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One Piece parody: Tier 1

In honor of Luffy's birthday please enjoy this special

Chapter 1 

Chapter 2 Snake and Tiger

Zoro had developed quite the name for himself, though unintentionally. He was called a demon, the pirate hunter, a bounty hunter, though he wasn’t focused on such things. His goal was to become the World’s Strongest Swordsman. He only went after bounties to repair his swords and fill his belly.

He did make friends with other bounty hunters, Johnny and Yosaku. He decided to train them for a bit, teaming up and working with them, but they ended up getting separated. Zoro wasn’t the best at directions, and after getting lost he didn’t make it back to base camp. They weren’t worried since Zoro was so strong.

Though they would be shocked to see him now. Tied to a post, starving and weak. The marines had arrested him and did this to him for a trial. He had his reasons to agree to this, channeling his will to survive. ‘Just one more week!’ He thought. As a zoan, he was tougher than a normal human, but one would argue he wasn’t a normal human, to begin with. Even with Helmeppo coming around to punch and kick him, trying to break his spirit, but he wouldn’t break. He’d survive this trial…


Luffy had set out to sea, three years after Ace did. He had grown into a fine young man, with wild raven hair, slightly pointed ears, toned arms, manly pecs and rock-hard abs. He was wearing a red kimono, with a yellow sash, and blue curling snake patterns; along with a straw hat.

The Lord of the Coast attacked Luffy, but one swift tail smack had the sea king’s teeth shattered. “I’m gonna be King of the Pirates!” He proudly declared. His goal was to obtain the ultimate freedom. Though he didn’t have a devil fruit, he had all kinds of training and abilities unique to his species. He believed he was ready.

His journey led him to a Pleasure Cruise being raided by pirates. The Alvida Pirates turned their blades on him when he was discovered, but they were no match for him. Alvida thought he had some kind of devil fruit power. Luffy just laughed. “I’m just a snake yokai!” he declared proudly.

He wrecked her crew with just raw strength. One of her men tried to take Coby hostage. “You care about this little runt right?” Luffy cast his gaze to the two. “Don’t move!”

“You don’t move!” Luffy’s eyes glowed, and the man fell into a trance. “Let him go!” The man obeyed once more, his eyes glazed over. Coby ran over to him.

“Thanks, Luffy!”

The pinkette was a hostage in more ways than one. He had gotten on the wrong boat and ended up being Alvida’s slave for two years. He actually made Luffy laugh when they met, saying Alvida was even scarier than him. Alvida’s men were scared of him, calling him a monster.

It didn’t bother Luffy, he decided a long time ago it’d be fine if he was a monster, if he could protect his family and friends.   If he was gonna be one, he’d be the strongest one he could! Luffy protected Coby and sent Alvida’s men flying.

Alvida provoked him, declaring the two were pirates under different flags, which made them enemies. “Up to you!” He cracked his knuckles and gave her a smirk.

Coby stood up to her and nearly got a mace/club to the face. Luffy blocked her attack easily and with one tail whip, he sent Alvida flying. He took the spoils of battle, taking her treasure, supplies, and even found a devil fruit inside. Alvida probably had no idea what she had, but it belonged to Luffy now.

He knew all about devil fruits but didn’t want to eat one. As a snake yokai, he was a fantastic swimmer, and if he had a crew with devil fruit holders he’d need to be able to swim to save them. With her crew in shambles, the Alvida Pirates were easy prey for the marines.

Luffy and Coby were long gone. While the pink-haired lad wanted to become a marine, approaching them when they attacking a pirate ship was a huge problem. He actually knew of another marine base nearby but didn’t want to go there. “Why not?”

“They say a terrible demon is trapped there. Roronoa Zoro the pirate hunter!” Coby declared.

“A demon huh?” He stroked his chin. “Interesting!” He grinned.

-x-Coby’s Pov-x-

Luffy was such a weird guy, he wanted to go to the Grand Line despite the danger. He wanted to be King of the Pirates despite all the powerful enemies he’d be making by pursuing such a dream. His courage was inspiring, it inspired me to speak my mind against Alvida.

The devil fruit was tempting, but I wanted to get stronger on my own first. We made it to Shell Town where I had heard Roronoa Zoro the pirate hunter was being kept. He was a man even Alvida feared, but once he was locked down she became even bolder.

I was so worried about Luffy going there, though he didn’t seem worried at all. He helped me so much I didn’t want him to get attacked. “Luffy you can’t just slither into town, you’ll cause a panic.”

“Sigh, well don’t want any trouble.” Luffy’s eyes glowed and he released some weird waves. “That should do it.” To my surprise whatever he did worked, no one noticed his unique form at all. They were scared of both Zoro’s name and Captain Morgan’s name too, how odd.

“Luffy what did you do?”

“Just a little trick, it won’t last long, but we won’t be bothered.” That was all he said. We made it to the base and Luffy was so eager to see this demon. His snake tail was so strong he was able to lift himself up to the rim of the wall. “Climb up Coby!”

“Okay!” We got to see the so-called demon, and he was scary to me. What followed was a series of events I couldn’t understand.

A little girl showed up to feed Zoro, a marine came out I thought to help her, but instead, he snatched the food. After he found it disgusting he stomped it into the ground. Things got even more awful when he had the girl thrown over the wall!

Luffy sprang into action catching her and landing safely. Once the blonde left, Luffy entered the yard. I don’t know what they were talking about, but Luffy seemed to enjoy it. He even fed Zoro the stomped rice ball, how weird.

We heard the whole story from the little girl. It was hard for me to believe the marines could be so awful, but Captain Morgan was a tyrant, and his son was just as bad. Helmeppo came into their restaurant with a vicious animal.

The little girl would have been killed but Zoro killed the beast and saved her. Helmeppo wanted revenge, but he was weak, he threatened the girl and her family to get Zoro to comply. “They made a deal, one month tied to the post, and if he survived he’d get to go free and the whole incident would be forgotten.” The girl cried. “But Helmeppo is being so mean, he keeps punching and kicking him.”

Speak of the devil, Helmeppo came into their place, ordering food and demanding they keep the bill for themselves. “Man I’m so bored. I know what would be fun, I could execute Zoro, the look on his face would be priceless!”

Luffy charged in and socked Helmeppo. “You are a creep, Zoro is a million times more of a man than you!”

“Who...What...are you?!” Helmeppo screamed.

“Luffy stop, you’re gonna get in trouble!” I tried to hold him back but he was too strong.

“I don’t care, I’ve decided I’m gonna have Zoro join my crew!”

End Coby’s Pov

Zoro’s Pov

Man, that guy was weird. I’ve never seen anyone like him before, and he says he’s a pirate. Whatever, I’m not joining his crew, though he smelled strong. He was weird, he had some funny views about pirates, that they were all about adventure and freedom. Not sure what era he’s from, but most of the pirates I’d met were scum.

My instincts were telling me he was strong, I kinda wanted to fight him. Even in my current state. He did save the girl, maybe he wasn’t a bad guy, but a pirate was a pirate! Then again these marines have been total ass holes.

I thought that was the last time I’d be seeing him for a while, but a few hours later he was back and trying to free me. Luffy was saying nonsense, claiming he decided I’d be a part of his crew. This guy had some balls!

He didn’t explain himself well, and before I knew it he was charging into the base. Is he crazy, sure he said he’d get my swords back for me, but what the hell was going on?

Luffy was causing quite the commotion. His little pink-haired friend showed up and filled me in on the details. “Helmeppo is planning to kill you today!”


“He was bragging about it, Luffy got so mad he hit him. I’m gonna help you escape so please help Luffy, I don’t want him to get hurt!” Bang!

My eyes widened as the boy dropped. He got hit in the shoulder and was already bleeding. My gaze turned to Morgan who had a whole firing squad with him. “You shall be executed, Pirate Hunter Zoro!” The men took aim. “Fire!”

For a moment the world slowed down for me, I didn’t want to die. Why? Why didn’t I listen to him, he was looking out for me, he was trying to help me. I knew...I knew he was different and I still…


“Zoro! Coby!” Luffy dropped in, having my swords strapped to his back. “Snake Arts: Acid Mist Technique!” Luffy created a wall of green mist, and when the guns fired, the bullets hit the mist and dissolved into nothing.

“Who are you?” Morgan asked.

“My name is Monkey D. Luffy, I may be the last of my kind. A snake demon from a far-off land. I chose the path of freedom and adventure so I became a pirate! My dream...is to become King of the Pirates!” He boldly declared.

I kinda like his boldness. I didn’t have many options, I could stay and get killed by the marines, or I could fight and become a criminal. The latter had a major pro in its favor, if I fought for Luffy I’d be a part of his crew. I liked the idea of that, the guy saved my life and liberated my swords. “Hey Luffy!” he turned to look at me. “My name is Roronoa Zoro, my ambition is becoming the world’s greatest swordsman. I’ll join you, but if you become an obstacle for me reaching that goal, I will cut you down.”

Luffy smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat. “The King of the Pirates deserves the World’s Greatest Swordsman. I’d expect nothing less.” I smirk.

“Big talker. You got yourself a swordsman then, Captain!” I think I found a worthy master to serve.

His mist dissipated, turning into harmless vapor. The marines were on the attack, if they couldn’t use their guns, they’d attack with swords. “Skin him alive and bring me his head!” This guy was sick. Luffy freed me and gave me my swords.

“I practice the Three Sword Style, allow me to show you, captain!” I manifested my tiger tail and had it could around the Wado, the other two swords I kept in hand and charged at the marines, blocking them.

“You are so awesome Zoro!” Luffy praised me, and it felt so good. I almost purred...almost! He whipped his tail and sent the marines flying back.

Okay, that got me a little excited. “Let’s take these guys down!” I had enough strength for these small fries, though it didn’t take long for Luffy to get them out of action.

“Snake Arts: Crimson Mist Technique!” He blew a red mist, and I watched in shock as weapons and clothing dissolved into nothing. The marines gasped as they were stripped and disarmed. He fought like a wild beast, and it was awesome.

Helmeppo tried to hold the pink-haired guy hostage. Luffy’s eyes glowed and Helmeppo fell into a trance. He can hypnotize people! I don’t know why but that got me a little more excited, but a thought crossed my mind, why didn’t he just hypnotize me into joining his crew from the start.

“Luffy!” While Luffy was focused on Helmeppo, Morgan came up behind him ready to chop him in two. I transformed, changing into my hybrid form! My body swelled as green with black striped fur spread over my form, my tail grew thicker, my muscles bulged, my body was that of an anthro tiger but with green fur that matched my hair.

I cut Morgan down and Luffy smiled. “Nice job Zoro!”

“No problem Captain!” Transforming was a mistake in my state, it drained the last of my strength. I needed to eat.

Just as I was about to collapse he caught me and held me close. My instincts took hold, he smelled so good, I couldn’t stop myself. I nuzzled him and purred. For a moment I thought I had made a mistake, but he cupped the back of my head and massaged my scalp. “You are so cute, my Zoro!”

He thinks my purring is cute! I buried my face in his shoulder so he wouldn’t see me blushing. “Let’s go eat Zoro!”

Yeah...that sounded good!

To be continued


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