll become a recognized Champion, which means your carry limit will be raised to 9.” Tracey explained. That got Ash even more pumped up for winning the Orange League.

To be continued...Orange Islands Part 2 (Jealousy and Flirting)

Ash Ketchum: Badges 8 Kanto 2 Orange
Pokemon: Pikachu, Pidgeot, Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Kingler, Muk, 30 Tauros, Fearow, Lapras, Butterfree, Snorlax, Kabuto, Farfetch’d, Beedrill, Nidoran M

In Training: Primeape


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