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Fairy Tail parody: Tier 1

Chapter 3 

Natsu Dragneel: 12 Inches Soft – 24 Inches Hard

Magic: Red Flame – Dragon Fire, Orange Flare – Sleeping Flare, Blue Flame – Ice Fire, Purple Flare

Curse: Demon Rod

Gray Fullbuster: 8 Inches

Magic: Ice Make

Chapter 4 The Answer is Simple

Natsu had brought Gray back to Porlyusica, in the hopes of finding a cure to break whatever curse Gray was under. He wanted his lover back. He didn’t think Gray could last much longer either.

Gray was put under, so Porlyusica could draw blood and check him out. “Hmm, I see!”

“Is the curse fading, or did you figure out a cure?” She gave him a sharp look.

“There is no cure…”

“Ehhh!” Natsu gasped.

“Some curses wane over time, some remain even long after one’s death.” She had been studying curses of all sorts while the two had been abstaining. “Without knowing who or why you were cursed it makes things difficult.”

His cock was cursed, not only was it insanely large, but it had evolved Gray, allowing him to take the massive size, make it so sex was incredibly pleasurable if not addicting. This was partially troubling for Natsu who despite his unholy rod, he was a bottom. A form of madness was gripping Gray as he was marked by this curse.

“Sex may have marked him, but it’s not keeping him marked. So if the non stop sex wasn’t making the curse grow stronger we must look at the other options.”

“Options...options are good.”

“The curse isn’t waning because of some strong emotion or desire.”

“What if he just desires my big dick? Things have been rough for the both of us lately.”

“And you two didn’t slip?”

“No, I even learned the Orange Flare to make sure we didn’t.” He ran his fingers through Gray’s hair.

The sleeping ice wizard muttered.

“Natsu…” Natsu smiled at him warmly.

“I don’t think it is lust or desire that’s keeping the curse in place. I think it is something else.” If it had the lack of sex would have caused the curse to wane or even break. It had to be something there, something that existed before they had sex the first time. Something that was still with them even if they hadn’t had sex. “That’s it...it can only be that...but such a powerful emotion used to fill a curse...no no...that’s crazy...”

“What is it?”

“I see the way you two look at each other, you both love each other. You brats have always had a thing for each other, it’s why you couldn’t leave each other alone. I think...no...it has to be...Gray’s love that’s fueling his end of the curse.”

“Gray’s love for me, is what’s driving him insane?” He visibly paled.

“No, it’s what’s fueling his mark. When you mated with him it left a mark. I figured the mark would fade with time, but his love for you is what’s keeping it going.” Porlyusica was putting the pieces together. “And you...you loved him...the curse responds by your love, that’s why he feels so good. You care so much about him, your curse activates so your partner’s sex life is cranked up to a 24.” That’s why some people didn’t respond the same way to Natsu’s size. If it just cursed anyone who saw it, then they’d have been cursed to.

Natsu was quiet for a moment, with a heavy heart he said. “Then make him stop loving me.” Natsu stood up. “If this curse needs love, then give me an anti-love potion.” Porlyusica slapped him. “Oww hey!”

“Don’t ever ask for such a thing again!” She snapped. Such magic was considered taboo, a costly magic that never made anyone happy. Under these circumstances there was no telling what it’d do to Gray or Natsu. “If love is powering his mark, there is no power or potion that can break it.”

“Then what are we to do, he’s being driven mad by this. He’s hurting...I didn’t know this would happen or I wouldn’t have…” Natsu teared up. “I wanted a harem one day, to treat my lovers like treasures. Knowing that my cock is cursed, I should have never pursued anyone.” He was spiraling so she smacked him again. She knew what he was thinking, where those dark thoughts would have led Natsu to. Still...his words gave her pieces to the puzzle.

“Wait a minute...that’s it!”


“His madness, it’s because he’s over heating. He’s being overwhelmed by the nature of your curse.”

“We know that, that’s why we need to break it.” She smacked him. “Would you stop hitting me!?”

“The answer is simple. If you want to save Gray, you need to build a harem!”



Porlyusica was a wise woman, her insights and magical expertise were highly sought after. She just really hated humans…

She was able to explain the situation to Natsu. Natsu was a giant furnace lacrima and Gray was a house. When they had sex it turned the furnace on and all that heat was pouring into the house. The house gets all warm and cozy, but there’s still heat pouring in, and soon the house begins to overheat and issues occur. However...if he was connected to more houses, the overwhelming heat would be distributed evenly making all the houses warm and cozy, without fear of overheating. Natsu’s idea was also shut down, as if a furnace is on, and the heat has nowhere to go, it builds up and the furnace will suffer.

So Natsu needed to get more mates...

To Natsu’s surprise she knew much of the ways of dragons, even if she refused to explain how. The idea humans have of harems come from Dragons, though things got lost in translation. All dragons had multiple lovers, depending on the strength of the dragon was what determined the exact number. The Dragon Kings were said to have lovers in double digits.

All lovers were seen as treasures, intimacy between dragons was...intense! Treasures could be shared, and one could even become a treasure for another dragon. A dragon loved their treasures forever, neither time nor distance couldn’t diminish that. Humans didn’t fully understand, but attempted to imitate the passion and relationships, to mixed results.

“This is the answer so you’ll have to work it out!” She said before kicking the boys out.

Natsu carried Gray back on his back. The ice wizard nuzzled his neck, clinging to him. “Mmm, Natsu!” he wiggled and ground his dick against his back.

“Morning sunshine!” Gray peeked around.

“Is it over, did Porlyusica figure out what’s happening?”

“Yeah she did…” His tone was firm and serious.

“Are we gonna have to break up?” He could hear the tremor of fear in his voice.

“No, and we can go back to having sex.” Gray breathed a sigh of relief.

“What about the curse?”

“It can’t be broken, but it can be managed. It’s overwhelming you right now, but if we build the harem. You won’t be taking the brunt of it alone.”

“I see…” He knew this day would come, they had talked about it before. He felt their bond was really strong enough to get through anything. It had been tested quite a bit. “Okay…”


“I’m ready, I think I’ve been ready for awhile.” Natsu set him down. “Natsu...I may have wanted to keep you to myself for as long as I could.”

“Not so strange, if things were different…” Natsu looked down.

“If things were different you’d probably be off chasing some blonde with big boobs, who was constantly getting into trouble.” He didn’t like the idea of that. He shuddered at the thought.

“Like you don’t?” Natsu teased and hugged Gray.

“Just trouble you get me into!” He rested his head against Natsu’s. They were so good at getting into trouble, and together getting out of it.

“True, I think I like the way things are. As twisted as they are.” Alone, they were facing the weight of this curse alone, but together they can untangle this mess.

“Do you have a place to start?” He asked.

“I think so. When you were a bit mad, you thought Elfman and Alzack had a thing for me. It’s a good lead.”

“They are good guys. I think we can be happy together if they are interested.” Natsu kissed Gray, passionately and hungrily. The ice wizard melted. He needed this, so bad! Their chiseled bodies pressed firmly together.

“About that we can have sex again?” He gave Natsu big puppy dog eyes.

“Oh yes!” They kissed again, taking off into the air on Purple Flare. Natsu’s hands roaming over Gray’s body, every touch making him buck. He never felt so sensitive.


Gray was blissed out, face down, ass up, covered and stuffed with cum. Natsu was...VERY pent up. His hole was gaping and filled to the very brim with semen, his belly extended. It was well worth the wait.

Natsu couldn’t help but stare at his gaping hole with a bit of envy. He wanted that, maybe with their harem they wouldn’t get effected so much about his size. ‘Whoever put this curse on me, if I find them, I’m gonna deck them.’


Zeref sneezed. ‘Is someone thinking about me?’

To be continued...Treasures


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