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Reincarnated As Slime parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Chapter 24 

Chapter 25 Slime Lord vs Orc Disaster!

It couldn’t be stopped, as the Orc Lord evolved into the Orc Disaster. It released a corrosive aura forcing friend and foe back. This was the birth of a terror...

Rimuru’s Pov

So this is the Orc Disaster, Demon Lord Geld. He was a terror, his magicules were high, his abilities numerous, his physical strength and intelligence now matched. ‘This is bad!’ This was bad beyond my expectations.

The robed Orc spoke. “All hail our king!”

“Our King!” The orcs knelt to this monster. “Hail, Hail, Hail, Hail!” Their chant filled the area before the Orc Disaster made his bold declaration. He would devour us, we were his food. I don’t think so!

I didn’t want them to fight this monster but Benimaru served as general and made the charge to bring him down. “This isn’t an enemy we can toy with, we bring him down, hard!”

Everyone tried to take him down. Shion leaped at him sword drawn. Geld fended off Shion’s monstrous strength, countering her sword with his massive cleaver-like blade. When he tried to cut her down, he had no idea it was a distraction.

Hakurou zipped in and sliced off his head. For a moment I thought it was over, usually losing your head means game over...right? Not right. It swung at Hakurou forcing him to dodge from a headless enemy. Tentacles burst from the wound scooping up his head and reattaching it. The shocked looked on Hakurou’s face said it all. If a guy of his skill and experience was shocked we were dealing with new territory.

“Such tasty looking meals.” Before he could attack Hakuro again, Souei was on him.

Threads burst from the ground and bound the Orc Disaster, he didn’t let up, weaving more thread to trap him in a cocoon. “Thread Manipulation, now there’s nowhere for you to run!” Damn, he’s so cool.

“If you are hungry eat this!” Benimaru conjured some black flames. “Hell Flare!”

“I won’t let him recover!” Ranga jumped forward. He called forth Black Lightning to strike the Orc Disaster from the sky. He showed off a new trick in his werewolf form. “Lightning Javelins!” He conjured lighting in his paws and gripped them forming twin javelin-like spears. He impaled him, unleashing an extra dose of lightning inside him as well.

Ranga deflated. “Out of magicules?”

“Yes sir, forgive me.” He bowed his head to me.

“Nothing to forgive, rest in my shadow for now.” He obeyed. So much damage, let’s see if it was enough.

His body was charred and smoking, with two punctures in his chest. “So this is pain…” He chuckled.

“My King...I offer myself to your victory…” One of his men came forward, and Geld ate him, armor and all. He was able to recover instantly. His recovery skills are truly impressive, with our current skills unless we can land a decisive blow and end it...we will run out of stamina...we will lose…

Watching him eat one of his men was sickening, but eating just one gave him a full recovery. “The Orc Disaster...you truly are a monster!” I heard Benimaru say.

“Everyone get back, I’ll take it from here!” I won’t let us fall into despair. I will take him on myself!

-x-End Pov-x-

Geld stared at Rimuru. “Oni, Werewolf, Goblins, Lizardmen, so many delicious courses to choose from. What are you? Where did the werewolf go?”

“Oh you mean Ranga, he’s resting in my shadow.” Rimuru pointed down.

“You ate him?”

“Absolutely not, I wouldn’t eat my comrades like you.” Geld charged at Rimuru swiping at him only for the slime in human form to dodge. This fight was a complicated one, Ranga and the Oni had received some of his skills, honing their own strengths. If their attacks didn’t work, he couldn’t count on those tools working for him either.

He had a few tricks up his sleeve. “Summon Rain!” Clouds gathered overhead, and their area was met with pelting rain.

“You think this will stop me, fool!” He charged through the swampland, not realizing the rain made the terrain even more of a hassle for him. His muddy/swampy footing was slowing him down now if only a little.

“Rain Slash!” He pelted Geld with a flurry of water blades. They sliced him up a bit, Rimuru hoped to distract his regeneration. “Water Magic: Tsunami Strike!” He created cyclones of water, pelting Geld and knocking him around. He could save up on his own magicules since he had so much water around him. “Water Magic: Rain Arrows!” This time he enchanted the rain, turning the water droplets into piercing arrows.

“Endless Thirst!” Geld cast, dispelling the attacks; the rain, the blades, and the tsunami strikes. It was scary liked he sucked all the water out of the area with his body. He was already healing from the attack. Endless Thirst was a dark skill that devoured water, even taking the moisture from the air and beneath his feet. It was clear if Geld wasn’t stopped everything would wither and die before his power.

“Frozen Wind!” Rimuru cast, unleashing chilled air at Geld. He jumped back, but his arms and legs were frozen solid, when he landed his legs shattered into frozen, bloody, bits. Geld acted fast, smashing his frozen arms together to shatter them too. His regenerative powers took over from there. He regrew his arms and legs.

Notice: The one known as Geld must have had a high regenerative ability before becoming a demon lord. New tactics recommended.

‘I do have one idea, though it may be a cheat…’ Rimuru would admit he admired the others, they took the skills he bestowed on them and worked with them trying to draw out their full potential. His skills, most of them he got through eating monsters that attacked him. While he played with some of the more, safer/pervy ones, he hadn’t tested his abilities as far as they could go. He even put limits on some of the more dangerous skills. ‘But there is the skill I was born into this world with...the one who knows my skills better than I do!’

“You are up...partner!”

Notice: Auto Battle Mode Engaged!

Great Sage took over, drawing Rimuru’s sword as he dodged Geld’s Chaos Eater. There was no hesitation, only action as Great Sage drove Rimuru’s body to defeat his enemy. With his sword coated in Black Flames, he sliced off Geld’s arm, the dark fire preventing his regeneration.

He charged again, slicing at Geld, his flame-enhanced sword slicing through his cleaver. “I admit, I thought you were just a strange appetizer before the main course. I wanna eat you even more now!” Great Sage didn’t respond.

The Orc Disaster didn’t panic, without missing a beat he realized the problem and ripped off the remains of his arm from his shoulder. He used healing magic to restore it good as new.

Geld had his own tricks, he had obtains skills from Gelmud. Launching Death March Dance, it was no use Great Sage simply turned his hands to slime and devoured the attack. Left, Right, and from Behind. “I’ll devour you all, none of you will escape!” His body surged with magic. “Chaos Dance!” He combined the two attacks creating a corrosive barrage.

“Everyone get back, don’t let it touch you!” Benimaru shouted.

“Blizzard Roar!” Rimuru/Great Sage countered, unleashing a dragon’s roar of snow hell. An unrelenting vortex of cold and snow, that clashed with the Chaos Dance. The power ended in a draw.

“That won’t work twice!” He tried to launch the attack again.

“Ultrasonic Waves!” Great Sage attacked with a deadly cry, thankfully concentrated and aimed at Geld’s direction. The sound made his eardrums explode and rattled his brain for good measure.

“My Lord!” The robed orc cried out.

Geld found his severed arm on the ground and ate it, using the flesh to repair his ears. Even for monsters to eat and devour his own flesh was just disgusting. Geld had recovered and moved fast quickly snatching up Rimuru.

Great Sage was already ready. Ifrit’s power was drawn out. “Flare Circle!” For a normal enemy, this would turn one to ash in a pillar of intense flames. Geld simply laughed it off. This was more than just simple fire resistance.

Notice: Geld holds Fire Nullification, calculations must be made.

‘Switch out Great Sage.’

Great Sage: …..

‘It’s okay Great Sage, I can take it from here.’ The skill seemed upset...like it had failed somehow. ‘No worries partner you did great, your fight with him helped me realize how to beat him. Thank you!’ His eyes returned to normal. Great Sage read his thoughts.

Acknowledged: Win!

“It’s a shame isn’t it, all your strength, but in the end, you are going to be eaten by me. I wonder if I eat you will the wolf be eaten as well?” Green smoke was emitted from his hand. “Things corroded by starved become our nourishment. To honor your strength, I will devour you slowly.” His men cheered. While Rimuru’s side cried out for him. The Oni looked ready to charge in and save him but Hakurou stopped them.

“No...you should have eaten me right away if you could!” Rimuru smirked. Slime spread up Geld’s arm, while some dripped and latched onto his legs.

“What is this?”

“I never answered your question before...you see I’m a slime!” His human form melted away as more slime spread over Geld’s form. Predator struggled against living prey, but Rimuru was taking a gamble.

He ate away at Geld, the Orc Disaster was torn from between healing and fighting back. Predator harnessed the power of Drain Blood, to weaken and get a bit of an edge. Both could devour, both could regenerate, both could win. “You aren’t the only one who’s good at eating.” It was a battle of wills.


As Rimuru used Predator to its max power he was given a look into Geld’s mind. The place the Orcs came from was a barren wasteland, with no food, vegetation, or water in sight. There were orc children crying, wasting away, Rimuru could see it all.

Geld approached the children, offering up his limbs so they could eat. His son begged him to stop. “I have this power, I will use it to help my people.” He fed the children. “We lost so many children already. Eat and grow into fine adults.”

The Orc King bled for his people, offered himself fully to their people. “Even if this body is chopped into pieces it will simply regenerate.” It still wasn’t enough, at this rate they would die of starvation. So the Orc King left his son in charge and he sought to go and get help from the Forest of Jura. They wanted some form of blessing anything to help them.

His own hunger ate away at him, it had been for a long time. His self-regeneration keeping his organs alive and functioning. He was in so much pain, but he kept on walking, needing to find help for his people. He swore, he’d take any punishment so long as his people lived.

He marched through scorching heat, pounding him eating away at what little strength he had left. That’s when Gelmud found him and gave him a name and some food.

Geld appeared behind Rimuru. “As an orc lord, if I eat those ruled under the skill Starving One’s don’t die, I became able to save my starving people.” He realized he was being used, it was all a sick game. Rimuru wanted to punch Gelmud one more time.

“When I returned to my people, I was not a hero or a champion. I became a plague upon us all…” Despite everything he had done, eating other monsters, eating Gelmud, eating his own brethren, he couldn’t give in.

If he loses, his people will go back to starving, their children will bear the weight of his crimes. “My sins...I bare my people’s sins on my shoulders!” He cried. “I will take on all the hunger of this world.”

“I can’t afford to lose to you either, I have precious people I need to protect. You are going to lose.” Rimuru felt bad for him. “Even if you could devour it all, you are still going to lose here.”

“I can’t lose…”

“But you will.” Geld could feel it, he was being eaten away too fast to recover. “I’m better at eating than you.” He was losing ground.

“I can’t…” He cried. “If I don’t live my people will suffer for my crimes.”

“Do not worry, I will devour your sins and the sins of your brethren,” Rimuru said. “This was not a cross you should have bared alone.” Rimuru dispelled the barren wasteland and filled it with greenery and flowers.

“You are so greedy, my sins and the sins of my people?” Geld’s Orc Disaster appearance melted away and he returned to his original Orc King state.

“I will watch over them, rest now.” Geld could hear Orc children's laughter.

“Greedy Slime...tell me your name…”

“Rimuru Tempest.”

“Rimuru...I thank you…” He fell to his knees, crying. “My hunger is finally sated.” He vanished.


Outside Rimuru had devoured the Orc Disaster, his power growing in leaps and bounds. “Rest in Peace Geld!”

“Father...you’ve finally been set free.” The robed Orc spoke. Geld hadn’t corrupted his son, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. The Orcs numbers had dwindled, the effects of Starved wore off. Though this was a victory, many changes needed to be made.

The war was over, but something else was just beginning…

To be continued...Alliances and Mates


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