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Pocket Monster parody: Tier 1/Patreon Request

Ash; Trainer, Size 5 Inches

Pokemon: Mini Dit (Ditto), Charmander, Pidgey,

Gary; Trainer, Size 10 Inches

Chapter 3 

Chapter 4 Something Special

Chansey stood in front of Ash. “Chan Chansey!”

“You say you won’t let us hurt your patient?” Meowth laughed. “Not like you have much of a choice!”

“Koffing use Poison Gas attack!” James ordered.

Chansey used Safeguard, creating a shield around them which blocked the poison. “Nice one Chansey!” Ash praised.

James smirked. “Koffing, use Sludge attack!”

“Koffing!” It spat sludge and Chansey took the hit.

“Chansey, it’s okay you don’t have to protect me.” Ash said.

“Aren’t you brave,” James flipped his hair.

“Let’s see if you are brave when you face my claws!” Meowth jumped at Ash and Chansey and used Fury Swipes. Chansey was knocked back, causing Ash to fall back.

Meowth started laughing. “Look here James, looks like we caught this guy fresh out of the bath. He’s got nothing on!” Meowth laughed and laughed, not noticing the unique feather he was clutching.

James noticed Ash’s injuries. ‘What did he go through to get such wounds?’ he thought.

“Look twerp, you might think you are a big man, but you don’t look like one.” Meowth snorted and laughed some more, pointing at Ash’s smaller size. “Compared to the boss you got nothing but a toothpick.”

Ash blushed. He’d been mocked before, but not by a Pokemon. “Even I’m bigger than a runt like you!” Meowth palmed his crotch, from his sheath came a monster cock reaching 7 inches. “See!” Meowth laughed.

‘I see now, he’s not only got human speech he has a human personality.’ Ash was annoyed, his annoyance building. Nothing got his Tauros more than someone getting arrogant over his size. Meowth had a twisted personality, his love for Giovanni awakening a size queen-esk mentality, and a submissive nature for “milk”. This clashed with his desire to dominate and be the best, but he had the desire for teasing and tormenting his enemy. His ideals blending into different moods that changed with the opportunity.

“I must admit, I’ve seen grunts in the showers and even they are packing more than you. For one so mature you sure are small!” James chuckled. He couldn’t help it, getting swept up in Meowth’s nonsense.

Ash may have been small, but he wasn’t shy. He was proud of his size, damn it. “I may be small but I’ve bested guys with bigger dicks before.” He stood up. “You guys will be no different.”

James chuckled again. “Well aren’t you a bold one, you have confidence I’ll give you that, but…” James undid his pants and exposed his HUGE cock. He was 9 inches long, smaller than Gary in length, but in girth he was BIGGER. Meowth gushed at the size of it.

‘He may look like a pretty boy above the belt, but he’s a manly beast below the belt.’ A thick nest of manly natural blue hair crowning his crotch, his incredibly fat dick, and his balls were really impressive too.

“You think you can handle me?” Ash smirked at the challenge.

“I could indeed.” He gripped the Rainbow Feather tightly. “I’m not gonna lose, even if you caught me without pants.” A play on the phrase caught him with his pants down.

“But can you take us both on twerp?” Meowth asked. “I’d get a kick out of dominating a small dicked human.”

“Not gonna happen ass hole!” Ash snapped. James liked his spunk, the idea of topping such a passionate young man caused his blood to rush south a bit.

“Watch your mouth you little brat!” Meowth attacked Ash, using a powerful scratch. He moved to block and the Rainbow Feather began to glow, the light blinded Meowth. Ash took the surprise and landed a strong punch sending Meowth flying.

“What is that?!” James shielded his eyes, and even Koffing was dazed by the light. The light dimmed and even Ash was amazed.

‘Whoa...thank you Ho-Oh, looks like you’re still watching out for me!’ He thought with a smile.

“What the heck was that?” Meowth got back up. “That’s it twerp, I’m gonna enjoy playing with you!” He went to go for a Fury Swipes.

“Ember!” Ash suddenly called.

“No it’s Fury Swipes!” Bam! Meowth was hit in the back with a powerful Ember.

“What?!” James whipped around and there was Charmander.

“Char char!” He shouted saying. <Get away from my trainer!>

“Nice work Charmander!” James turned around and saw the little fire type. Ash smiled and Charmander cheered. “Use Ember on Koffing!” Charmander obeyed and blasted the poison type with flames.

Koffing was down, inflicted with a burn. James turned around again, but he had made a mistake, turning his back on Ash the first time. The boy was able to charge forward, and with one swift kick James got his legs swept, and he landed on his ass. “Gah!” he gasped and his cock twitched.

“Charmander, do me a favor and keep Meowth busy, I’ll deal with this guy!”

“Charmander Char!” He said. <You got it!>

“I’m not gonna lose to a lizard!” Meowth snapped and charged at Charmander, but the fire type was given a green light to fight as he wished, and he was able to take on the talking pokemon easily.

James was a bit dizzy from the surprise sweep and fall. Ash put the feather in his hair, he took hold of James’s semi hard dick. He couldn’t wrap his fingers around it, but he could squeeze it and pump it to full mast. “Oh ohh!” James moaned.

Ash had him by the balls, literally. With one hand on his family jewels, the other on his sacred rod. Ash worked the upper half of his cock with his while working the lower half with his tongue, his free hand massaging the bluenette’s balls.

James was swept away by the moment and the pleasure. He melted. ‘If he thinks he can satisfy me, he can try. I’ll turn the tables on him when he fails.’ Most of his partners couldn’t handle his girth.

Charmander beat Meowth and Koffing, and turned to watch his trainer deal with the other human. His eyes sparkled as he watched the two go at it, his own monster cock slipping from his sheath. Charmander’s cock reached 4 inches.

Meowth got distracted by the sexy fun times happening just a few feet away. Charmander knocked him out, but the monster was still being hit by the powerful musk emanating between them. His 7 inch dick twitching and dripping.

James was falling into pleasure, his body shifting and relaxing and soon his ass became exposed. James was leaking pre-cum like crazy, his body spasming in pleasure. Ash got to work, dropping down to lick his balls, his hand collecting the pre-cum and getting nice and wet. ‘Yeah, enjoy the pleasure, soon this tight ass is mine!’ Ash thought.

The Team Rocket member had no idea what hit him. Ash sucked his tip, just as a slicked digit penetrated his ass. “Oh shit ohh fuck ohhh!” James felt his toes curl as his inner walls squeezed his finger. ‘No not my ass, not that...ohh fuck me!’ James felt his eyes roll up.

Ash knew how to work a dick and a tight ass. His entrance was being toyed with, while his sensitive tip was licked in sucked, his free hand working the shaft with such a firm grip. James’s moans spilled out into the halls as his pleasure reached new heights.

He couldn’t believe how soft his insides were. ‘This guy has bottomed before?’ He mentally chuckled. ‘I bet I know, that fat dick of yours scared some of your partners didn’t it. So you landed in the receiving end didn’t you?’ He added a second finger, the man’s rear swallowing up the digits eagerly.

James had tears in his eyes as pleasure built up higher and higher. ‘No way, no way, my ass feels so good! He had been taken before, but it always hurt like hell, this was so different! He kept bucking and rocking for more.

Ash’s fingers twisted and curled drawing out moans of delight. ‘You were confident, but seem sensitive here. Did you have partners like Gary who only cared about their own pleasure. I’m not so cruel!’ He sucked harder and fingered faster.

‘No, not like this, not like this…’ James arched his back. “AAAHHHHH!” His moan echoed through the center.


Jessie was having her own troubles. Mini Dit and Ash’s Pidgey were standing together and fending off Jessie’s advancements. “So this center does have powerful Pokemon!” Jessie snapped.

“Those Pokemon belong to the young trainer who came here.”

“Then I’ll be taking them!”

“AAAHHHHH!” She heard James scream.

“James?!” She gasped. “What’s going on?” Ekans got hit with a Tackle and Bite Combo. “Ekans return!” She called back her monster. “This isn’t over.” She dropped a smoke bomb.


James fainted from the overwhelming orgasm. Ash’s fingers said hello to his sweet spot, and sent the man blasting off. Ketchum swallowed his seed, the man was pent up but he wasn’t backing down. He swallowed every last drop.

Ash stripped James and used his clothes to hog tie the bluenette. Charmander was amazed with the show, and came himself making a bit of a mess.

Chansey was just stunned at the events that unfolded, but still it all seemed to work out. She led Ash out of the room with the help of Charmander and they found Ash’s belongings. Jessie found James a few minutes later. “James what the heck happened here?”

She dragged them out and they made their escape. “That was a bust, but not a total loss.” She told them about the rare pokemon a Ditto. “We just need to find the trainer who owns that Ditto!”

“I think I have a lead, even if its not him they got something special.” James said. He told her about the rainbow feather and its mysterious power. A rare pokemon and a mysterious treasure, could be coincidence or maybe it was a cash cow.

“He’s special alright, he’s got a little d-” James grabbed Meowth and shut him up with his cock. Meowth felt his sub switch flip, and he began sucking the massive dick.

“What am I going to do with you two?” Jessie face palmed. This was not an uncommon occurrence.


Ash stashed the feather in his bag, and was praised for his help in fending off Team Rocket. Charmander had a few words with Mini Dit about what he saw and Mini Dit gave him the details. Their trainer was special, to sum it up.

Nurse Joy happily registered Ash for the League. “There is a Gym here, but its currently closed for renovations.”

“Where’s the next gym?”

“You can head to Pewter City, which is run by Brock who uses Rock and Ground type Pokemon.” She gave him directions, he just had to head north and pass through Viridian Forrest and he’d reach Pewter City in no time.

They spent the night and got a nice long rest, tomorrow was gonna be a big day.

To be continued...Training and Monsters


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