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Young Justice parody: Patreon Request

Earth 34

In this universe sex is highly normalized. It was no secret the heroes were fooling around with each other, sometimes it was for love, sometimes stress relief, most of the time it was just for fun. Superboy is rescued from Cadmus and must figure out how things work. The Light strives to cleanse the world of this “impurity” thinking.

Chapter 1

There exists many alternate universes, some good, some bad, some normal, some weird, some alive, some dead….one existing entirely of shrimp. No matter the universe, each one is governed by rules and laws of nature. In universe 34 the rules and laws were a little different.

Sex wasn’t looked down on or seen as taboo. Thanks to advancements in science and magic, even some alien technology with a dash of evolution. Mortals had become highly sexual beings and for the most part were darn proud of it. There were large areas of nude beaches, streets and schools that were clothing optional, even transportation specifically for the nude and those looking to hook up.


Nightwing aka Dick Grayson had been called to Wayne manor. He wasn’t too happy about it, as Bruce and him had quite a bit of a falling out. “Master Dick so happy for you to return.” Alfred said buzzing him in.

“Yeah, thanks Alfred.” He rode up and entered the place that was his home for a long time. He was wearing civilian clothes and a gym bag strapped over his shoulder. Even in his civvies he was like sex on legs, tall, built, lean, and tight in all the right places. Jason used to half joke that he’d make a killing as a stripper, and he was not wrong.

Speaking of Jason…

Jason Todd came diving in, bare ass naked and got caught in Dick’s arms. “Whoa, hey there!”

“Dick, you’re back!” Jason hugged him tightly pressing his excitement up against his fellow Robin...former Robin…

“I’ve missed you too.” Jason smiled and the two kissed, Dick grabbing a fistful of Jason’s perfectly sculpted booty. The hero life kept them fit and toned, that was for sure. Jason had been so excited since he was told Dick was coming home.

The two had spent a couple years together before the big Bat Breakup, in that time they had grown close...REALLY close. Jason looked up to Dick, and it hurt when he left. Not just giving up being Robin, but leaving the manor too. A part of Jason thought it was his fault, but Nightwing made it clear it wasn’t him.

“Are you staying, are you coming back for good?” Jason panted.

“If I say no are you gonna let me go?”

“No, in fact I’ll never let you go again!” He said tightening his hold on him. Jason kissed his neck and ground his hard on into him.

“I...I don’t know Jason, him and me, we don’t see eye to eye anymore.”

“He misses you, I miss you!” Jason moaned, as Dick suddenly thrust two fingers stuff his hole.

“I bet you just miss me stuffing your tight ass every night.” He fingered Jason and the guy melted like butter. Dick could make him cum with his fingers alone, just playing with the special nerve endings in his ass. Most guys went right for the sweet spot for an instant climax, but Dick knew the moves to ease and stretch the ass.

Humans had evolved a special set of nerve endings in their anal walls, ones exclusive for pleasure. It made the sweet spot all the more tender, and anal stimulus was killer foreplay.

“N-not just that!” Jason moaned, but he had missed his cock, even among studs Grayson was packing some serious dick, and he knew how to use it. “I’ve missed you, talking to you, even cuddling with you.” Dick eased up on his ass. “Things haven’t been the same since you left.”

“Jason…” the young man stiffened up as Bruce came out. He was dressed in a very tiny bath robe, it hugged his masculine figure well, and it was just short enough you could see his dick peeking out from the underside. No bending allowed in that, or you’d see everything. “I need to speak with Dick alone.”

“Okay,” He got one more kiss, and Dick removed his fingers.

“Here, I brought you something.” He pulled out a specially made dildo. “Had it made special for you.”

“Ohhh!” Jason hugged him. “You are the best!” He dashed off to go try it out. It was quite large but held a familiar shape, it had Jason’s hole positively throbbing in excitement.

“You spoil him too much, you know that.” Bruce said.

“And you don’t?”

“Hmm,” Bruce tried to shoot him the look, but Dick wasn’t phased by it.

“If this is how you greet me I’m out of here, I don’t know why you bothered to call.” he turned to leave.

“Dick wait, I’m sorry.” he stopped.

“Sorry for what? Do you even know?”

“Yes, I can’t fix the past, but I called you here for something important.”

Dick sighed. ‘You could if you tried a little.’ He thought before turning back around. “What is it?”

“Today is the day.” Those words made Dick’s eyes go wide.

“No...you mean…” Bruce nodded.

“You Nightwing, will be welcomed into the Justice League.” A wave of emotion lifted Dick up and crashed him down, this was what he was training for, working for. As Robin, with the Titans, everything…

“Is this for real, no games, no more secrets?”

“I can’t promise that, the other members are entitled to their secrets.” Dick’s smile fell.

“I’m used to that with you.” Bruce flinched.

“This is serious, and it’s not just you. Kid Flash, Aqualad, and Speedy will all be brought to the Hall of Justice.” Dick couldn’t believe it, it was finally happening. He went out on his own because he was tired of being a sidekick, at least being treated like one. “I’d also like you to come back to the manor.”

“That...I don’t think that will work…”

“Dick...I’ll give you space I promise, things can be better than they were before.” Bruce looked so sincere, but he’s looked that way before.

“Fine, I’ll do it, for Jason.” Bruce smiled and he hugged Dick to him.

Dick hated how good this felt, being in his arms. He was fresh from the shower too, he smelled so manly and clean. He had the strongest urge to fuck the man right here and right now. Bruce wanted it to, his dick standing at attention. “Dick…” Bruce leaned in for a kiss, but Nightwing stopped him.

“No!” He hissed. “You haven’t earned that back yet. You won’t be getting this dick or this ass so easily anymore.” He’d have to earn that back.

“But…” he was cut off as Dick grabbed him by the cock.

“You can take care of this on your own. Let’s see if you’ll treat me better as a Justice League member.” He patted his shoulder and went to his room.

‘How did I fuck it up so much between us?’ Bruce thought. Little did he know he was about to fuck up a lot worse.


Nightwing gathered with the other new recruits, it had been a long time but these were all familiar faces. “No way dude, you’re back!” Kid Flash zipped over and kissed Nightwing on both cheeks. “Loving the look!”

“Didn’t think you’d come.” Speedy said, and they shared a similar greeting. “I almost didn’t.”

“For this I made an exception.” He looked over and his eyes met Aqualad.

“My friend, it is good to see you again.” The two shared a much deeper kiss. “It’s been too long!”

“It’s not easy getting to your neck of the sea, and the reverse is true.” They had all been apart of the titans for a time, to learn about working as a Team and get more training. They had returned to their mentor’s sides respectfully, though Grayson had a falling out with Batman and went solo. Speedy and his mentor Green Arrow were on rocky terms, but stayed together for the mission. Aqualad learned more magic to help fight with his King. Kid Flash worked on drawing out more of the Speed Force, something he could only really learn from Flash.

Speedy still respected Nightwing, since he carried on, even as a solo act. The quartet knew each other intimately. They entered the Hall of Justice with a lot of fan fair, but Speedy felt something was off. “This is it?”

“What do you mean?” Kid Flash asked. “We finally in the big leagues!”

“Are we?” Speedy snapped. “You guys don’t even know do you?” He spilled the beans that the Hall was just a meet up spot, where they use Boom Tubes to get to the Watch Tower.

Batman, Flash, and Aquaman, shot Green Arrow a look. “What? I thought they were joining up, so he needed to know right?” The others didn’t agree.

“More secrets?” Batman tensed. Nightwing was pissed. “I thought this was supposed to be real, but you are still keeping things from me!” Nightwing snapped. He had enough. “I’m out of here!”

“I’m with you!” Speedy said.

“Robin wait!” Batman called out.

“Ooohhh!” Kid Flash face palmed. Yep, he really fucked up there. He didn’t know you could die twice.

“I’m not Robin anymore, I’m not your little pet bird that comes when you call anymore. You told me this was important, that this was THE DAY!” Nightwing was furious. “I should have known, more lies, more secrets, keeping me in the dark!”

Yeah none of the other League members were stepping in the middle of this. They loved Batman, but his affairs were his affairs. “This was your last chance Batman.”

“Why bring us here if you didn’t think we were ready?” Speedy added.

“Nightwing, this is a misunderstanding. You boys are ready, but there is an order to things.”

“You could have told me, anything!”

“Nightwing…” He was cut off as a League alert went off. There were two big issues, a fire at Cadmus and Doctor Light was trying to mess with the sun. One was a bigger focus than the other, calling on all League members. Superman believed the local authorities could handle the fire at Cadmus. “We have to go, please stay, I’ll explain everything when I get back.” He didn’t wait for an answer, but headed out to deal with the emergency.

Speedy was out, saying he was done with Green Arrow. Nightwing recognized a similar blow up between him and Batman. “You coming?”

“Nightwing, please stay!” Aqualad said.

“Yeah man, this isn’t over, we can prove them wrong!”

“What do you think we can do? Everything we’ve done till now and they still treat us like sidekicks!”

“We aren’t staying put, there is a fire at Cadmus right. That place is all kinds of suspicious, if it’s on my radar its on Batman’s. Let’s check them out.”

“That’s a waste of time!” Speedy snapped.

“Maybe, but you come, we check it out if it’s nothing we done with the league and I’ll let you pound my ass tonight. If we go and find something, and prove ourselves, we do what we did back when we were Titans.” Speedy blushed and his dick jumped in his suit. Even Kid Flash and Aqualad were excited, good times.


To be continued...Superboy


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