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Yugioh Gx parody: patreon request

Chapter 2 

Jaden: Male Amazon Deck: Size 16 inches

Syrus Truesdale: Roid Deck: Former Size 2 Inches – Current Size 13 Inches : Switcher : Kinks: Voyeur, Praise, Current Position: Boyfriend

Tyranno Hassleberry: Dino Deck: Former Size 10 Inches Soft 11 Inches Hard, Current Size 1 Inch: Former Dominant, Kinks: Musk, Submission, Size Kink, Current Position: Slut

Chumley Huffington: Koala Deck: 6 Inches + Thick, Switcher, Kinks: Nipple Play, Praise Kink, Group Sex, Current Position: Harem Member

T-Bone: Earth Deck: 5 Inches: Switcher: Kinks: Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Exhibitionism, Submission, Anal Play; Current Position: Harem Member

Blaze: Fire Deck: 4 Inches: Unknown Kinks: Voyeur, Exhibitionism, Nipple Play, Masturbation, Anal Play; Current Position: Harem Member

Thunder: Voltage Deck: 7 Inches: Unknown Kinks: Multi Orgasm, Nipple Play, Ball Play, Anal Play, Erogenous Zone Sensitivity, Foot Fetish, Submission; Current Position: Harem Member

Frost: Water and Ice Deck: 3 Inches: Bottom Kinks Anal Play, Fisting, Rimming; Current Position: Harem Member

Chapter 3 Advancement Exam

The Advancement Exam held many purposes for the students, even among the three dorms, there were tiers. Jaden was top tier in the Red Dorm, so if he passed the exam he could in theory advance into the Yellow Dorm. So students took this exam every 6 months to rise up the ranks and try to get into the “better dorms”. Chazz Princeton for example while in Obelisk Blue was a new student so he was in the bottom tier.  Only top tier students in Obelisk Blue got to opt out of taking the exam.

Though this exam was not like the others.


Crowler was not happy. As one of the Dorm Advisors for the Blue Dorm, he took great pride in their prestige and pedigree. He was the worst kind of snob, and because he held a position of authority and respect, his actions trickled down and gave many Obelisk Blue students a toxic view of the world. He looked down on the other dorms, seeing the Red Dorm as a collection of failures. He went out of his way to make their lives miserable to help push the Slackers out the door. The only reason he didn’t outright trash the Yellow Dorm, was because they had the skills and potential to rise up into his precious Blue.

Something was wrong...something had changed…

Before the “lowly” Slifer Slackers would run from him in fear at a glance. He kept them “in their place” and “underfoot”, ignoring any complaints from them involving his students. As dorm rep any complaint involving the Blue Dorm went through him. A twisted system that Crowler had no problem abusing.

Now the “slackers” weren’t cowering in fear of him. In fact they were laughing, having fun being together, and enjoying their time together. Many of them ignoring Crowler’s mean words and dirty licks, like he didn’t matter.

In class they were learning, (Not from him, but showing off what they learned from Jaden) able to answer his questions in class, and he didn’t give them softball questions either. His usual easy targets to humiliate were able to hit any curve ball he lobbed their way. It was weird, too weird.

It’s been weird for awhile, ever since Jaden Yuki got into the school. He had tried to crush him with his own deck, and he was the one that got crushed. Jaden should have gone to Yellow Dorm with his skills, but Crowler pushed back and dropped him into the Red Dorm. He thought the environment would crush his spirit like it had done so many others.

Oh he had been wrong.

The once cowering Red Dorm was feeling pride, the good kind. Those that were under stress found relief thanks to Jaden and his boys. They were making use of what little they had, and found comfort in each other. He even received a request from a Ra Yellow student to transfer to the Red Dorm. ‘What on Earth is happening?’ The prestigious dorms of Yellow and Blue shouldn’t be requesting to go to the Red Dorm. He was gonna get to the bottom of this. ‘All this right before the Advancement Exam, I bet that slacker is already planning to advance, but I’ll have a surprise waiting for him!’

He went to talk to Sheppard. “Chancellor Sheppard I have to speak with you about the Red Dorm.” He said after entering his office.

“Good timing Crowler, I was just about to call you.”



“What are you doing here Hassleberry, you are interrupting naked time!” Syrus was meditating with some other guys from the red dorm. Each boy was bare ass naked, some laying back in the grass, some laying face down on blankets, some were sitting in a meditation pose. There was even a few couples simply cuddling and relaxing in a super chill and warm atmosphere. Their bodies were slicked with oil so their skin doesn’t burn.

Hassleberry blushed, he couldn’t believe there was such bold young men. “I’m here to see Jaden, I want to join his platoon!”

Syrus was surprised, it’d been a couple weeks since they had put this jerk in his place. So far he’s been behaving.

“Request denied!” Syrus said flatly. “It’s naked time, if you want me to listen you should respect the time.”

“Humph!” Tyranno wasn’t gonna back down, stripping off his clothes, he removed his boots and socks first before taking off his yellow jacket. Each item neatly folded and stacked up in the proper way. Though he was hesitant on his dino boxers. With a gulp he yanked them down exposing his toned booty, and tiny 1 incher. He expected laughter or mockery, it didn’t come. ‘Hmm?’

Most of the guys were focused on relaxing, those that did notice, either didn’t care or found the contrast of the muscled stud and tiny dick to be quite erotic. He blushed and shielded his crotch. “We try not to be shy around here, it’s something I’m working on too.”

“I’m not shy!” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The attention was having an effect as his tiny tool stood at attention. “The bandanna stays!” He huffed again. Syrus shrugged.

“Jaden is busy, he’s preparing something big right now and shouldn’t be disturbed.”

“I’m not asking you soldier, don’t think just because you fucked me means you can boss me around!” Tyranno growled, his eyes flashing gold.

“Well, you are already a part of Jaden’s tribe, you are our Dino Slut!” Syrus said confidently. Tyranno’s eyes returned to normal, his dick twitching at the commanding tone. “I’m Jaden’s first mate, by pecking order, I can boss you around.”

“Tch!” Hassleberry understood the idea of the chain of command. Jaden made it clear he was a bad boy, and he had a lot to atone for. “I disbanded Troop Tyranno, I’ve already apologized to everyone I messed with. I’ve been fucked by both you and Jaden!” He was trembling.

“You sure weren’t complaining about that,” He said with a smirk, and Tyranno blushed. Syrus remembered it very well, his cock rising to full mast. Hassleberry couldn’t forget it either, his hole has been throbbing like crazy ever since. His libido was changed, enhanced, wild. Tyranno gazed at the massive meat. “Oh I see, you hungry Dino Slut?” He wagged his hard cock.

Fucking wasn’t prohibited during naked time, anything was fair game so long as you were comfortable with it.

“Ngh!” Hassleberry gulped. He licked his lips his eyes turning to gold once more. ‘It’s so big...this shrimp...this shrimp...big shrimp!’ Hassleberry couldn’t resist and began to gobble down Syrus’s cock like a pro.

Jaden had wrecked his gag reflex and his ass when he claimed his virginity. Syrus moaned and put his hands behind his head. “That’s it Dino Slut work my cock, suck it good!” Tyranno shuddered. He was able to swallow it all, down to the root.

The dino duelist was impressive, breathing through his nose, swallowing around the dick in his throat, using his tongue to work the shaft, hollowing his cheeks to give a good hard suck! Pleasure was shared between them, Syrus moaning as the larger guy worked his dick.

Tyranno remembered this cock, his ass twitching in jealousy as his mouth got to savor this massive cock. He moaned in delight sending delicious vibrations through Syrus’s cock. His cock was leaking like a faucet, twitching with every suck and bob. ‘So big, so good, I can’t…’ Tyranno came, blowing his load across the grass, a solid stream of thick heavy cum.

Syrus felt his own release come, and he finished off by fucking Hassleberry’s mouth. Tyranno moaned, bracing himself as Syrus’s balls slapped his chin. The dominant act had chills run up his spine. His back arched and he had a dry orgasm as Syrus came in his mouth.

He swallowed it all, and Syrus panted as he rode out his orgasm. His long, spent cock left Tyranno’s lips. Hassleberry was still horny. Despite his lack of size his libido seemed to be fully heightened/awakened. Jaden had opened his eyes, to a lot of things.

“I want to join your dorm, I want to be apart of this!” He wanted this, this warmth, it was something he was searching for, for so long!

“Well we don’t control that, but I’m sure Jaden understands and can work something out.” After they had double teamed Hassleberry, Jaden spoke to him so kindly. ‘A part of him may want to remain their Dino Slut, but the other part may have a chance to become something more.’ He belonged to him, by the rules of the Shadow Game, but Jaden believed he could rise up from his mistakes and become a proper mate in his circle. Syrus wasn’t sure at first, but seeing this guy so vulnerable, so lost, and in so much need it spoke to him...he got it.

Jaden was different, but his talent for seeing something more in people was truly something to marvel. Tyranno was a jerk to him, but Jaden saw something more in him. Now he could see it, if only a little. ‘He’s not...that bad of a guy...maybe I should cut him some more slack.’ Syrus rubbed the back of his head in thought.

“Like I said, he’s really busy, he’s preparing for the dorm meeting. If you’d like, we can keep you company until then and you can listen in on the meeting.”

“We?” He blinked and there were some red students who had gotten hard watching his blowjob skills. He gulped, his eyes flashing gold as he spied all their dicks. He wanted them.

“Take the position soldier, and we’ll have some fun. You seem like you could use some stress relief!” Syrus said, playfully slapping his ass.

Tyranno got into position, on his knees, bending forward, sticking his ass up in the air. “Sir yes sir!” He moaned. Syrus played with himself a bit, getting back to full hardness and he lined up with Tyranno’s ass.

‘I hate the admit, but he’s just so hot!’ With a smirk, he grabbed Tyranno’s hips, and sank his massive meat inside him.

Hassleberry moaned. He was the perfect blend of tight and loose. “Have you been fingering yourself?”

“Yes sir...couldn’t help it!” With pre-cum paving the way, Syrus stuffed him full. “So deep!” His eyes sparkled in delight. “Come here soldiers, I’m on duty!” He gestured the boys forward, licking his lips.

Syrus fucked him, while the guys took turns getting jerked off and sucked off by Hassleberry. The guys that couldn’t wait, jerked off to the show, but made sure to aim their cum shots on the Dino Slut. Tyranno’s new oral skills took out a few guys, but this was all in fun.

Tyranno was stuffed with cum from both ends, as guys showered him in white. He enjoyed every minute of it, his own tiny tool erupting beneath him, he came like a mighty volcano. Syrus simply enjoyed his ass, even when he was spent he stayed locked inside, just letting him warm his cock, till he recovered enough to fuck him again.

When Jaden called for the Dorm Meeting, a lot of the guys were relaxed, giving off a healthy glow. Jaden greeted Syrus with a kiss. “Hey Sy!” Tyranno watched them with a twinge of jealousy.

“Hey Hassleberry!” Jaden greeted. “Seems you had fun.” He eyed the muscular man sweaty and covered in semen.

“Yeah, I stopped by to talk with you, but things got wild…” He blushed and twiddled his fingers.

“Haha, well as long as you had fun and got to relax. We can talk after the meeting.” He stared at him. “Do you wanna grab a shower?”

“Ma...Maybe later…” He said while blushing. He rather liked this feeling and wanted it to last. His entrance was gaping and he had cum running down his legs. Jaden smiled.

“Okay.” He had spoken to Professor Banner and got all the paperwork complete.

“Alright everyone, the advancement exam is this week. You’ve all been working hard, studying hard, and working on your decks. I’m sure many of you will be able to pass this exam and move on to Ra Yellow.” This had everyone caught off guard.

“I’m not planning on advancing in this exam.” Another shock. “I consider this dorm my home and I don’t plan on leaving it. I understand many of you have suffered under the way this school does things.”

“That is why...I want to make the Red Dorm better!” His actions made his words stronger. It wasn’t just nonsense, he had little goals planned, and built on them. His efforts spoke for themselves. “I know you each have your own ambitions and should follow them, be it in this dorm or in the other dorms. Just know I plan to lift the Red Dorm out of despair and make us equal to the other dorms.”

“How is that possible?” the dorm was full of chatter and questions. Syrus, Chumley, and Hassleberry stared at him in awe.

“I asked for…”


“A test war!” Crowler shrieked.

“Yes surprised me too, but it seems someone was skimming over their student guide book. All the paperwork has been put into place.”



“Who suggested a Test War!?” Crowler snapped.

“Jaden Yuki one of our newest students. That boy has some fire in him!”

“That boy is a menace. He’s exactly why I came here to talk to you. He’s trouble!”

“Now now, Crowler, are you sure you aren’t just bitter about your defeat to him?” Crowler tensed, his face said it all.

“No not a bit! Look what he’s up to now, starting a test war and he’s just started at this school. Trouble, trouble, trouble!”

“It’s well within the rules. Professor Banner thinks its a splendid idea, after all he’s approved many of the projects the Red Dorm has taken part in. Morale is up.”

‘I know that’s precisely the problem.’ He thought. “That man is too free and easy. He can’t allow those slackers to do as they please.”

“Are they slacking though?” Sheppard checked their records, and so many students have shown improvements.

“Then they should advance to the other dorms.”

“Seto Kaiba set these rules himself. The Test War shall be approved.”

“Of course sir, every student has a chance to prove themselves.” He was saving face, but he was dreading this. ‘I won’t allow my hallowed school to become a playground for these slackers.’

To be continued...Champions of Red

Jaden has to select his champions to take into the Test War. Some think Syrus should do it but he isn't ready, the pressure of test was already overwhelming him. His element four are tasked with stepping up. Crowler isn't allowed to know who the champions are, but knows if he can crush Jaden in the practical exam, he'll fail the exam and the war will be over.  He arranges Jaden's duel with an Obelisk Blue and loads them up with rare cards to boot. 


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