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My Hero parody: Mer May special/Tier 1

Mer Quirk

Izuku thought he was quirkless until the day he tried to save Katsuki from the river, his quirk triggered and he became a merman right before their eyes. Bakugou is amazed, Izuku is shocked. Inko has to tell Izuku the truth about his father. Izuku's quirk is more evolved than his.

Chapter 1

Izuku Midoriya didn’t know much about his father. He came by once a year, and he sent support for their family but his mother didn’t talk about him much. Being a little kid obsessed with heroes and quirks, his little kid brain didn’t press before jumping to the next exciting thing that occupied his mind. He wanted a quirk of his own, but as the months turned to years, it wasn’t looking like he was gonna have one.

He wanted to be a hero like All Might, but without a quirk that didn’t seem possible. It turns out he was just a late bloomer. The day came when a certain event would trigger his quirk.

Bakugou Katsuki had invited Midoriya and some of the other neighborhood kids to play Hero Agency. Basically they were just exploring, looking for “Bad Guys” aka Bugs to catch. The area was a bit dangerous, but Bakugou led them through it. He was a prodigy, who got his quirk early, and it was both a flashy and powerful one. Add that to his intelligence and confidence, he had the favor of a lot of guys in the neighborhood including Izuku.

He led them across a make shift bridge, that was just a log. Izuku protested but gave in to peer pressure as the others teased him for being a coward. Katsuki slipped and fell into the river below, the river was high this year, so he was lucky he didn’t crack his skull open. His friends thought he was fine. “Of course he’s fine he’s Bakugou!”

Katsuki wasn’t fine. The fall had knocked the wind out of him and the current was strong. He was being pulled away.

Izuku didn’t hesitate, he jumped into the river to help Katsuki. Everything happened so fast he had no idea what happened to him. Katsuki saw Izuku jump in. ‘Stay back stupid Deku, the current is...too strong…’ He thought.

He didn’t think it was possible for Izuku to catch up to him but he did. Izuku’s quirk had manifested in the water. He acted on instinct, swiftly saving Katsuki and getting him out of the water. Katsuki coughed. “Deku?” His eyes widened. “What the heck?!”

“Kacchan...are you okay?” He asked looking concerned.

“Am I okay? Are you okay?! Look at yourself!” Izuku blinked. He looked down and he gasped. The greenette had webbing between his fingers, and his lower half was that of a merman. His shoes, socks, shorts, and underwear were washed away. Katsuki saw his ears had changed become aquatic, and he gained some gills on his neck.

“Kacchan...I have...a quirk! I’m a merman!” he gasped.

“I can see that Deku, are you mocking me?” He snapped.

“No, I’m just so happy. I have a quirk, whatever it is?” He splashed about happily.

“Well you were human before you got in the water, the water must be the trigger.” Katsuki figured out. “Are you just gonna sit there?”

“Hmm, I don’t think I can walk like this…” He wagged his tail. There was a short pause before Katsuki snapped.

“Dang it Deku!” He lifted Izuku out of the water and carried him on his back. “You are heavy!”

“Thanks Kacchan...sorry about this…”

“Well...you got your quirk, but can you really be a hero like this?” If Izuku couldn’t walk, it’d make stopping villains difficult.

“Well...I might be a sea rescue hero. I was able to help Kacchan after all!” Izuku giggled. Katsuki blushed in embarrassment.

“Shut it Deku, you didn’t save me. I would have been fine!” He hated thinking he was weak, so he snapped a bit.

“Maybe, Kacchan is amazing, but when you fell I got so scared my body moved on its own.” He hugged Katsuki from behind. “I’m glad you are okay!” The blonde blushed.

His friends showed up. “There you are Katsuki!”

“See told you, he’d be fine!” The boy with wings said. He hadn’t been fine, he was in trouble big time.

“Whoa no way is that Midoriya?” Izuku peaked behind Katsuki.

“Hi guys…” he waved.

“No way, he’s a merman!”

“Is that your quirk?”

“I guess so.” Izuku blushed and chuckled.

“Bet Katsuki had to save your butt after you transformed huh, stupid Deku?” the two laughed and Izuku clung to Katsuki.

“I’m taking him home, you guys can go get lost.” He snapped.

“Huh?!” the two gasped.

Katsuki carried Izuku home, and the two went home, not sure what happened. “I owe you one Deku, just one got it! So don’t tell anyone got it?”

“You don’t owe me anything Kacchan, we both wanna be heroes. Saving people is a hero’s job.” He nuzzled him. “But I got it.”

“You need to figure out your quirk if you are gonna become a hero.”

“I will do my best!” On the way home, Izuku dried off and his body reverted back to normal. “I’m back!” He gasped. Katsuki gave Izuku his shorts to cover up and the boys raced home.

Inko was shocked to hear what happened. She believed it, but seemed more upset about it. “I’m so sorry Izuku.” She cried. Katsuki didn’t understand the issue, but it had to do with Izuku’s father.


Izuku registered his quirk and things were quiet for awhile. His quirk had side effects, blessing Deku with a beautiful singing voice. In music class, Deku sang a song that had the whole class being swept off their feet.

Water was indeed the trigger, once splashed with water he’d revert to merman status. He needed to dry off and will the transformation back to human. This made things a bit difficult for Izuku, but with help he was making do.

Izuku still wanted to become a hero, believing there was a way. Little did he know his father would find out about his quirk.

Inko was worried sick. She had confided in Mitsuki, but she didn’t know what to do. Her son’s quirk appeared which meant she had three years left. She had told Izuku part of the truth.

His dad was a merman, his quirk was a bit more restrictive. He could only take human for one day out of the year. He would support his family, but he had made a deal with Inko. If Izuku took after him he would have to come live with him in Atlantis.

Atlantis wasn’t some lost empire, it was built by people with mer quirks all over the world. It was a safe haven and protected city below the depths, allowing those with certain quirks to live safely and happily. There was a little tourist business, and Atlantis had the lowest crime rate with Deep Sea Heroes, and they had a booming trade business collecting resources untouched by other means.

She had Izuku for 8 years, so Izuku had to live with him for 8 years, to see what life he wanted. She hoped with how upgraded his quirk was, Izuku could stay with her. Hisashi disagreed. He wanted to know his son, and share the world of the sea with him.

It was hard for her, she wanted her son to be safe and happy. He wanted to become a hero, which while worried for his safety, she tried to be supportive. Hisashi believed Izuku needed to explore the world of the sea. The two went back and forth on it for three years until Izuku’s birthday. The stress had caused Inko to gain some weight. “I’ll be coming for Izuku, he’s my son too Inko.”

“I know that, but you don’t understand the sea claims the love of my life I don’t want it to claim my son too.” Hisashi had a hard time countering that.

“Two more years Inko, then I want my son to live with me.” His father did visit, coming to spend Izuku’s birthday with him.

Izuku didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want his mother to be sad, but he also wanted to spend time with his father. It was hard for him. His mother told him the truth, why his father wasn’t with them. It wasn’t just because of his quirk.

“The call of the sea, a phenomenon that effected those with mer quirks. He could have chosen to live with us, but he chose the sea.” It wasn’t impossible to resist the call, but Hisashi gave in to it.

Inko figured it out, coming to peace with it. “I won’t give in, I’ll come home!” He swore. This wasn’t a goodbye for good, just 8 years. Then it would be Izuku’s choice. She believed in her son.

-x-2 Years Later-x-

Bakugou and Izuku met on the beach. “What’s up Deku?”

“My father is coming.”

“Oh yeah, you haven’t seen him in a long time.” Katsuki hadn’t met the man himself, but his mom didn’t like him. Hisashi lied about his quirk, lied about who he was, had her fall in love with him, and when given the choice between the sea and his family...he chose the sea. Katsuki would learn this later.

“He’s taking me with him.” Okay Bakugou was gonna hate him too.

“He’s what!?”

“My parents had a deal, my father wants me to spend 8 years in Atlantis with him.”

“Do you...do you wanna go?”

“Yes...no...maybe…It’s my dad!” He hung his head low. “My dad says he can teach me things, things I can’t learn in a day.”

“Yeah but…” Katsuki froze. Izuku was leaving, he didn’t like that. “How long are you gonna be gone?”

“Eight years.” Another blow. Since Izuku got his quirk the two had grown closer, a lot closer. Katsuki didn’t want him to go.

“What if you never come back?”

“I mean, I could still become a hero, but I’d miss Mom, Auntie, Uncle, and you!” Katsuki felt his heart flutter.

“Then promise me!”


“Promise me you’ll come back. I’m going to UA Deku, and I’m gonna surpass All Might to become the new Number One hero!” He declared. “In 8 years we will meet back here, and we’ll go to UA together.”

Izuku was surprised, touched, but surprised. “Okay, I promise!” They couldn’t pinky promise because of the webbing.

“Sealed with a kiss!” Katsuki said boldly and pecked Izuku on the lips. The two blushed. “Don’t you dare break it Deku or I’ll go to Atlantis and drag you back by your tail.”

“I...I promise Ka...Kacchan…” He stuttered.

“Good!” He ran off.

“Kacchan!” He called out. “I’ll miss you!”

“Shut up!” Katsuki snapped. “Just come back to me damn it!” He shouted. A loud goodbye but a beautiful one...kinda...


Hisashi came for him and there was some touching goodbyes. Inko and Izuku cried buckets of tears. “I love you mom!”

“I love you too, Zuku!”

“No love for me?” Hiashi teased, earning a glare from Inko.

“Take care of yourself sweetie, call me when you can.”

“I will!” Another hug.

As they left, Inko couldn’t help but feel a weight on her heart. Her son was going, and he may never come back. She shook her head. Her son...her son wasn’t Hisashi...he’d come back! She hoped…

To be continued…

Katsuki waits for Izuku to return. The Last 8 years have sucked, but imagine his shock when Izuku’s made his own sound track. Turns out he’s got a singing career and making tons of cash. Lot of people think Deku’s swam off for the celebrity life, and he’s not coming back. As Katsuki waits on the beach, he can’t help but fear Izuku isn’t coming. ‘Stupid Deku!’ He cries.



Ara, quite the lovely setting. Pining Katsuki is an especially good touch, absence making the heart grow fonder and all. 🤔 Plus, the promise gave them a common goal to live up to, so I think he'd have been more dedicated to his training, and less so the bullying… provided his hanger-ons and teachers didn't manage to influence him like in canon. 😓