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Ben 10 parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 6 

Chapter 7 So Long Transyl

This was an eye opening experience for everyone. Ben learned about Alphas and Betas, he learned his partner is a beta and was carrying a torch for him. He met Scout, Rook’s friend, another Beta, and was also carrying a torch for him. He decided to court and mate the both of them, still in the courting process.

Scout got the Alpha Rune and created a bunch of pumpkin monsters that serve him. Ben got a new alien. The group had done a lot of good for Planet, saved them, even though they were treated as monsters. He was an outsider and supported them again and again.

The ship was fixed and ready to go. There was a few extra repairs after the big fight. Viktor came to a truce, he’d been following Ghost Freak believing he had their people’s best interests at heart. He did not…

His castle was taken over, and Ben called in a few favors to have Viktor’s sentence be set to house arrest. So long as he stayed on this planet and ceased all criminal activity he’d be fine. He may have hated Ben, but he couldn’t ignore what he’s done for their people. “I still don’t like you, a truce then?”

“Truce!” One less enemy for Ben to deal with, for now. With Ghost Freak down for the count that made two. Word of the hero Ben 10 was spreading across the planet, though Ben may have looked like a “monster” to them, he wasn’t the one trying to enslave everyone. Crujo and Kuphulu were reprimanded by friends and family alike. It was quite the turn around from a few days ago.

Scout made some preparations, yes he was still leaving but this place was his home. In his base he conjured up a mini gateway/portal, when he got to Earth he’d create another creating a magical link and a way home as he wished. It was Ben’s idea, he’d seen the “Door to Anywhere” and a show called Star Date...was it date? He couldn’t recall. With the Alpha Rune’s power it was possible.

His Pumpkin soldiers would serve as his unit and patrol the area and keep the citizens safe. He also made a crystal ball. Scout delivered it to his family. “You can use this to contact me, it’s magic, so if there is any trouble, I can come back.”

“So you are leaving?” Pongo asked.

“My alpha is leaving, and I’m going with him.” He said. He was packing up his stuff.

“Son you don’t have to go!” Pongo said.

“You tried to poison my alpha, our traditions made this place a constant hell for him. I’m going. I still love you guys and my home, but I’m going!”

“What about your Plumber position?”

“I was the one who requested this position, I was always free to leave it. I can still keep my home safe even from Earth and do more good.”

“Son, I know I haven’t always supported your choices, but we are pack, family!” he pleaded.

“You will always be my family, but I’m gonna form a pack with my alpha.” Scout said. He packed up some of his posters and pictures of Ben.

“If your alpha was so great, why isn’t he here helping you pack?” Pongo growled.

“He’s with Rook, having some bonding time.”


“Ben!” Rook howled, arching off the mattress Rad loaned them. The revonnahgander was bare ass naked, bucking and moaning. His hard cock was weeping and bobbing as the furry male rolled his hips. He clawed at the sheets, his lips curling in a hungry smirk. “Ohh Ben please!”

His alpha had three fingers up his rear, twisting and curling in between thrusts that had him arching his back. His toes curled. “Please what Kitten, what do you want?”

“I...I...I want to cum!” He was so horny, his nipples were peeking through his fur.

“Such a naughty kitten you are Rook.” He curled his fingers against Rook’s sweet spot making the male yowl, and his penis twitch. “Your dick looks delicious, so nice and wet.”

Rook felt his mind spinning. Ben suggested they try something called edging. He wanted to take the next step in their relationship. They had been at this for awhile…

His sense of time was gone, but the room reeked of sex and lust. Blonko thought he was getting high on his own musk, getting him even more excited and horny. He’s almost cum 4 times now, but Ben pulled off, keeping him teetering on the edge of orgasm for what felt like an eternity. He felt hot, and was producing a lot of pheromones.

‘He smells good!’ Ben thought feeling his own loins burn. Rook was making the cutest noises, and the sexiest expressions. His partner was coming undone from the pleasure, he was relaxed, horny, and erotic. His tight little ass was squeezing his fingers perfectly, and it made his cock twitch in want.

“Please alpha, I need to cum!”

“Yep, you look good enough to eat, thanks for the meal!” He swallowed half of Rook’s cock in one go, sucking it as he jabbed his sweet spot.

“BEN!” Rook howled as he came, hard! His dick swelled as his much needed orgasm hit, his heavy balls unleashed his pent up load. Tennyson swallowed it all, drinking Rook’s special smoothie.

‘So tasty!’ He gave Rook a prostate massage through his orgasm, causing him to have another orgasm on top of the first. His eyes rolled up and began to purr like an engine. Ben grabbed his dick, pumping it and milking out every drop he could.

Both Rook’s cum and Scout’s cum had distinctive flavors, both great tastes he believed would taste even better together.

Rook was loosing his mind, it was like all his intelligence was being melted and escaping through his penis. He was being overwhelmed by a mixture of stimuli, each one stacking up and making his sensitive body convulse in orgasmic bliss. He was on cloud nine, and what amazed him is Ben didn’t waste a drop.

Ben’s oral skill was something insane, he slurped and sucked, chugging his man milk like a man on a mission. Rook has had quite a few orgasms in his life, most self induced, but this one was one for the record books.

Basking in the afterglow of the orgasm, that made him feel like jello. Rook panted as he tried to catch his breath, only whining as Ben removed his fingers. He took a seat and wagged his big alpha cock. “What do you say tiger, wanna hungry?” He wagged his cock and Rook drooled.

He caught his second wind. “Oh yes, kitty wants his milk!” He crawled forward and started going down on Ben, moaning as the hefty dick tickled his tastebuds, and the manly musk sent him back into a lust daze. He sucked Ben hungrily.

“Ohh fuck yeah Blonko!”


His father continued to try and talk Scout of leaving, playing every card he had. Turns out he didn’t have anything close to a winning hand.

“Scout I’m sorry I am!” Pongo said.

“I know you are. I know you were forced to do what you did because of Ghost Freak. Ben forgives you, and I’ll get there…” He finished packing. “But answer me one thing, had I brought Ben here without any threat would you have accepted him?”

“Well sure, he can turn into a stud of a loboan. I can see why you want him now!” Scout growled at him.

“That’s not why I love him, and until you realize that it’s goodbye.” He gave the orb to his mother, and hugged them both goodbye. “Take care of yourself Lassie!”

“You look really happy big bro!” She licked his cheek.

“I am!” He said with a smile. “I’ll miss you both!” He said before leaving. “Bye dad.”

“Son wait…” Perdita grabbed him by the neck.

“Good luck son, we’ll miss you.” She waved him off.

“Thanks mom!” Pongo could whimper all he wanted, but their son was right and had a right to be happy. Ben Tennyson had saved their world, he was a worthy alpha for their son. He didn’t want to think about what his siblings would have said if they were around. He may not have gotten off world without a fight.

Scout made it to the Lovely Duck in record time. He could smell the pheromones and got hard. Rook came out from the back, looking like the cat who got the canary. “You look happy, where’s Ben?”

“Yeah...Shower…” he giggled.

‘Fuck, I can’t wait for my turn.’ His tail wagged.

Rad just rolled his eyes. “We are leaving get your beta butts in gear.”

Ben finished his shower. “Ben you gotta see this?”

“Hmm?” He looked out the window and the town’s people had made a banner.


“It’s a start.” Ben smiled. “So long Anur Transyl!” Ben called out using the ship’s radio. “Stay safe!”

The Lovely Duck flew off and Ben took a nice relaxing nap between his two betas. It was like waking up from a nightmare to a brighter future.

To be continued


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