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Digimon Tamers parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Duo Tamers

Takato is a skilled card player, he even won a national championship allowing him to create his own digimon card. He loves digimon and wishes they were real and had some of his very own. Little does he know his wish would soon be granted.

Chap 1 Takato’s Dream

Takato was a skilled gamer, he played the digimon card game and was very skilled. He had a passion for the game that led him on the path he now followed. He worked side jobs to raise money to buy the cards he had. His most treasured card was Leomon, he got cards to help support him, and digimon cards that can fight beside him.

Using his cards he won a special tournament that allowed him to create his own digimon card. He spent days working up the design, Guilmon. The card was made and Takato had another favorite card. He went to the store spending his allowance on some new cards. The store owner was a man with brown hair, he was a kind and cheerfulman, he must have been a digimon fan himself cause he had pictures of Agumon, and WarGreymon on the wall behind the counter, and hanging on the register was a pair of goggles.

When Takato bought his cards, the man happily put them all in a deck box for him to try out in his card reader, among the cards a mysterious blue card appeared and joined the others. Takato couldn’t wait to scan all the cards he had.

Racing home he went up to his room, and he began scanning the cards, he got through them all quickly recording the data. When he came to the blue card he eyed it curiously. “I’ve never seen a card like this, I wonder what it does?” he swiped the card, and the reader went crazy. “Yeow!” he dropped it and the thing began to run a bunch of numbers and data so fast the thing seemed to stop working.

“Oh man don’t tell me it broke, great…” he picked it up but the device was unresponsive. Oddly enough the blue card was missing as well. “…and I won’t be able to get another one till I get paid for a few more jobs.” He set the reader down and took hold of his two favorite cards. “Atleast I know I still got you two.”

He went to his bed, and took off his clothes. Takato had a strong love for digimon, but he had a special place in his heart for Leomon. He had a huge crush on him!

The sheer number of dreams he had about the lion like digimon he had lost count. He was so tall and muscular, he found himself getting aroused at meeting the digimon. To run his fingers through his mane, to feel his muscles, to see what was behind those tight pants of his. It had always been his wish to meet Leomon for real, but now he had another wish to meet his little Guilmon.

Guilmon had many aspects that Takato admired about Leomon, his firm pecs and abs, and his muscled arms and legs. However his design for Guilmon was more innocent and loving where to him Leomon was sexy proud and strong.

He held both cards and felt his manhood stir, his length stood at a proud 7 inches fully aroused. He blushed, staring at Leomon’s card, checking out his muscles. One of his dreams being that Leomon would allow him to thrust his length along the valley of his muscled chest.

Pumping his length he let his mind wonder, his boyhood curiosity thinking of what it would be like to kiss Leomon or Guilmon. To touch and be touched by them, his mind turned to a special fantasy he had. In this he was naked between both digimon, Guilmon at his front with Leomon behind him. The two growled lustfully as they moved down his body.

Leomon spread his cheeks exposing his twitching hole, he let out a growl of approval. He started lapping at Takato’s entrance causing the boy to let out a surprised gasp of pleasure.

This pleasure would only intensify as Guilmon took his balls into his mouth, he sucked on his tamer’s sack, tearing moans from the boys lips.

Of course this was just a fantasy, but the boy pumped his cock as his mind went wild. His eyes never left the two cards in his hands, taking in every detail. “Leomon, Guilmon!!” he moaned as he reached climax. His essence splashed all over his stomach and chest.

He lay back panting, he kissed the two cards and set them beside the believed to be broken reader. “Goodnight.” He cleaned up and pulled his blanket over, and he rolled onto his side.

While he slept the reader changed into something new and it scanned the two cards. It loaded their data and somewhere in the city Calumon reacted to the power.


Calumon was a tiny little digimon who accidently came to the human world. Calumon was looking for someone to play with. A storm rolled in, as the digivice reacted.

Takato had a dream, one different than others he had. He appeared out in the rain standing above the street as a digifield opened up. There was a girl with two digimon with her, a Renamon and Impmon. Lynxmon rose up from the field and growled at them. “It’s Lynxmon versus Renamon, watch closely Impmon.”

Just like that the two were fighting, but it wasn’t long before Renamon was pinned. “Digi Modify Speed activate!” in a flash Renamon was powered up and with blinding speed she blasted Lynxmon and absorbed his data.

Takato woke up feeling cold from the rain. A small light caught his attention, he looked over and couldn’t believe what he saw; a digivice, a real live digivice!

He picked it up, and examined it. “No way, is this real?” he clicked a button and two other screens opened up, both holding the same message “Digimon downloading…”

Takato got dressed and took his digivice to show his friends. Kazu and Kenta just laughed at him, thinking he just had a wet dream and teased him about it. They ran off laughing at him, but Takato believed this was real, little did he know the download completed and he missed the call.

“Oh man I missed it, I wonder where they are?”

Little did he know there was someone else looking for his digimon. Hypnos was working to locate and contain the digimon who tried to come to the world, calling them wild ones.

Takato’s digivice reacted and led him to where the two would hopefully emerge. A brilliant light rose up to the sky, Takato wasn’t the only one to see it but he would be the one to find it first. His digivice helped pull the two into the world, he stared in wonder as the digimon of his dreams were standing before him. “Your real, you’re really real!”

The two looked at him. “Takatomon?” Guilmon blinked at him, looking at him cutely. He suddenly smiled at him and pounced on his tamer. He happily licked the boy’s cheek.

“How did you know my name?”

“I dunno, I just knew by seeing your face. I know you are Takatomon!” he said happily nuzzling his cheek.

“So you are Takato?” the deep voice of Leomon sent a shiver down his spine. He looked up at the digimon who walked towards him. Leomon eyed him up and down, finally he smirked and leaned down to lick Takato’s other cheek. “You will help make me strong.”

The boy blushed and he eyed him happily. “Yes you will do nicely.”

To be continued

Chapter 2 Players

This was a dream come true for Takato. ‘Oh man...oh man...I must be dreaming!’ He pinched his cheek. “Oww...nope not dreaming.” His digimon stared at him. “So this is real, this is really happening.”  Guilmon sniffed him, before pouncing on his creator/tamer.


“It’s just Takato.”


“He’s a human not a digimon. Our tamer.” Leomon tried to instruct the young digimon. He hadn’t seen one like him before. Leomon’s voice gave Takato chills, his blood rushing south.

“We better get home!”

“Home?” Guilmon asked.

“My house for now, until we can find a better place for you guys to stay.”

“My place is by your side.” Leomon declared.

“Takatomon is home!” Guilmon jumped on him.

“This is all so amazing!”


The two sudden digimon appearances didn’t go unnoticed. Digivices were responding all over town. Rika gazed down at hers. “Another wild one?” Renamon asked.

“Let me at this one, I can take him!” Impmon declared.

“Perhaps, but there are two signals.” Rika said. She put on her glasses with a smirk. “We may have a new player in this game.”

“Ohh yeah baby we can take em out easy, Bada-Boom!” Impmon called out bouncing around all excited.

“If it’s a player we need to be careful, find out what we are up against.” Renamon said.

“You are way to cautious, you should lighten up toots!” Wham! Renamon punched him hard in the head. “Waahhh, why did you do that?!”

“You lack manners, you should speak with respect.”

“Respect? You are too uptight!” Impmon snapped. “You wouldn’t know fun if it bit you in the butt!”

Rika sighed. “Both of you, enough!” She snapped.  “We have one goal defeat digimon, be they wild or tamed and absorb their data to become stronger. We shall become the ultimate team!” The two stood up straight.

“Yes Rika!” The two said and gave a bow.

“Good, let’s find them fast.” They were too far to detect which digimon they were, but if they got closer they could be properly scanned. Two signals were all she could detect and she had a data tracker. They were on the move, but before they could reach Takato they found a new signal. “Another wild one?”

“Let me take this one!” Impmon cheered.

“Very well let’s move!” The signal was closer than the others. Going after another Tamer’s monsters was indeed risky, but may be what they need to reach the next stage. Since becoming a tamer she had been hunting the wild ones, only finding a couple of tamers in the past. She was the best, and her digimon would be the best...or else!


Henry’s digivice responded. “Is it rumble time?” Terriermon asked.

“No Terriermon we aren’t out to rumble.”

Armadillomon yawned. “It’s a bit late to rumble, don’tcha think?”

“We aren’t rumbling.”  Henry said again. ‘Not again, first these two, then there were those signals awhile back. Two at once is usually the sign of a tamer.’ His digivice responded to wild ones just like Rika’s but he chose to ignore them. ‘It’s none of our business!’

Henry was an online player for the online digimon game. He was one of the top players on the leader boards. He had chosen Terriermon as his game starter, and obtained Armadillomon in game. His digimon were both rookies, he wanted to beat the game with a growing party, instead of choosing a heavy hitter Champion. His rookies battle hard together, by working together they even beat champions.  In game digimon battled and the winner absorbs the loser’s data.

The online game incorporated the card game, having its own reader to power up digimon. After a certain incident, Henry realized the game connected to something much bigger. Even after he turned the game off the world was still connected. He was seeing something beyond his world, and it left him with questions. Some of the digimon he passed over for partners came after his digimon. They wanted to be his partner even if it mean fighting to claim the spot. Terriermon lost control when he evolved, nearly deleting Armadillomon. It was scary!

His father convinced him demon weren’t alive, but he was wrong and he pushed his team too far. A Blue Card appeared to him and he was able to pull Terriermon and Armadillomon out of the digital world. He was focused on finding a different path as a tamer. Though he may have gone from one extreme to another.


A mysterious group was tracking digital signals. “We had two powerful signals, they appeared to bio-emerge!”

“Again, two signals appearing at random. We’ve lost those signals before.” A man flicked his lighter back and forth. “Put a tracer on it!”

“The signal is too strong, they’ve vanished!”

“Again!”  the man growled. ‘How are they slipping past us?’

“We have a new signal, its another wild one!”

“Track it down now!”

Too bad for them as soon as they had a tracer on it Rika took it out and absorbed their data. “Target has been destroyed.”


Takato managed to get them home. It was late so the streets were quiet, he had Guilmon hiding in a box. Leomon was at least humanoid so he could walk the streets with not much questions at a distance.  He got home, and his parents were dealing with the bakery, he helped out and Leomon snuck Guilmon up stairs.

His mom had no idea, but his dad believed Takato had snuck home a pet. They had no idea.

Takato grabbed a shower before returning to his room. Guilmon was looking around while Leomon was going through his books. “Try not to make a mess.” He said.

“Takatomon, smells good!”

“Fresh from the bath.” Leomon purred. Takato blushed and he felt his blood rush south. His dick made his towel rise. “Excited are we?”

“Excited?” Guilmon spotted Takato’s hardness. “Takatomon is excited!” He sniffed, his scent was a little spicy now. “What do we do?”

“Want some help with that?” Leomon asked.

Takato couldn’t help himself. “Yes please!”

Leomon chuckled. “By all means!” He took off Takato’s towel allowing his seven inch dick to snap up into the air. “Impressive.” Takato blushed.

“Ooohhh!” Guilmon stared at him.

“Allow me,” he pulled Takato into his lap. “My tamer!” Leomon took hold of his cock.

“Ohh ohh ohh!” Takato moaned as Leomon pumped his dick. His pads rubbed his sensitive flesh, it felt so good. ‘His hands are so big!’ He was squeezed and pumped, his digits massaging his tender places. His tip was pinched and he began to weep pre-cum

“Takatomon...feeling good?” he asked.

“Ohh this feels so good!” Takato moaned and bucked his hips.

“I aim to please, my tamer!” He brought his free hand up to toy with one of his pert nipples. “Your body, and your scent, it is perfect!” Leomon nuzzled him and continued toying with his body. Takato moaned, his body trembling. Having Leomon’s big chest and rock hard abs pressed into his back, made all of this so much more intense.

‘It’s hot, I feel so hot!’ Takato began to drool.

Guilmon watched in interest. The only thing that made it better was the fact Leomon’s bulge was nudging his crack, parting his cheeks. Takato moaned and wiggled his hips, grinding against his bulge. ‘As expected of my tamer!’

Takato moaned, his release rising.  “Leomon...I’m gonna cum!”

“Do it!” He growled.

“Ahhh!” Takato howled and came all over Leomon’s paw.

“Such volume, delicious milk for me!” He licked his paw clean, he felt a surge of power flow through him.

“What is that stuff?” Guilmon asked.

“Humans call it semen, to me it’s delicious milk.”

“It’s delicious?”

“Ohh yes!” He purred. “Want to try?”

“Yes please!” Guilmon said excitedly.

“Just suck on his penis, it’ll make him feel good and you’ll earn your milk!”

“Right!” Takato was still in an orgasmic haze, so he was riding the high as his legs were spread. Guilmon settled between them and took Takato’s weeping dick into his mouth. “Hm? Mmmmhhhmmm!” He started sucking on Takato’s penis enjoying the manly flavor. It was good, so good! His nostrils were filled with the manly musk. This was fun.

His suction pulled Takato out of his daze. “Wait ahh Guilmon, ohh wait oh ohhh!” His penis was sensitive after orgasm.  Guilmon’s mouth was so hot, and his oral skills were so eager.

“That’s good, just keep sucking, and you’ll get our Tamer’s tasty milk.” Leomon adjusted his pants causing his massive monster dick to slip out. He hot dogged Takato’s ass, his hands focusing on the boy’s perky nipples.

“Oh ohh ohh Leomon, Guilmon!” He came fast, blowing his load into Guilmon’s mouth.

Gulmon’s eyes sparkled in delight. The monster’s body shook in pleasure as he had an orgasmic experience. He drank Takato’s cum, his body changing and becoming special like Leomon’s. His balls dropped and an impressive 8 inch dick slipped from a sheath. His penis pulsed and blew his load all over the floor.

Leomon growled as he came, showering Takato in cum. “Now this is a shower.” Takato moaned.

“Yummy yummy milk!” Guilmon licked up his seed off the floor, before pouncing on Takato and giving him a tongue bath. Leomon watched.

‘I am happy you chose me Takato, I will protect and serve you.’ He was happy to see him so happy.

Takato had the best sleep of his life, cuddled between a beefy horny lion anthro and a sexy dinosaur monster. Takato’s father took a peek inside, but thanks to Leomon he didn’t see the digimon. The champion put up a form of digital field, making them hidden to normal eyes. Though it masked them, the room still smelled of musk. ‘Does this room smell of sex? Does Takato have a girlfriend?’

To be continued