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Inuyasha Parody: Patreon Request

Chapter 2 

Chapter 3 Phase 2

Inuyasha was sent home with a fresh thermos of “milk” and a token from his master. When he got home he tucked the token into his pillow case so when he slept he breathed in his master’s musk. He had the best sleep of his life, breathing in his master’s musk, and he remembered.

When he woke up he was hard as a rock. He buried his face in  his pillow, taking in big whiff of musk and growled. Inuyasha began to hump against his mattress, creating a nice friction against his dick and balls. It was missing something but he was focused more on the musk. He wasn’t completely sure why it smelled so good this morning, but he was loving it.

“Nnnhhh!” He cums hard, making a mess of his bed. He yawns and goes to shower. The hanyo was still hard, so he decided to have another fap session. “Someone’s excited today.” He grabbed his dick and closed his eyes.

Inuyasha tried to fantasize the usual to get off, but no women came to mind. His mental fap bank was cleared out, and as he searched and searched only one image came to mind. “Master!” Inuyasha moaned and came. His body shook and he braced himself against the wall.

His orgasm felt even stronger, he was craving something else….something more. His morning routine continued, with him having his “milk” at breakfast. One sip and his dick got hard again. ‘More!’ His penis throbbed. He licked his lips, the milk made his food taste even better, he savored each bite with a sip of milk.

Inuyasha’s cock was bulging his pants with how hard he was. ‘What’s got me so excited today?’ He couldn’t remember. The hanyo had the strangest urge to get naked and just jerk off right there at the table.

He didn’t even have time to take care of it or he’d be late for school. Racing to school with a raging hard on was not something Inuyasha was used to. He must have been really distracted, he didn’t wink, flex, or even greet the girls he passed by on the way to school. He thought he was supposed to talk to Kagome about something but couldn’t remember what.

Kagome was surprised he didn’t mention anything about their “date”, but he was still behaving himself so she focused on her studies. Exam week was right around the corner, and she had one less distraction.

Inuyasha was feeling strange, and it only got worse at Gym Class. The locker rooms were a den of manly musk and Inuyasha was forced to go through class with another hard on. It calmed down by the time he hit the showers, but a new one arose there. He was checking the guys out!

He never noticed how sexy the other guys were, he always believed he was the hottest guy in school. ‘So hot!’ He thought as he washed himself, stealing glances at all the wet naked bodies around him. Human, half-demon, demon, each body type had an appeal to him.

Before he knew it he was hard again. He gulped. ‘Shit!’ Thankfully the showers masked the scent and no one noticed. He bolted to one of the bathroom stalls. ‘What’s going on, why am I so horny?’ The question seemed moot, as he began to jerk off and play with one of his nipples. ‘Nnnhhh yeah, ohh yes!’

His nipples had grown tender and more mature, every pinch and tug sent a large jerk down to his dick. He soon came shooting his seed all over his pecs and abs. ‘Milk!’ He licked his lips and began to give himself a tongue bath, lapping up his own cum.

He was hard again. He was about to jerk off some more but the bell rang. “Shit I’m late!” He ran around with a hard on for a bit before stuffing it into his underwear. He made it to class but had to stand out in the hall.

It sucked, he wanted to strip down and take care of his need. ‘Master…’ He thought as he lazily palmed himself.

Kouga noticed Inuyasha was acting strange, but didn’t pay it any mind. If Inuyasha wasn’t chasing after “his” Kagome that means he had free reign. “Hey Kagome, how about a date tonight?”

“No Kouga, I have to study.” He took one of her text books.

“I can help you study.” Yeah right, he had no interest in studying. “Come on two heads are better than one!”

Kagome sighed. “I’ll think about it.” Kouga gave her book back, and he looked so pumped. Ayame and some of the other girls were glaring daggers at her. ‘This shit again.’ Inuyasha’s fan girls seemed to think he was over Kagome, so they went back to swooning over the hanyo.

She bumped into Inuyasha after class.

“Hey Kagome, I’ll be over later.” He said.

“Oh okay…” He dashed off. ‘He’s just coming over, not looking for a date? Maybe Souta’s plan is working.’


Inuyasha arrived at the Higurashi household. Kagome was studying and Souta was there to great him. “Hey there Inuyasha, come inside.”

“Yes sir!” He entered the home that he remembered.

“Why don’t you make yourself comfortable?” Souta said.

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha stripped right then and there, taking off all his clothes and setting them aside with his shoes. “I feel so comfortable now!” He moaned.

Souta smirked marveling at the man’s sexy body. He went into the living room and watched the video, getting hard instantly. Souta set his watch for thirty minutes, and left his puppy to remember who he is. “Do you remember yourself now Puppy?”

“Yes master, I’m a slutty puppy that serves Master Souta!” He drools.

“Yes you are, good puppy!” Inuyasha moans at the praise.

“You get hard as soon as you fall into a trance don’t you puppy?”

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha smiled. “I love watching the video, I love how it makes me feel, I want to submit more!”

“You do? Then I think there is a better position for you to be in then.”

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha got off the couch, never taking his eyes off the screen and got on his hands and knees. He pants like a dog in heat as he watches the swirls, shaking his ass like he was wagging his tail. His cock was bouncing and dripping.

“Have you jerked off today puppy?” Souta asked.

“A few times master.”

“It wasn’t enough though was it?”

“No master!”

“You want to feel more pleasure don’t you?”

“Yes please master!”

“Today puppy you learn about anal pleasure!” Souta said with a smirk.


Inuyasha panted and drooled. His master had put on his favorite video and was playing with his ass. Being half-demon he was gifted with a pretty outstanding body. Demons were normally quite protective of their anal cherry as once their inner demon got a taste, they can never forget it.

His master was fingering him from behind, one finger alone was enough to make him cum. Souta marveled at how tight his puppy was, and it made his dick throb.

The special nerve endings lining his anal walls was making him hot. For those with demon blood anal pleasure was intense. Being the quick shot he is, Souta got to make him cum with one finger. He wasn’t done playing with this sexy ass either. As Inuyasha sank further into submission, gazing lovingly into the tv screen his ass was being worked open by his master.

One finger for thirty minutes, two fingers for another thirty. In the course of an hour, Inuyasha came five times! He made quite the mess on the floor. “Master, I’m thirsty.”

Souta removed his fingers and Inuyasha whined at the loss. “You’ve made a mess puppy, close your eyes and remember.”

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha closed his eyes, falling into a deeper trance. Souta took a seat and watched as the hanyo jock lick his semen off the floor. There was no wasting drops in this house. His doggy tongue would lap up every drop.

Once he was done he got back into position, opening his eyes and watching the video. Souta went back to fingering Inuyasha, he thrust three fingers in and the hanyo came again. Souta smirked, with three fingers he was really able to turn up the hanyo’s insides. Twisting, thrusting, curling, each action brought out moans from the half demon, his toes curling in delight. He found the hanyo’s sweet spot, and it was like an instant climax button, be it wet or dry he had the hanyo spasming in orgasmic shifts.

“Master...thirsty!” Souta removed the fingers, and Inuyasha whined, shaking his ass bucking back craving something inside him again.

“Close your eyes and remember!” The command was met, and Inuyasha got to work licking the semen off the floor. He enjoyed it, doing this eagerly, not wanting to waste a drop. ‘Milk is so good, milk must not be wasted!’ He thought.

“You’ve done so well puppy, do you remember this?”

“Yes, master!” He moaned, he sat up like a dog. “When I see the video I remember, when I drink milk I remember, when I hear master’s voice I remember, when I smell master’s scent I remember!”

“Good puppy!” Inuyasha moaned. “Do you want to serve me forever puppy?”

“Yes sir!” Inuyasha moaned. “Nothing would give me more pleasure!”

“Nothing?” Souta smirked. “Not even women?”

“No, master, I like men, but I love my master most!” Souta patted his head and a wave of bliss washed over him. He leaned into Souta’s touch, craving more.

“Then you must remember that love, always.”

“Yes master, I will master!” His ears flattened. “But human brain stupid, he forgets master, don’t wanna forget wanna stay with you always!”

“Good, I will tell you how you can. When I tell you “give me paw” you will reach out your hand and I will take it. When I squeeze your hand, you will remember the video and fall into a trance. You will remember who you are puppy and obey your master’s commands.” He scratched Inuyasha behind the ears and earned a growl of delight. “Once you are my puppy again, I will show you more pleasure, and teach you more submission. In time both minds will be one and you’ll be mine completely.”

“Yes master, yes!”

“Now puppy, get into a good position to watch the video, I want you to remember what I’ve done to your ass. You will play with your ass while watching the video but you will not cum. Sink into the anal pleasure, but wait for your master’s command, can you do that?”

“Yes Master, I will do it!” He got up and sat down, shifting into the seat to expose his hungry hole. Inuyasha opened his eyes and gazed lovingly at the screen, with a smile he began to play with his ass. He fingered his hole just as his master did, but the mental command slapped an invisible cage on his dick.

‘This will build his endurance up.’ Souta was making a man out of Inuyasha. Building up his endurance will make him not be such a quick shot. He put on some headphones and unmuted the tv, letting sight and sound soothe Inuyasha and send him deeper down the depths of pleasure and submission.

He left him for an hour, and when he returned he was greeted to an arousing sight. Inuyasha was flushed, horny, sweaty, fingering his ass with three fingers. His body had become so lewd, it was hot. Inuyasha’s face said it all, he was desperate, he wanted to cum from anal pleasure. “You may stop puppy!”

Inuyasha whined at the loss but obeyed. Souta crossed the room and turned off the tv. “I was watching that!” Inuyasha snapped out of his trance. “Wait what?” He blinked. “What was I…” He got up and felt a breeze between his knees. He looked down and he was naked and hard. “I’m naked!” He gasped, covering himself.

“So even you can be shy sometimes.” Inuyasha looked to Souta, who removed his headphones. “It’s cute...puppy!”

“You...Kagome’s little brother...what’d you call me?” He growled.

“Inuyasha, Cum!” The command hit and undid the invisible cage, all the pent up anal stimulus washed over the hanyo like a tidal wave. He came, having the most intense and powerful orgasm of his life, it brought him to his knees, while his ass hole throbbed.

“You...what have you done to me?” Souta just smiled.

“Inuyasha, give me paw!” Inuyasha obeyed reaching out and putting his hand in Souta’s. The young man gave it a squeeze and Inuyasha fell into a trance. His eyes glazed over as he remembered the video, he remembered his master’s words, he remembered his master’s cum, his scent, and his touch.

“Master!” Inuyasha moaned.

“Welcome back puppy!” Souta smirked. “Are you thirsty puppy?”

“Yes, master!”

“Clean up the mess you made, and you can suck my dick!”

Inuyasha beamed and got to work, even more, enthusiastic than before. He wanted to suck his master’s dick that bad. Souta took that time to strip and sit in his seat, cock hard and ready to be served. Once his puppy finished licking up his mess, he bounded over to his master. “You want this puppy?”

“Yes master, I want to suck your dick!” Souta wagged it and Inuyasha followed it with his gaze.

“Then suck it puppy!” Inuyasha obeyed, sucking his cock down to the root, his pubes tickling his nose. No gag reflex, the puppy was in the zone savoring his cock like a fine meal. He had experience in blow jobs, done to him, he REMEMBERED and was able to use that to please his master. “Ohh yes, good puppy so good!”

Inuyasha didn’t know what was better, the praise or the dick between his lips. He soon didn’t care and just wanted to suck and sniff. Souta was having a blast, having a hanyo jock servicing him was fantastic. “You are much better at servicing dick than acting like one. This is your place puppy!” He made Inuyasha work for his treat.

It took some time but Inuyasha earned his master’s cum. The treat was more rewarding because he earned it. The look of joy on Inuyasha’s face said it all. ‘Phase 2 Complete!’ Souta brought Inuyasha to his room, for some more hands-on training. His puppy was just that, a pup, he needed more training to be a proper pet, and he will serve the Higurashi house.

To be continued...Final Phase: Inuyasha Submits


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