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Yugioh Gx parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Lurking Shadows

It had been a week since Troop Tyranno was disbanded, and Hassleberry had gone missing. The former members of his crew had no idea where he was or what he was doing. Jesse didn’t like it, first Syrus disappeared then Hassleberry. Sure Syrus came back, but he was...different.

Looking for answers he went to talk to Syrus, finding him at the gym. “Oh wow!” Syrus was wearing nothing but a red speedo, working out hard. His muscles were bulging and flexing, sweat glistening off his skin. With each rep Syrus’s heavy bulge twitched, as if lifting weights turned him on.

His onlookers watched in wild fascination, some blushing, some with full on boners tenting their gym shorts. Jesse was one of the blushers. He was surprised shy little Syrus wasn’t so shy anymore, not so little either. “Syrus can we talk?”

He stopped his reps, getting groans of disappointment from the crowd. “Sure what’s up?”

“It’s about Hassleberry.” Syrus dried off with a towel. Guys watching him with a look that screamed… “I wish I was that towel”.

“What about him?”

“He’s gone missing.”


“He’s one of the Spirit Key guardians, we need to find him.” His room was abandoned, some stuff was missing, but his room was such a mess it was hard to tell. He often got wild in his room and had whatever sucker he could beat in a duel clean it up for him.

His clothes were untouched, his boots were all over, and his bed hadn’t been slept in. The only noticeable thing was his cards were missing.

“He’s also a bully and a jerk.”

“I know he’s not the nicest guy, but I’m worried about him just as I was worried about you.”

Syrus sighed. “After his streak fest he’s probably laying low out of embarrassment. I did after he humiliated me.”

“True…” Jesse said, trying not to cast his gaze over Syrus’s sexy body. He still recalled Hassleberry’s streaking, he was known for making such bets, it was likely he lost.

“I’m sure he’ll turn up.” He left, a smirk forming on his lips once he was out of sight.


Syrus did know where Hassleberry was, he was in a place no one would go or look for him. ‘My master is keeping him well occupied.’ Syrus had few attachments to those around him, few loyalties to a school that rewarded a jerk like Hassleberry just because he had some skills. Jesse was a nice guy sure, but from Hassleberry’s memories even after he went missing not many cared, lot of people just thought he dropped out and good riddance.

His loyalty and love for his master had only grown. He served as his eyes and ears at school. Meanwhile, Hassleberry was being trained.

The Dino Brain had stopped wearing clothes, finding them unnecessary. His hair was undone, his curls were down and he had a more wild look. Tyranno was working out, strengthening his already bulging body. “More! Lift for master! Get thick for master! Get huge for master!” Was his mantra.

He did every exercise in the book, while doing hours and hours of weight training. His cock remained in a permanently erect state, a fact his dino brain didn’t care about. He didn’t need to sleep thanks to the dino power flowing through his veins and Jaden’s blessings.

Jaden marveled at him. He’s come along way from a meat head bully to a dino stud. “I think you’ve done well today pet, come get your reward.” Hassleberry’s golden eyes gleamed as he dropped his weights with a loud clang and rushed over to where Jaden was sitting. His hefty cock bouncing as he ran, it was a good thing it was permanently erect at his current size soft, he’d likely stumble over it.

Tyranno moved between Jaden’s legs, and began to worship the man’s monstrous cock. His gag reflex was long since destroyed, swallowing down to the root. “Mmm, your oral skills have improved.” Jaden praised, earning a moan from the dino brain.

His mouth, tongue, and throat massaging the massive man meat. He stayed there, breathing through his nose, and getting high on his musk and arousal. His moans sending lovely vibrations through his shaft.

Jaden was enjoying his mouth quite a bit, but their playtime was interrupted when Jaden got a call. His gaze drifted towards the looking glass and he let out a sigh of annoyance. Using his charm the mirror floated over to him. “What is it?”

“Spider Rider, why haven’t you reported in, its been weeks?”

“Ah Nightshroud, there is a simple explanation. I don’t answer to you.” He said.

Tyranno could smell his master’s annoyance, and took action to please him. He bobbed his head, working his shaft with gusto! “Nnnhhh!” Jaden blushed, his head rolling back. His frown curling back into a smile.

“Playing with your prey again, are you wasting your time with your sluts?” Nightshroud questioned.

Jaden chuckled. “This is one of the spirit key protectors.” He tapped his head so Nightshroud could see his face. His handsome, lust drunk face, the golden eyes coming as a surprise. Tyranno went back to worshiping dick. “One of the gates is opened and I’ll fetch another one soon.”

“Your games will not always get results. Quit playing around and opened the gates!” Jaden laughed.

“I don’t serve you, parasite!” Jaden snapped.

“You dare insult me, filthy hybrid!”

“Better to be a filthy hybrid than be a lowly parasite. All you can do is feed off the strong, hopping from host to host, using their strength and skills.” He pulled Hassleberry off his cock and used his 6 arms to show him off. “It might look strange to a user like you, but I’m a builder. I make my prey harder, better, faster, and stronger,building them up and finding their inner strengths.” Nightshroud had to rely on his host’s skills and strengths, sure he corrupted them making them make darker plays, but that didn’t mean much.

“Look at these muscles, these glorious pecs, these tender nipples, these fine abs, this hefty cock, these full balls, toned arms and legs, last but not least a thick ass ready to take dick on command.” He jacked Hassleberry off, so he came all over the mirror. Nightshroud grimmaced.“Tyranno mess!”

“Yes master!” Tyranno licked his cum off the mirror.

“They serve me loyally.” Nightshroud glared at him. “If that stud was freed from your control, he’d betray you in an instant. The master should have left him to me.”

“Bite your tongue spider whore!”

“Don’t insult master!” Tyranno growled releasing his own energy, he actually scared Nightshroud. Jaden enjoyed seeing the shadow rider shook.

“The master has given me free reign to complete the mission. My methods are already turning results. So why don’t you take that mask and shove it up your ass?”

“One day you will slip up, and when you fall I’ll be there to swallow your soul.”

“And when you fail, I’ll take that stud and keep him as my pet!”

“My dragons will feast on your pathetic insects!”

“I wonder, they say in some worlds there are spiders who can topple dragons.”


“Well you wanted a report you got it. I’ve already obtained one key, the others will soon follow. Now I’m hard and I’m gonna enjoy fucking my pet!” He ended the call and sending the mirror back into a webbed wall, and sealing it with webs.

“Master you gonna fuck me?”

“Ohh yes!” He lined up his massive cock, lubed with saliva and pre-cum. He pushed in and Hassleberry’s special ass swallowed the massive cock, his abs bulging from the sheer size. His hole was stretched wide and his ass deep.

“Master, Master, Master, Master!” he moaned as Jaden set a steady pace, fucking him long and strong. The friction making his insides hot. Jaden’s pelvis clapping against Hassleberry’s juicy ass, making a loud clap, and his cheeks jiggle.

His moans grew more primal, his body shaking with every powerful thrust.


Nightshroud was pissed. He hated to admit it, but Jaden had powers, powers that surpassed his own. He had found a vessel chosen by a shadow charm, but its powers were not for him. That didn’t mean he didn’t have tricks up his sleeve. ‘I will enjoy watching the spider get crushed.’


The guardians were called in and Jesse bumped into Zane. “Hey Zane, have you noticed anything strange about your brother lately?”

“Is he back? I thought he dropped out.”

‘As cold as steel as ever.’ He sighed. The bonds in the academy were weak. Jesse wished he had someone else here at the academy that knew the importance of bonds.

“No he didn’t, he’s gotten a lot...bolder…” He didn’t feel telling Zane he got sexier would be appropriate.

“It’s only a matter of time before he drops out, he doesn’t belong here.”

The guardians assembled minus Tyranno. “Something has happened, one of the gates has been opened!” Sheppard said. “I fear we have a Shadow Rider on the island!”

Jesse had a really bad feeling about this.

To be continued



Hmhmm! Lovely progression of the muscle thralls' individual attitudes. The dicking was also really good. 👌


yep yep, plus wanted there to be a form of in fighting among the shadows. Because if they had attacked duel academy as a united front things would have been bad.