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Danny Phantom Parody: Patreon Reward

Emerald Danny

Danny was just the son of alien hunters, he honestly didn’t believe in aliens until his family supposedly nearly injured one. Danny finds him and the poor guy and finds he’s dying, in order to save him the two fuse becoming one being. Danny uses his newfound powers to protect people from true evil aliens, being half-human half-alien.

Chapter 1 Union

The Fentons were known as paranormal weirdos. They were on the search for alien life and were ready to fight it should it be a threat. Both of his parents were brilliant inventors, they had their own satellite, and their house was tricked out. The stuff his mom made was a bit more reliable than the stuff his dad made. They sold their tech and inventions to make money to pay bills and fund their research into aliens.

Whenever there was a sighting his parents would take Danny and his sister Jasmine to the site. The Fenton RV was like a second home to him, not that Jasmine approved. He was taken out of school for days. Probably not the best life, but their focus wasn’t on their research.

Danny still had friends, Sam and Tucker were the ones who stuck by him through all the craziness. One didn’t stick around for him, not that Danny could blame him. Jasmine didn’t believe in aliens, Danny wanted to be an astronaut, though it had nothing to do with aliens, he just wanted to see the vast universe he lived in.

He didn’t believe in aliens, but he certainly liked them. He loved collecting comics on space adventures, video games about space shifts, and alien stuff. His favorite genre was Sci-Fi. He always thought meeting an alien would be cool though if they existed.

Despite being a non-believer it would be Danny Fenton who would discover a real-life alien. It happened a month ago, his father called him out of school to go on a “family trip”. Danny sighed, this meant more homework he’d have to make up when he got back. Jasmine was 18 and simply refused to go this time.

Their satellites had picked up some form of a meteor coming in. It was giving off weird energy signatures, so Jack thought they had a wild one. They got to the area after the impact. It wasn’t too far from Amity Park. Just a “short” 5-hour drive. “Alright, let’s set up a perimeter and bust out the equipment.”

“Right!” His mother Maddie said. The two were busy setting up everything, and Danny watched them.

‘I wonder how long we’ll be out here before we go back home.’ He thought. A green flash in the distance caught his attention. “Mom, Dad?” He called to them, but they were too busy to pay attention to him. Jack was setting up equipment, and Maddie was making sure it was set up correctly.

Danny saw the green glow again, and he slipped away from the Fenton RV. It was late and there was a chill in the air. He could see his breath. ‘I should have grabbed my jacket!’

As he moved closer to the glowing light, he started to get that feeling. ‘Normally this is the time in the movie people would be screaming at the protagonist to run or go back.’ Danny thought with a chuckle. ‘But there are no such things as aliens...right?’ He froze as he came upon a crater trail.

It led right to the green glow source. “No way...it’s a spaceship!” It was a pod of some form, green in color with a light green tinted shield. The shield was cracked and the ship was damaged. His eyes sparkled, this was a real honest-to-goodness spaceship.

He got closer and the shield rose and something came out. The figure had a green body with black hands and feet. In the eerie glow of the ship, Danny could see the person was injured, their body cracked in places. “Hey, are you okay?” Danny approached the figure.

The figure looked up and their face was a blue color, and half their face was cracked. One eye looked glassed over, while the other looked fine. The figure spoke a few times, Danny couldn’t understand at first until… “Human?”

“You can speak English?”

“I speak human, many dialects, humans so strange…” The alien was clutching their stomach.

“Are you here to take over?” The alien snorted something that sounded like a laugh.

“Fear not human, I come in peace…” His form glitched, his body trembling in pain. Danny eyed him, their figure was masculine, and their voice was manly. The distortion noises sounded like old television glitches. “Or I should say in pieces.” He revealed his stomach, revealing a cracked emerald.

His ship crackled. “Get back human...ship won’t last…” He encased the ship in a bubble. “Run!”

Danny moved but instead helped move him away from the ship. The ship blew up, much of the noise choked by the bubble. Various alien tech was scattered, un-phased by the explosion.

The two were knocked back and Emerald landed hard on his stomach, his gem getting even more damaged. His body began to further distort and Danny helped him lay down.

“Are you okay? Can I help?”

“Too late...for me...was searching...friend lost…” His form ruptured again. “My form...unstable…”

“Are you gonna die? Your body looks banged up.”

“Body...construct...gem...source…” He tapped his gem.

“This is you?” It was so hard to believe. ‘He’s a rock?’ The gem was cracked, small cracks and one big one but such damage was having big effects on his body.

“I’m scouter Emerald Cut MB-PF-6934.” He managed to get out. It sounded almost robotic the way he said it.

“Danny Fenton. Nice to meet you.” He shook his hand, causing his form to glitch. “Sorry!”

Emerald shook his head. “Gem damaged...form...construct...will break down...till I shatter…” Danny held their hand.

“Can’t you heal, do you have medicine? Treatment? Anything?” Danny couldn’t believe this he just met an alien and they were a rock, and they were gonna die.

“Healing power...compromised...unable to... self-repair…” His emerald glowed, but the gem cracked some more, causing the light to dim. “Was searching...was attacked...universe...something has happened…”

“What’s happened?”

“Unknown...my people...lost...home...world gone...was searching...searching...searching...ugh!” His gem cracked more.

“Please there has to be something I can do.”

“You...have...good...heart…” Emerald smiled, his face began to crack more like he was crying. “My...power can survive...I can live on through...you…”

“Me?” Danny gasped. “But what would I…”

Emerald touched him on the forehead. In an instant Danny knew about fusion, Emerald’s people had the power to fuse, it was a powerful technique. It was meant to only be done between gems, however, there were times where the gems had fused with organic matter. The Gem’s powers would belong to the organic, living on as a part of them.

Fusion could not be forced or taken, though some had tried. There were times a gem trusted the wrong organic and they used their powers for great evil. “I can...no longer live...as me...but I can live...as part of you…”

“If we fuse, you’ll survive, but lose yourself forever...how is that fair?”

“You are...human...we fuse...you not be all human anymore...you will change...still be you...but a little more…” Danny wasn’t even thinking of himself. Emerald saw it, among the many organics in the universe humans were complex. They believed in fairness, holding a sense of justice, that was shifted from person to person. Danny didn’t know him but wanted to save him, and the fact he couldn’t hurt.  “Maybe it’s not...but once I shatter...I shall cease to be forever...my powers...gone...you can use them...protect your world…” His gem cracked some more. “Not much...time…”

His body was degrading more, harder to keep together.

Danny didn’t know what to do. This was all so sudden. He knew what to do, but… he closed his eyes. Emerald squeezed his hand. “No matter...what you choose...it...be...okay…” Danny felt Emerald’s emotions, he was calm.

All the stress and confusion Danny was feeling was melted away. “You...saved me...once…” If he hadn’t been moved from the ship, the explosion would have shattered his gem in an instant. His mouth began to move but no sound was coming out. He couldn’t speak any longer...

Danny teared up. This alien was dying in front of him, he said he’d do anything. He put his hand in the cracking gem, the stone began to glow. If this is what he could do...then he’d do it! He squeezed the gem, and the two became surrounded by energy.

Emerald’s form dispersed, molding into the gem. “Whoa!” He suddenly felt warm, his shirt was lifted and the gem turned around before floating towards him. The gem pressed against his navel. “It’s hot!” Danny blushed.

As the fusion continued, the gem absorbed Danny’s energy, the energy of life that so many organics had. This energy was used to mend the cracks. The gem pulsed, it gave back to Danny. His bones, his muscles, and his flesh were stimulated by Gem energy. From his navel rippling out, slowly, changing his body from human to alien.

Danny got taller, his baby fat melted away. His muscles were stimulated become meshed into a superior form of muscle tissue, he became stronger and flexible. His organs were shifted and manipulated becoming superior and more evolved. New nerve endings laced his inner walls, making his ass only purpose of pleasure. His manhood shifted, growing thicker, and becoming a grower.

Soon the energy reached Danny’s mind, it stimulated his brain cells, granting him knowledge. Emerald knew much of the universe, but Danny’s brain could only handle so much. The energy gave his mind a workover, enhancing it, and nurturing it. There were things Danny needed to know now, so Emerald made that the priority storing the other knowledge safely.

The fusion was complete and Danny Fenton had become a hybrid. He transformed, his hair turning white, his eyes becoming green hair, his bodysuit matched Emerald’s green with black gloves and boots, with his emerald exposed.


This was a month ago, Danny was able to sneak back to the RV. His parents scoured the forest finding some of the alien tech that survived the explosion. Danny was able to hide his changes, claiming he had gotten a growth spurt. Jack was so proud.

They were so busy studying the alien tech they found, they didn’t notice Danny’s strange behavior or the fact he was suddenly shy about being shirtless. His parents loved him sure, but he wasn’t about to show them he was an alien hybrid.

Jack had found a Crystal Warp Seed, which he accidentally set up in their basement. He just created a back door to their world. Anything could use the warp to come to and from Earth. He had no idea how it worked, but by doing so he put Earth on the map. Danny would need to stop all the aliens that would be coming through.

To be continued...Foodons

Danny now has powers, these abilities are strange but he needs them to keep his secret. Sam changes the menu, unknowingly drawing the attention of an alien of the Foodon. An alien capable of creating food monsters that try to eat people.



This is a very fun and original remolding of the Danny Phantom story. Switching from occult to SF also brings a plethora of possibilities as to how the telling may diverge from the paths we've seen thus far. All in all, an enjoyable introduction to this iteration. 😄


yeep, I try I have notes for all the "ghosts" now aliens and such. Hopefully it'll be a fun ride