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My Hero parody: Phone Fic/Tier 1

Deku Moth

Izuku has a quirk. On par with Godzillo his quirk is considered a Kaiju class. Izuku lacks the size for now but he's got plenty of power. He can shift between his human and moth form. Godzillo told him as his quirk manifests he’ll slowly be able to return to his human form but gain greater power. 

Chapter 1

Izuku Midoriya has a quirk. It came as quite the surprise as it wasn't one similar to either of his parents. He was able to transform into a very unique form, he gained an additional four arms for a total of six, he sprouted beautiful fuzzy wings and sprouted two antennae. He could fly and gained some mystical abilities. He was so happy, even though they didn’t know how this happened. 

Medically there was no explanation, but it was assumed to simply be a surprise mutation. His father simply said it was a surprise but a welcome one. Inko wasn’t so sure, she’s been supportive of her son’s dream of becoming a hero, but that line of work was dangerous. Now with a quirk her son would pursue dreams of being a hero with gusto. 

When he registered his quirk, they received a call from none other than Godzillo. 

He was one of the few people who had a kaiju class quirk. “Mrs. Midoriya I would like to talk to you about your son.” She was surprised, but they met up in a location that would be easier for the pro hero. “Your son’s quirk I know where it came from.” 

“You do?” She gasped. 

“Really?” He nodded. 

“You see, my former partner had that quirk, and she told me everything. Her quirk has a unique effect of reincarnation. Before she obtained the quirk from the previous holder, she was in fact quirkless. The quirk was drawn to her and her hero’s spirit.” 

“A reincarnating quirk?” Izuku was a hero nerd but he never heard of this. 

“The quirk has exchanged hands from the first, to the second, to my partner, now to you.” Godzillo explained. “I’ve been keeping an eye out for anyone who registers such a quirk. I made a promise to my partner that when she died, I would find you and give you the information you need to make the quirk your own.” 

Inko was worried. “Hold on, what happened to the previous holder?”

“She was a hero, and she died protecting me. Her abilities leaned more towards support and healing. It was in her nature, always giving, always caring. I was up against one I believed I could defeat alone, but he proved to be stronger than I anticipated and she protected me in the end.” The weight of her loss was heavy on him. “But he was not her enemy he was mine. There is only one enemy you must fear. The one who possesses the Batron Quirk. It is the yang to your quirk’s yin, should you be killed by the user of this quirk it will not reincarnate it will be the end of this quirk’s blessing on the world.”

“So because of this quirk, my baby is in danger?” Inko was not pleased. 

“You need not fear him for now. He currently sleeps in a cocoon waiting for your son’s true awakening.” 

“What’s that mean?” Izuku asked. 

“While you hold the quirk it has not yet become your own. Given time you will slowly lose the ability to switch back and forth between your human form and your moth form. Once you are no longer able to switch, the quirk will truly be yours and you will be able to draw out its true power.” Godzillo explained. “Only then will Batron awaken and seek you out. You have nothing to fear, I have my agency monitoring the cocoon. When he awakens I will put a stop to him myself, it is the least I can do!” He bowed. 

That helped Inko relax. Izuku was just so happy to have a quirk, he'd work hard. 

-x-A Year Later-x-

Bakugou Katsuki had picked a fight with a kid on the playground. The kid was bragging about his quirk, which had Bakugou acting out. He took it too far. "Stop it Kacchan!" Izuku ran in. "Why are you being so mean? He's crying Kacchan!" 

"Stay out of this Deku, unless you wanna take us all on!" He had two lackeys. A boy who could lengthen his fingers and another boy with wings. "You may have a quirk but its three against one."

"I don't wanna fight…" Izuku transforms. His antennae appeared from his messy green hair. He now had 6 arms, and beautiful green and blue wings with lines of gold, and spots of red and purple. "But if you keep doing mean things I'll punish you!"

Twitch Twitch…

Bakugou snapped. "Get him!" His two lackeys charged in. 

Izuku flapped his wings, his dazzling beautiful wings. He whipped up a powerful gust. His wind caught the winged boy and sent him flying back into the long fingered boy. They were down for the count, their eyes spinning. “Idiots!” Katsuki unleashed the biggest explosion he could at his age. 

Midoriya countered, releasing his particles, using his hands, they danced and condensed. They formed a barrier, a swirling vortex of golden particles. It took the brunt of the blast and dispersed. Bakugou charged forward, hands sparking ready to blast Izuku. 

Too bad for him the moth boy was expecting that. He fired energy bolts from his antennae, each one feeling like a solid punch. Bakugou was pummeled and got the wind knocked out of him. When he came too Izuku was healing the guy who was bragging. “Oi Deku, you gonna heal that loser what about me!?” 

“It wouldn’t be punishment, if I just healed you after being bad." Bakugou was annoyed. He hated to admit it, but he often bragged about his own quirk, even telling Deku that even if he got a quirk it wouldn't be as good as his. Oh how wrong he was.

He went home sore, muttering about "Stupid Deku" and "Shitty Moth" his mother chastising him for being an idiot. 

-A Week Later-

Katsuki was still sulking. Izuku's quirk wasn't just strong, it was what Midoriya did with it. His little nerd brain worked with trial and error, testing the limits of his quirk, taking lots of notes. Transformation, Flight, Enhanced Strength, Particle Manipulation, Antennae Beams, and Healing. Quite the power house for a bug quirk.  

He was so busy sulking and thinking, he didn't notice the older boys following him. These boys were known in the area trying to act tough and be fools. They had heard about a kid with a flashy quirk so they wanted to teach him "respect". They jumped him. Oh they fucked up…

Boom Boom Bang Bang Blast BOOM!

"This kid is nuts!" 

"Let's get out of here!" The duo ran off. Katsuki was scuffed up, but otherwise fine.

"Jerks!" He sniffled. 

"Kacchan!" Izuku ran over to him. "You're hurt!" 

He hadn't seen the whole fight, but he had seen the last of it. "I'm fine Deku!" Katsuki said.

"No you are not." Izuku said and proceeded to heal him. His healing power was the one of the abilities he could manifest in his human form. "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"

"Tch, now you feel like healing me?" He huffed.

"Yeah, because this time you were defending yourself!" Izuku snapped back. Katsuki got quiet and let Izuku heal him. 

"I know how cool and strong your quirk is, and it'll only get stronger as we get older. I believe you'll be a great hero one day, but you can be such a jerk sometimes."

"I don't need a lecture!" Izuku poked a sore spot. "Oww!"

"You try to act so tough, you don't have to be."

"You don't get it Deku, I'm gonna be the greatest hero ever. Even greater than All Might!" He declared. "He's the greatest hero, you don't see him needing help do ya?"

"He has a sidekick and a whole hero agency backing him up." He pointed out.

Katsuki paused, wanting to make a comeback but he had nothing. "I hate it when you make sense!"

"I know." Izuku chuckled and finished healing. "All Might really is amazing, the symbol of peace." His tone fell. "I wonder if we rely too much on All Might…"

Crime rates dropped sure, but relying too much on a single hero creates a strange mindset. His predecessor died sacrificing her life for another hero. Godzillo carried her death with him even now. "Heroes have the weight of the world on their shoulders. I think All Might is carrying even more than that." 


"You're weird Deku!" Katsuki said, making the boy chuckle.

"Yeah sorry." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. His words would leave an impact on Bakugou. He hated it when Izuku made sense. 

The next day…

Katsuki sat with Izuku at lunch, surprising a lot of kids. "You are sitting with me?" He asked surprised. 

"Duh nerd." He started eating his lunch. "What are you looking down on me?" He snapped.

"No, I'm just surprised. You don't eat lunch with me."

"Well I do now!" Izuku stared at him. "What?" 

"You are acting weird." 

"I am not, shut it Deku!" He snapped. "I just...thought about what you said...I think you are right." He said. "Just having one Symbol of Peace isn't good in the long run. All Might showed how to be a pillar. I think society could use a few more." Katsuki was a REALLY smart kid. When he took a long look at the Top Hero lists, he could see a huge gap between them and All Might. It wasn't 10 pillars with All Might just being the strongest. Even the strongest foundation needed support. "What do you say?"

Izuku smiled. "Yeah!" He understood Katsuki. The two were both bright, they could see the cracks. Now that they knew they were there they could work to fix them.

To be continued



And one more for the Bakugou Katsuki reeducation train~ 🎵 There's something profoundly satisfying about Izuku's compassion reaching him, and Katsuki finally *understanding it*.


i think it helps that bakugou can't look down at Izuku for being quirkless, being seen in society as someone even "Less" with izuku having a quirk and a strong one at that i feel that allows Katsuki to hear him similar to how at UA he bonds with others on a mutual level. He had it in him, but especially moth deku he's stronger than bakugou which forces him to face his weaknesses and not be able to deny it