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Danny Phantom parody: Patreon Reward

Chapter 5 

Chapter 6 Kitchen Catastrophe

Danny was feeling out of it, his friends were fighting, Dash had it out for him, and Lancer was pinning all of this on him. Danny didn’t want to play the blame game, but if he was to play he’d win. Sam started this by launching her petition forcing a restrictive change that made a lot of people unhappy, Lancer accepted the proposal for selfish reasons, forcing the students to eat dirt while the faculty all had a full on meat buffet, Sam refused to apologize to the ghost and without realizing it was acting as closed minded as her parents, two points for her. Tucker at least apologized for his mess up, but antagonizing Sam was only making her dig her heels in more. That’s a point for both of them honestly. Dash picking on him for whatever reason, point there. He was even the first person to technically throw food. Lancer pinning everything that was happening on him, yes he had a hand in the food fight, but he had a ghost to stop, and turning a blind eye to Dash’s bullying big honking point for Lancer.

The blame game just seemed to be fruitless, because no matter who won, Danny lost.

“Ugh!” Danny groaned burying his face in his pillow. Wulf cuddled against him which made him feel better.

“Danny you okay?” His mother called.

“Yeah…” He called back, but by his tone she could tell something was bothering him.

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Anything but meat and dirt!” He called back. Maddie and Jack shared a look. She nudged Jack who went up stairs. Jack knocked on his door.

“Something wrong son?”

“Just...school stuff….” He sits up and pets Wulf.

“Son, my parents didn’t give a hoot about what was going on with me at school. So long as I was out of their hair from 7 am to 5 pm they didn’t care. I want you to be able to handle problems on your own, but I don’t want you to think you can’t come talk to me or your mother if you are having troubles at school. Some things you don’t have to face alone.” His dad had a point.

“Can you get mom, I think you both need to hear this.”


Danny was walking to school with Wulf by his side, invisible but still by his side. His dad was right some things he didn’t need to handle alone. So he borrowed some of his dad’s tech. He just hoped he didn’t have to use it. “I hope Sam and Tucker have made up. They’ve had a whole night to cool off, they’ll be back to normal right?”

“I don’t think so…” Wulf said, and Danny’s jaw dropped.

“Oh no…” Danny face palmed. “This is so much worse.”

The front yard of the school was consumed by two conflicting protests. On one side there were grills, barbeque pits, sausage vendors, a girl selling “meat on a stick”, a giant inflatable cow meat balloons, meat hats, girls in bikinis handing out burgers and meat kabobs, jocks in speedos holding signs that say “Eat Meat” and “Meat is Neat” and “We Want the Beef”, there guys waving around foam sausages with the word meat written across it, a guy dressed as a hot dog giving out hot dogs, a guy in a steak costume for some reason. Tucker even rented a plane with banner chanting for Meat! He also made calls and got a full sound stage set up from the National Meat Society who flew in the “Weinerettes” they were like the Rockettes but they wore sausage costumes while dancing on stage.

‘Imagine if he put this kind of effort into his school work.’

Tucker came out on stage. “What do we want?”

The crowd: “Meat!”

“When do we want it?”


This was all just one side of the school, as Danny looked to his right…

There was a couple of hippie van, a freshly planted apple tree, baskets of corn, fruit, and veggies, potted plants with big sun flowers, tambourines, doves, hand woven blankets, fruit stalls set up by hand, dancers, guitar players, nudists. People with flower crowns in their hair, there were circles with people chanting “Meat is not the way, veggies here to stay.” Sam’s side had freshly made posters, but it looked like one guy was lost.

‘Give meat a chance?’ Danny face palmed.

Sam had token over one of the school buses and was using it for their sound stage. She had heard crowd chanting. “Veggies now, Veggies forever!”

‘Sam, you got the veggies now and everyone hates it!’ Danny wanted to scream.

The two spotted him and approached him. “You guys put together two protests on the same day?”

“Meat eaters Danny, we always ready to fight, and our high protein diets give us the energy to do it quickly.” He said that so proudly too…

“Ultra Recyclo Vegetarians are always ready to protest, and because we don’t have to cook our food, we can be ready even faster.” She was smug about that too.

“Don’t you guys think this is a little extreme?” He asked.

“No choice, you are either with me…”

“Or against him!” Sam interrupted causing the two to glare at each other.

“Who’s side are you on?!” They yelled in unison, making Danny flinch. Wulf growled at them and made them back off.

“Well because you are both acting like idiots I’m on my side.”

“What?” Sam gasped.

“Sam, most of your protesters don’t even know what they are protesting.” He pointed at the old man who was waving a sign saying “Give Meat A Chance” followed by a peace sign. Some had signs for Vegans, some had signs for Vegetarians, and one dude randomly had a make love not not war sign. “And you already got your way so this protest is meaningless.”

“Yeah but…” Danny held up a hand.

“I’m not done. You saw how upset everyone was with your change, human and ghost alike, and you still don’t think you did anything wrong?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” She snapped and earned a growl from Wulf.

“Yes you did, you took away ALL the options and forced your beliefs on others without even asking what anyone else wanted.” Sam was stunned. “It’s fine to be whatever kind of vegetarian you wanna be that’s your choice, but you forced it on us, and you didn’t even talk to your friends about it. You forced it Sam, like how your parents force their ideals on you!” She gasped.

“Ha, knew it Danny’s on my side!” Tucker was doing an I told you so dance.

“No I’m not, I’m still on my side. You had other options for dealing with this, and you went about this the wrong way. You both could have worked together to form a compromise, but no, you both wanted to be RIGHT! Tucker you are equally crazy.”

“How am I the crazy one?” Danny smiled at him calmly.

“Because, you literally brought mountains of meat and food, which the Lunch Lady ghost can use as a weapon!”

“Oh ooohhh!” Danny’s ghost sense went off.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!” The Lunch Lady was back, ghostly winds whipped through the area. All the meat in the trucks were ripped out, every last burger, steak, hot dog, sausage, and pig was pulled into the sky, merging and melding together to form a massive meat monster. “IT’S LUNCH TIME!”

Both protests were broken down as people were running away screaming. “Meat, why have you forsaken me?!” Tucker cried out and Danny rolled his eyes.

“You two need to get out of here, we have work to do.” Wulf turned Danny invisible, allowing the ghost boy to transform freely.

Danny fought with the Lunch Lady, with Wulf providing back up. With Danny’s control over his powers he was able to avoid hits and dish ‘em out. He took out the giant meat monster, only for the Lunch Lady to make smaller meat monsters.

Jazz was pissed as the meat monster attack, made her counseling session come to an end.

Danny and Wulf were able to crush the meat gremlins, Danny blasting them with ecto energy and Wulf slicing them up and eating them. Soon the Lunch Lady was out of ammo. Danny was able to charge the Fenton Thermos with his ghost energy. “It’s over!”

“Why do you fight me? You don’t understand...that menu is important to me…”

“I know, and I’m sorry for my friend’s actions. Please, I don’t wanna fight you. Will you let me solve this problem my way?”

“You are a good kid, alright sweetie. If you can fix the problem I’ll go back in peace, but if you fail I’ll be back to rain doom upon you all.” Danny nodded to Wulf who opened a ghost portal with his claws. Lunch Lady left, and Danny breathed a sigh of relief.

Jack and Maddie arrived, thanks to the Ghost Tracker. “Sorry dad, you just missed the ghost.”

“Darn it!”

“Fenton!” Lancer came out. “Another mess and you in the middle of it!” He marched over to the boy. “Detention for a month, and you’ll be cleaning this mess!”

“Hold on there Mr. Lancer!” Jack had his arms crossed.

“Oh Mr and Mrs Fenton, I didn’t see you there.” He began to sweat.

“Mr. Lancer, Danny has informed us of some odd things going on.” Maddie said. “It seems a change to the new menu was approved by you, and it wasn’t brought up to the PTA. You are aware the parents are to be told of any major changes to either school policy or lunch menu.”

“Oh yes...I...I recall that.”  He chuckled nervously. He was in so much trouble.

“We have a right to know what you are serving our children, and to make sure they are getting at least the opportunity for a balanced diet.” She smiled at him. “Danny has brought to me a compromise for the current situation.  I took the liberty to run it by the other members of the PTA, and its received an overwhelming support.” Maddie had collected the signatures personally. “We won’t be pressing what you’ve done behind our backs. Of course you can reject this offer, and I’ll make some calls and you can take it up with the PTA.”

He got visibly pale, the parents would have the phones ringing off the hook. “I’ll….gulp...I’ll look it over…” He took the proposal.

“Now Mr Lancer.” Jack stepped up. “My son tells me he’s been having a bit of a bully problem. He didn’t give names, but it seems he’s getting special treatment. You are turning a blind eye to bullying for athletic pursuits.” He put his hand on Lancer’s shoulder.  “Now my son wants to be his own man, and deal with his problems his way, but when I hear about a teacher ignoring bullying…” He gave Lancer’s shoulder a squeeze.

“That’s a strong grip you have!”

“I don’t much care for that Mr. Lancer, I’m a pretty easy going guy. My son is here to learn, to grow into a functional member of society, what kind of example are YOU setting when you allow someone to get away with this, just for a little privilege?” He leaned in close. “I was a jock myself back in the day, but I was given standards to follow, if I acted like a little piece of shit and bullied anyone my ass would be benched and no matter how good I was I wouldn’t be allowed to play. If I took part in a food fight my coach would walk me to the cafeteria himself and made sure I didn’t leave until it was clean.” He whispered, his tone firm and strong. “I’m a simple guy Mr. Lancer, I’m sure you deal with a lot of complicated stuff. All I’m asking for is consistency, this isn’t about special treatment, but ignoring bullying is something that can get a man fired.”

He pulled back and was all smiles. “Good talk, I hope we understand each other.”

“Yes…” He was sweating bullets. ‘I think I just peed a little.’

Danny’s plan was actually simple and brilliant. The original menu was reinstated, with vegetarian, vegan, and ultra recyclo options added. Danny even reached out to the groups Sam and Tucker contacted, and the Meat Group was happy to give a discount on meat, for the children. The good PR was a plus to. Getting the youth health fruits and vegetables was a noble cause, so Sam’s group were happy to help. With the groups working together and a compromise forming the students would have good quality meat without hurting the school’s budget and there would be healthier and balanced options for the students.

With the options available it was up to the student to maintain their healthy diet, if they didn’t then it was their choice. They would still have the option and both sides would have something on the menu. Even Lunch Lady approved, thinking back on it, when she first took over the menu most of what the students were being served was mush and gruel, she changed the menu and worked to make it better. A little change wasn’t bad, and her ideas were still there, now there was just more.


There was still a huge mess, both from the food fight, and the protests, and the ghost battle. Everyone had to help clean up, faculty and students, as in the end they all fucked up. Sam was so focused on being unique and special, she crossed the line and tried to force those ideals on others. She was dealing with some reflection, realizing your acting as “crazy” as your parents can be a scary thing.

Sam finally apologized, and things could slightly go back to normal. Yep normal with his ghost powers, his pet ghost werewolf, and his ghost hunter parents….TOTALLY NORMAL…

To be continued


Damion Andrew

Daw... that was a nice ending. I admit it feels Wulf is not prominent in the whole Lunch Lady Arc but it was still a fun read. Hope to see more of our furry friend in future chapters.


wulf's existence is causing ripple effects, like in the actual episode jack has this whole nonsense about giving up ghosts, then he sees ghost danny and immediately laughs saying ghosts exist. That scene isn't needed cause he has Wulf so he knows ghosts exist. Plus they aren't focused on proving ghosts exist instead just making tech and studying ghosts more. plus danny solving the lunch lady fight peacefully and wulf opening a portal for her will come back into play during the prison episode and others. Jazz is still in denial of ghosts and sadly will be for a while. Danny is able to choose his own side cause he has Wulf backing him up and being his friend.