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Hey guys still dealing with irl issues. I think its the worst when you do everything your told to do, you sign up for what you need. They tell you you are approved and then you pick the plan you need/that's best for you then get slapped with a letter saying nope not approved. I don't know if I can take much more of this. 

Today has been a hurricane of BS and I haven't been able to stop crying. My day was shot, I'm sorry I'll try to bounce back tomorrow. I'm sorry guys I am, wasn't expecting for this day to go so wrong, my zen has been set on fire and needs to be built back up again. 


ZooFan 123

Completely understandable thank as much time as you need


Oh geez! 😰 Yeah, small wonder you'd be feeling down in the dumps after that… Take all the time you need to find your center again, friend. 😶


Take as much time as you need


I'm trying to stay on top of things, it's not easy, but I'm trying to hang in there and bounce back