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Fairy Tail parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2

It happened a few years ago when Team Soul broke up. Said team consisted of Mirajane Strauss, S Class Wizard, her primary magic was that of Take Over (Satan Soul), but she had advanced her magical potential and learned Transformation, and some light Sleep Magic.

She was the elder sister of the other two members. Elfman Strauss was the only male, he was weaker than his sister, but as the man in the family he tried to take care of and look after his sisters. He was a B Class Wizard, his primary magic was Take Over (Beast Soul), his sister claimed his magic would make him King of the Monsters one day. He currently struggled doing the full body take over. He still trained and worked hard to gain hand to hand combat skills, building up his muscles and strength.

Their younger sister was Lisanna Strauss. She was a C Class Wizard, her primary magic was Take Over (Animal Soul). She wasn’t as strong as her siblings, but she was very much the heart of their team. Though she was able to perform the Full Body Take Over unlike her brother, she just lacked strength to handle bigger missions. They were quite the formidable team, and being siblings it was hard to believe they’d break up. Sadly...they faced a loss.


Elfman hated being the only one who hadn’t mastered the full body take over. If he could do that he could reach A Class, maybe even S Class! They had accomplished many high ranked missions as a team, but that was more because of his sister. He had taken a few missions on his own, defeating monsters to add to his arsenal. His efforts had yet to yield any results.

He wanted to get stronger, even if it meant going against his sister’s wishes. “Oi Elfman!” Elfman tensed. “You haven’t been sneaking off to train with the Red Bull have you?” Mirajane was radiating a terrifying aura, that had Elfman sweating bullets.

“Oh um...Big Sis…” He couldn’t look her in the eye, which was all but admitting his guilt. “I…”

“Kiyaahhh!” She drop kicked him.

“Gaaahhh!” He clutched his gut in pain. “But I didn’t even say anything yet!”

“Your body language said enough. What have I told you about hanging around him?” She crossed her arms.

“Not to…” Mirajane was quite wild. She loved to compete with Laxus and Erza sure, but for some reason she also butted heads with Natsu.

“Mira, Natsu-kun is so nice, he’s not a bad guy.” Lisanna said.

“Don’t care, he gives off an aroma that just doesn’t sit well with me. Not quite sure what it is.”

Zeref’s Notes: Natsu is a demon from the book of zeref, Mirajane’s magic allows her to fight and absorb demons. While in human form, his presence simply annoys her, but in demon form she has a strong urge to fight and take his power.

“But he’s a good guy, he’s even be helping me with training!” Mirajane grabbed him by the head.

“Oh?” Her fury returned. “So I was right you were training with him!” She twisted his arm around.

“Ahh ahh I give...give!” He patted the ground with his free hand like he was tapping out. “He’s trying to help me gain power, so I can master my Full Body Take Over!” He confessed. She released him.

“You don’t need to turn to others.” She cracked her knuckles. “I’ll train you myself!”

Elfman screamed in terror. Even when holding back his sister was crazy strong...and scary. Beast Soul had a lot of potential for battle, but if he loses control…

Mirajane was tough on her siblings, only because she loved them so much. She was just strict on fraternizing with the other Teams. Thunder Legion; which was led by Laxus, Team Iron Maiden which was led by Erza, it consisted of her Bisca, Laki, and Cana. Both were seen as fierce rivals to their Team Soul. Laxus didn’t care but Erza kept egging Mira on. It was a vicious cycle.

“Team Stampede might be new, but I won’t back down to them either!” Mirajane declared.

Team Stampede consisted of Natsu, Gray, and Alzack currently. A formidable team to say the least. Elfman believed they truly exhibited the spirit of Manliness. He’s been drinking Natsu’s milk every day, before and after work outs, it makes his body feel strong. He may have liked Natsu a little more than he should.

After recovering from his sister’s “training”. Team Soul had a mission to hunt down a powerful monster. It was known as “The Beast” it had a unique power of controlling and manipulating other monsters to do its bidding.

Mirajane was confident. Elfman and Lisanna bumped into Natsu. “Welcome back Natsu!” Lisanna greeted him. “How was your mission?”

“Haa,” He sighed and stretched. “The mission was a bit boring.”

“Where is the rest of your team?” Elfman asked.

“Alzack and Gray are doing training missions. It’s good for the team as a whole to not lose your ability to fight alone.”

“We are taking on “The Beast” quest, you should join us!” Lisanna invited. “I’m sure this mission would be a lot of fun for you.”

“Hmm…” He had his eye on that mission. “It does sound fun, but I doubt Mira would approve.”

“I’ll talk to her, and I’m sure Elfman wants you to go too!” Elfman blushed.

“Lisanna!” He gasped.

“Oh?” Natsu smiled at him. “Do you want me to tag along?”

“I...I...um…” Lisanna smiled. She had a feeling her big brother “liked” Natsu.

“No way!” Mirajane showed up. “We don’t need a runt like you tagging along!” She got up in his face.

“I’m the same age as Elfman, and I’m older than Lisanna.” Natsu countered. In terms of strength Natsu was believed to be an S Class, but he stated he’s A Class.

“Well I’m older than you, and team leader. So I’m telling you, you can’t come!” She smirked, her aura flaring.

“Heh, there is something I thought you knew about me, Mirajane!” His aura flared. “I do as I want!”

‘He’s so manly and cool!’ Elfman gushed.

“Natsu, don’t go picking fights as soon as you get back. Mirajane, you have a mission to complete don’t waste your magic power before that.” Makarov scolded. He ended their heated stare down.

“I wasn’t the one picking fights.” Natsu huffed. “Elfman, when you get back let’s do some sparring I wanna see how strong you’ve become.”

“I’d like that.” Mirajane shot him a glare. “Or maybe not…”

Team Soul left, but Natsu got a bad feeling. There was something in the air, like a storm was brewing in their direction.


Mirajane had miscalculated. The Beast had amassed a large amount of monsters for his army already. Mirajane crushed his pawns not realizing The Beast was intelligent. He had planned this. He had powered up his army with his own magical power making even the weaker monsters sturdier and stronger.

With overwhelming numbers Mirajane was forced to go all out to protect Elfman and Lisanna. She did...but had exhausted her magical power. That’s when The Beast made his move, he was fast and strong.

Elfman and Lisanna tried to help fight it, but he was too much for them. ‘This is bad...this is bad…’ The Beast was knocking them around like they were nothing. All the power he gave his pawns returned to him upon their defeat, so now he was operating at full strength. While Team Soul was exhausted and low on magic.

Things were looking bad. “Mira...take Lisanna and run. I’ll try to take him over!”

“Wait Elfman…” It was too late he charged in and grappled The Beast.

“Go!” He shouted as he activated his magic. He tried to take over The Beast, but he wasn’t strong enough. Elfman absorbed him and transformed, but The Beast’s power had a firm grip on his mind.

“Elfman!” Mirajane cried out in horror. The monster had her brother, the Full Body Take Over failed. They tried to run but the monster was after them. He knocked around Mirajane and Lisanna both. The younger sister believed Elfman could take control. “Lisanna run away, get away from him!”

The Beast growled and roared charging at the girl to end her.

Just as the night was about to devour their cries, a red glow in the distance meant hope. “ELFMAN!” Natsu roared and tackled Elfman/The Beast.

“Natsu?” Mirajane couldn’t believe it.

Lisanna crumpled to the ground, alive but injured. “Take her and go, I’ll deal with him!” He snapped and the two began to clash.

Mirajane obeyed getting Lisanna away from the battle. Even at a distance one could see the two mighty auras clashing as the two came to blows. It wasn’t a one sided fight, the Beast wasn’t backing down. “Elfman...I’m surprised at you...you call yourself a man...are you gonna let this joker...use your body...wake up...fight me!” He said between blows.

The Beast roared at him, and tried to shut him up, but Natsu wasn’t backing down. He kept ramping up the heat, so even when the Beast landed blows his hands were getting burned. The heat and the words penetrated the body, reaching to the soul within.

Mirajane had gotten Lisanna pretty far. “That idiot, if he keeps this up he’ll kill him!” She was sweating, the heat from the Red Bull form was reaching even at this distance.

“Natsu...will save big brother…” Lisanna said. “I believe in him.”

“I won’t put the fate of my family in his hands, damn it!” She ran back, despite Lisanna’s protests. While alone something happened to Lisanna that would change their lives forever. The storm Natsu was sensing had come, building over head for some time.

Mirajane came back to the battlefield, seeing the scorched earth as neither side giving way.  It was terrifying, like watching two calamities fighting each other. The part that shook Mira to her core was the sheer enjoyment on Natsu’s face.

The Beast tried to use Elfman’s magic against him, but he was wasting time. Natsu’s heat was overwhelming him, and his words had reached Elfman. As the Beast lost strength, Elfman fought back for control. “TELL ME WHO IS THE KING OF THE MONSTERS?”

“I AM!” Elfman roared, his eyes becoming clear and his magic power soaring. He reverted back to normal, and Natsu caught him.

“Damn right you are.” Natsu returned to normal. “Good man!” Elfman blushed, but smiled.

His body was sore and exhausted, covered in bruises and burns. “Thanks for...kicking my ass…”

“You took quite the beating, but you are tough. I knew you’d win out.” He cupped the back of Elfman’s head. “I think you’ve earned a treat.”

His blush grew as he eyed Natsu’s beefy pecs and swollen nipples. He licked his lips. “It’ll help you recover, drink up!” Natsu supported him allowing Elfman to drink from his chest. His touch was so tender, his embrace warm, the milk...perfection. He drank from the demon’s mighty chest, this was so intimate, and it felt so good.

Elfman went with the flow, succumbing to the most primal of instincts. “Burn away the pain, melt away the wounds, ignite the fire within.” Natsu whispered as a mantra, running his fingers through Elfman’s hair as he sucked the milk that replenished his body. His body began to heal and with the pain fading Elfman became more excited.

Mirajane couldn’t believe it, when he was fighting he looked like a monster, but now he looked so sweet and tender. ‘Natsu Dragneel...what are you?’

“MIRA!” Lisanna cried out.

The air shook…

A strange force of energy whipped through the world, catching Lisanna in it. Mirajane ran back to find her, she was there but…

“Mira...my magic...it’s gone!”

The area Lisanna was left in had been drained of magic power, from the trees, nearby animals, even the ground itself. In her damaged state, the force didn’t take her physically but her power was taken and sent to someone else in another world. Unknowingly saving a life.

Lisanna lost her magic but not her life, but she could no longer go on missions. They tried to find options, but her magic wasn’t just drained and could recover over time, it was gone. She was still employed at the guild as a server. Mirajane’s world view was shaken, she disbanded her team, realizing she had been making some mistakes. Had she just accepted Natsu’s help maybe things wouldn’t have gone so wrong.

Elfman ended up joining Team Stampede!

To be continued


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