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Pocket Monsters parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 8 

Chapter 9 Psychic Training!

The gang had entered a new forest. No matter what they figured it had to be safer than the last path of forest. They found a sign. “Hollow Woods, Warning Ghost Pokemon frequent this area day and night. Trainer Tip: Use Psychic or Dark Type Pokemon to repel them.”

“Well that’s not good, we don’t have any Psychic Pokemon.” Misty said. Suddenly Ash’s Psyduck popped out of his ball. “You don’t count!” Psyduck sighed, hanging his head low.

“Hey now Psyduck, I believe you can do it.” Ash patted his head.

“Psy psy!” He wanted to do it, though he struggled gathering his psychic powers and bringing them out at will. For his master he would do it.

“I hope we don’t run into any.” Misty chided.

“Well we have Scar as a back up.” Brock said.

“Gastly!” The ghost type popped up and scared Misty and Brock.

“Waaahhh!” “Aaaahhh!” Gastly licked their faces after scaring them, causing them to become slightly paralyzed.

“Psyduck use Confusion!” Ash called out.

“Psy….Duck?” It didn’t work.

“Gastly!” The ghost type fired a Night Shade. It hit Psyduck and knocked him out.

“No Psyduck!” He came to at his trainer’s call.

“Psy psy…” He said weakly.

Gastly laughed. Psyduck got annoyed and unleashed a barrage of Water Gun. Gastly dodged, using its ghostly movements to avoid the usually accurate attack.

“Psyduck try Confusion one more time!”

Psyduck tried, and he did build up some power but couldn’t release it. Gastly laughed at him some more, before swooping in for a Lick attack. “Psyduck!” Ash dove in the way and got licked instead, getting paralyzed in the process.

Pikachu let Scar out of his ball, and the two unleashed a barrage of Flamethrower and Thunderbolt. Gastly fled, scared by the angry Pokemon.

“You okay Psyduck?” Ash asked, his voice a little prickly from the paralysis.

Psyduck hung his head, he was exhausted from the battle but he felt like a failure. Ash got hurt protecting him. Pikachu and Scar checked on him, but he’d be okay after awhile. The electric mouse tried to perk Psyduck up, patting him on the back.

“No need to feel down, we just need special training. Like with Cyndaquil and when you learned to draw out Water Gun, and learning to swim too.”

“He’s hopeless.” Misty sighed.

Brock grabbed her by the ear and dragged her away. “Oww hey oww!”

“Misty, Ash has done a lot with Psyduck, he’s been a great trainer to him. I believe Ash will be able to bring out Psyduck’s power. You never bothered to train it, its his. As a Gym Leader and aspiring Breeder, I can’t condone you putting down his methods in inspiring his Pokemon.”

“I’m a gym leader too you know!” She snapped rubbing her sore ear.

“Then start acting like one!” Brock snapped and walked away from her. Misty couldn’t believe this, she was about to snap when she heard some strange crying.

She was drawn to it, and found a strange pokemon weeping. “Hey, it’s okay little one, don’t cry.” She got closer only for the Ghost type to whip around and use Astonish. “AAAAAHHHH!”

“That was Misty’s scream!” Ash gasped. They rushed to find her. Misty was freaking out while a mysterious Pokemon laughed at her terror. “Who’s that Pokemon?”

Dexter: Misdreavus the Screech Pokemon. A Ghost Type. Misdreavus are extremely mischievous. They often lure travelers with sounds like crying, only to scare them. Misdreavus enjoy shocking people, gathering up their emotions which they use as energy.

“Bugs, Bugs, Bugs all over me!” She was wigging out.

“Misty there are no bugs.” Ash tells her, but she wasn’t listening.

“Ash this must be Confuse Ray!” Brock points out.

“Okay Psyduck try to use Confusion!” Psyduck stepped up and tried to attack. He almost had it but then Misdreavus used Astonish breaking his concentration. “You can do it buddy, try it one more time.”

Psyduck tried again, but this time Misdreavus hit them with Psywave. It hit everyone, knocking them back except Scar. He scared her off with some intimidating barks. Team Rocket had witnessed these interactions.

“That Gastly is quite the prankster.” James said.

“That Misdreavus had some flare to it.” Jessie said.

“We should catch them and make them gifts for the boss!” Meowth said.

“No way!” The duo said and knocked Meowth out.

“We’ll catch those Pokemon ourselves, and keep them on the team.” James said.

“Right, let’s move!” Jessie said, and the two went after their targets.

“Hey wait, what about the twerps!?” Meowth shouted. ‘This is bad, don’t tell me they’ve both gone soft.’


Brock treated Psyduck and Pikachu. “Face it Ash, Psyduck is useless as a Psychic type, you should teach it some water moves instead.” Misty said, in her mind being “helpful” but it earned her a glare from Brock.

“I know, we just need to find a Psychic type Pokemon, they’ll be able to help Psyduck master his powers.” Cyndaquil had Scar’s help, they just need a Psychic type. “You’ll get control, and if you want to find another way to get stronger, we can do that too okay buddy?”

Psyduck nodded. Ash believed in him.


James found that Gastly. It was tired and hungry from running away from Pikachu and Scar. He wanted to hunt for food but didn’t want to run into those trainers again. James brought out a cookie. “You can have this.” Gastly ate it.

“Gastly Gas!” He licked his lips.

“How would you like to join me? I’m sure we can have a lot of fun and adventure together.” Gastly thought about it. He had been in this forest for awhile, and while he partied with the other Ghost types he hadn’t really seen the world beyond these woods. James seemed like a good trainer.

“Gas Gastly!” The ghost type agreed, and James caught him with a Monster Ball.

“Come on out Gastly!” He was called out and Gastly greeted his trainer with a Lick to the face. He fell back paralyzed. “Well...that may take some getting used to.” Gastly chuckled.


Jessie had a more hands on approach for getting her Misdreavus. “Diva, come on out!” She called out her Azumarill.

“Azu azu!”

Misdreavus tried to scare Diva, but the Water type wasn’t having it, pummeling her with Water Gun. “Go!” Jessie threw a Monster Ball. It sucked the Ghost Type up, and after a few jiggles, Jessie had a new Pokemon. “Nice work Diva!”

Diva struck a pose that lived up to her nickname.


Meowth didn’t know or understand what was going through his teammates heads. He was still monitoring the twerps. They met a girl named Cherry and her strange but powerful Girafarig. Pikachu battled it, and although they were thrown off by its Future Sight attack, Pikachu was the stronger monster.

Cherry wanted to be a Psychic Pokemon Master. “You have a really strong bond with all your Pokemon.”

Ash blushes. It was true in more ways than one. “Your Girafarig is a really cool Pokemon. I’d like to catch one someday.”

Girafarig’s eyes glowed and it made a noise. “What’d it say?”

“I think she’s telling you that you will meet one.”

“Future Sight is amazing!” Ash exclaimed.

Since Cherry came from a village that raised Psychic Pokemon Ash asked her if she’d help his Psyduck.

“I think Psyduck is just too weak to use its moves, without a headache. It should focus on Water Type moves instead.”

“Hmm, well I don’t think your Psyduck is too weak to use Psychic moves, I think it has too much power it can’t properly control it.” She patted his head. “I think you’ll be able to harness it!”

“See!” Ash praised.

They headed to the village. They got similar responses. Psyduck wasn’t a Psychic type, but its potential for psychic abilities was well known. “You need him to work on unleashing power, in this town Psychic types practice from a young age battling ghost types, this little one has a lot of pent up power it can’t get out. It might be best to train against a Dark type.”

“Dark Types are immune to Psychic power so that’d make a perfect partner.”

“Scar come on out!” He calls out his dark type again. “Wanna help Psyduck with Psychic training?”

“Hound!” He barked in agreement.

“Let’s do some special training.” The town was full of nice people, who really loved psychic types.


Meowth reported to Giovanni. “So you are near Esper Town? Interesting, the Psychic Type Pokemon raised there would be worth quite a prize.”

“We’ll capture them and send them to you boss!” Meowth said.

“See that you do, I’ve grown tired of your failures as of late.” Meowth flinched. “Where are Jessie and James?”

“They uhh, went off to catch some Pokemon…” Giovanni shot him a look.

“When they return, inform them I either want a delivery or a report.” He ended the call and Meowth was sweating bullets.

The duo returned and Meowth was livid. “Where were you two, we got a mission right from the boss?”

They smirked. “We caught Pokemon!” They showed off their new ghost types. Gastly licked James causing him to fall over stunned, while Misdreavus nibbled and tugged on Jessie’s hair making her cry out in shock.

“No way!” Meowth gasped. “You two actually caught some Pokemon, good we may need them for this plan. We heading to Esper Town and taking their Psychic types.”

“What do you think Jessie?” James asked.

“Well we can talk to the Boss after this mission. Let’s cause some trouble.”

“Make it double!”

“Enough get a move on already, I got a mech for me lined up.”

“A mech huh, maybe this will help.” She showed Meowth her compact, with a mirror showing his reflection.

It was a mini mech of a Gengar for Meowth to pilot, with mirror eyes and a long tongue to snatch up Psychic Pokemon and trap them in a special stomach that’d suppress/reflect their powers.


Psyduck was working hard trying to draw out his power. He was concentrating and concentrating. “Okay Psyduck, use Confusion!”

His eyes glowed blue and he released strange waves at Scar. It carved at the ground around him, but Scar was unharmed. “Nice work Psyduck.”

“Yeah...it only took you 45 minutes to pull off.” Misty said. Psyduck sulked again.

“Why are you here Misty?” Ash grumbled hugging his little duck monster.

“Because, I am a water type master, I can help Psyduck learn some really cool water type moves. Like Hydro Pump, or Aqua Tail, or even Water Pulse!”

“Since when did you become a master? Shouldn’t you be training your Pokemon stronger?” Ash pointed out. ‘What’s with her, why does she care about Psyduck all of a sudden?’

“Fine, keep trying, you’ll be begging for my help sooner or later!” She walked off.

“Don’t worry Psyduck, it took awhile for Cyndaquil to get his fire lit, but he got it!” They kept practicing but soon there was trouble.

Team Rocket had used their new ghost Pokemon to lure Psychic types to the Gengar Mech. When they tried a psychic attack it bounced off the eye and hit them! This caused them to be stunned and get licked up.

They had gotten a Mr. Mime, an Abra, and a Drowzee. Now they were after Cherry’s Girafarig. “Cherry!” Ash called racing over to see the mech and the new mons. “Hey aren’t those the ghost pokemon we met in the woods!”

“You bet twerp now they proud members of Team Rocket!” Jessie said.

“Mis/Gast!” The ghost types agreed.



“...Use Confuse Ray!” The pokemon unleashed energy, causing the gang to dodge.

“Girafarig use Psybeam!” Girafarig fired, only for the Ghosts to dodge and it hit the mirror eye and it flew back hitting her.

“Pikachu give them a Thunderbolt!” The same thing happened.

“Now Misdreavus use Spite!” Misdreavus hit Pikachu with a strange dark energy, sapping away Pikachu’s strength.

“Careful Ash, Spite drains a pokemon’s energy so they can’t use their moves as much!”

Psyduck was getting frustrated, the frustrations building into a terrible headache.

“Gastly use Lick on Pikachu!”

“Scar use Flamethrower!” Scar scared him off with some flames.

“Misdreavus use Spite!” Misdreavus hit Scar with dark energy causing him to lose strength.

“Ugh, this isn’t good!”

“Psy...Psy...Psy…” Psyduck was radiating a powerful aura.

“That Psyduck is up to something!” James called out.

“Misdreavus use Astonish!” the ghost swooped in. Psyduck was knocked back, his concentration broken.

“You counting on Psyduck to help you twerp what a joke.” Meowth laughed. “That Dopey Pokemon is useless!”

“Don’t listen Psyduck, I know how great you are!”

“Even if it could use a psychic attack our mirror eyes would bounce it right back.” The ghost pokemon chuckled at that. Meowth’s mocking was upsetting Psyduck.

Meowth tried to lap up Psyduck but Scar jumped in the way and got lapped up instead. “Scar no!” Ash cried out. Meowth laughed.

Psyduck was reaching critical mass. His frustration level reaching 100%, having the worst headache of his life.

Cherry and Girafarig glowed. She had enough of this. “Use Future Sight!” Girafarig glowed again but seemingly nothing happened.

She received a vision. “Ash have Psyduck use Psychic!”

“Alright!” He patted him on the head. Psyduck felt his trainer’s touch. “You can do it Psyduck, I believe in you, give it a try!” He stood up. “Use Psychic!”

“Not gonna work. Misdreavus use Astonish!”

“Gastly use Lick!” The two ghost types charged.

Psyduck snapped. He took all that pent up frustration, and it became a new move for him. His eyes glowed blue and he caught the two Ghost types in a psychic hold.

“HE DID IT!?” Misty, Jessie, James, and Meowth cried out at once.

“He did it!” Ash smiled.

“Psy Psyduck!” He was in full control. With a wave of his hands he treated the ghost types like ping pong balls causing them to smash into each other, the ground, and eventually their respective trainers. Both were unable to battle.

“Ash they gonna call out an Azumarill next.” Cherry told him, another vision from Future Sight.

“Diva show that Water type who’s boss!” Diva came out, and fired a Water Gun at Psyduck.

“Psyduck use Disable!” Psyduck stopped the attack and dispersed it. “Follow it up with Water Gun!”

“Psy!” He fired a powerful hit and smacked Diva back.

“Diva show them your power, use Rollout!” Diva turning into a mini wrecking ball, charging at Psyduck.

“Now use Confusion!” Psyduck stopped Diva in her tracks and caused her to spin in reverse, before bouncing her like a ball.

“Return!” Jessie called. “Meowth get them!”

“It’s coming they gonna use their tongue.” Cherry said.

“Right tongue action on!” The mecha tongue was launched. “I’ll lick ‘em all up!”

Cherry had Girafarig unleash it’s own powers, lifting up Psyduck to avoid the tongue. “It’s gonna go after Pikachu next!”

“Psyduck use Psychic to life Pikachu up!” He obeyed, and through a psychic chain, Psyduck and Pikachu flew around avoiding the mech tongue and it soon got tongue tied.

“Oh no, how did this happen?”

Cherry felt it. “It’s coming!” Future’s Sight’s attack came and blasted the mech freeing the Pokemon they had caught. Scar returned to Ash and was greeted warmly. Mr. Mime’s and Abra’s trainers came and caught their Pokemon, but the Drowzee didn’t seem to have anyone.

Ash rushed forward. “I got you!” He caught Drowzee. “You okay?”

“Drowzee? Drowzee drowz!”

“We did it, we connected Psychicly!” Cherry was so happy and hugged her Girafarig.

Now it was time for the blast off. “Pikachu use Thunder, Scar use Flamethrower!”

“Girafarig use Psybeam!”

“And Psyduck, use Psychic to bring them all together!” The combination was pulled off, Psyduck using his powers to fuse the other attacks together and empower them with his own energy. Wham BOOM!

“Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” they went flying into the distance.

Psyduck cheered and bounced around. “Wow Psyduck is so lively now.” Brock praised.

“I think Psyduck’s probably been so slow because its been trying to control his powers. Now that it’s mastered Psychic, it can bring them out as he pleases.”

“Psy psy!” it did the peace sign. Ash hugged Psyduck.

“You did it, you did it, you were great!” Ash laughed.

Drowzee watched with amazement. He jumped onto Ash’s back causing them to topple over. “Whoa, hey Cherry, who’s Drowzee does this belong to?”

“No one yet, it’s still a wild Pokemon that hasn’t been chosen yet.” Cherry smiled. “I think he’s thanking you for saving it.”

Drowzee nods. Ash pats his head. “You’re welcome Drowzee.”


“Let me guess, you’ve failed.” The Team contacted Giovanni with a report.

“Yes sir, we had some interference.” Jessie said.

“We did better this time, our new Ghost types we caught put up a great fight.”

“Our mirror eye plan would have worked if it wasn’t for Future Sight and that darn Girafarig.” Meowth explained.

“Explain!” He snapped. They told him the whole thing, about the strange and mysterious Girafarig. “We haven’t managed to locate any of them in the Johto Region, this pokemon does indeed seem valuable. I’ll be dispatching a team to find some and strengthen the power of Team Rocket.”

“But Boss we can do that!” Meowth said.

“Obviously you can’t!” He snapped and Persian hissed. “I want you two to standby and not to interfere with any missions in the future unless ordered.”

“Umm Boss, there was something we wanted to ask of you.” James said.

“I’m listening make it quick.” The two shared their proposal, surprising Meowth.

Giovanni laughed. “Very well, you may do as you please. Try to pay back the money you owe, if you both succeed in this, you may just be able to do it.” He ended the call. They’d receive money for Pokeballs and nothing else until their debt was cleared.

“Have you two gone insane?” He snapped.

“We are doing this Meowth are you with us or not?”

“I think you two have gone soft!” He snapped, but the matter was put to bed for now. What are Jessie and James planning? Find out next time!


Ash and co left Esper Town. “Hey Cherry have you seen Drowzee? I brought him some food but I can’t find him anywhere.”

“Wait, you don’t think he chased after Ash did you?”

“It’s possible, that Drowzee, has always been an odd one.” The lady sighed. Like her Abra it knew Teleport which meant it was a tricky one to pin down.

“Well I think it’s great, Ash did help save the town. I think he and Drowzee will make a good team.” She said. “What do you think Girafarig?”

Her eyes glowed and Cherry got a nosebleed, seeing some of Ash’s future...exploits...

To be continued... Fortune Hunters

James does some late night training and comes across an erotic sight. Butch and Cassidy are tasked with hunting down some Girafarig. Pokemon capable of seeing the future with a specific move were highly sought after. The trouble with looking for a pokemon that can see the future...if they don’t wanna be found they won’t. Unless one happens to want a future with a trainer.


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