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Young Justice parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Superboy

Something odd was going down at Cadmus. The team had the floor plans, but this facility had secrets lurking in the dark. Hidden labs, secret experiments, life form cultivation. Cadmus had created something called Genomorphs, some had lightning abilities being used as living batteries, others were massive used for heavy labor, medium sized ones with claws and fangs, there were even smaller ones that had telepathic powers. “They are building an army.” Nightwing points out.

“But an army for what or for who?” Aqualad wonders.

“We need to get out of here, this place gives me the creeps.” Speedy said.

Nightwing used Bat-Tech to hack the systems finding a secret project Kr, in the lower levels. The team is led down there by a human sized Genomorph with advanced telepathic powers. They bumped into Guardian, a lower tier member of the Justice League. He seemed confused upon seeing them, but the little gnome on his shoulder had him going into. “Get Them!” mode.

They may have lost the element of stealth and surprise, but they did locate project Kr. “That’s...a clone of Superman!” Nightwing gasped.

“Oh man...he’s hot!” Kid Flash said, getting a look from the others. “Well he is!” He wasn’t wrong, the young man was built, and he was wearing a skin tight solar suit that left nothing to the imagination.

With help from Bat Tech, Dick was able gain access to his files. “Project Kr, the Superboy, a genetic clone of hybridized DNA of Superman. Enhanced by Genomorph Cells.”

“So he’s like those things out there, only kryptonian?” A solid theory and all they had to go on for now. The gnomes were giving him knowledge and a basic education. There were concerns of what they might be teaching him.

“I don’t think Superman knows about this?” Speedy said, keeping an eye on the door. “It won’t be long before they get through.”

“We need to inform the league.” Aqualad suggested. “Can you find us an escape route?”

“I can but what about him? We can’t leave him down here.” Nightwing said.

“You can’t be serious, he’s an unknown, if we wake him he could kill us all!” Speedy snapped.

“I’m not gonna leave a man behind!” Nightwing counters, and Speedy fumbles. Dick wouldn’t abandon anyone, every mission he always made sure everyone was taken care of.

‘I hate this soft hearted idiot so much!’ Speedy thought, though his own heart’s flutter betrayed his thoughts.

“Damn it, fine whatever!” He huffs.

Nightwing wakes Superboy up, but they were unaware of the G-Gnomes taking control of his mind. Superboy attacked them, but he wasn’t in his right mind. He wasn’t talking or responding to much of anything.

“Don’t make me do this Superboy!” Nightwing snaps at him. Superboy had taken out his friends, but they were just unconscious. Superboy growled like a feral beast before charging at him. Nightwing was taught by the best, always be prepared. So he revealed a kryptonite ring, the green glow made Superboy feel weak. “Easy there big guy, I’m not gonna hurt ya okay.”

Clarity came over Superboy’s eyes for a moment, but then the gnomes attacked Dick mentally, he returned the ring to its led lined holder, and he was knocked out. Superboy stood up, a look of confusion on his face.

The doors opened and the team was captured getting taken to pods to have their DNA extracted. Their weapons were confiscated but nearby for study. The boys were stripped from the waist down. Their cocks exposed for full DNA extraction.

Desmond planned to extract their DNA and memories to make clones of each of them. The semen collection was necessary in case the big bosses wanted to create a new generation of evil. He was wigging out, if they didn’t get Cadmus back under control it’d be his head.

Little did Desmond know that Dubbilex was working against him and awakened the heroes.

Superboy was left to watch over them. He couldn’t help but stare at their half naked bodies. “Stop looking already!” Speedy snapped, struggling against his bonds, they were locked in tight.

“Speedy easy, don’t piss off the guy who could fry us with a look.” Kid Flash said. “But that wasn’t cool Supey we were trying to save you and you attacked us.”

“Stop Kid Flash, I don’t believe our friend was in his right mind.” Aqualad told him.

“What if I...wasn’t?”

“It can talk!” Speedy gasped.

“Yes, HE can!” Superboy snapped back. The others shot Speedy a look.


“Look Supey, how about you let us out of here and I’ll give you a blow job.” Kid Flash promised.

Superboy blinked at him. “What’s a blow job?” Kid Flash’s jaw dropped.

“You are kidding right?” Speedy asked. “What have they been teaching you?”

“Much!” Superboy snapped. “I know the names of things, languages, history, math!”

“Do you even know about sex?” Aqualad asked.

“I know that sex happens after marriage or mating, to produce offspring.”

“Wow, that’s just sad.” Speedy shook his head. “You have less knowledge than a high school freshman.”

“Then tell me what is a blow job, why is it so important?”

“Oh yes me~me!” Kid Flash voluntered. “A blow job is a sexual act where one person uses their mouth to lick, suck, and stimulate their partner’s penis, if one is flexible enough one can even do this to themselves.” He made a gesture towards Nightwing.

“Seriously!” Nightwing snapped at him. “I’m never showing you anything ever again.”

“Dude come on, it was hot!” Kid Flashed said, his dick rising to attention as proof.

“What is the purpose of that?”

“Because it feels good, sometimes even for both parties, some people get off on sucking dick.” Aqualad said. Superboy had no idea. His cheeks reddened as he tried to imagine it but it was difficult for him.

“Men can sleep with each other?” He asked and jaws dropped.

“Of course they can!” Was the group shout.

“It’s weird that Cadmus wouldn’t give you this information, it’s taught in every High School.”

“Of course not, Cadmus made a weapon, why should a weapon know such things.” Speedy said.

“Speedy, stop it!” Nightwing snapped at him. “Superboy do you know anything about love and affection?”

“I know about kissing and holding hands.”

“Oh Poseidon!” Aqualad gasped.

“Oh man he’s so innocent it hurts.” Kid Flash tried not to laugh.

“Superboy, why did Cadmus create you?” Superboy stared at Nightwing.

“I am the Superboy, a genomorpgh, a clone of the Superman. I’m too replace Superman should he parish, to destroy him if he should turn from the light.” The guys shared a look of concern.

“Listen Superboy, you aren’t a weapon. If you were taught about love at all, that means you have the potential for so much more.” Nightwing’s words touched something inside Superboy. “If you want to be like Superman, that’s a worthy goal, but like Superman you should be free to make your own decisions and make your own choices.”

Cadmus hadn’t allowed that, taking control of him as soon as he woke up.

“Seriously Nightwing, are you trying to save this guy? He could have killed us.”

“But he didn’t.” He countered.

“You could have killed me.” Superboy stared at Nightwing. “You made me weaker, you could have ended my life but you didn’t, why?”

“That’s not what heroes do, we save people. We wanted to save you, take you away from this place.”

“No!” Superboy snapped. “Cadmus is my home.”

“Dude, your home is pod.” Speedy was being rude again, but he had a point.

“They taught me things, to read, to write, I exist because of Cadmus!”

“But you aren’t free.” Nightwing told him. “Do they let you go outside, see the world, the sky, the sun?”

“Images are implanted telepathically.”

“But you don’t get to see them!” Nightwing smiled at him. “We can show you so many things.”

“Really?” He asked.

“Oh yeah man, blow jobs, rim jobs, hand jobs. You should see Nightwing’s and Speedy’s toy collection.”

“Shut it Motor Mouth!” Speedy snapped at him.

“You should know sex is more than just about procreation, it’s about love, pleasure, discovering yourself, and even bonding with your partners.” Aqualad explained.

“Isn’t sex just between two people?”

“Oh man he’s hopeless.” Speedy groaned.

“You should probably start with Nightwing, he’s good with first timers. Once you’ve learned more about sex we can have an orgy!” Kid Flash drooled at the thought. The idea caused some stirring in their loins as well.

Superboy looked at Nightwing. “You would...have sex with me?”

“Awe cute the weapon has a crush.” Speedy said.

“Supey I would rock your world, but we can’t do it here. Please can you help us?”

“No it can’t!” Desmond came into the room. He had been on call with the Light. He had orders to carry out. “You can’t help it, and it won’t help you.”

“Don’t call him an it!” Nightwing snapped.

Desmond ignored him. “We shall begin the DNA collection before we begin the cloning process. The gnomes will have your memories collected for the clones to have.” Guardian was still trapped under mind control. “Get the weapon back in it’s pod.”

Back in the pod, back to sleep, to have knowledge poured into his brain as he absorbed energy through his solar suit.

“Don’t call him an it!” Kid Flash snapped.

“Superboy help us…”

“That’s enough out of all of you, be grateful you’ll receive a taste of heaven before being sent to hell.” He pressed a button, and the young heroes had their hard dicks encased in tubes. The tubes began to suck on their cocks.

“I’d normally be into this stuff, but I doubt this will end happily!” Kid Flash moaned as the machine pumped and sucked his shaft. The mechanical suction was relentless. The guys gasped and moaned, writhing in pleasure Superboy had never seen before. Cadmus had this technology, this knowledge, but it was denied to him.

He watched their big hard cocks get sucked and sucked, pre-cum getting whisked away. He felt hot, and had a weird stirring in his loins.

“Stay strong guys!” Nightwing moaned.

“I’m good...not sure about Kid Quickshot here!” Speedy grunted out.

“Shut ahh up!”

Aqualad was too busy panting. “Focus!”

“Resist all you want, your balls will be drained, then we’ll extract your blood. You will be cloned and disposed off.” Superboy’s eyes widened. “If you think the weapon will save you, or mourn you don’t. Once it’s back in it’s pod the memories of this day will be deleted.”

“Don’t call him an it!” Aqualad gasped out.

Guardian tried to take Superboy out of the room but the clone resisted. “Don’t start thinking now!” the gnome jumped on his shoulder and took over his mind. “Good weapon you exist to serve not to think. You aren’t a real boy, just a weapon, now get back to your pod!” He was lead away.

“Fuck Superboy, don’t let them do this to you!” Speedy called out. “Fight back, choose damn it choose!”

“It can’t choose, it just obeys!” Desmond laughed.

“Don’t call him an it!” Speedy snapped.

Desmond increased the suction, making the bound heroes buck and thrash in their bonds. “I can’t hold it!” Kid Flash came first, followed by Speedy, then Aqualad, Nightwing held out the longest but soon his balls tightened and he came.

The machine sucked their cum away and stored it in a container attached to their individual pods. It didn’t stop, it kept sucking them, milking them of every drop it could.

Desmond started the next phase, probes pierced their skin, drawing blood, sending it to another container. These probes shocked the heroes, which made the milking sucks all the more intense.

“Superboy...you live...you have a choice to decide what path you take. I know it’s hard, but it’s your right!” Nightwing managed to get out through cries of pain. “If you feel lost and don’t know what to do, just ask yourself...what would Superman do!?”

Superboy had heard it with his super hearing. He resisted the gnome’s hold on his mind with his will. Superboy better choose fast, Kid Flash was on his third orgasm, and everyone else was hitting their second.

He did choose!


Desmond was shocked as Superboy ripped the door down. “I told you to get back to your…” Superboy pushed him and Guardian aside.

“Don’t tell me what to do!” He turned off the machines, the probes and tubes leaving their bodies.

“You here to help us or fry us?” Speedy asked.

Superboy glared at him. “Huh, I guess I don’t have heat vision, so I guess I’ll help.” Nightwing was able to pick the locks on his cuffs and get free.

“Thanks for coming back for us.”

“There are things I want to know, you guys will help me understand.” Nightwing gave him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed.



“Okay will you get us out of here!” Speedy snapped.

“You don’t give me orders either!” The clone snapped back.

“I’ll get Speedy, help out Kid Flash and Aqualad.” Superboy obeyed.

“What? So he can give you orders?” Superboy nodded. He huffed. “You still owe me for this!”

“I know let’s just get out of here alive.” They got their weapons back, but not their pants. It didn’t seem to bother them.

“Kid Flash, the semen!”

“On it!” Kid Flash zipped to each container and chugged the large collection of semen. “Good to the last drop!” Drinking all that semen got him hard again.

Superboy watched him go, feeling that familiar heat again. He had no idea if semen tasted good, but he wanted to find out.

Nightwing planted bombs on the pods to destroy the blood samples.

“You’ll never get out of here, I’ll have you back in pods by morning!” Desmond shouted.

“I don’t think so!” Nightwing detonated the pods and off they went.

Superboy tried to fly them out, but it turns out he couldn’t fly. Nightwing caught him before he could fall down an elevator shaft. “I can’t fly...Superman can fly but I can’t…”

“I saw your file, some of it. You are a genomorph, maybe how you fly is different?” Nightwing points out.

Superboy focused his mind, with concentration he was able to use telekinesis to levitate and even fly. Getting out wasn’t the easiest, but the group ran into Dubbilex. As it turns out he was waiting for this day, waiting to see if Superboy would choose to be a weapon or a hero.

He had chosen freedom. Dubbilex had been behind all of this, even giving Superboy information he shouldn’t have been given. Awakened his friends/rescuers, and helped bring them here in the first place. He’s been keeping Superboy’s true powers hidden, in an attempt to slow down these wicked plans. The mental blocks were now lifted. He even freed Guardian of his mind control.

“I will not be defeated by you perverted trash!”

Desmond initiated project Blockbuster to bring them down. The half naked heroes fought hard, Superboy discovering while he didn’t have heat vision, he had electro vision. Concentrated beams from his eyes of pure electricity.

Cadmus was brought down, literally half the facility was crumbled by the time it was done. It was a big victory, with hugs and kisses all around. Even for Superboy.

“Mmm!” Superboy moaned into his kiss, his big kryptonian cock bulging out his solar suit.

Nightwing palmed him, and Superboy melted like butter. “I got you big guy.” The crotch of his solar suit was ripped out and his dick stood proud. He was quite large and thick, but Dick was still bigger. “How about that blow job?”

Superboy blushed. “Yes please.” Nightwing went down on him, and Superboy’s world blew open. Pleasure, sweet pleasure he should have known, traveled through his sacred rod and spread through his entire being. Nightwing’s oral skills were amazing, his tongue work had the virgin cock twitching with every pass.

His head rolled back and he gazed at the moon and the stars, receiving his first blow job. Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy were watching the whole thing. Watching as he came undone, as the big tough Superboy melted and bucked, mewling like he was in heat.

Nightwing knew just how to work virgin dick, knowing just how hard to suck, where to lick, how to work the shaft, and tease the glans. He could have had Superboy blowing in seconds, but he made it last for Superboy’s pleasure. “Nightwing...I feel strange…” His mouth was full.

“You feel hot?” Aqualad asked.


“Do you feel like you are gonna explode?” Kid Flash asked.


“Then you are cumming Superboy, own it!” Speedy snapped. He was beating his meat so fast his balls were jiggling.

“I’M CUMMING!” Superboy howled, cumming into Nighting’s hot mouth and down his throat. Nightwing played with his balls, massaging them as he slurped him through his release.

Nightwing pulled off his spent dick with a pop. “You are one of us Superboy!” The quartet jerked off around him, showering him in white, with his solar suit it was hard to tell. Superboy thought it was weird for a moment, but he smiled and opened his mouth catching some flying spurts in his mouth.

Did you enjoy that brother?’


Yes brother, your powers are fully free as you are, do with them as you will. You will experience more than any of us could, that was my wish for you.’

‘It was you...you taught me about love...why?’

Because Brother, while we live and can be free, we cannot experience it like others can. I saw it, I saw what they wanted to deny you, and I wasn’t gonna allow it.’ Dubbilex bid farewell. ‘Enjoy your life Superboy!’

The Justice League arrived, this was quite a mess to explain. Blockbuster was locked up. Green Lantern took most of the Genomorphs off world, finding a nice planet they can live on in peace. No one spoke of the cursed fate they had, what Cadmus had created, went against the universe.

Some chose to remain, at Cadmus. Dubbilex claimed he didn’t need to give a reason. “I only wish to help.”

Superboy and Superman met, though Superman seemed angry. “Is that what I think it is?” Green Arrow asked.

“He doesn’t like to be called an it!” Kid Flash said.

“I’m Superman’s clone!”

“I want a report now!” Batman said.


“It seems project Kr has been tainted, we must seek to retrieve him before he can be fully corrupted.”

“It’s not a total loss, we still have Project Match!”

“We just need to find a way to control him.”

“All the research on the genomorph project was lost at Cadmus, a pity, we had created the perfect creature.”

“We couldn’t have accounted one of them to go rogue, they interfered with our plans. Project Kr, is more powerful than we accounted for.”

“In the end it will not matter, soon they all will see the Light!”

To be continued...Team


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