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Ben 10 parody: Tier 1/Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 First Date

Kevin was swooning, Ben was so hot! To top it off he actually wanted him. Turns out male-on-male relationships were very common depending on the planet. So Ben got a more advanced and open sexual education. He was able to get in touch with himself and not be restricted by a single society’s views on a topic.

Ben’s time consisted of training, studying, working out, sleep, lunch, more training, more studying, and even more working out! He had a growth spurt, got jacked, and had teachers that could hold his attention. He also had the Omnitrix, though he wasn’t allowed to use it in exams or tests, he kinda did anyway...sometimes...

He was actually able to adjust the Omnitrix with the help of Gray Matter, to unlock some other aliens, he was able to group his aliens in brackets of 10. He didn’t have master control, but he had enough control to get the aliens he wanted. Plus he learned to fight with or without the watch.

“I even got this.” It was a medal from one of his teachers, for creativity in combat. A high honor considering who gave it to him.

Max got a ride back to the Rustbucket, he had some spare clothes for Benjamin. Turns out going through a growth spurt made a lot of his clothes...no longer fit… While obvious to most, Ben was stubborn and he didn’t wanna wear his plumber uniform on his date.

Kevin got curious and took a peek. Ben was standing half-naked, wearing only a pair of underwear. The garment hugged his butt like a glove, the crotch stretched out to accommodate Ben’s double d’s and glorious nuts. It was made with special material from the tetramand homeworld. The special mesh of fibers working to contain the impressive endowments Ben had. Kevin got a nosebleed just with that look of the impressive stud. Then he got a serious hard-on watching Ben try to pull on one of the shirts his mom let out for him, only to have it rip off his muscular form. ‘Damn that’s hot.’

“You can borrow something from my closet,” Max said and gave Ben a large white undershirt and a green and blue Hawaiian shirt. It was loose enough for Ben to hide his second set of arms. The Hawaiian shirt was a good fit as well. He borrowed some pants, and they were a tight fit, his twin dicks, and massive balls, creating such a bulge Ben couldn’t even zip up the crotch, thankfully the shirt was large enough it covered his crotch.

“This works, I didn’t wanna wear a trench coat on my first date.” He said with a smile. Kevin wasn’t sure if he was gonna make it to that date, how can someone be that buff and sexy, but still smile so cute.

“You boys have fun,” Max told them, and Ben waved. “Good to see you again Gwen.”

“You coming to my karate match next week?” She asked.

“Wouldn’t miss it kiddo.” He told her.

Ben approached Kevin. “How do I look?”

“You look amazing!” Kevin said, a blush spreading as he checked Ben out.

Ben smiled. “You look great yourself!”

“Ugh, are you guys sure you don’t just wanna drive to a hotel?” Gwen crossed her arms. “Seriously guys it was cute at first but you two need to get a room.”

“I don’t just want Kevin for sex!” Ben snapped at her. “I’ve been waiting for this for so long, and I’ve missed you so much. I want to get to know you again.” Kevin felt his heart flutter.

“You guys able to give me a ride back before you go on your date?”

“When are you getting your own car again?” Kevin asked, and earned a glare from Gwen.

“That’s not my fault!” She pouted.

“You can always walk back.”

“I can also fry your car!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

“It’s fine we can drop Gwen off no problem,” Ben said, taking Kevin’s hand in his. “I’m gonna give my parents a call and tell them about my plans for today.”

They were on the road, and Kevin dropped Gwen off.

“Welcome back dweeb. Try not to get in trouble you two.” Kevin rolled his eyes. He sped off so they could start their date. ‘I could study for my test next week...or…’ Gwen smirked and got one of the charms of Bezel out. ‘I could follow and spy on their date.’ She picked the latter.


“So where are we going?” Kevin asked. “I can drive you anywhere you wanna go!”

“Well, I tried this one place last time I was here. Mr. Smoothy!”

“Sure thing!” He got them there in a flash. Ben wanted a nice normal date, they’d get drinks at Mr. Smoothy; talk, and catch up. Then hit a movie, followed by a dinner, then after that…

“I’ll get your smoothie for you.”

“Your such a gentleman.” Ben teased.

“Don’t get used to it, next round is on you.”

“Fair!” Ben smiled. He took a seat while Kevin went to order. ‘I’m back on Earth, things keep changing, how much is gonna change the next time I leave and come back?’ He couldn’t help but stare at Kevin’s booty as he walked away. ‘He’s grown a lot.’ The way his butt looked in his jeans was a work of pure art.

A strong image of hot-dogging Kevin’s booty while groping his bodacious pecs was prominent in his mind. Ben giggled happily, his eyes closing in bliss as he committed the image to memory.


While Kevin was getting drinks he was spotted by the two people Kevin despised the most. “Look who’s here JT?”

“If it isn’t Levin, wonder what he’s doing here?”

“No idea but let’s mess with him.”

Kevin ordered a blueberry and peach smoothie, and a strawberry and apple smoothie. He figured Ben could try both and pick whichever one he wanted. Kevin paid and went to get back to Ben only…

“Whoops!” Cash jumped him and spilled his tray, the blended juices were splashed onto Kevin’s shirt. “Walk much Kevin?” Cash laughed.

“Cash...JT...not now!” he snapped.

“Oh what, little baby Levin gonna cry, or are you finally gonna drop the nice guy act and throw a punch?”

Kevin balled his hand into a fist. Ohh it was tempting, he would just love to sock this little brat. Cash and JT were typical bullies, but nothing of weight. They went after easy targets verbally and ganged upon them, but didn’t go after anyone outside of their weight class.

Levin was an easy target, cause he was trying to be “good” and stay out of trouble to make his mom happy. He took it, but he didn’t want to deal with these two, NOT today! “I’m busy Cash, go bug someone else.”

“Got some backbone today? What? Got a hot date or something?”

“Yeah actually I do, so if you don’t mind?” He went to go around them but Cash blocked him.

“I do mind!” He pushed Kevin back, forgetting about the smoothie juice which got all over his hands. “Ugh!” He wiped his hands on JT. Onlookers laughed at his idiotic mistake. “Trash like you doesn’t deserve a hot date.”

“You bastard!” Kevin was about to snap. This punk...spills his drink, gets in his way, insults him, and worst of all… ‘He’s keeping me from Ben!’ Cash has been asking for a beat-down since they met. He was just about to lose his patience.

“All these years and you two haven’t changed.” Ben appeared behind them. “The same old punks acting out for a laugh. Too bad while everyone else has grown up, you are the same spoiled brats.”

“I know that voice, Tenny...son…” He gulped as he whipped around and met an older, taller, buffer Tennyson than he remembered. ‘Oh shit!’

JT couldn’t help but get a little star-struck. ‘Who knew Tennyson could grow up into such a hottie?!’ Yes JT was gay, a part of the reason why he even listened or stuck with Cash was that he had a crush on him. JT actually had a crush on Ben when they were younger, but fell for Cash and well here he was.

Cash was so stunned he fell back and landed on his ass. “Why are you here? I thought you got shipped off to some military school, for being a loser!” He laughed at his own joke.

“Nah, my new school is full of cool dudes. Guys I respect!” Ben cracked his knuckles. “No place is perfect, I had to deal with ass holes just like you!” He grinned. “But I learned how to deal with ass holes, give them a taste of their own medicine.”

Cash was grabbed and given an atomic wedgie. With Ben’s strength, he was nearly able to rip Cash’s underwear clean off. His tiny dick and balls were smooshed hard. It knocked the wind out of him of him, wincing hard. His underwear rode up his crack so hard Cash was lifted up off the ground by his underwear. It may seem childish, but if Ben punched him, he’d have broken bones or shattered his jaw. This was a good compromise and solid payback for years of him doing the same thing.

If Ben could have used his second set of arms he’d have pulled Cash’s pants down and given him a spanking on top of it. A good spanking got a lot of the bro-jocks at the academy in line. Also did wonders for Kevin. Cash had a thick skull and gotten away with his jerk behavior for too long. That’s why he was still doing the same childish stuff. Words weren’t gonna change him, he needed a hands-on lesson.

Having strength didn’t mean preying on the weak, Cash was weak and overcompensating for it by being a bully. He had JT under his thumb, and the guy was too eager to please Cash to check him and give him perspective. It also didn’t mean turning a blind eye to such nonsense.

“I give, I give!” Cash cried. Ben released him and he hit the ground. “Why are you even here?” He choked out.

“Cash, you need to grow up.” Ben stepped over him. “I’m here because I’m on a date with the greatest guy I know.” He went up to Kevin and kissed him. Kevin blushed, while JT got hearts in his eyes.

‘Wow!’ The kiss broke and Kevin had a dreamy look on his face. Even the onlookers couldn’t help but think they made a cute couple.

Cash made a gagging noise. “That’s sick, you and Levin, you know you’re both guys right?”

“Yeah, we know,” Kevin said and kissed Ben.

“Disgusting, Levin I knew you were trash but I didn’t think you were a…” before he could speak Ben’s fist came down near his head and cracked the ground. Cash visibly paled. Kevin had the biggest hard-on right now.

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you,” Ben said. “You wanna fling your petty, childish, low-class insults around, it just shows how pathetic you are. Cross that line Cash, you go from trash to scum.”

Cash looked around, everyone was looking down on him. He looked to JT, who didn’t back him up. He looked….hurt?

“Ugh...I’ll remember this!” Cash ran off...well...waddled off, with an underwear tail. So many people were sick of his shit. JT followed but kept a safe distance.

“Sorry about your shirt,” Ben said.

“It’s fine.” Kevin pulled off his shirt without a second thought. Ben got a hard look at his abs and pecs. His nipples looked positively tender and ready to be sucked on and played with. “I got a spare in my trunk.”

‘So sexy!’ Ben admired his body. “I’ll get us some smoothies, next round on me right?” Kevin smiled.

“Yeah,” he went to change his shirt, but couldn’t help but imagine Ben getting smoothie on him. ‘Fuck I’d wanna lick it off!’ Then his mind went right into the gutter thinking about getting to try Ben’s “smoothie”.

Gwen used her magic to fix the damage Ben caused. She wanted to scold him, but he was actually holding back quite a bit. Kevin may have been a target given circumstances, but Cash was pushing above his weight class, and Ben was right he needed to get his head out of his ass and grow up.

Their date continued on as if Cash and JT didn’t interrupt it. They caught up, Ben talked about some of the comrades he made at the academy. Kevin only getting a little jealous. “How about you?”

“I meet up with Cooper now and then, get him out of his room and some fresh air. Gwen and I talk, sometimes.” Ben could see, how much Kevin missed him.

“Hey it's not about quantity it's about quality right.”

“True I guess.” He mostly kept to himself and kept his head down. The only person he wanted to talk to was millions of miles away. “Plus I reconnected with my mom, she’s doing a lot better.”

“I’m glad!” Gwen took pictures of them being cute. They continued to talk about this and that, just happy to be in each other’s company.

A trip to the movies was next and Gwen stayed hot on their trail.


Max got a call on a plumber secured line. “Who’s this?”

“Max...this is Max Tennyson right...something weird is happening in my town….the sheriff, the teachers, my parents….everyone started acting really weird.”

“Give me your location I’ll investigate.”

“I’m sending the location now….please hurry…”

“How did you get on this line?”

“That’s not important, you don’t understand...I’ve been living a safe life on the down-low, but I know alien signs when I see em!”

“Just tell me your name.”

“It’s Argit…”

To be continued


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