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My Hero parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 4 

Chapter 5 Katsuki’s Confession

Tokoyami volunteered and was walking Izuku home. “Are you okay?” He asked.

“I’m getting there. That was really scary.” He was trembling. Dark Shadow came out and hugged him from behind. He was acting as a comforting blanket.

“You saved my life Izuku, I will never forget this.” Tokoyami said. Izuku chuckled.

“Well of course I did, I care about you.”

“I wasn’t strong enough, I couldn’t protect you...you almost…” He began to tear up. Izuku stopped and held his feathery cheeks.

“I got caught, I wasn’t strong enough, but we survived. We’ll grow and learn from this. We’ll become better heroes. Don’t let the past chain your spirit Tokoyami, let it push you forward!”

“You know me so well!” he rested his forehead against Izuku’s.

“Mhm,” They closed their eyes and basked in the moment. Not even Dark Shadow wanted to interrupt this moment. It was an intense moment for each of them, a very eye opening experience. It pushed them even closer together, their bond forging deeper.

“DEKU!” Katsuki shouted. The blonde raced towards them, breaking the moment.

“Huh Kacchan?”

“As loud as ever Bakugou.”

He’s quite the angry one!”

The blonde skid to a halt. “Deku...I...fuck!” He had some tears prickling.

“Kacchan...were you crying?”

“Fuck you Deku I was not crying!” He said and rubbed his eyes. “Shit…” He grumbled.

“Were you checking up on me? You are really sweet Kacchan!” He said with a bright smile. Katsuki blushed.

“Stupid Deku!” Katsuki snapped. ‘Stop doing that!’ he thought. Izuku simply chuckled.

“How strange…” Tokoyami muttered. To him Katsuki Bakugou was just angry and wild. ‘Still such a beast.’ He looked to Izuku who didn’t seem to be taken aback by his behavior. ‘And still...I saw how much he cared for Izuku.’

“Don’t laugh you damn nerd! Feather face told me what happened. You fool, you idiot, getting caught by that bastard...you could have...he was going to…” Katsuki’s red eyes were shining. “Damn it!”

“Kacchan…” Izuku smiled. “I don’t regret what I did, but I promise I’ll get stronger so it won’t happen again.”

“You can’t...you can’t sacrifice yourself damn it!” Katsuki shouted. The blonde was shaking. ‘Why is talking to him so damn hard.’

“I’m sorry for making you worry.” Izuku bowed his head.

“I wasn’t worried nerd!”

“Right, because Kacchan knew he was gonna save me right?” Katsuki blushed.

“Ah!” Tokoyami had a revelation.

He’s Tsundere!” Dark Shadow declared with a snort.

“I am not shut up!” He snapped and released explosions, making Dark Shadow shrink in fear.

“Kacchan, is there something you want to tell me? After what happened I can understand if there was something you needed to talk about.” Izuku looked sad. Tokoyami expected Bakugou to give him an “earful”.

‘Don’t look like that nerd, damn it all.’ His hand balled into a fist. “I don’t want you to die!” He snapped. “I was scared...fuck...I’ve never been so scared before!”

Izuku was shocked. ‘Kacchan has never admitted such a thing before.’

“When that villain had you...I...I thought my whole world was coming to an end. I didn’t have the power to save you on my own!” He couldn’t bring himself to say he was weak. Everything had worked out, and he played a role in that.

Tokoyami could hear a rumbling in the distance. He shot a look upwards. ‘Uh oh.’

“That villain was gonna take you, take you away from me.” He shot a glance at Tokoyami. “We’ve been close ever since we were kids.” He looked back to Izuku. “I can’t stand the thought of you not being in my life!”

Dark Shadow felt a few rain droplets. ‘Uh oh!’ The sky grew darker as the clouds shifted.

This was the hardest thing Bakugou had ever done, which was saying a lot. Being a prodigy so much came easy to him, but Izuku disrupted his rhythm, his flow, in ways that was so intense he found it hard to breathe. Izuku was able to understand him, challenge him, push him. No one made him feel so...much!

There was always a chance Izuku wouldn’t return those feelings he had...but...when facing a challenge Katsuki Bakugou never backed down. He had to do it, he had to tell Izuku the truth, or let him go. ‘If Deku doesn’t want me, I’ll accept it, I just want to stay in the same ring as you!’

“Deku...no Izuku!” Katsuki said. “I lo…”

Boom! Pour!

All Might’s weather shifting punch, had ripple effects, causing surprise downpours in the area. Said down pour hit just as Katsuki was about to confess, the quartet was drenched in a matter of seconds. Bakugou had steam pouring off him, both angry and embarrassed, angry that his confession was interrupted and embarrassed he had called Deku Izuku and almost confessed to him. He made a face as the rain pelted him.

‘Forget it!’ He ground his teeth, ‘This isn’t meant to be, Deku’s with feather face, and I...I’m nothing to him…’ Friend, Rival, Protector, Bakugou felt he had failed at all of these things. He was about to bolt when Izuku took his hand.

“Kacchan come on!” Izuku pulled him along along with Tokoyami. Dark Shadow tried to cover them as best he could. Izuku’s house was closer, but despite their best efforts they were soaked down to their shoes. “Oh man, that was crazy!”

“Oh boys!” Inko rushed in. She was all teary as she had seen the news, and seeing the boys soaking wet flipped her mother switch to max. “I’m so glad you boys are okay!” She brought them towels. “You boys should get changed or you’ll catch a cold.”

“Thanks Mom!” Izuku said.

“Thanks Auntie!” Bakugou said, though he seemed in a daze.

“Thank you, Miss Midoriya!” Tokoyami said. Dark Shadow was being a bit edgy from the rain and darkness but he gave a nod of thanks.

“I’ll call your parents and let them know you are here and safe.” They removed their shoes and socks, and dried off enough not to track water through the house. Bakugou followed Izuku and Tokoyami to Midoriya’s room, still on auto pilot. This place, so familiar, just full of more hero merch and looking more like a shrine to All Might than ever.

‘I can’t catch a break, I waited too long to tell him how I felt, now I think everything is working against me.’ When Izuku took his hand, he didn’t want to let go.

“Kacchan, are you gonna get changed?” Bakugou blinked and was pilled from his heavy thoughts.

“Gah!” His face turned red. Izuku and Tokoyami had stripped down to their underwear, the garments equally wet and clinging. He’d have gotten a nosebleed but all blood was rushing south. “I’ll use the bathroom and change.” He said turning around and moving to leave.

“Wow, I didn’t know Kacchan was shy?” Twitch!

“I’ll show you shy!” Katsuki stripped off his clothes in a burst of emotion. Even dropping his boxers which caused his erection to snap into the air and slap his abs.

Hoho, packing some mini dynamite there.” Dark Shadow teased.

“What’d you say!” Boom Boom Boom!

Please don’t shout!” Dark Shadow shrunk from the light, and became more timid.

“Kacchan has an amazing body!” Izuku praised, cutting off Katsuki’s temper.

“Indeed, you have trained yourself well.”

“Tch, I don’t need praise from you!” Katsuki hissed.

“But Izuku praising you, that you enjoy?” Tokoyami shot back. Katsuki was caught off guard. “You seem to be excited by the sight of us, at least Izuku.”

“Kacchan...is it true? You were trying to tell me something earlier. I’m ready to hear it.” Katsuki gulped. Naked, hard, and wet, not the way most would envision a love confession, but this was another chance.

“Izuku...I…” Knock Knock!

Katsuki jumped as Inko knocked on the door. “Boys I called your parents, they glad you’re okay but want you to give them a call. I’ll make some soup to warm you boys up. I brought some spare clothes you guys can wear and will leave them outside the door.”

“T-Thanks mom!” Katsuki was crying on the inside.

“I’ll get changed and give you two some alone time.” Tokoyami said and he had Dark Shadow retrieve the change of clothes. He put on one of Izuku’s dad’s shirts and shorts before heading down to call his folks.

“Feather Face...is a good guy…” Katsuki said. “You seem really happy.”

“I am happy, I found someone who I was able to tell my dark secret to, and he accepted me for it.”

“You could have told me your secret!” Katsuki snapped.

“Maybe, but you haven’t told me what you had to say. You even used my name so I know it’s something serious.”

“That’s...not important. As long as you’re happy is all that matters.” Izuku could see him trembling.

Izuku embraced Katsuki from behind, the warmth of his body  seeping into his own. “Please...Katsuki...talk to me…” He remembered the words Katsuki spoke, it touched him but they were incomplete, he wanted Katsuki to finish.

“I’m in love with you!” The words, the fell from him like a damn breaking. “I love you, ya damn nerd! It’s wrong and I’m awful because you’re with Feather Face, but I’ve loved you for so long it’s like fire flows through my veins when you are near me. I wanted you by my side, even if you can’t accept my love, if you can never love me back I want you in my life!” Katsuki turned around and his usually tough expression was soft, he was vulnerable.

“I love you too Katsuki!” Izuku kissed Bakugou, making the blonde melt. He clung to Izuku not caring about the nudity, or the hard on.

‘Deku loves me!’ Everything felt like a blur. The kiss growing more passionate by the second and minutes. Even as his lungs burned for air Katsuki felt he could die happy on Izuku’s lips. All common sense, doubt, fear, and the whole damn world was gone, and it was just them.

When the kiss finally broke for air, Katsuki was left panting, his body feeling warm and tingly. His head was spinning while he tried to catch his breath. Just when he thought he was gonna get another kiss the door opened. “My parents are content, they even said I could spend the night here if that’s okay with…” He trailed off as he “caught” the two.

Then Bakugou remembered why this was so hard for him again. “So I was right, you managed to confess to him. Good job!” He gave Katsuki a thumbs up.

Dang I thought he was gonna buckle!”Dark Shadow snapped his fingers. “So is he in?”

“I haven’t asked him yet, but his confession was so sweet I couldn’t help myself. I take it you approve?”

“Yes, I saw how much he cares for you, and how far he’d go for you. He might seem like a beast to me, but if he makes you happy, we can try to make it work.”

He can be scary for me, but he’s fun to tease so cool!”

Katsuki was dumb founded, looking between the trio. “What the hell is going on!?” Now Izuku looked embarrassed.

He blushed and scratched the back of his head. “Ya see Kacchan, my dark secret is…” He explained the whole deal.

“A HAREM!?” He gasped. Katsuki couldn’t believe it, this...this...this was too perfect. He may have to share Izuku, but Izuku explained it so well it worked for him. He didn’t have to let Izuku go, he didn’t have to lose him. Katsuki wasn’t sure what the future held, but he liked a challenge, and he wasn’t gonna run from this.


Mitsuki answered the phone. “Hello?”

“Hey mom…”

“Brat?! Bout time you called. I saw the news, you are one crazy little shit you know that?”

“Yeah…” Mitsuki blinked.

“You okay? Is Izuku-chan okay?”

“He’s fine, I’m fine, Fumikage is fine…”

“Did that villain smack you too hard or something? What’s wrong with you?”

“Listen, you were right. I was an idiot, I told Izuku how I felt.”

“No shit?!” She gasped. ‘The brat actually did it…’ She cleared her throat. “So what happened?”

“He accepted me, you were right there was a shot for me. I’m not gonna blow it.”

“You better not, or I’ll kick your ass.”

“I won’t, but if it’s okay, can I spend the night here. I need to talk to Deku some more, hash things out.”

“If it’s fine with Inko, it’s fine with me, but you better be on your best behavior.”

“I will...Thanks...hag…” Mitsuki smirked.

“Good luck you little brat!”

To be continued…

Bakugou: Mpf mpf mpf

Izuku: Shouldn’t you take the ball gag out of his mouth.

Dark Shadow: He’s much quieter this way.

Tokoyami: Now that Bakugou is joining us, how is this gonna work.

Izuku: I have an idea

Izuku whispers something to Dark Shadow

Dark Shadow: Hell yeah!

Tokoyami: Naked under the moonlight, debauchery in darkness!

Izuku: Next Time Light and Shadow Unite, Heavy petting is another sign of love!



Damion Andrew

I love how Mitsuki acts in this series. It's really cute and makes her so motherly. She knows her kid so well and she's smarter than she lets on. Katsuki, be glad you got your smarts from her.